'OHHRPGCE COMMON - Lumped file format routines '(C) Copyright 1997-2005 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability #ifndef LUMPFILE_BI #define LUMPFILE_BI #include "util.bi" #include "const.bi" #include "os.bi" enum Lumptype LT_LUMPED LT_FILE 'LT_FIXEDREC 'LT_DIRTYMAP 'LT_SUBLUMP LT_NUM end enum 'forward declarations type LumpPtr as Lump ptr type LumpIndexPtr as LumpIndex ptr MAKETYPE_DListItem(Lump) MAKETYPE_DoubleList(Lump) type LumpedLump type as Lumptype lumpname as string length as integer bucket_chain as LumpPtr seq as DListItem(Lump) index as LumpIndexPtr opencount as integer 'refcount 'usual FB start-from-one offset of start of data for this lump offset as integer end type type FileLump type as Lumptype lumpname as string length as integer bucket_chain as LumpPtr seq as DListItem(Lump) index as LumpIndexPtr opencount as integer 'refcount fhandle as integer 'if empty, file name is index->unlumpeddir + lumpname (FIXME: stupid) filename as string 'temp file lumps are automatically deleted when their refcount hits 0, and the file removed istemp:1 as integer end type type Lump type as Lumptype lumpname as string length as integer bucket_chain as LumpPtr 'used to iterate over lumps in order they are in the file (or whatever else you want) seq as DListItem(Lump) index as LumpIndexPtr opencount as integer 'refcount end type /' type LumpUnion base as BaseLump union lumped as LumpedLump file as FileLump end union end type '/ type LumpIndex tablesize as integer table as Lump ptr ptr lumps as DoubleList(Lump) 'if non-zero, handle of open file fhandle as integer 'if non-empty, directory containing FileLumps unlumpeddir as string end type '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Lump VTable/methods type FnLumpDestruct as sub (byref as Lump) type FnLumpOpen as sub (byref as Lump) type FnLumpClose as sub (byref as Lump) type FnLumpWriteToFile as sub (byref as Lump, byval as integer, byval as integer) type FnLumpWriteChanges as sub (byref as Lump, byval as integer, byval as integer) type FnLumpRead as function (byref as any, byval position as integer, byval bufr as any ptr, byval size as integer) as integer type LumpVTable_t destruct as FnLumpDestruct open as FnLumpOpen close as FnLumpClose writetofile as FnLumpWriteToFile writechanges as FnLumpWriteChanges read as FnLumpRead end type '(recall NULL is define'd as 0) #define _PRE0 NULL 'Upcast Lump-subclass Method Ptr 'We can't concatenate an underscore between class and method because when the FB preprocessor 'and underscores mix, massive explosions rupture your body! You die. #define _PREULMP(class, method) cast(FnLump##method, @class##method) 'Quick Lump-subclass Method Ptr #define _PREQLMP(method) cast(FnLump##method, @_CONCAT(CURLUMPCLASS,method)) 'Because FB doesn't allow casts in array initialisers! Claims they are not constant expressions! #macro LMPVTAB(classid, classname, destructFn, openFn, closeFn, writeoutFn, writechangesFn, readFn) #define CURLUMPCLASS classname lumpvtable(classid) = type(_PRE##destructFn, _PRE##openFn, _PRE##closeFn, _PRE##writeoutFn, _PRE##writechangesFn, _PRE##readFn) #undef CURLUMPCLASS #endmacro '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Main Interface declare sub destruct_LumpIndex(byref this as LumpIndex) declare function LumpIndex_findlump(byref this as LumpIndex, lumpname as string) as Lump ptr declare sub LumpIndex_debug(byref this as LumpIndex) declare sub Lump_open(byref this as Lump) declare sub Lump_close(byref this as Lump) declare function Lump_unlumpfile(byref this as Lump, whereto as string) as integer declare function Lump_read(byref this as Lump, byval position as integer, byval bufr as any ptr, byval size as integer) as integer declare function FileLump_tempfromlump(byref lmp as Lump) as FileLump ptr declare function loadrecord overload (buf() as integer, byval fh as integer, byval recordsize as integer, byval record as integer = -1) as integer declare function loadrecord overload (buf() as integer, filename as string, byval recordsize as integer, byval record as integer = 0, byval expectfile as integer = YES) as integer declare sub storerecord overload (buf() as integer, byval fh as integer, byval recordsize as integer, byval record as integer = -1) declare sub storerecord overload (buf() as integer, filename as string, byval recordsize as integer, byval record as integer = 0) declare function compare_files_by_record (differences() as integer, leftfile as string, rightfile as string, byval recordsize as integer, byval maskarray as integer ptr = NULL) as integer declare function indexunlumpeddir (whichdir as string) as LumpIndex ptr declare function indexlumpfile (lumpfile as string, byval keepopen as integer = YES) as LumpIndex ptr declare sub lumpfiles (filelist() as string, lump as string, path as string) declare sub unlump(lump as string, ulpath as string) declare sub unlumpfile(lump as string, fmask as string, path as string) declare sub copylump(package as string, lump as string, dest as string, byval ignoremissing as integer = NO) declare function islumpfile (lump as string, fmask as string) as integer declare sub fixlumporder (filelist() as string) '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Tail-buffered binary output file 'WARNING: don't add strings to this type BufferedFile fh as uinteger 'FB file handle pos as uinteger '0-based write position; fh's position is NOT used len as uinteger 'total length of the file buf as ubyte ptr 'of size BF_BUFSIZE bufStart as uinteger 'offset of the buffer in the file. The buffer always extends to the end filename as zstring ptr 'manually allocated! end type #define BF_BUFSIZE (64 * 1024) declare function Buffered_open(filename as string) as BufferedFile ptr declare sub Buffered_close(byval bfile as BufferedFile ptr) declare sub Buffered_seek(byval bfile as BufferedFile ptr, byval offset as unsigned integer) declare function Buffered_tell(byval bfile as BufferedFile ptr) as integer declare sub Buffered_write(byval bfile as BufferedFile ptr, byval databuf as any ptr, byval amount as integer) declare sub Buffered_putc(byval bfile as BufferedFile ptr, byval datum as ubyte) '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' openfile.c stuff type FnStringPredicate as function (filename as string) as integer type FnOpenCallback as function (filename as string, byval writable as integer) as integer extern "C" declare sub send_lump_modified_msg(byval filename as zstring ptr) declare sub set_OPEN_hook(byval lumpfile_filter as FnOpenCallback, byval lump_writes_allowed as integer, byval channel as IPCChannel ptr) declare sub clear_OPEN_hook() end extern declare function inworkingdir(filename as string, byval writable as integer) as integer declare function channel_wait_for_msg(byref channel as IPCChannel, wait_for_prefix as string, line_in as string = "", byval timeout_ms as integer = 500) as integer #endif