'OHRRPGCE COMMON - RELOAD related functions '(C) Copyright 1997-2005 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) ' #ifdef TRY_LANG_FB #define __langtok #lang __langtok "fb" #else OPTION STATIC OPTION EXPLICIT #endif #include "reload.bi" #include "reloadext.bi" #include "common_base.bi" Namespace Reload.Ext 'This turns a node into a bitset (which is just a blob of binary data). 'If it contains any data already, it's gone now. Sub CreateBitset(byval node as Nodeptr) if node = 0 then return SetContent(node, "") end sub Sub SetBitset(byval node as Nodeptr, byval bit as integer, byval v as integer) if node = 0 then return if NodeType(node) <> rltString then return dim as integer byt, b byt = bit \ 8 b = bit mod 8 if byt >= GetZStringSize(node) then if 0 = ResizeZString(node, byt + 1) then return 'memory failure... end if dim d as zstring ptr = GetZString(node) if v then d[byt] = d[byt] or (2 ^ b) else d[byt] = d[byt] and not(2 ^ b) end if End sub Function GetBitset(byval node as Nodeptr, byval bit as integer) as integer if node = 0 then return 0 if NodeType(node) <> rltString then return 0 dim as integer byt, b byt = bit \ 8 b = bit mod 8 if byt >= GetZStringSize(node) then return 0 end if dim d as zstring ptr = GetZString(node) return 0 <> (d[byt] and (2 ^ b)) End function 'due to the needs of the client, although sizeof(bitset(0)) is 4, we are only using the lower 2 bytes. sub LoadBitsetArray(byval node as NodePtr, bs() as integer, byval size as integer) if node = 0 then return if NodeType(node) <> rltString then return dim d as zstring ptr = GetZString(node) for i as integer = 0 to size * 2 step 2 if i < GetZStringSize(node) then bs(i \ 2) = d[i] if i + 1 < GetZStringSize(node) then bs(i \ 2) or= d[i + 1] * 256 end if else bs(i \ 2) = 0 end if next end sub 'due to the needs of the client, although sizeof(bitset(0)) is 4, we are only using the lower 2 bytes. sub SaveBitsetArray(byval node as NodePtr, bs() as integer, byval size as integer) if node = 0 then return CreateBitset(node) ResizeZString(node, size * 2) dim d as zstring ptr = GetZString(node) for i as integer = 0 to size - 1 d[i * 2] = bs(i) and &hff d[i * 2 + 1] = (bs(i) \ 256) and &hff next end sub Function GetNodePath(byval node AS NodePtr) as string dim prefix as string if NodeParent(node) then prefix = GetNodePath(NodeParent(node)) end if return prefix & "/" & NodeName(node) End Function Function NodeByPath(byval doc AS DocPtr, path as string) as NodePtr Return NodeByPath(DocumentRoot(doc), path) End Function Function NodeByPath(byval node AS NodePtr, path as string) as NodePtr if node = null then return null if path = "" then return null if mid(path, 1, 1) <> "/" then debug "malformed path segment " & path return null end if dim remainder as string dim segment as string dim sep_pos as integer sep_pos = instr(2, path, "/") if sep_pos then segment = mid(path, 2, sep_pos - 2) remainder = mid(path, sep_pos) else segment = mid(path, 2) end if dim index as integer = 0 dim use_index as integer = NO sep_pos = instr(segment, "[") if sep_pos then dim end_pos as integer end_pos = instr(segment, "]") if end_pos = 0 orelse end_pos <> len(segment) then debug "malformed path index " & segment return null end if dim index_str as string = mid(segment, sep_pos + 1, len(segment) - sep_pos - 1) index = str2int(index_str) if str(index) <> index_str then debug "malformed path index " & segment return null end if segment = mid(segment, 1, sep_pos - 1) use_index = YES end if dim child as NodePtr if use_index then child = FirstChild(node, segment) do while child if GetInteger(child) = index then exit do child = NextSibling(child, segment) loop if child = null then return null else child = GetChildByName(node, segment) end if if remainder <> "" then return NodeByPath(child, remainder) else return child end if End Function 'For debug purposes: check that two RELOAD trees are equal 'pedantic: Insist on equality of types 'FIXME: the order of child nodes usually does not matter, would be good to have an option to ignore such differences Function CompareNodes(byval nod1 as nodeptr, byval nod2 as nodeptr, byval pedantic as integer) as integer if NodeName(nod1) <> NodeName(nod2) then debug "Names of nodes differ! '" & GetNodePath(nod1) & "' vs '" & GetNodePath(nod2) & "'" return 1 end if if pedantic then if NodeType(nod1) <> NodeType(nod2) then debug "Types of node " & GetNodePath(nod1) & " differ! " & NodeType(nod1) & " vs " & NodeType(nod2) return 1 end if select case NodeType(nod1) case rltNull case rltInt if GetInteger(nod1) <> GetInteger(nod2) then debug "Value of node " & GetNodePath(nod1) & " differ! " & GetInteger(nod1) & " vs " & GetInteger(nod2) return 1 end if case rltFloat if GetFloat(nod1) <> GetFloat(nod2) then debug "Value of node " & GetNodePath(nod1) & " differ! " & GetFloat(nod1) & " vs " & GetFloat(nod2) return 1 end if case rltString if GetString(nod1) <> GetString(nod2) then debug "Value of node " & GetNodePath(nod1) & " differ! """ & GetString(nod1) & """ vs """ & GetString(nod2) & """" return 1 end if end select else 'This is too easy if GetString(nod1) <> GetString(nod2) then debug "Value of node " & GetNodePath(nod1) & " differ! """ & GetString(nod1) & """ vs """ & GetString(nod2) & """" return 1 end if end if if NumChildren(nod1) <> NumChildren(nod2) then debug "Number of children on node " & GetNodePath(nod1) & " differ! " & NumChildren(nod1) & " vs " & NumChildren(nod2) return 1 end if dim numkids as integer = NumChildren(nod1) dim ret as integer = 0 'I GUESS they're the same... nod1 = FirstChild(nod1) nod2 = FirstChild(nod2) for i as integer = 0 to numkids - 1 if CompareNodes(nod1, nod2, pedantic) then 'keep going, find all differing children (but we don't keep descending when a difference is found) ret = 1 end if nod1 = NextSibling(nod1) nod2 = NextSibling(nod2) next return ret End Function 'Sets (or creates, if it doesn't exist) a node holding an int-to-int key-value pair parented to 'parent', like so: ' * parent ' * "" int - ' * "int" int - '"int" can be optionally overridden. 'Returns a pointer to the 'value' node, so you can stuff in more data. Function SetKeyValueNode (byval parent as NodePtr, keyname as string, byval key as integer, byval value as integer = 0, valuename as string = "int") as NodePtr if parent = NULL then debug "SetKeyValueNode: NULL node ptr" return NULL end if dim n as NodePtr n = FirstChild(parent, keyname) while n if GetInteger(n) = key then 'this key already exists: modify this node FreeChildren(n) return AppendChildNode(n, valuename, value) end if n = NextSibling(n, keyname) wend n = AppendChildNode(parent, keyname, key) return AppendChildNode(n, valuename, value) End Function 'See SetKeyValueNode. Returns a pointer to the 'value' node. Function GetKeyValueNode (byval parent as NodePtr, keyname as string, byval key as integer, valuename as string = "int") as NodePtr if parent = NULL then debug "GetKeyValueNode: NULL node ptr" return NULL end if dim n as NodePtr n = FirstChild(parent, keyname) while n if GetInteger(n) = key then dim retnode as NodePtr = GetChildByName(n, valuename) if retnode = NULL then debug "GetKeyValueNode(" & NodeName(parent) & ", " & keyname & ", " & key & "): no '" & valuename & "' child!" return NULL end if return retnode end if n = NextSibling(n, keyname) wend return NULL End Function 'More convenient form of GetKeyValueNode Function ReadKeyValueNode (byval parent as NodePtr, keyname as string, byval key as integer, byval default as integer, valuename as string = "int") as integer dim n as NodePtr = GetKeyValueNode(parent, keyname, key, valuename) if n = NULL then return default else return GetInteger(n) end if End Function End Namespace