'OHRRPGCE GAME&CUSTOM - Some fundamental routines for major data structures, especially loading & saving them '(C) Copyright 1997-2005 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) #ifdef LANG_DEPRECATED #define __langtok #lang __langtok "deprecated" OPTION STATIC OPTION EXPLICIT #endif #include "config.bi" #include "ver.txt" #include "udts.bi" #include "const.bi" #include "common.bi" #include "loading.bi" #include "allmodex.bi" #include "reload.bi" #include "reloadext.bi" #include "os.bi" #include "slices.bi" USING RELOAD USING RELOAD.EXT #IFDEF IS_CUSTOM EXTERN slave_channel as IPCChannel #ENDIF '========================================================================================== ' Local Functions '========================================================================================== declare sub save_hero_as_reload(hero as HeroDef, byval parent as NodePtr) declare sub load_hero_from_reload(hero as HeroDef, byval parent as NodePtr) declare Sub load_hero_from_old_dt0(filename as string, hero as herodef, byval record as integer) declare Sub save_hero_as_old_dt0(filename as string, hero as herodef, byval record as integer) declare sub create_blank_hero_reld(hero as HeroDef) declare sub free_hero_reld(hero as HeroDef) '========================================================================================== ' Helper Functions '========================================================================================== FUNCTION DeSerSingle (buf() as integer, byval index as integer) as single DIM ret as single CAST(short ptr, @ret)[0] = buf(index) CAST(short ptr, @ret)[1] = buf(index + 1) RETURN ret END FUNCTION SUB SerSingle (buf() as integer, byval index as integer, byval sing as single) buf(index) = CAST(short ptr, @sing)[0] buf(index + 1) = CAST(short ptr, @sing)[1] END SUB '========================================================================================== ' NPC Definitions '========================================================================================== 'There are two versions of LoadNPCD: 'LoadNPCD(file, dat()): ' (Normal version) dat is variable length (already initialised!!), redimmed to the correct length by LoadNPCD 'LoadNPCD_fixedlen(file, dat(), arraylen): ' dat is a fixed length (0 TO max_npc_def), and the REAL length is returned in arraylen PRIVATE SUB LoadNPCD_internal (file as string, dat() as NPCType, byref arraylen as integer, byval resize as integer) DIM as integer i, j, f 'It's still up to you to actually load the new sprites, but "do not pass 'arrays holding frame pointers" would be a tricky catch FOR i = 0 TO UBOUND(dat) WITH dat(i) IF .sprite THEN frame_unload @.sprite IF .pal THEN palette16_unload @.pal END WITH NEXT i f = FREEFILE OPEN file FOR BINARY ACCESS READ as #f SEEK #f, 8 arraylen = (LOF(f) - 7) \ getbinsize(binN) IF resize THEN REDIM dat(arraylen - 1) DIM as integer recordlen = getbinsize(binN) \ 2 DIM as integer buf(recordlen - 1) FOR i = 0 TO arraylen - 1 loadrecord buf(), f, recordlen FOR j = 0 TO recordlen - 1 SetNPCD(dat(i), j, buf(j)) NEXT IF dat(i).speed = 3 THEN dat(i).speed = 10 NEXT CLOSE #f END SUB SUB LoadNPCD_fixedlen(file as string, dat() as NPCType, byref arraylen as integer) IF UBOUND(dat) <> max_npc_defs - 1 THEN fatalerror "Programmer error! LoadNPCD: dat() length " & UBOUND(dat) END IF LoadNPCD_internal(file, dat(), arraylen, NO) END SUB SUB LoadNPCD(file as string, dat() as NPCType) LoadNPCD_internal(file, dat(), 0, YES) 'dummy arraylen END SUB 'As for LoadNPCD, there are two versions of SaveNPCD. See comment above SUB SaveNPCD_fixedlen(file as string, dat() as NPCType, byval arraylen as integer) DIM as integer i, j, f 'We want to truncate the file to the right length safekill file f = FREEFILE OPEN file FOR BINARY ACCESS WRITE as #f 'Should also truncate SEEK #f, 8 DIM as integer recordlen = getbinsize(binN) \ 2 DIM as integer buf(recordlen - 1) FOR i = 0 TO arraylen - 1 FOR j = 0 TO recordlen - 1 IF j = 3 AND dat(i).speed = 10 THEN '--Special case for speed = 10 (gets stored as 3) buf(j) = 3 ELSE buf(j) = GetNPCD(dat(i), j) END IF NEXT storerecord buf(), f, recordlen NEXT CLOSE #f END SUB SUB SaveNPCD(file as string, dat() as NPCType) SaveNPCD_fixedlen(file, dat(), UBOUND(dat) + 1) END SUB 'Prefer write_npc_int instead in the future, as it lacks pointer thoughtcrime SUB SetNPCD(npcd as NPCType, byval offset as integer, byval value as integer) STATIC maxoffset as integer = -1 IF maxoffset = -1 THEN maxoffset = (curbinsize(binN) \ 2) - 1 IF offset >= 0 AND offset <= maxoffset THEN (@npcd.picture)[offset] = value ELSE debug "Attempt to write NPC data out-of-range. offset=" & offset & " value=" & value END IF END SUB 'Prefer read_npc_int instead in the future, as it lacks pointer thoughtcrime FUNCTION GetNPCD(npcd as NPCType, byval offset as integer) as integer STATIC maxoffset as integer = -1 IF maxoffset = -1 THEN maxoffset = (curbinsize(binN) \ 2) - 1 IF offset >= 0 AND offset <= maxoffset THEN RETURN (@npcd.picture)[offset] ELSE debug "Attempt to read NPC data out-of-range. offset=" & offset END IF END FUNCTION SUB CleanNPCDefinition(dat as NPCType) WITH dat .picture = 0 .palette = -1 'Default palette .movetype = 0 .speed = 0 .textbox = 0 .facetype = 0 .item = 0 .pushtype = 0 .activation = 0 .tag1 = 0 .tag2 = 0 .usetag = 0 .script = 0 .scriptarg = 0 .vehicle = 0 .defaultzone= 0 .defaultwallzone = 0 IF .sprite THEN frame_unload @.sprite IF .pal THEN palette16_unload @.pal END WITH END SUB SUB CleanNPCD(dat() as NPCType) FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(dat) CleanNPCDefinition dat(i) NEXT END SUB '========================================================================================== ' NPC Instances '========================================================================================== 'Legacy (used for .L); not kept up to date with changes to NPCInst SUB LoadNPCL(file as string, dat() as NPCInst) DIM i as integer DIM f as integer f = FREEFILE OPEN file FOR BINARY ACCESS READ as #f SEEK #f, 8 CleanNPCL dat() FOR i = 0 to 299 dat(i).x = ReadShort(f,-1) * 20 NEXT FOR i = 0 to 299 dat(i).y = (ReadShort(f,-1) - 1) * 20 NEXT FOR i = 0 to 299 dat(i).id = ReadShort(f,-1) NEXT FOR i = 0 to 299 dat(i).dir = ReadShort(f,-1) NEXT FOR i = 0 to 299 dat(i).frame = ReadShort(f,-1) NEXT CLOSE #f END SUB 'Legacy (used for .L); not kept up to date with changes to NPCInst SUB SaveNPCL(file as string, dat() as NPCInst) DIM i as integer DIM f as integer f = FREEFILE OPEN file FOR BINARY ACCESS WRITE as #f 'truncates SEEK #f, 8 FOR i = 0 to 299 WriteShort f, -1, dat(i).x / 20 NEXT FOR i = 0 to 299 WriteShort f, -1, dat(i).y / 20 + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to 299 WriteShort f, -1, dat(i).id NEXT FOR i = 0 to 299 WriteShort f, -1, dat(i).dir NEXT FOR i = 0 to 299 WriteShort f, -1, dat(i).frame NEXT CLOSE #f END SUB 'Legacy (used in .SAV); not kept up to date with changes to NPCInst 'num is always 300. SUB DeserNPCL(npc() as NPCInst, byref z as integer, buffer() as integer, byval num as integer, byval xoffset as integer, byval yoffset as integer) DIM i as integer CleanNPCL npc() FOR i = 0 to num - 1 npc(i).x = buffer(z) + xoffset: z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 npc(i).y = buffer(z) + yoffset: z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 npc(i).id = buffer(z): z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 npc(i).dir = buffer(z): z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 npc(i).frame = buffer(z): z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 npc(i).xgo = buffer(z): z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 npc(i).ygo = buffer(z): z = z + 1 NEXT END SUB SUB CleanNPCInst(byref inst as NPCInst) v_free inst.curzones DeleteSlice @inst.sl memset @inst, 0, sizeof(NPCInst) END SUB SUB CleanNPCL(dat() as NPCInst) FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(dat) CleanNPCInst dat(i) NEXT END SUB SUB save_npc_locations(filename as string, npc() as NPCInst) DIM doc as DocPtr doc = CreateDocument() DIM node as NodePtr node = CreateNode(doc, "npcs") SetRootNode(doc, node) save_npc_locations node, npc() SerializeBin filename, doc FreeDocument doc END SUB SUB save_npc_locations(byval npcs_node as NodePtr, npc() as NPCInst) IF NumChildren(npcs_node) <> 0 THEN debug "WARNING: saving NPC locations to a Reload node that already has " & NumChildren(npcs_node) & " children!" END IF FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(npc) WITH npc(i) IF .id <> 0 THEN 'FIXME: When the "save" node is fully supported it will be main the criteria that determines if a node is written save_npc_loc npcs_node, i, npc(i) END IF END WITH NEXT i END SUB SUB save_npc_loc (byval parent as NodePtr, byval index as integer, npc as NPCInst) 'Map offset does not need to be used when saving temporary npc states DIM map_offset as XYPair save_npc_loc parent, index, npc, map_offset END SUB SUB save_npc_loc (byval parent as NodePtr, byval index as integer, npc as NPCInst, map_offset as XYPair) DIM n as NodePtr n = AppendChildNode(parent, "npc", index) WITH npc SetChildNode(n, "id", ABS(.id) - 1) SetChildNode(n, "x", .x - map_offset.x * 20) SetChildNode(n, "y", .y - map_offset.y * 20) SetChildNode(n, "z", .z) SetChildNode(n, "d", .dir) SetChildNode(n, "fr", .frame) IF .xgo THEN SetChildNode(n, "xgo", .xgo) IF .ygo THEN SetChildNode(n, "ygo", .ygo) FOR j as integer = 0 TO 2 IF .extra(j) THEN SetKeyValueNode(n, "extra", j, .extra(j)) NEXT IF .ignore_walls THEN SetChildNode(n, "ignore_walls") IF .not_obstruction THEN SetChildNode(n, "not_obstruction") IF .suspend_use THEN SetChildNode(n, "suspend_use") IF .suspend_ai THEN SetChildNode(n, "suspend_move") SetChildNode(n, "edit", 0) 'FIXME: this is a placeholder. Real edits will start with 1 END WITH END SUB SUB load_npc_locations (filename as string, npc() as NPCInst) IF NOT isfile(filename) THEN debug "load_npc_locations: file doesn't exist: '" & filename & "'" EXIT SUB END IF DIM doc as DocPtr doc = LoadDocument(filename, optNoDelay) DIM node as NodePtr node = DocumentRoot(doc) load_npc_locations node, npc() FreeDocument doc END SUB SUB load_npc_locations (byval npcs_node as NodePtr, npc() as NPCInst) IF NodeName(npcs_node) <> "npcs" THEN debug "WARNING: load_npc_locations expected a node named 'npcs' but found '" & NodeName(npcs_node) & "' instead." END IF FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(npc) '--disable/hide this NPC by default CleanNPCInst npc(i) DIM n as NodePtr n = NodeByPath(npcs_node, "/npc[" & i & "]") IF n THEN load_npc_loc n, npc(i) END IF NEXT i END SUB SUB load_npc_loc (byval n as NodePtr, npc as NPCInst) 'Map offset does not need to be used when loading temporary npc states DIM map_offset as XYPair load_npc_loc n, npc, map_offset END SUB SUB load_npc_loc (byval n as NodePtr, npc as NPCInst, map_offset as XYPair) IF NodeName(n) <> "npc" THEN debug "load_npc_loc: loading npc location data into a node named """ & NodeName(n) & """" END IF IF GetChildNodeExists(n, "id") THEN 'FIXME: this would be a good place to read the edit count property WITH npc .id = GetChildNodeInt(n, "id") + 1 .x = GetChildNodeInt(n, "x") + map_offset.x * 20 .y = GetChildNodeInt(n, "y") + map_offset.y * 20 .z = GetChildNodeInt(n, "z") .dir = GetChildNodeInt(n, "d") .frame = GetChildNodeInt(n, "fr") .xgo = GetChildNodeInt(n, "xgo") .ygo = GetChildNodeInt(n, "ygo") flusharray .extra() DIM ex as NodePtr ex = FirstChild(n, "extra") WHILE ex DIM exid as integer = GetInteger(ex) IF exid >= 0 AND exid <= 2 THEN .extra(exid) = GetChildNodeInt(n, "int") ELSE debug "bad npc extra " & exid END IF ex = NextSibling(ex, "extra") WEND .ignore_walls = GetChildNodeExists(n, "ignore_walls") .not_obstruction = GetChildNodeExists(n, "not_obstruction") .suspend_use = GetChildNodeExists(n, "suspend_use") .suspend_ai = GetChildNodeExists(n, "suspend_move") END WITH ELSE npc.id = 0 END IF END SUB '========================================================================================== ' Inventories '========================================================================================== SUB SerInventory8Bit(invent() as InventSlot, byref z as integer, buf() as integer) DIM i as integer, j as integer buf(z) = 1 'Instruct new versions of game to ignore all this junk and use the 16-bit data instead '...but go ahead and write the 8-bit data so that loading a new SAV in an old version of game ' will not result in a nuked inventory z += 3 ' disregard some jibba jabba FOR i = 0 to 197 ' hard code old inventoryMax IF invent(i).used THEN buf(z) = (invent(i).num AND 255) shl 8 OR ((invent(i).id + 1) AND 255) ELSE buf(z) = 0 END IF z += 1 NEXT z += 2 'slots 198 and 199 not useable z += 3 * 12 FOR i = 0 to 197 ' hard code old inventoryMax IF invent(i).used = 0 THEN invent(i).text = SPACE(11) 'unfortunately, this isn't exactly the badbinstring format FOR j = 0 TO 11 'actually max length is 11, last byte always wasted IF j < LEN(invent(i).text) THEN buf(z) = invent(i).text[j] ELSE buf(z) = 0 z += 1 NEXT NEXT z += 2 * 12 END SUB SUB DeserInventory8Bit(invent() as InventSlot, byref z as integer, buf() as integer) DIM i as integer, j as integer, temp as string z += 3 FOR i = 0 TO 197 ' hard code old inventoryMax invent(i).num = buf(z) shr 8 invent(i).id = (buf(z) and 255) - 1 invent(i).used = invent(i).id >= 0 z += 1 NEXT z += 2 z += 3 * 12 FOR i = 0 TO 197 ' hard code old inventoryMax temp = "" FOR j = 0 TO 11 IF buf(z) > 0 AND buf(z) <= 255 THEN temp = temp + CHR(buf(z)) z += 1 NEXT j '--Don't bother actually using the stored string. it is rebuilt later with rebuild_inventory_captions() 'invent(i).text = temp NEXT z += 2 * 12 END SUB SUB CleanInventory(invent() as InventSlot) DIM i as integer FOR i = 0 TO inventoryMax invent(i).used = 0 invent(i).text = SPACE(11) NEXT END SUB SUB SaveInventory16bit(invent() as InventSlot, byref z as integer, buf() as integer, byval first as integer=0, byval last as integer=-1) IF last = -1 THEN last = UBOUND(invent) DIM i as integer FOR i = first TO small(inventoryMax, last) WITH invent(i) IF .used THEN buf(z) = .id buf(z+1) = .num ELSE buf(z) = -1 buf(z+1) = 0 END IF END WITH z += 2 NEXT i END SUB SUB LoadInventory16Bit(invent() as InventSlot, byref z as integer, buf() as integer, byval first as integer=0, byval last as integer=-1) IF last = -1 THEN last = UBOUND(invent) DIM i as integer FOR i = first TO small(inventoryMax, last) WITH invent(i) .num = buf(z+1) IF .num > 0 THEN .used = YES .id = buf(z) ELSE 'empty slot .used = NO .id = buf(z) .num = 0 END IF END WITH z += 2 NEXT i END SUB '========================================================================================== ' General/Other Map Data '========================================================================================== FUNCTION read_map_layer_name(gmap() as integer, layernum as integer) as string IF layernum > 7 THEN debugc errPromptBug, "read_map_layer_name: layernum too high" ELSE RETURN readbinstring(gmap(), 34 + layernum * 21, 40) END IF END FUNCTION SUB write_map_layer_name(gmap() as integer, layernum as integer, newname as string) IF layernum > 7 THEN debugc errPromptBug, "write_map_layer_name: layernum too high" ELSE writebinstring(newname, gmap(), 34 + layernum * 21, 40) END IF END SUB '========================================================================================== ' Tilemaps '========================================================================================== SUB UnloadTilemap(map as TileMap) DEALLOCATE map.data map.data = NULL END SUB SUB UnloadTilemaps(layers() as TileMap) FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(layers) DEALLOCATE layers(i).data layers(i).data = NULL NEXT END SUB 'Get size of a tilemap file; returns false if badly formed FUNCTION GetTilemapInfo(filename as string, info as TilemapInfo) as integer DIM as integer fh = FREEFILE IF OPEN(filename FOR BINARY ACCESS READ as #fh) <> 0 THEN RETURN NO WITH info .wide = readshort(fh, 8) 'skip over BSAVE header .high = readshort(fh, 10) IF in_bound(.wide, 16, 32678) = NO ORELSE in_bound(.high, 10, 32678) = NO THEN CLOSE #fh: RETURN NO .layers = (LOF(fh) - 11) \ (.wide * .high) 'Because of bug 829 (.T not truncated when map resized), and old 32000 byte tilemaps, 'tilemaps with bad lengths are common; only do a simple length check IF .layers = 0 THEN debug "tilemap " & filename & " (" & .wide & "x" & .high & ") bad length or size; " & LOF(fh) & " bytes" CLOSE #fh RETURN NO END IF .layers = small(.layers, maplayerMax + 1) END WITH CLOSE #fh RETURN YES END FUNCTION SUB LoadTilemap(map as TileMap, filename as string) IF map.data THEN DEALLOCATE map.data DIM as integer fh fh = FREEFILE OPEN filename FOR BINARY ACCESS READ as #fh map.wide = bound(readshort(fh, 8), 16, 32678) map.high = bound(readshort(fh, 10), 10, 32678) map.layernum = 0 IF map.wide * map.high + 11 <> LOF(fh) THEN 'PROBLEM: early versions always saved 32000 bytes of tile data (ie, 32011 total)! 'Because of bug 829 (.T not truncated when map resized), tilemaps with bad lengths are common; better not to spam this message 'debug "tilemap " & filename & " (" & map.wide & "x" & map.high & ") bad length or size; " & LOF(fh) & " bytes" 'show the user their garbled mess, always interesting END IF map.data = ALLOCATE(map.wide * map.high) GET #fh, 12, *map.data, map.wide * map.high CLOSE #fh END SUB 'FIXME: early versions always saved 32000 bytes of tile data (ie, 32011 total)! 'This will cause extra spurious map layers to be loaded! SUB LoadTilemaps(layers() as TileMap, filename as string) DIM as integer fh, numlayers, i, wide, high FOR i = 0 TO UBOUND(layers) IF layers(i).data THEN DEALLOCATE layers(i).data NEXT fh = FREEFILE OPEN filename FOR BINARY ACCESS READ as #fh wide = bound(readshort(fh, 8), 16, 32678) high = bound(readshort(fh, 10), 10, 32678) numlayers = (LOF(fh) - 11) \ (wide * high) IF numlayers > maplayerMax + 1 OR numlayers * wide * high + 11 <> LOF(fh) THEN 'Because of bug 829 (.T not truncated when map resized), tilemaps with bad lengths are common; better not to spam this message 'debug "tilemap " & filename & " (" & wide & "x" & high & ") bad length or size; " & LOF(fh) & " bytes" 'show the user their garbled mess, always interesting numlayers = bound(numlayers, 1, maplayerMax + 1) END IF REDIM layers(numlayers - 1) SEEK fh, 12 FOR i = 0 TO numlayers - 1 WITH layers(i) .data = ALLOCATE(wide * high) .wide = wide .high = high .layernum = i GET #fh, , *.data, wide * high END WITH NEXT CLOSE #fh END SUB SUB SaveTilemap(tmap as TileMap, filename as string) DIM fh as integer safekill filename fh = FREEFILE OPEN filename FOR BINARY ACCESS WRITE as #fh 'Should also truncate writeshort fh, 8, tmap.wide writeshort fh, 10, tmap.high PUT #fh, 12, *tmap.data, tmap.wide * tmap.high CLOSE #fh END SUB SUB SaveTilemaps(tmaps() as TileMap, filename as string) DIM fh as integer safekill filename fh = FREEFILE OPEN filename FOR BINARY ACCESS WRITE as #fh 'Should also truncate writeshort fh, 8, tmaps(0).wide writeshort fh, 10, tmaps(0).high SEEK #fh, 12 FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(tmaps(0)) PUT #fh, , *tmaps(i).data, tmaps(i).wide * tmaps(i).high NEXT CLOSE #fh END SUB SUB CleanTilemap(map as TileMap, byval wide as integer, byval high as integer, byval layernum as integer = 0) 'two purposes: allocate a new tilemap, or blank an existing one UnloadTilemap(map) map.wide = wide map.high = high map.data = CALLOCATE(wide * high) map.layernum = layernum END SUB SUB CleanTilemaps(layers() as TileMap, byval wide as integer, byval high as integer, byval numlayers as integer) 'two purposes: allocate a new tilemap, or blank an existing one UnloadTilemaps layers() REDIM layers(numlayers - 1) FOR i as integer = 0 TO numlayers - 1 WITH layers(i) .wide = wide .high = high .data = CALLOCATE(wide * high) .layernum = i END WITH NEXT END SUB PRIVATE SUB MergeTileMapData(mine as TileMap, theirs as TileMap, tmbase as TileMap) FOR i as integer = 0 TO mine.wide * mine.high - 1 IF theirs.data[i] <> tmbase.data[i] THEN mine.data[i] = theirs.data[i] END IF NEXT END SUB SUB MergeTileMap(mine as TileMap, theirs_file as string, base_file as string) DIM as TileMap tmbase, theirs LoadTileMap tmbase, base_file LoadTileMap theirs, theirs_file IF theirs.wide <> mine.wide OR theirs.high <> mine.high OR _ theirs.wide <> tmbase.wide OR theirs.high <> tmbase.high THEN 'We we could actually continue... debug "MergeTilemap: nonmatching map sizes!" UnloadTilemap tmbase UnloadTilemap theirs EXIT SUB END IF MergeTileMapData mine, theirs, tmbase UnloadTilemap tmbase UnloadTilemap theirs END SUB SUB MergeTileMaps(mine() as TileMap, theirs_file as string, base_file as string) REDIM as TileMap tmbase(0), theirs(0) LoadTileMaps tmbase(), base_file LoadTileMaps theirs(), theirs_file IF theirs(0).wide <> mine(0).wide OR theirs(0).high <> mine(0).high OR _ theirs(0).wide <> tmbase(0).wide OR theirs(0).high <> tmbase(0).high OR _ UBOUND(theirs) <> UBOUND(mine) THEN 'We we could actually continue... debug "MergeTilemap: nonmatching map sizes/num layers!" UnloadTilemaps tmbase() UnloadTilemaps theirs() EXIT SUB END IF FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(mine) MergeTileMapData mine(i), theirs(i), tmbase(i) NEXT UnloadTilemaps tmbase() UnloadTilemaps theirs() END SUB '========================================================================================== ' Zone maps '========================================================================================== 'Implementation: 'In .bitmap (which is an array of [high][wide] ushorts) each tile has a ushort (array of 16 'bits) and an associated 'IDmap', an array of 15 distinct or zero (empty) zone ids (stored 'as an array of 16 ushorts, the 16th is unused). The lower 15 bits indicate whether the tile 'is in each of the zones given in the IDmap (if a bit is set, then that entry in the IDmap 'will be nonzero). The 16th bit tells where to get the IDmap. If 0 (the default), it is the 'IDmap for the tile's segment in .zoneIDmap: ' The map is split into 4x4 "segments", and each gets an IDmap in .zoneIDmap, which is a ' pointer to a ushort array of dimension [high_segments][wide_segments][16]. ' Segments along the right and bottom map edges may be less than 4x4. 'If 1, the tile is "crowded" because weren't enough empty "slots" in the default IDmap, so 'the tile gets its own IDmap, which is retrieved by indexing .extraID_hash with key '(x SHL 16) + y. Private IDmaps contain exactly those zone IDs which that tile is in. ' 'Zone IDs and empty slots within each IDmap are completely unordered. ' 'There's therefore a limit of 15 zones per tile, which could be overcome by replacing 'extra IDmaps with arbitrary length lists of zone IDs, but that's a lot of added complexity '(and things are complex enough already, aren't they?) 'And the limit on number of zones is really 65535, not 9999; that's just a rounder number. 'Maybe we'll find some use for an extra couple bits per ID? 'Used both to blank out an existing ZoneMap, or initialise it from zeroed-out memory SUB CleanZoneMap(zmap as ZoneMap, byval wide as integer, byval high as integer) WITH zmap IF .bitmap THEN DeleteZoneMap(zmap) .wide = wide .high = high .numzones = 0 .zones = NULL .bitmap = CALLOCATE(2 * wide * high) .wide_segments = (wide + 3) \ 4 .high_segments = (high + 3) \ 4 .zoneIDmap = CALLOCATE(2 * 16 * .wide_segments * .high_segments) hash_construct(.extraID_hash, offsetof(ZoneHashedSegment, hashed)) END WITH END SUB 'ZoneMaps must be destructed SUB DeleteZoneMap(zmap as ZoneMap) WITH zmap FOR i as integer = 0 TO .numzones - 1 (@.zones[i])->Destructor() 'all TYPEs have destructors, proof that -lang deprecated limitations are artificial NEXT .numzones = 0 DEALLOCATE(.zones) .zones = NULL hash_destruct(.extraID_hash) DEALLOCATE(.bitmap) .bitmap = NULL DEALLOCATE(.zoneIDmap) .zoneIDmap = NULL END WITH END SUB 'Fills zones() with the IDs of all the zones which this tile is a part of. 'zones() should be a dynamic array, it's filled with unsorted ID numbers in zones(0) onwards 'zones() is REDIMed to start at -1, for fake zero-length arrays SUB GetZonesAtTile(zmap as ZoneMap, zones() as integer, byval x as integer, byval y as integer) WITH zmap DIM bitvector as ushort = .bitmap[x + y * .wide] DIM IDmap as ushort ptr = @.zoneIDmap[(x \ 4 + (y \ 4) * .wide_segments) * 16] IF bitvector AND (1 SHL 15) THEN 'This 4x4 segment is overcrowded, fall back to looking up the tile IDmap = cast(ushort ptr, hash_find(.extraID_hash, (x SHL 16) OR y)) END IF REDIM zones(-1 TO 15) DIM nextindex as integer = 0 FOR slot as integer = 0 TO 14 IF bitvector AND (1 SHL slot) THEN zones(nextindex) = IDmap[slot] nextindex += 1 END IF NEXT REDIM PRESERVE zones(-1 TO nextindex - 1) END WITH END SUB 'Returns zones at a tile, in a sorted vector FUNCTION GetZonesAtTile(zmap as ZoneMap, byval x as integer, byval y as integer) as integer vector REDIM tmparray() as integer GetZonesAtTile zmap, tmparray(), x, y DIM zonesvec as integer vector array_to_vector zonesvec, tmparray() v_sort zonesvec RETURN v_ret(zonesvec) END FUNCTION 'Is a tile in a zone? FUNCTION CheckZoneAtTile(zmap as ZoneMap, byval id as integer, byval x as integer, byval y as integer) as integer 'Could call CheckZoneAtTile, but this is more efficient WITH zmap DIM bitvector as ushort = .bitmap[x + y * .wide] DIM IDmap as ushort ptr = @.zoneIDmap[(x \ 4 + (y \ 4) * .wide_segments) * 16] IF bitvector AND (1 SHL 15) THEN 'This 4x4 segment is overcrowded, fall back to looking up the tile IDmap = cast(ushort ptr, hash_find(.extraID_hash, (x SHL 16) OR y)) END IF FOR slot as integer = 0 TO 14 IF IDmap[slot] = id THEN RETURN iif(bitvector AND (1 SHL slot), YES, NO) END IF NEXT END WITH RETURN NO END FUNCTION 'Print ZoneMap debug info, including data about a specific tile if specified SUB DebugZoneMap(zmap as ZoneMap, byval x as integer = -1, byval y as integer = -1) WITH zmap DIM memusage as integer memusage = .wide * .high * 2 + .wide_segments * .high_segments * 32 + .extraID_hash.numitems * SIZEOF(ZoneHashedSegment) + .extraID_hash.tablesize * SIZEOF(any ptr) debug "ZoneMap dump: " & .wide & "*" & .high & ", " & .numzones & " zones, " & .extraID_hash.numitems & " crowded tiles, " & memusage & "B memory used" IF x <> -1 AND y <> -1 THEN DIM bitvector as ushort = .bitmap[x + y * .wide] debug " tile " & x & "," & y & ": " & BIN(bitvector) DIM IDmap as ushort ptr = @.zoneIDmap[(x \ 4 + (y \ 4) * .wide_segments) * 16] IF bitvector AND (1 SHL 15) THEN 'This 4x4 segment is overcrowded, fall back to looking up the tile IDmap = cast(ushort ptr, hash_find(.extraID_hash, (x SHL 16) OR y)) debug " (crowded tile)" END IF DIM temp as string FOR i as integer = 0 TO 14 temp &= " " & i & ":" & IDmap[i] NEXT debug temp END IF END WITH END SUB PRIVATE FUNCTION ZoneMapAddZoneInfo(zmap as ZoneMap) as ZoneInfo ptr 'ZoneInfo contains a FB string, so have to use this function to properly zero out new records DIM info as ZoneInfo ptr WITH zmap .numzones += 1 .zones = REALLOCATE(.zones, SIZEOF(ZoneInfo) * .numzones) info = @.zones[.numzones - 1] 'memset(info, 0, SIZEOF(ZoneInfo)) info = NEW (info) ZoneInfo 'placement new, proof that FB is actually a wrapper around C++ END WITH RETURN info END FUNCTION 'Return ptr to the ZoneInfo for a certain zone, creating it if it doesn't yet exist. '(It doesn't matter if we create a lot of extra ZoneInfo's, they won't be saved) FUNCTION GetZoneInfo(zmap as ZoneMap, byval id as integer) as ZoneInfo ptr WITH zmap FOR i as integer = 0 TO .numzones - 1 IF .zones[i].id = id THEN RETURN @.zones[i] NEXT DIM info as ZoneInfo ptr = ZoneMapAddZoneInfo(zmap) info->id = id RETURN info END WITH END FUNCTION PRIVATE SUB ZoneInfoBookkeeping(zmap as ZoneMap, byval id as integer, byval delta as integer = 0) DIM info as ZoneInfo ptr info = GetZoneInfo(zmap, id) info->numtiles += delta END SUB PRIVATE FUNCTION ZoneMapAddExtraSegment(zmap as ZoneMap, byval x as integer, byval y as integer) as ZoneHashedSegment ptr DIM tiledescriptor as ZoneHashedSegment ptr = CALLOCATE(SIZEOF(ZoneHashedSegment)) tiledescriptor->hashed.hash = (x SHL 16) OR y hash_add(zmap.extraID_hash, tiledescriptor) RETURN tiledescriptor END FUNCTION 'Add tile to zone. 'Returns success, or 0 if there are already too many overlapping zones there FUNCTION SetZoneTile(zmap as ZoneMap, byval id as integer, byval x as integer, byval y as integer) as integer IF CheckZoneAtTile(zmap, id, x, y) THEN RETURN YES ZoneInfoBookkeeping zmap, id, 1 WITH zmap DIM bitvector as ushort ptr = @.bitmap[x + y * .wide] DIM IDmap as ushort ptr = @.zoneIDmap[(x \ 4 + (y \ 4) * .wide_segments) * 16] IF *bitvector AND (1 SHL 15) THEN 'This 4x4 segment is overcrowded, fall back to looking up the tile IDmap = cast(ushort ptr, hash_find(.extraID_hash, (x SHL 16) OR y)) END IF IF (*bitvector AND &h7fff) = &h7fff THEN debug "SetZoneTile: tile too full": RETURN NO tryagain: FOR i as integer = 0 TO 14 IF IDmap[i] = id THEN *bitvector OR= 1 SHL i RETURN YES END IF NEXT 'debug "SetZoneTile: ID " & id & " not yet in IDmap" FOR i as integer = 0 TO 14 IF IDmap[i] = 0 THEN *bitvector OR= 1 SHL i IDmap[i] = id RETURN YES END IF NEXT 'debug "SetZoneTile: IDmap full" 'Segment ID array is full, add a new ID array *bitvector OR= 1 SHL 15 DIM IDmapnew as ushort ptr = cast(ushort ptr, ZoneMapAddExtraSegment(zmap, x, y)) FOR i as integer = 0 TO 14 IF *bitvector AND (1 SHL i) THEN IDmapnew[i] = IDmap[i] END IF NEXT IDmap = IDmapnew 'This GOTO will be reached at most once GOTO tryagain END WITH END FUNCTION 'Remove tile from zone. SUB UnsetZoneTile(zmap as ZoneMap, byval id as integer, byval x as integer, byval y as integer) WITH zmap DIM bitvector as ushort ptr = @.bitmap[x + y * .wide] DIM IDmap as ushort ptr = @.zoneIDmap[(x \ 4 + (y \ 4) * .wide_segments) * 16] IF *bitvector AND (1 SHL 15) THEN 'This 4x4 segment is overcrowded, fall back to looking up the tile IDmap = cast(ushort ptr, hash_find(.extraID_hash, (x SHL 16) OR y)) END IF DIM slot as integer = -1 FOR i as integer = 0 TO 14 IF IDmap[i] = id THEN slot = i NEXT IF slot = -1 ORELSE (*bitvector AND (1 SHL slot)) = 0 THEN EXIT SUB 'This tile is not even part of this zone! ZoneInfoBookkeeping zmap, id, -1 DIM usecount as integer = 0 IF *bitvector AND (1 SHL 15) THEN 'overcrowded tiles recieve their own ID maps 'FIXME: there's no way for an overcrowded tile to revert to nonovercrowded usecount = 1 ELSE FOR x2 as integer = (x AND NOT 3) TO small(x OR 3, .wide - 1) FOR y2 as integer = (y AND NOT 3) TO small(y OR 3, .high - 1) IF .bitmap[x2 + y2 * .wide] AND (1 SHL slot) THEN usecount += 1 NEXT NEXT END IF IF usecount = 1 THEN IDmap[slot] = 0 *bitvector -= 1 SHL slot END WITH END SUB PRIVATE FUNCTION ZoneBitmaskFromIDMap(byval IDmap as ushort ptr, byval id as integer) as uinteger FOR i as integer = 0 TO 14 IF IDmap[i] = id THEN RETURN 1 SHL i NEXT RETURN 0 END FUNCTION 'Sets a certain bit in each tile to 1 or 0 depending on whether that tile is in a certain zone SUB ZoneToTileMap(zmap as ZoneMap, tmap as TileMap, byval id as integer, byval bitnum as integer) 'static accum as double=0.0, samples as integer = 0 'DIM t as double = timer WITH zmap IF tmap.data = NULL THEN CleanTilemap tmap, .wide, .high DIM as integer segmentx, segmenty, x, y, bitmask, tilemask tilemask = 1 SHL bitnum FOR segmenty = 0 TO .high_segments - 1 FOR segmentx = 0 TO .wide_segments - 1 bitmask = ZoneBitmaskFromIDMap(@.zoneIDmap[(segmentx + segmenty * .wide_segments) * 16], id) FOR y = segmenty * 4 TO small(.high, segmenty * 4 + 4) - 1 DIM bitvectors as ushort ptr = @.bitmap[y * .wide] DIM tileptr as ubyte ptr = @tmap.data[y * .wide] FOR x = segmentx * 4 TO small(.wide, segmentx * 4 + 4) - 1 IF bitvectors[x] AND (1 SHL 15) THEN DIM IDmap as ushort ptr = hash_find(.extraID_hash, (x SHL 16) OR y) IF bitvectors[x] AND ZoneBitmaskFromIDMap(IDmap, id) THEN tileptr[x] OR= (1 SHL bitnum) ELSE tileptr[x] AND= NOT (1 SHL bitnum) END IF ELSE IF bitvectors[x] AND bitmask THEN tileptr[x] OR= (1 SHL bitnum) ELSE tileptr[x] AND= NOT (1 SHL bitnum) END IF END IF NEXT NEXT NEXT NEXT END WITH 'accum += (timer - t) 'samples += 1 'debug "ZoneToTileMap in " & (timer - t) * 1000 & "ms, average=" & (accum * 1000 / samples) END SUB 'Adds 'rows' node to a .Z## root RELOAD node describing the tile data. 'rect.x/y give an offset, and rect.w/h a size to trim to; used for resizing a map. PRIVATE SUB SerializeZoneTiles(zmap as ZoneMap, byval root as NodePtr, rect as RectType) 'DIM t as double = TIMER DIM as NodePtr rowsnode, rownode, idnode, spannode rowsnode = AppendChildNode(root, "rows") DIM as integer x, xstart, y, i, id, spanlen, spanoff DIM as ubyte ptr spanbuf WITH zmap spanbuf = ALLOCATE(sizeof(ubyte) * (.wide + 4)) FOR y = 0 TO .high - 1 IF y < rect.y OR y >= rect.y + rect.high THEN CONTINUE FOR rownode = AppendChildNode(rowsnode, "y", y - rect.y) REDIM seen_this_line(0) as integer REDIM zoneshere() as integer FOR xstart = large(0, rect.x) TO small(.wide - 1, rect.x + rect.wide - 1) 'Go along each row, looking for new zones that we haven't seen yet this row GetZonesAtTile zmap, zoneshere(), xstart, y FOR i = 0 TO UBOUND(zoneshere) id = zoneshere(i) IF int_array_find(seen_this_line(), id) <> -1 THEN CONTINUE FOR int_array_append seen_this_line(), id DIM as integer spantype = NO 'NO: currently in a stretch of unset tiles spanoff = 0 spanlen = large(xstart - rect.x, 0) FOR x = large(xstart, rect.x) TO small(.wide - 1, rect.x + rect.wide - 1) WHILE spanlen >= 256 'span too long, break in two spanbuf[spanoff] = 255 spanbuf[spanoff + 1] = 0 spanoff += 2 spanlen -= 255 WEND IF CheckZoneAtTile(zmap, id, x, y) = spantype THEN spanlen += 1 ELSE spantype = spantype XOR YES spanbuf[spanoff] = spanlen spanoff += 1 spanlen = 1 END IF NEXT IF spanlen <> 0 THEN spanbuf[spanoff] = spanlen spanoff += 1 END IF 'Write it out idnode = AppendChildNode(rownode, "zone", id) spannode = AppendChildNode(idnode, "spans") SetContent(spannode, cast(zstring ptr, spanbuf), spanoff) NEXT NEXT NEXT END WITH DEALLOCATE(spanbuf) 'debug "SerializeZoneTiles in " & (timer - t) * 1000 & "ms" END SUB 'Set zone tiles according to a .Z document ('rows' node) PRIVATE SUB DeserializeZoneTiles(zmap as ZoneMap, byval root as NodePtr) DIM as NodePtr rowsnode, rownode, idnode rowsnode = GetChildByName(root, "rows") IF rowsnode = NULL THEN debug "DeserializeZoneTiles: No 'rows' node!" EXIT SUB END IF rownode = FirstChild(rowsnode) WHILE rownode IF NodeName(rownode) = "y" THEN DIM as integer id, y, x, i, j y = GetInteger(rownode) idnode = FirstChild(rownode) WHILE idnode IF NodeName(idnode) = "zone" THEN id = GetInteger(idnode) IF id <= 0 THEN debug "DeserializeZoneTiles: bad zone id " & id ELSE 'Everything else is RELOAD parsing, here's the actual spans decoding (see lump documentation) DIM spans as string = GetChildNodeStr(idnode, "spans") x = 0 FOR i = 0 TO (LEN(spans) \ 2) * 2 - 1 STEP 2 x += spans[i] FOR j = 0 TO spans[i + 1] - 1 IF SetZoneTile(zmap, id, x + j, y) = 0 THEN debug "DeserializeZoneTiles: Too much overlapping at " & (x + j) & " " & y END IF NEXT x += spans[i + 1] NEXT END IF END IF idnode = NextSibling(idnode) WEND END IF rownode = NextSibling(rownode) WEND END SUB SUB SaveZoneMap(zmap as ZoneMap, filename as string, rsrect as RectType ptr = NULL) 'DIM as double t = TIMER DIM doc as DocPtr DIM as NodePtr root, zonesnode, node, subnode doc = CreateDocument() root = CreateNode(doc, "zonemap") SetRootNode doc, root WITH zmap AppendChildNode root, "w", iif(rsrect, rsrect->wide, .wide) AppendChildNode root, "h", iif(rsrect, rsrect->high, .high) zonesnode = AppendChildNode(root, "zones") FOR i as integer = 0 TO .numzones - 1 WITH .zones[i] node = AppendChildNode(zonesnode, "zone", .id) IF .numtiles = 0 THEN MarkProvisional(node) IF .name <> "" THEN AppendChildNode(node, "name", .name) FOR j as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(.extra) IF .extra(j) <> 0 THEN SetKeyValueNode(node, "extra", j, .extra(j)) NEXT END WITH NEXT 'Add 'rows' node DIM as RectType rect = Type(0, 0, .wide, .high) IF rsrect THEN rect = *rsrect SerializeZoneTiles zmap, root, rect SerializeBin filename, doc FreeDocument doc END WITH 'debug "SaveZoneMap " & trimpath(filename) & " in " & (TIMER - t) * 1000 & "ms, " & zmap.numzones & " zones" END SUB SUB LoadZoneMap(zmap as ZoneMap, filename as string) 'DIM as double t = TIMER DIM as DocPtr doc DIM as NodePtr root, zonesnode, node, subnode DIM as integer w, h doc = LoadDocument(filename, optNoDelay) IF doc = NULL THEN EXIT SUB root = DocumentRoot(doc) IF NodeName(root) <> "zonemap" THEN debug filename & " does not appear to be a zonemap: root is named " & NodeName(root) GOTO end_func END IF w = GetChildNodeInt(root, "w") h = GetChildNodeInt(root, "h") IF w <= 0 OR h <= 0 THEN debug "LoadZoneMap: " & filename & " - bad size " & w & "*" & h : GOTO end_func zonesnode = GetChildByName(root, "zones") IF zonesnode = 0 THEN debug "LoadZoneMap: 'zones' missing" : GOTO end_func CleanZoneMap zmap, w, h WITH zmap .numzones = 0 node = FirstChild(zonesnode) WHILE node IF NodeName(node) = "zone" THEN DIM info as ZoneInfo ptr = ZoneMapAddZoneInfo(zmap) WITH *info .id = GetInteger(node) IF .id <= 0 THEN debug "LoadZoneMap: " & filename & " - bad zone id" : GOTO end_func .name = GetChildNodeStr(node, "name") '--extra data subnode = FirstChild(node, "extra") WHILE subnode DIM extranum as integer = GetInteger(subnode) IF extranum >= 0 AND extranum <= 2 THEN .extra(extranum) = GetChildNodeInt(subnode, "int") ELSE debug "LoadZoneMap: " & filename & " - unprocessed extra num " & extranum END IF subnode = NextSibling(subnode, "extra") WEND END WITH END IF node = NextSibling(node) WEND DeserializeZoneTiles zmap, root 'debug "LoadZoneMap " & trimpath(filename) & " in " & (TIMER - t) * 1000 & "ms, " & .numzones & " zones" END WITH end_func: FreeDocument doc END SUB '========================================================================================== ' Doors & Doorlinks '========================================================================================== SUB DeserDoorLinks(filename as string, array() as doorlink) dim as integer hasheader = -1, f, i 'when we strip the header, we can check for its presence here if not fileisreadable(filename) then debug "couldn't load " & filename exit sub end if f = freefile open filename for binary access read as #f if hasheader then dim stupid(6) as ubyte get #f,, stupid() end if for i = 0 to 199 array(i).source = ReadShort(f) next for i = 0 to 199 array(i).dest = ReadShort(f) next for i = 0 to 199 array(i).dest_map = ReadShort(f) next for i = 0 to 199 array(i).tag1 = ReadShort(f) next for i = 0 to 199 array(i).tag2 = ReadShort(f) next close #f End SUB Sub SerDoorLinks(filename as string, array() as doorlink, byval withhead as integer = -1) dim as integer f = freefile, i if not fileiswriteable(filename) then exit sub safekill(filename) open filename for binary as #f if withhead then dim stupid as ubyte = 253 put #f, , stupid writeshort f, -1, -26215 '&h9999, signed writeshort f, -1, 0 writeshort f, -1, 2000 end if for i = 0 to 199 WriteShort f, -1, array(i).source next for i = 0 to 199 WriteShort f, -1, array(i).dest next for i = 0 to 199 WriteShort f, -1, array(i).dest_map next for i = 0 to 199 WriteShort f, -1, array(i).tag1 next for i = 0 to 199 WriteShort f, -1, array(i).tag2 next close #f end sub sub CleanDoorLinks(array() as doorlink) dim i as integer for i = lbound(array) to ubound(array) array(i).source = -1 array(i).dest = 0 array(i).dest_map = 0 array(i).tag1 = 0 array(i).tag2 = 0 next end sub Sub DeSerDoors(filename as string, array() as door, byval record as integer) if not fileisreadable(filename) then exit sub dim as integer f = freefile, i open filename for binary access read as #f seek #f, record * 600 + 1 for i = 0 to 99 array(i).x = readshort(f) next for i = 0 to 99 array(i).y = readshort(f) next for i = 0 to 99 array(i).bits(0) = readshort(f) next close #f End Sub Sub SerDoors(filename as string, array() as door, byval record as integer) if not fileiswriteable(filename) then exit sub dim as integer f = freefile, i open filename for binary as #f seek #f, record * 600 + 1 for i = 0 to 99 writeshort f, -1, array(i).x next for i = 0 to 99 writeshort f, -1, array(i).y next for i = 0 to 99 writeshort f, -1, array(i).bits(0) next close #f End Sub Sub CleanDoors(array() as door) dim i as integer for i = lbound(array) to ubound(array) array(i).x = 0 array(i).y = 0 array(i).bits(0) = 0 next end sub '========================================================================================== ' Heroes '========================================================================================== 'loads a standard block of stats from a file handle. Sub LoadStats(byval fh as integer, sta as stats ptr) dim i as integer if sta = 0 then exit sub with *sta for i = 0 to 11 .sta(i) = readShort(fh) next i end with end sub 'saves a stat block to a file handle Sub SaveStats(byval fh as integer, sta as stats ptr) dim i as integer if sta = 0 then exit sub with *sta for i = 0 to 11 writeShort(fh, -1, .sta(i)) next i end with end sub 'this differs from the above because it loads two interleaved blocks of stats, 'such as those found in the hero definitions. Sub LoadStats2(byval fh as integer, lev0 as stats ptr, levMax as stats ptr) dim as integer i if lev0 = 0 or levMax = 0 then exit sub for i = 0 to 11 lev0->sta(i) = readShort(fh) levMax->sta(i) = readShort(fh) next i end sub 'save interleaved stat blocks Sub SaveStats2(byval fh as integer, lev0 as stats ptr, levMax as stats ptr) if lev0 = 0 or levMax = 0 then exit sub dim as integer i for i = 0 to 11 writeShort(fh,-1,lev0->sta(i)) writeShort(fh,-1,levMax->sta(i)) next i end sub Sub load_hero_from_old_dt0(filename as string, hero as herodef, byval record as integer) 'WARNING: this is the loader for the old-style binary hero data lump. See loadherodata if record < 0 or record > gen(genMaxHero) then debug "load_hero_from_old_dt0: fail on record:" & record : exit sub if not fileisreadable(filename) then exit sub dim as integer f = freefile, i, j ClearHeroData hero open filename for binary access read as #f dim recordsize as integer = getbinsize(binDT0) 'in BYTES seek #f, record * recordsize + 1 'begin (this makes the baby jesus cry :'( ) with hero .name = readvstr(f, 16) .sprite = readshort(f) .sprite_pal = readshort(f) .walk_sprite = readshort(f) .walk_sprite_pal = readshort(f) .def_level = readshort(f) .def_weapon = readshort(f) LoadStats2(f, @.Lev0, @.LevMax) 'get #f,, .spell_lists() for i = 0 to 3 for j = 0 to 23 'have to do it this way in case FB reads arrays the wrong way .spell_lists(i,j).attack = readshort(f) .spell_lists(i,j).learned = readshort(f) next next .portrait = readshort(f) for i = 0 to 2 .bits(i) = readShort(f) next for i = 0 to 3 .list_name(i) = ReadVStr(f,10) next .portrait_pal = readshort(f) for i = 0 to 3 .list_type(i) = readshort(f) next .have_tag = readshort(f) .alive_tag = readshort(f) .leader_tag = readshort(f) .active_tag = readshort(f) .max_name_len = readshort(f) for i = 0 to 1 .hand_pos(i).x = readshort(f) .hand_pos(i).y = readshort(f) next i for i as integer = 0 to gen(genNumElements) - 1 get #f, , .elementals(i) next 'WARNING: skip past rest of the elements if you add more to this file end with close #f end sub Sub save_hero_as_old_dt0(filename as string, hero as herodef, byval record as integer) 'WARNING: this is the saver for the old-style binary hero data lump. See saveherodata 'FIXME: this sub is deprecated, and will eventually be removed. if not fileiswriteable(filename) then exit sub dim as integer f = freefile, i, j open filename for binary as #f seek #f, record * getbinsize(binDT0) + 1 'begin (this makes the baby jesus cry :'( ) with hero writevstr(f,16,.name) writeshort(f,-1,.sprite) writeshort(f,-1,.sprite_pal) writeshort(f,-1,.walk_sprite) writeshort(f,-1,.walk_sprite_pal) writeshort(f,-1,.def_level) writeshort(f,-1,.def_weapon) SaveStats2(f, @.Lev0, @.LevMax) 'get #f,, .spell_lists() for i = 0 to 3 for j = 0 to 23 'have to do it this way in case FB reads arrays the wrong way writeshort(f,-1,.spell_lists(i,j).attack) writeshort(f,-1,.spell_lists(i,j).learned) next next writeshort(f,-1,.portrait) for i = 0 to 2 writeshort(f,-1,.bits(i)) next for i = 0 to 3 WriteVStr(f,10, .list_name(i)) next writeshort(f,-1,.portrait_pal) for i = 0 to 3 writeshort(f,-1,.list_type(i)) next writeshort(f,-1,.have_tag) writeshort(f,-1,.alive_tag) writeshort(f,-1,.leader_tag) writeshort(f,-1,.active_tag) writeshort(f,-1,.max_name_len) for i = 0 to 1 writeshort(f,-1,.hand_pos(i).x) writeshort(f,-1,.hand_pos(i).y) next i if getfixbit(fixHeroElementals) = NO then debug "possible corruption: tried to save hero data with fixHeroElementals=0" end if for i as integer = 0 to gen(genNumElements) - 1 put #f, , .elementals(i) next 'always write 1.0 for all unused elements dim default as single = 1.0 for i as integer = gen(genNumElements) to 63 put #f, , default next end with close #f end sub SUB loadherodata (hero as herodef, byval index as integer) '--first try to load the data from heroes.reld '--and then fall back on the .DT0 lump only if not found. DIM loaded as integer = NO DIM filename as string = workingdir & SLASH & "heroes.reld" DIM doc as DocPtr IF isfile(filename) THEN doc = LoadDocument(filename) END IF IF doc THEN 'file present DIM heroes as NodePtr heroes = DocumentRoot(doc) READNODE heroes WITHNODE heroes."hero" as n DIM i as integer = GetInteger(n) SELECT CASE i CASE 0 TO gen(genMaxHero) IF i = index THEN LoadNode n load_hero_from_reload hero, n loaded = YES 'EXIT DO END IF END SELECT END WITHNODE END READNODE END IF IF doc THEN FreeDocument doc IF NOT loaded THEN 'debuginfo "falling back to " & game & ".dt0" & " slot " & index load_hero_from_old_dt0 game & ".dt0", hero, index END IF END SUB SUB load_hero_from_reload(hero as HeroDef, byval parent as NodePtr) ClearHeroData hero free_hero_reld hero READNODE parent, default WITHNODE parent."name" as heroname hero.name = GetString(heroname) hero.max_name_len = heroname."maxlen".default(0).integer END WITHNODE READNODE parent."appearance" as appearance WITHNODE appearance."walkabout" as sprite hero.walk_sprite = sprite."pic".integer hero.walk_sprite_pal = sprite."pal".default(-1).integer END WITHNODE WITHNODE appearance."battle" as sprite hero.sprite = sprite."pic".integer hero.sprite_pal = sprite."pal".default(-1).integer WITHNODE sprite."hand_a" as hand hero.hand_pos(0).x = hand."x" hero.hand_pos(0).y = hand."y" END WITHNODE WITHNODE sprite."hand_b" as hand hero.hand_pos(1).x = hand."x" hero.hand_pos(1).y = hand."y" END WITHNODE END WITHNODE WITHNODE appearance."portrait" as sprite hero.portrait = sprite."pic".integer hero.portrait_pal = sprite."pal".default(-1).integer END WITHNODE END READNODE hero.def_level = parent."default_level".default(-1).integer hero.def_weapon = parent."default_weapon".integer ReadStatsNode parent."stats_at_zero".ptr, hero.Lev0 ReadStatsNode parent."stats_at_max".ptr, hero.LevMax READNODE parent."spell_lists" as spell_lists WITHNODE spell_lists."list" as list DIM i as integer = GetInteger(list) SELECT CASE i CASE 0 TO 3 hero.list_name(i) = list."name".string IF list."use_lmp".exists THEN hero.list_type(i) = 1 IF list."random".exists THEN hero.list_type(i) = 2 READNODE list."spells" as spells WITHNODE spells."spell" as spell DIM slot as integer = GetInteger(spell) WITH hero.spell_lists(i, slot) .attack = spell."attack".integer + 1 IF spell."itemlearn".exists THEN .learned = 0 ELSE .learned = spell."learnlev".integer + 1 END IF 'spell."tag" END WITH END WITHNODE END READNODE CASE ELSE debug "unknown spell list " & i & " for hero " & hero.name END SELECT END WITHNODE END READNODE READNODE parent."elements" as elements WITHNODE elements."element" as element DIM i as integer = GetInteger(element) SELECT CASE i CASE 0 TO maxElements - 1 hero.elementals(i) = CAST(single, element."damage".default(1.0).double) CASE ELSE debug "unknown elemental " & i & " for hero " & hero.name END SELECT END WITHNODE END READNODE IF parent."rename_on_add".exists THEN setbit hero.bits(), 0, 24, YES IF parent."rename_on_status".exists THEN setbit hero.bits(), 0, 25, YES IF parent."hide_empty_lists".exists THEN setbit hero.bits(), 0, 26, YES READNODE parent."tags" as tags, default hero.have_tag = tags."have_hero".integer hero.alive_tag = tags."is_alive".integer hero.leader_tag = tags."is_leader".integer hero.active_tag = tags."is_active".integer END READNODE '-- Ignore the following because the are kept as Nodes parent."battle_menus".ignore parent."stat_options".ignore END READNODE hero.reld = get_reload_copy(parent) 'debuginfo "Loaded hero from reload: " & hero.name END SUB SUB saveherodata (hero as herodef, byval index as integer) '--save the old way 'WARNING: this is lossy, and serves no purpose other than 'allowing people to downgrade to older versions WITH DATA LOSS save_hero_as_old_dt0 game & ".dt0", hero, index '--save the new way DIM filename as string = workingdir & SLASH & "heroes.reld" DIM doc as DocPtr doc = LoadDocument(filename, optNoDelay) IF doc = 0 THEN debuginfo "heroes doc not found, create it" doc = CreateDocument() END IF DIM heroes as NodePtr heroes = DocumentRoot(doc) IF heroes = 0 THEN heroes = CreateNode(doc, "heroes") SetRootNode(doc, heroes) END IF DIM saved as integer = NO READNODE heroes WITHNODE heroes."hero" as n DIM i as integer = GetInteger(n) SELECT CASE i CASE 0 TO gen(genMaxHero) IF i = index THEN '-a node for this hero already exists, must replace it save_hero_as_reload hero, n saved = YES END IF END SELECT END WITHNODE END READNODE IF NOT saved THEN 'This is a new hero, save in a new node DIM n as NodePtr = AppendChildNode(heroes, "hero", index) save_hero_as_reload hero, n END IF SerializeBin filename, doc FreeDocument doc END SUB SUB save_hero_as_reload(hero as HeroDef, byval parent as NodePtr) FreeChildren parent DIM ch as NodePtr ch = SetChildNode(parent, "name", hero.name) IF hero.max_name_len > 0 THEN SetChildNode ch, "maxlen", hero.max_name_len END IF DIM appear as NodePtr appear = SetChildNode(parent, "appearance") WritePicPalNode appear, "walkabout", hero.walk_sprite, hero.walk_sprite_pal WritePicPalNode appear, "portrait", hero.portrait, hero.portrait_pal ch = WritePicPalNode(appear, "battle", hero.sprite, hero.sprite_pal) WriteXYPairNode ch, "hand_a", hero.hand_pos(0) WriteXYPairNode ch, "hand_b", hero.hand_pos(1) IF hero.def_level >= 0 THEN SetChildNode parent, "default_level", hero.def_level SetChildNode parent, "default_weapon", hero.def_weapon WriteStatsNode(parent, "stats_at_zero", hero.Lev0) WriteStatsNode(parent, "stats_at_max", hero.LevMax) DIM reld as NodePtr = hero.reld AddChild(parent, CloneNodeTree(reld."battle_menus".ptr, , parent)) DIM splists as NodePtr DIM splist as NodePtr DIM spells as NodePtr DIM sp as NodePtr splists = SetChildNode(parent, "spell_lists") FOR i as integer = 0 TO 3 splist = AppendChildNode(splists, "list", i) SetChildNode splist, "name", hero.list_name(i) spells = SetChildNode(splist, "spells") FOR j as integer = 0 to 23 WITH hero.spell_lists(i, j) IF .attack > 0 THEN sp = AppendChildNode(spells, "spell", j) SetChildNode sp, "attack", .attack - 1 IF .learned > 0 THEN SetChildNode sp, "learnlev", .learned - 1 ELSE SetChildNode sp, "itemlearn" END IF 'FIXME: tag goes here when supported END IF END WITH NEXT j IF hero.list_type(i) = 1 THEN SetChildNode splist, "use_lmp" END IF IF hero.list_type(i) = 2 THEN SetChildNode splist, "random" END IF NEXT i DIM elements as NodePtr elements = SetChildNode(parent, "elements") FOR i as integer = 0 to gen(genNumElements) - 1 IF INT(hero.elementals(i) * 10000) <> 10000 THEN ch = AppendChildNode(elements, "element", i) SetChildNode ch, "damage", cast(double, hero.elementals(i)) END IF NEXT i IF xreadbit(hero.bits(), 24) THEN SetChildNode parent, "rename_on_add" IF xreadbit(hero.bits(), 25) THEN SetChildNode parent, "rename_on_status" IF xreadbit(hero.bits(), 26) THEN SetChildNode parent, "hide_empty_lists" DIM tagnode as NodePtr tagnode = SetChildNode(parent, "tags") IF hero.have_tag > 0 THEN SetChildNode tagnode, "have_hero", hero.have_tag IF hero.alive_tag > 0 THEN SetChildNode tagnode, "is_alive", hero.alive_tag IF hero.leader_tag > 0 THEN SetChildNode tagnode, "is_leader", hero.leader_tag IF hero.active_tag > 0 THEN SetChildNode tagnode, "is_active", hero.active_tag IF reld."stat_options".exists THEN AddChild(parent, CloneNodeTree(reld."stat_options".ptr, , parent)) ELSE '-empty node if not found SetChildNode(parent, "stat_options") END IF END SUB SUB ReadStatsNode (byval stats as NodePtr, statobj as Stats) READNODE stats WITHNODE stats."stat" as stat DIM i as integer = GetInteger(stat) SELECT CASE i CASE 0 to statLast statobj.sta(i) = stat."value".integer CASE ELSE debuginfo "ReadStatsNode: unknown stat id " & i END SELECT END WITHNODE END READNODE END SUB FUNCTION WriteStatsNode (byval parent as NodePtr, nodename as string, statobj as Stats) as NodePtr DIM node as NodePtr node = AppendChildNode(parent, nodename) DIM ch as NodePtr FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(statobj.sta) ch = AppendChildNode(node, "stat", i) SetChildNode(ch, "value", statobj.sta(i)) NEXT i RETURN node END FUNCTION FUNCTION WriteXYPairNode (byval parent as NodePtr, nodename as string, pair as XYPair) as NodePtr DIM node as NodePtr node = SetChildNode(parent, nodename) SetChildNode node, "x", pair.x SetChildNode node, "y", pair.y RETURN node END FUNCTION FUNCTION WritePicPalNode (byval parent as NodePtr, nodename as string, byval pic as integer, byval pal as integer=-1) as NodePtr DIM node as NodePtr node = SetChildNode(parent, nodename) SetChildNode node, "pic", pic IF pal >= 0 THEN SetChildNode node, "pal", pal END IF RETURN node END FUNCTION Destructor HeroDef () if this.reld <> 0 then 'debuginfo "Freeing a HeroDef's reload node in the destructor!" FreeNode this.reld else 'debuginfo "HeroDef didn't bother freeing reload node because it was never loaded" end if End Destructor SUB ClearHeroData (hero as HeroDef) free_hero_reld hero memset @hero, 0, sizeof(HeroDef) hero.sprite_pal = -1 'default battle palette hero.walk_sprite_pal = -1 'default walkabout palette hero.portrait_pal = -1 FOR i as integer = 0 TO maxElements - 1 hero.elementals(i) = 1.0f NEXT create_blank_hero_reld hero END SUB SUB free_hero_reld(hero as HeroDef) IF hero.reld <> 0 THEN 'debuginfo "Freeing a HeroDef's reload node in free_hero_reld" FreeNode(hero.reld) END IF END SUB SUB create_blank_hero_reld(hero as HeroDef) 'Construct any reload nodes that we need in memory. hero.reld = get_reload_empty("hero") DIM batmenus as NodePtr batmenus = SetChildNode(hero.reld, "battle_menus") add_hero_battle_menu_item batmenus, "weapon" for i as integer = 0 to 3 add_hero_battle_menu_item batmenus, "spells", i next add_hero_battle_menu_item batmenus, "items" SetChildNode(hero.reld, "stat_options") END SUB Function GetHeroHandPos(byval hero_id as integer, byval which_frame as integer, byval isY as integer) as integer 'which-frame is 0 for attack A and 1 for attack B 'isY is NO for x and YES for y DIM fh as integer fh = FREEFILE OPEN game & ".dt0" FOR BINARY as #fh GetHeroHandPos = ReadShort(fh,hero_id * getbinsize(binDT0) + 595 + which_frame * 4 + iif(isY,1,0) * 2) CLOSE #FH End Function '========================================================================================== ' Vehicles '========================================================================================== SUB LoadVehicle (file as string, vehicle as VehicleData, byval record as integer) DIM buf(39) as integer LoadVehicle file, buf(), vehicle.name, record WITH vehicle .speed = buf(8) .random_battles = buf(11) .use_button = buf(12) .menu_button = buf(13) .riding_tag = buf(14) .on_mount = buf(15) .on_dismount = buf(16) .override_walls = buf(17) .blocked_by = buf(18) .mount_from = buf(19) .dismount_to = buf(20) .elevation = buf(21) .pass_walls = xreadbit(buf(), 0, 9) .pass_npcs = xreadbit(buf(), 1, 9) .enable_npc_activation = xreadbit(buf(), 2, 9) .enable_door_use = xreadbit(buf(), 3, 9) .do_not_hide_leader = xreadbit(buf(), 4, 9) .do_not_hide_party = xreadbit(buf(), 5, 9) .dismount_ahead = xreadbit(buf(), 6, 9) .pass_walls_while_dismounting = xreadbit(buf(), 7, 9) .disable_flying_shadow = xreadbit(buf(), 8, 9) END WITH END SUB SUB LoadVehicle (file as string, veh() as integer, vehname as string, byval record as integer) loadrecord veh(), file, 40, record vehname = STRING(bound(veh(0) AND 255, 0, 15), 0) array2str veh(), 1, vehname END SUB SUB SaveVehicle (file as string, byref vehicle as VehicleData, byval record as integer) DIM buf(39) as integer WITH vehicle buf(39) = .speed buf(11) = .random_battles buf(12) = .use_button buf(13) = .menu_button buf(14) = .riding_tag buf(15) = .on_mount buf(16) = .on_dismount buf(17) = .override_walls buf(18) = .blocked_by buf(19) = .mount_from buf(20) = .dismount_to buf(21) = .elevation setbit buf(), 9, 0, .pass_walls setbit buf(), 9, 1, .pass_npcs setbit buf(), 9, 2, .enable_npc_activation setbit buf(), 9, 3, .enable_door_use setbit buf(), 9, 4, .do_not_hide_leader setbit buf(), 9, 5, .do_not_hide_party setbit buf(), 9, 6, .dismount_ahead setbit buf(), 9, 7, .pass_walls_while_dismounting setbit buf(), 9, 8, .disable_flying_shadow END WITH SaveVehicle file, buf(), vehicle.name, record END SUB SUB SaveVehicle (file as string, veh() as integer, vehname as string, byval record as integer) veh(0) = bound(LEN(vehname), 0, 15) str2array vehname, veh(), 1 storerecord veh(), file, 40, record END SUB SUB ClearVehicle (vehicle as VehicleData) WITH vehicle .speed = 0 .random_battles = 0 .use_button = 0 .menu_button = 0 .riding_tag = 0 .on_mount = 0 .on_dismount = 0 .override_walls = 0 .blocked_by = 0 .mount_from = 0 .dismount_to = 0 .elevation = 0 .pass_walls = NO .pass_npcs = NO .enable_npc_activation = NO .enable_door_use = NO .do_not_hide_leader = NO .do_not_hide_party = NO .dismount_ahead = NO .pass_walls_while_dismounting = NO .disable_flying_shadow = NO END WITH END SUB '========================================================================================== ' UI Colors '========================================================================================== SUB OldDefaultUIColors (colarray() as integer) 'Default UI for Classic OHR master palette 'for upgrading old games that lak an uilook.bin file DIM uidef(uiColors) as integer = _ {0,7,8,14,15,6,7,1,2,18,21,35,37,15,240,10,14,240, _ 18,28,34,44,50,60,66,76,82,92,98,108,114,124,130,140, _ 146,156,162,172,178,188,194,204,210,220,226,236,242,252} DIM i as integer FOR i = 0 TO uiColors colarray(i) = uidef(i) NEXT END SUB SUB DefaultUIColors (colarray() as integer) 'Default UI for NeoTA's new Master palette 'for the filepicker before loading a game. DIM uidef(uiColors) as integer = _ {0,144,80,110,240,102,144,244,215,242,67,212, _ 215,240,0,220,110,0,242,40,211,221,83,90,182, _ 173,100,159,115,60,132,156,98,105,195,204,70, _ 66,217,210,87,82,108,232,54,116,48,160} DIM i as integer FOR i = 0 TO uiColors colarray(i) = uidef(i) NEXT 'DIM hexstring as string 'FOR i = 0 TO uiColors ' hexstring += "&h" & hex(master(uidef(i)).col, 6) & "," 'NEXT 'debug "defaults: " & hexstring END SUB SUB GuessDefaultUIColors (masterpal() as RGBcolor, colarray() as integer) DIM as integer fixeddefaults(uiColors) = {&h000000,&hA19CB0,&h4F595A,&hFFFC62,&hFFFFFF,&h8E6B00,&hA19CB0,_ &h003B95,&h228B22,&h001D48,&h153289,&h154C15,&h228B22,&hFFFFFF,&h000000,&h6BEB61,&hFFFC62,&h000000,_ &h001D48,&h8084D0,&h123D12,&h98FA90,&h500000,&hFF7F7F,&h4F7A54,&hD3F88E,&h5E4600,&hF1EA89,&h471747,_ &hDF90FF,&h76352C,&hD3A560,&h2D2200,&hD7A100,&h4D3836,&hF6D2B6,&h2179D3,&h0E2059,&h3CB23A,&h0E300E,_ &hBF0000,&h340000,&hFFDD30,&hCD8316,&h8236AC,&h5F1F5F,&h2F342E,&hBAABC1} DIM i as integer DIM temp as RGBcolor FOR i = 0 TO 47 temp.col = fixeddefaults(i) colarray(i) = nearcolor(masterpal(), temp.r, temp.g, temp.b) NEXT FOR i = 48 TO 62 'Box border pictures default to zero (none) colarray(i) = 0 NEXT i END SUB SUB LoadUIColors (colarray() as integer, byval palnum as integer=-1) 'load ui colors from data lump DIM filename as string filename = workingdir & SLASH & "uicolors.bin" IF palnum < 0 OR palnum > gen(genMaxMasterPal) OR NOT isfile(filename) THEN DefaultUIColors colarray() EXIT SUB END IF DIM i as integer DIM f as integer f = FREEFILE OPEN filename FOR BINARY ACCESS READ as #f SEEK #f, palnum * getbinsize(binUICOLORS) + 1 FOR i = 0 TO uiColors colarray(i) = ReadShort(f) NEXT i CLOSE f END SUB SUB SaveUIColors (colarray() as integer, byval palnum as integer) DIM filename as string filename = workingdir & SLASH & "uicolors.bin" IF palnum < 0 OR palnum > gen(genMaxMasterPal) THEN debug "SaveUIColors: attempt to save colors out of range " & palnum EXIT SUB END IF DIM i as integer DIM f as integer f = FREEFILE OPEN filename FOR BINARY as #f SEEK #f, palnum * getbinsize(binUICOLORS) + 1 FOR i = 0 TO uiColors WriteShort f, -1, colarray(i) NEXT i CLOSE f END SUB '========================================================================================== ' Textboxes '========================================================================================== SUB LoadTextBox (byref box as TextBox, byval record as integer) DIM boxbuf(dimbinsize(binSAY)) as integer IF record < 0 OR record > gen(genMaxTextBox) THEN debug "LoadTextBox: invalid record: " & record IF record <> 0 THEN LoadTextBox box, 0 EXIT SUB END IF DIM filename as string filename = game & ".say" loadrecord boxbuf(), filename, getbinsize(binSAY) \ 2, record DIM i as integer '--Populate TextBox object WITH box '--Load lines of text FOR i = 0 TO 7 .text(i) = STRING(38, 0) array2str boxbuf(), i * 38, .text(i) .text(i) = RTRIM(.text(i), CHR(0)) '--Trim off any trailing ASCII zeroes NEXT i '--Gather conditional data '--transpose conditional data from its dumb-as-toast non-int-aligned location DIM condtemp as string DIM condbuf(20) as integer condtemp = STRING(42, 0) array2str boxbuf(), 305, condtemp str2array condtemp, condbuf(), 0 '--Get conditional data .instead_tag = bound(condbuf(0), -max_tag(), max_tag()) .instead = bound(condbuf(1), -32767, gen(genMaxTextbox)) .settag_tag = bound(condbuf(2), -max_tag(), max_tag()) .settag1 = bound(condbuf(3), -max_tag(), max_tag()) .settag2 = bound(condbuf(4), -max_tag(), max_tag()) .battle_tag = bound(condbuf(5), -max_tag(), max_tag()) .battle = bound(condbuf(6), 0, gen(genMaxFormation)) .shop_tag = bound(condbuf(7), -max_tag(), max_tag()) .shop = bound(condbuf(8), -32000, gen(genMaxShop) + 1) .hero_tag = bound(condbuf(9), -max_tag(), max_tag()) .hero_addrem = bound(condbuf(10), -99, 99) .after_tag = bound(condbuf(11), -max_tag(), max_tag()) .after = bound(condbuf(12), -32767, gen(genMaxTextbox)) .money_tag = bound(condbuf(13), -max_tag(), max_tag()) .money = bound(condbuf(14), -32000, 32000) .door_tag = bound(condbuf(15), -max_tag(), max_tag()) .door = bound(condbuf(16), 0, 199) .item_tag = bound(condbuf(17), -max_tag(), max_tag()) .item = bound(condbuf(18), -gen(genMaxItem) - 1, gen(genMaxItem) + 1) .hero_swap = bound(condbuf(19), -99, 99) .hero_lock = bound(condbuf(20), -99, 99) .menu_tag = bound(boxbuf(192), -max_tag(), max_tag()) .menu = bound(boxbuf(199), 0 ,gen(genMaxMenu)) '--Get box bitsets .choice_enabled = xreadbit(boxbuf(), 0, 174) .no_box = xreadbit(boxbuf(), 1, 174) .opaque = xreadbit(boxbuf(), 2, 174) .restore_music = xreadbit(boxbuf(), 3, 174) .portrait_box = xreadbit(boxbuf(), 4, 174) .stop_sound_after = xreadbit(boxbuf(), 5, 174) .backdrop_trans = xreadbit(boxbuf(), 6, 174) '--Get choicebox data FOR i = 0 TO 1 .choice(i) = STRING(15, 0) array2str boxbuf(), 349 + (i * 18), .choice(i) .choice(i) = RTRIM(.choice(i), CHR(0)) 'Trim off trailing ASCII zeroes .choice_tag(i) = boxbuf(182 + (i * 9)) NEXT i '--Get box appearance .vertical_offset = boxbuf(193) .shrink = boxbuf(194) .textcolor = boxbuf(195) ' 0=default .boxstyle = boxbuf(196) .backdrop = boxbuf(197) ' +1 .music = boxbuf(198) ' +1 .sound_effect = boxbuf(205) ' +1 '--Get portrait data .portrait_type = boxbuf(200) .portrait_id = boxbuf(201) .portrait_pal = boxbuf(202) .portrait_pos.x = boxbuf(203) .portrait_pos.y = boxbuf(204) END WITH END SUB SUB SaveTextBox (byref box as TextBox, byval record as integer) DIM boxbuf(dimbinsize(binSAY)) as integer IF record < 0 OR record > gen(genMaxTextBox) THEN debug "SaveTextBox: invalid record: " & record : EXIT SUB DIM filename as string filename = game & ".say" DIM i as integer 'FIXME: not all elements are saved here yet. They will be added as direct boxbuf() access is phased out WITH box '--Transcribe lines of text into the buffer FOR i = 0 TO 7 WHILE LEN(.text(i)) < 38: .text(i) = .text(i) & CHR(0): WEND str2array .text(i), boxbuf(), i * 38 NEXT i '--Transcribe conditional data DIM condbuf(20) as integer condbuf(0) = .instead_tag condbuf(1) = .instead condbuf(2) = .settag_tag condbuf(3) = .settag1 condbuf(4) = .settag2 condbuf(5) = .battle_tag condbuf(6) = .battle condbuf(7) = .shop_tag condbuf(8) = .shop condbuf(9) = .hero_tag condbuf(10) = .hero_addrem condbuf(11) = .after_tag condbuf(12) = .after condbuf(13) = .money_tag condbuf(14) = .money condbuf(15) = .door_tag condbuf(16) = .door condbuf(17) = .item_tag condbuf(18) = .item condbuf(19) = .hero_swap condbuf(20) = .hero_lock DIM condtemp as string condtemp = STRING(42, 0) array2str condbuf(), 0, condtemp str2array condtemp, boxbuf(), 305 boxbuf(192) = .menu_tag boxbuf(199) = .menu '--Save bitsets setbit boxbuf(), 174, 0, .choice_enabled setbit boxbuf(), 174, 1, .no_box setbit boxbuf(), 174, 2, .opaque setbit boxbuf(), 174, 3, .restore_music setbit boxbuf(), 174, 4, .portrait_box setbit boxbuf(), 174, 5, .stop_sound_after setbit boxbuf(), 174, 6, .backdrop_trans setbit boxbuf(), 174, 7, NO 'Unused '--Transcribe choice text FOR i = 0 TO 1 WHILE LEN(.choice(i)) < 15: .choice(i) = .choice(i) & CHR(0): WEND str2array .choice(i), boxbuf(), 349 + (i * 18) 'Also save choice tags boxbuf(182 + (i * 9)) = .choice_tag(i) NEXT i '--Save box appearance boxbuf(193) = .vertical_offset boxbuf(194) = .shrink boxbuf(195) = .textcolor ' 0=default boxbuf(196) = .boxstyle boxbuf(197) = .backdrop ' +1 boxbuf(198) = .music ' +1 boxbuf(205) = .sound_effect ' +1 '--Save portrait data boxbuf(200) = .portrait_type boxbuf(201) = .portrait_id boxbuf(202) = .portrait_pal boxbuf(203) = .portrait_pos.x boxbuf(204) = .portrait_pos.y END WITH storerecord boxbuf(), filename, getbinsize(binSAY) \ 2, record END SUB SUB ClearTextBox (byref box as TextBox) DIM i as integer '--Erase members of TextBox object WITH box '--Load lines of text FOR i = 0 TO 7 .text(i) = "" NEXT i '--Erase conditional data .instead_tag = 0 .instead = 0 .settag_tag = 0 .settag1 = 0 .settag2 = 0 .battle_tag = 0 .battle = 0 .shop_tag = 0 .shop = 0 .hero_tag = 0 .hero_addrem = 0 .hero_swap = 0 .hero_lock = 0 .after_tag = 0 .after = 0 .money_tag = 0 .money = 0 .door_tag = 0 .door = 0 .item_tag = 0 .item = 0 .menu_tag = 0 .menu = 0 '--Clear box bitsets .choice_enabled = NO .no_box = NO .opaque = NO .restore_music = NO '--Clear choicebox data FOR i = 0 TO 1 .choice(i) = "" .choice_tag(i) = 0 NEXT i '--Clear box appearance .vertical_offset = 0 .shrink = -1 .textcolor = 0 .boxstyle = 0 .backdrop = 0 .music = 0 '--Clear character portrait .portrait_box = NO .portrait_type = 0 .portrait_id = 0 .portrait_pal = -1 .portrait_pos.x = 0 .portrait_pos.y = 0 '--Clear sound effect .sound_effect = 0 .stop_sound_after = NO END WITH END SUB '========================================================================================== ' Attacks '========================================================================================== SUB loadoldattackdata (array() as integer, byval index as integer) loadrecord array(), game & ".dt6", 40, index END SUB SUB saveoldattackdata (array() as integer, byval index as integer) storerecord array(), game & ".dt6", 40, index END SUB SUB loadnewattackdata (array() as integer, byval index as integer) DIM size as integer = getbinsize(binATTACK) \ 2 IF size > 0 THEN loadrecord array(), workingdir + SLASH + "attack.bin", size, index END IF END SUB SUB savenewattackdata (array() as integer, byval index as integer) DIM size as integer = getbinsize(binATTACK) \ 2 IF size > 0 THEN storerecord array(), workingdir + SLASH + "attack.bin", size, index END IF END SUB SUB loadattackdata (array() as integer, byval index as integer) loadoldattackdata array(), index DIM size as integer = getbinsize(binATTACK) \ 2 'size of record in RPG file IF size > 0 THEN DIM buf(size - 1) as integer loadnewattackdata buf(), index FOR i as integer = 0 TO size - 1 array(40 + i) = buf(i) NEXT i END IF END SUB SUB loadattackchain (byref ch as AttackDataChain, buf() as integer, byval id_offset as integer, byval rate_offset as integer, byval mode_offset as integer, byval val1_offset as integer, byval val2_offset as integer, byval bits_offset as integer) ch.atk_id = buf(id_offset) ch.rate = buf(rate_offset) ch.mode = buf(mode_offset) ch.val1 = buf(val1_offset) ch.val2 = buf(val2_offset) ch.must_know = xreadbit(buf(), 0, bits_offset) ch.no_delay = xreadbit(buf(), 1, bits_offset) ch.nonblocking = xreadbit(buf(), 2, bits_offset) ch.dont_retarget = xreadbit(buf(), 3, bits_offset) END SUB SUB loadoldattackelementalfail (byref cond as AttackElementCondition, buf() as integer, byval element as integer) WITH cond IF element < 8 THEN IF xreadbit(buf(), 21+element, 20) THEN 'atkdat.fail_vs_elemental_resistance(element) .type = compLt '< 100% damage .value = 1.00 ELSE .type = compNone END IF ELSEIF element < 16 THEN IF xreadbit(buf(), 21+element, 20) THEN 'atkdat.fail_vs_monster_type(element - 8) .type = compGt '> 100% damage from "enemytype#-killer" .value = 1.00 ELSE .type = compNone END IF ELSE .type = compNone END IF END WITH END SUB SUB SerAttackElementCond (cond as AttackElementCondition, buf() as integer, byval index as integer) buf(index) = cond.type buf(index + 1) = CAST(short ptr, @cond.value)[0] buf(index + 2) = CAST(short ptr, @cond.value)[1] END SUB SUB DeSerAttackElementCond (cond as AttackElementCondition, buf() as integer, byval index as integer) cond.type = buf(index) CAST(short ptr, @cond.value)[0] = buf(index + 1) CAST(short ptr, @cond.value)[1] = buf(index + 2) END SUB SUB loadattackdata (byref atkdat as AttackData, byval index as integer) DIM buf(40 + dimbinsize(binATTACK)) as integer loadattackdata buf(), index convertattackdata buf(), atkdat atkdat.id = index END SUB SUB convertattackdata(buf() as integer, byref atkdat as AttackData) WITH atkdat .name = readbadbinstring(buf(), 24, 10, 1) .description = readbinstring(buf(), 73, 38) .picture = buf(0) .pal = buf(1) .anim_pattern = buf(2) .targ_class = buf(3) .targ_set = buf(4) .damage_math = buf(5) .aim_math = buf(6) .base_atk_stat = buf(7) .base_def_stat = buf(58) .mp_cost = buf(8) .hp_cost = buf(9) .money_cost = buf(10) .extra_damage = buf(11) .attacker_anim = buf(14) .attack_anim = buf(15) .attack_delay = buf(16) .turn_delay = buf(319) .hits = buf(17) .targ_stat = buf(18) .prefer_targ = buf(19) .prefer_targ_stat = buf(100) .caption_time = buf(36) .caption = readbinstring(buf(), 37, 38) .caption_delay = buf(57) FOR i as integer = 0 TO 1 WITH .tagset(i) .tag = buf(59 + i*3) .condition = buf(60 + i*3) .tagcheck = buf(61 + i*3) END WITH NEXT i FOR i as integer = 0 TO 2 WITH .item(i) .id = buf(93 + i*2) .number = buf(94 + i*2) END WITH NEXT i IF getfixbit(fixAttackElementFails) THEN FOR i as integer = 0 TO gen(genNumElements) - 1 DeSerAttackElementCond .elemental_fail_conds(i), buf(), 121 + i * 3 NEXT ELSE FOR i as integer = 0 TO gen(genNumElements) - 1 loadoldattackelementalfail .elemental_fail_conds(i), buf(), i NEXT END IF .sound_effect = buf(99) .learn_sound_effect = buf(117) .transmog_enemy = buf(118) .transmog_hp = buf(119) .transmog_stats = buf(120) .override_wep_pic = NO .wep_picture = -1 .wep_pal = -1 IF buf(313) > 0 THEN .override_wep_pic = YES .wep_picture = buf(313) - 1 .wep_pal = buf(314) FOR i as integer = 0 TO 1 .wep_handle(i).x = buf(315 + i * 2) .wep_handle(i).y = buf(316 + i * 2) NEXT i END IF '----Chaining---- loadattackchain .chain, buf(), 12, 13, 101, 102, 103, 104 loadattackchain .elsechain, buf(), 105, 107, 106, 108, 109, 110 loadattackchain .instead, buf(), 111, 113, 112, 114, 115, 116 '----Bitsets---- .cure_instead_of_harm = xreadbit(buf(), 0, 20) .divide_spread_damage = xreadbit(buf(), 1, 20) .absorb_damage = xreadbit(buf(), 2, 20) .unreversable_picture = xreadbit(buf(), 3, 20) .can_steal_item = xreadbit(buf(), 4, 20) FOR i as integer = 0 TO small(15, gen(genNumElements) - 1) .elemental_damage(i) = xreadbit(buf(), 5+i, 20) NEXT FOR i as integer = 16 TO gen(genNumElements) - 1 .elemental_damage(i) = xreadbit(buf(), 80+(i-16), 65) NEXT 'Obsolete: 'FOR i as integer = 0 TO 7 ' .fail_vs_elemental_resistance(i) = xreadbit(buf(), 21+i, 20) ' .fail_vs_monster_type(i) = xreadbit(buf(), 29+i, 20) 'NEXT i FOR i as integer = 0 TO 7 .cannot_target_enemy_slot(i) = xreadbit(buf(), 37+i, 20) NEXT i FOR i as integer = 0 TO 3 .cannot_target_hero_slot(i) = xreadbit(buf(), 45+i, 20) NEXT i .ignore_extra_hits = xreadbit(buf(), 49, 20) .erase_rewards = xreadbit(buf(), 50, 20) .show_damage_without_inflicting = xreadbit(buf(), 51, 20) .store_targ = xreadbit(buf(), 52, 20) .delete_stored_targ = xreadbit(buf(), 53, 20) .automatic_targ = xreadbit(buf(), 54, 20) .show_name = xreadbit(buf(), 55, 20) .do_not_display_damage = xreadbit(buf(), 56, 20) .reset_targ_stat_before_hit = xreadbit(buf(), 57, 20) .allow_cure_to_exceed_maximum = xreadbit(buf(), 58, 20) .useable_outside_battle = xreadbit(buf(), 59, 20) .obsolete_damage_mp = xreadbit(buf(), 60, 20) .do_not_randomize = xreadbit(buf(), 61, 20) .damage_can_be_zero = xreadbit(buf(), 62, 20) .force_run = xreadbit(buf(), 63, 20) .mutable = xreadbit(buf(), 0, 65) .fail_if_targ_poison = xreadbit(buf(), 1, 65) .fail_if_targ_regen = xreadbit(buf(), 2, 65) .fail_if_targ_stun = xreadbit(buf(), 3, 65) .fail_if_targ_mute = xreadbit(buf(), 4, 65) .percent_damage_not_set = xreadbit(buf(), 5, 65) .check_costs_as_weapon = xreadbit(buf(), 6, 65) .no_chain_on_failure = xreadbit(buf(), 7, 65) .reset_poison = xreadbit(buf(), 8, 65) .reset_regen = xreadbit(buf(), 9, 65) .reset_stun = xreadbit(buf(), 10, 65) .reset_mute = xreadbit(buf(), 11, 65) .cancel_targets_attack = xreadbit(buf(), 12, 65) .not_cancellable_by_attacks = xreadbit(buf(), 13, 65) .no_spawn_on_attack = xreadbit(buf(), 14, 65) .no_spawn_on_kill = xreadbit(buf(), 15, 65) .check_costs_as_item = xreadbit(buf(), 16, 65) .recheck_costs_after_delay = xreadbit(buf(), 17, 65) .targ_does_not_flinch = xreadbit(buf(), 18, 65) .do_not_exceed_targ_stat = xreadbit(buf(), 19, 65) .nonblocking = xreadbit(buf(), 20, 65) .force_victory = xreadbit(buf(), 21, 65) .force_battle_exit = xreadbit(buf(), 22, 65) END WITH END SUB SUB saveattackdata (array() as integer, byval index as integer) saveoldattackdata array(), index DIM size as integer = curbinsize(binATTACK) \ 2 DIM buf(size - 1) as integer FOR i as integer = 0 TO size - 1 buf(i) = array(40 + i) NEXT i savenewattackdata buf(), index END SUB '========================================================================================== ' Tile animation patterns '========================================================================================== SUB loadtanim (byval n as integer, tastuf() as integer) setpicstuf tastuf(), 80, -1 loadset game & ".tap", n, 0 END SUB SUB savetanim (byval n as integer, tastuf() as integer) setpicstuf tastuf(), 80, -1 storeset game & ".tap", n, 0 END SUB '========================================================================================== ' 16-color palettes '========================================================================================== SUB getpal16 (array() as integer, byval aoffset as integer, byval foffset as integer, byval autotype as integer=-1, byval sprite as integer=0) DIM buf(8) as integer DIM defaultpal as integer DIM i as integer loadrecord buf(), game & ".pal", 8, 0 IF buf(0) = 4444 THEN '--check magic number IF buf(1) >= foffset AND foffset >= 0 THEN 'palette is available loadrecord buf(), game & ".pal", 8, 1 + foffset FOR i = 0 TO 7 array(aoffset * 8 + i) = buf(i) NEXT i EXIT SUB ELSEIF foffset = -1 THEN 'load a default palette IF autotype >= 0 THEN defaultpal = getdefaultpal(autotype, sprite) IF defaultpal > -1 THEN 'Recursive getpal16 array(), aoffset, defaultpal EXIT SUB END IF END IF END IF 'palette is out of range, return blank FOR i = 0 TO 7 array(aoffset * 8 + i) = 0 NEXT i ELSE '--magic number not found, palette is still in BSAVE format DIM xbuf(100 * 8) as integer xbload game + ".pal", xbuf(), "16-color palettes missing from " + sourcerpg FOR i = 0 TO 7 array(aoffset * 8 + i) = xbuf(foffset * 8 + i) NEXT i END IF END SUB SUB storepal16 (array() as integer, byval aoffset as integer, byval foffset as integer) DIM buf(8) as integer DIM f as string = game & ".pal" loadrecord buf(), f, 8, 0 IF buf(0) <> 4444 THEN showerror "Did not save 16-color palette: file appears corrupt" EXIT SUB END IF DIM last as integer = buf(1) DIM i as integer IF foffset > last THEN '--blank out palettes before extending file FOR i = last + 1 TO foffset flusharray buf(), 8, 0 storerecord buf(), f, 8, 1 + i NEXT i '--update header buf(0) = 4444 buf(1) = foffset storerecord buf(), f, 8, 0 END IF IF foffset >= 0 THEN '--never write a negative file offset 'copy palette to buffer FOR i = 0 TO 7 buf(i) = array(aoffset * 8 + i) NEXT i 'write palette storerecord buf(), f, 8, 1 + foffset END IF Palette16_update_cache f, foffset #IFDEF IS_CUSTOM IF slave_channel <> NULL_CHANNEL THEN channel_write_line slave_channel, "PAL " & foffset #ENDIF END SUB '========================================================================================== ' Items '========================================================================================== SUB loaditemdata (array() as integer, byval index as integer) flusharray array(), dimbinsize(binITM), 0 IF index > gen(genMaxItem) THEN debug "loaditemdata:" & index & " out of range" : EXIT SUB IF loadrecord(array(), game & ".itm", getbinsize(binITM) \ 2, index) = 0 THEN debug "loaditemdata:" & index & " loadrecord failed" EXIT SUB END IF END SUB SUB saveitemdata (array() as integer, byval index as integer) storerecord array(), game & ".itm", getbinsize(binITM) \ 2, index END SUB FUNCTION LoadOldItemElemental (itembuf() as integer, byval element as integer) as SINGLE IF element < 8 THEN RETURN backcompat_element_dmg(readbit(itembuf(), 70, element), readbit(itembuf(), 70, 8 + element), readbit(itembuf(), 70, 16 + element)) ELSE RETURN 1.0f END IF END FUNCTION SUB LoadItemElementals (byval index as integer, itemresists() as SINGLE) DIM itembuf(dimbinsize(binITM)) as integer loaditemdata itembuf(), index REDIM itemresists(gen(genNumElements) - 1) IF getfixbit(fixItemElementals) THEN FOR i as integer = 0 TO gen(genNumElements) - 1 itemresists(i) = DeSerSingle(itembuf(), 82 + i * 2) NEXT ELSE FOR i as integer = 0 TO gen(genNumElements) - 1 itemresists(i) = LoadOldItemElemental(itembuf(), i) NEXT END IF END SUB FUNCTION get_item_stack_size (byval item_id as integer) as integer DIM itembuf(dimbinsize(binITM)) as integer loaditemdata itembuf(), item_id DIM stacksize as integer = itembuf(210) IF stacksize = 0 THEN stacksize = gen(genItemStackSize) RETURN stacksize END FUNCTION '========================================================================================== ' Enemies '========================================================================================== FUNCTION backcompat_element_dmg(byval weak as integer, byval strong as integer, byval absorb as integer) as DOUBLE DIM dmg as DOUBLE = 1.0 IF weak THEN dmg *= 2 IF strong THEN dmg *= 0.12 IF absorb THEN dmg = -dmg RETURN dmg END FUNCTION FUNCTION loadoldenemyresist(array() as integer, byval element as integer) as SINGLE IF element < 8 THEN DIM as integer weak, strong, absorb weak = xreadbit(array(), 0 + element, 74) strong = xreadbit(array(), 8 + element, 74) absorb = xreadbit(array(), 16 + element, 74) RETURN backcompat_element_dmg(weak, strong, absorb) ELSEIF element < 16 THEN DIM as integer enemytype enemytype = xreadbit(array(), 24 + (element - 8), 74) RETURN IIF(enemytype, 1.8f, 1.0f) ELSE RETURN 1.0f END IF END FUNCTION SUB clearenemydata (enemy as EnemyDef) memset @enemy, 0, sizeof(enemy) enemy.pal = -1 'default palette '--elemental resists FOR i as integer = 0 TO 63 enemy.elementals(i) = 1.0f NEXT END SUB SUB clearenemydata (buf() as integer) flusharray buf(), dimbinsize(binDT1) buf(54) = -1 'default palette '--elemental resists FOR i as integer = 0 TO 63 SerSingle buf(), 239 + i*2, 1.0f NEXT END SUB 'Note that this form of loadenemydata does not do fixEnemyElementals fixes! 'Don't use this anywhere in Game where those need to be applied! (Of course, 'you probably would never use this in Game) SUB loadenemydata (array() as integer, byval index as integer, byval altfile as bool = NO) DIM filename as string IF altfile THEN filename = tmpdir & "dt1.tmp" ELSE filename = game & ".dt1" END IF loadrecord array(), filename, getbinsize(binDT1) \ 2, index END SUB SUB loadenemydata (enemy as EnemyDef, byval index as integer, byval altfile as bool = NO) DIM buf(dimbinsize(binDT1)) as integer loadenemydata buf(), index, altfile WITH enemy .name = readbadbinstring(buf(), 0, 16) .steal.thievability = buf(17) .steal.item = buf(18) .steal.item_rate = buf(19) .steal.rare_item = buf(20) .steal.rare_item_rate = buf(21) .dissolve = buf(22) .dissolve_length = buf(23) .death_sound = buf(24) .cursor_offset.x = buf(25) .cursor_offset.y = buf(26) .pic = buf(53) .pal = buf(54) .size = buf(55) .reward.gold = buf(56) .reward.exper = buf(57) .reward.item = buf(58) .reward.item_rate = buf(59) .reward.rare_item = buf(60) .reward.rare_item_rate = buf(61) FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(.stat.sta) .stat.sta(i) = buf(62 + i) NEXT i '--bitsets .harmed_by_cure = xreadbit(buf(), 54, 74) .mp_idiot = xreadbit(buf(), 55, 74) .is_boss = xreadbit(buf(), 56, 74) .unescapable = xreadbit(buf(), 57, 74) .die_without_boss = xreadbit(buf(), 58, 74) .flee_instead_of_die = xreadbit(buf(), 59, 74) .enemy_untargetable = xreadbit(buf(), 60, 74) .hero_untargetable = xreadbit(buf(), 61, 74) .death_unneeded = xreadbit(buf(), 62, 74) .never_flinch = xreadbit(buf(), 63, 74) .ignore_for_alone = xreadbit(buf(), 64, 74) '--elementals IF getfixbit(fixEnemyElementals) THEN FOR i as integer = 0 TO gen(genNumElements) - 1 .elementals(i) = DeSerSingle(buf(), 239 + i*2) NEXT ELSE FOR i as integer = 0 TO gen(genNumElements) - 1 .elementals(i) = loadoldenemyresist(buf(), i) NEXT END IF '--spawning .spawn.on_death = buf(79) .spawn.non_elemental_death = buf(80) .spawn.when_alone = buf(81) .spawn.non_elemental_hit = buf(82) FOR i as integer = 0 TO gen(genNumElements) - 1 IF i <= 7 THEN .spawn.elemental_hit(i) = buf(83 + i) ELSE .spawn.elemental_hit(i) = buf(183 + (i - 8)) END IF NEXT i .spawn.how_many = buf(91) '--attacks FOR i as integer = 0 TO 4 .regular_ai(i) = buf(92 + i) .desperation_ai(i) = buf(97 + i) .alone_ai(i) = buf(102 + i) NEXT i '--counter-attacks FOR i as integer = 0 TO gen(genNumElements) - 1 IF i <= 7 THEN .elem_counter_attack(i) = buf(107 + i) ELSE .elem_counter_attack(i) = buf(127 + (i - 8)) END IF NEXT i FOR i as integer = 0 TO 11 .stat_counter_attack(i) = buf(115 + i) NEXT i .bequest_attack = buf(367) END WITH END SUB SUB saveenemydata (array() as integer, byval index as integer, byval altfile as bool = NO) DIM filename as string IF altfile THEN filename = tmpdir & "dt1.tmp" ELSE filename = game & ".dt1" END IF storerecord array(), filename, getbinsize(binDT1) \ 2, index END SUB SUB saveenemydata (enemy as EnemyDef, byval index as integer, byval altfile as bool = NO) DIM buf(dimbinsize(binDT1)) as integer WITH enemy buf(0) = LEN(.name) FOR i as integer = 1 TO LEN(.name) buf(i) = ASC(MID(.name, i, 1)) NEXT i buf(17) = .steal.thievability buf(18) = .steal.item buf(19) = .steal.item_rate buf(20) = .steal.rare_item buf(21) = .steal.rare_item_rate buf(22) = .dissolve buf(23) = .dissolve_length buf(24) = .death_sound buf(25) = .cursor_offset.x buf(26) = .cursor_offset.y buf(53) = .pic buf(54) = .pal buf(55) = .size buf(56) = .reward.gold buf(57) = .reward.exper buf(58) = .reward.item buf(59) = .reward.item_rate buf(60) = .reward.rare_item buf(61) = .reward.rare_item_rate FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(.stat.sta) buf(62 + i) = .stat.sta(i) NEXT i '--bitsets setbit buf(), 74, 54, .harmed_by_cure setbit buf(), 74, 55, .mp_idiot setbit buf(), 74, 56, .is_boss setbit buf(), 74, 57, .unescapable setbit buf(), 74, 58, .die_without_boss setbit buf(), 74, 59, .flee_instead_of_die setbit buf(), 74, 60, .enemy_untargetable setbit buf(), 74, 61, .hero_untargetable setbit buf(), 74, 62, .death_unneeded setbit buf(), 74, 63, .never_flinch setbit buf(), 74, 64, .ignore_for_alone '--spawning buf(79) = .spawn.on_death buf(80) = .spawn.non_elemental_death buf(81) = .spawn.when_alone buf(82) = .spawn.non_elemental_hit 'Blank out unused spawns to be save: don't want to have to zero stuff out 'if gen(genNumElements) increases FOR i as integer = gen(genNumElements) TO 63 .spawn.elemental_hit(i) = 0 NEXT FOR i as integer = 0 TO 7 buf(83 + i) = .spawn.elemental_hit(i) NEXT i FOR i as integer = 8 TO 63 buf(183 + (i - 8)) = .spawn.elemental_hit(i) NEXT i buf(91) = .spawn.how_many '--attacks FOR i as integer = 0 TO 4 buf(92 + i) = .regular_ai(i) buf(97 + i) = .desperation_ai(i) buf(102 + i) = .alone_ai(i) NEXT i '--counter attacks FOR i as integer = gen(genNumElements) TO 63 .elem_counter_attack(i) = 0 NEXT FOR i as integer = 0 TO 7 buf(107 + i) = .elem_counter_attack(i) NEXT FOR i as integer = 8 TO 63 buf(127 + (i - 8)) = .elem_counter_attack(i) NEXT i FOR i as integer = 0 TO 11 buf(115 + i) = .stat_counter_attack(i) NEXT i '--elemental resists FOR i as integer = 0 TO 63 DIM outval as single = 1.0f IF i < gen(genNumElements) THEN outval = .elementals(i) END IF SerSingle buf(), 239 + i*2, outval NEXT END WITH saveenemydata buf(), index, altfile END SUB '========================================================================================== ' Formations & Formation Sets '========================================================================================== SUB ClearFormation (form as Formation) WITH form FOR i as integer = 0 TO 7 .slots(i).id = -1 '--default to empty slots .slots(i).pos.x = 0 .slots(i).pos.y = 0 NEXT .music = -1 'maybe this should be gen(genBatMusic) - 1 .background = 0 .background_frames = 1 .background_ticks = 0 END WITH END SUB SUB LoadFormation (form as Formation, byval index as integer) #IFDEF IS_GAME LoadFormation form, tmpdir & "for.tmp", index #ELSE LoadFormation form, game & ".for", index #ENDIF END SUB SUB LoadFormation (form as Formation, filename as string, byval index as integer) DIM formdata(39) as integer IF loadrecord(formdata(), filename, 40, index) = 0 THEN debug "LoadFormation: invalid index " & index ClearFormation form EXIT SUB END IF WITH form FOR i as integer = 0 TO 7 .slots(i).id = formdata(i * 4) - 1 .slots(i).pos.x = formdata(i * 4 + 1) .slots(i).pos.y = formdata(i * 4 + 2) NEXT .background = formdata(32) .music = formdata(33) - 1 .background_frames = bound(formdata(34) + 1, 1, gen(genNumBackdrops)) .background_ticks = formdata(35) END WITH END SUB SUB SaveFormation (form as Formation, byval index as integer) #IFDEF IS_GAME SaveFormation form, tmpdir & "for.tmp", index #ELSE SaveFormation form, game & ".for", index #ENDIF END SUB SUB SaveFormation (form as Formation, filename as string, byval index as integer) DIM formdata(39) as integer WITH form FOR i as integer = 0 TO 7 formdata(i * 4) = .slots(i).id + 1 formdata(i * 4 + 1) = .slots(i).pos.x formdata(i * 4 + 2) = .slots(i).pos.y NEXT formdata(32) = .background formdata(33) = .music + 1 formdata(34) = .background_frames - 1 formdata(35) = .background_ticks END WITH storerecord(formdata(), filename, 40, index) END SUB 'index is formation set number, starting from 1! SUB LoadFormationSet (formset as FormationSet, byval index as integer) DIM formsetdata(24) as integer IF index < 1 ORELSE loadrecord(formsetdata(), game & ".efs", 25, index - 1) = 0 THEN debug "LoadFormationSet: invalid formation set " & index END IF formset.frequency = formsetdata(0) FOR i as integer = 0 TO 19 formset.formations(i) = formsetdata(1 + i) - 1 NEXT formset.tag = formsetdata(21) END SUB SUB SaveFormationSet (formset as FormationSet, byval index as integer) IF index < 1 THEN debug "SaveFormationSet: invalid formation set " & index EXIT SUB END IF DIM formsetdata(24) as integer formsetdata(0) = formset.frequency FOR i as integer = 0 TO 19 formsetdata(1 + i) = formset.formations(i) + 1 NEXT formsetdata(21) = formset.tag storerecord(formsetdata(), game & ".efs", 25, index - 1) END SUB '========================================================================================== ' Scripts '========================================================================================== 'reads ths HS/HSS header lump of a .hs/.hsp file SUB load_hsp_header(filename as string, header as HSHeader) WITH header .valid = NO DIM fh as integer = FREEFILE IF OPEN(filename FOR INPUT AS #fh) THEN debug "load_hsp_header: Could not open " & filename EXIT SUB END IF DIM buf as string LINE INPUT #fh, buf IF MID(buf, 1, 12) <> "HamsterSpeak" THEN debug "load_hsp_header: bad header '" & buf & "'" CLOSE fh EXIT SUB END IF .valid = YES IF buf = "HamsterSpeak" THEN 'New header format INPUT #fh, .hspeak_version INPUT #fh, .hsp_format INPUT #fh, .plotscr_version INPUT #fh, .script_format INPUT #fh, .max_function_id ELSE 'Old format 'Next two characters are major version as a short: take one byte, skip the next 'Then append minor version (as a string) .hspeak_version = CAST(integer, buf[12]) & MID(buf, 15) .plotscr_version = "" .script_format = 0 .hsp_format = 0 .max_function_id = 0 END IF 'debug "HS header: hspeak ver='" & .hspeak_version & "' plotscr ver='" & .plotscr_version & "' hsp ver=" & .hsp_format & " hsz ver=" & .script_format & " max func=" & .max_function_id CLOSE fh END WITH END SUB 'Load script triggers lookup table 'There's a lot of similar loading code in importscripts. I think ideally it should be rewritten SUB load_lookup1_bin(table() as TriggerData) DIM as integer fh = FREEFILE IF OPEN(workingdir + SLASH + "lookup1.bin" FOR BINARY AS #fh) THEN 'failure REDIM table(-1 TO -1) EXIT SUB END IF DIM as integer records = LOF(fh) \ 40 REDIM table(-1 TO records - 1) DIM buf(19) as integer FOR j as integer = 0 TO records - 1 loadrecord buffer(), fh, 20, j table(j).id = buffer(0) table(j).name = readbinstring(buffer(), 1, 36) NEXT CLOSE fh END SUB '========================================================================================== ' Misc '========================================================================================== SUB save_string_list(array() as string, filename as string) DIM fh as integer = FREEFILE OPEN filename FOR BINARY ACCESS WRITE as #fh DIM s as string FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(array) s = escape_nonprintable_ascii(array(i)) & CHR(10) PUT #fh, , s NEXT i CLOSE #fh END SUB SUB load_string_list(array() as string, filename as string) DIM lines as integer = 0 IF isfile(filename) THEN DIM fh as integer = FREEFILE OPEN filename FOR INPUT ACCESS READ as #fh DIM s as string DO WHILE NOT EOF(fh) '--get the next line LINE INPUT #fh, s '--if the array is not big enough to hold the new line, make it bigger IF lines > UBOUND(array) THEN REDIM PRESERVE array(lines) as string END IF '--store the string in the array array(lines) = decode_backslash_codes(s) '--ready for the next line lines += 1 LOOP CLOSE #fh END IF IF lines = 0 THEN '--special case for no file/lines: REDIM arr(-1) is illegal REDIM array(0) ELSE '--resize the array to fit the number of lines loaded REDIM PRESERVE array(lines - 1) as string END IF END SUB FUNCTION load_map_pos_save_offset(byval mapnum as integer) as XYPair DIM offset as XYPair DIM gmaptmp(dimbinsize(binMAP)) as integer loadrecord gmaptmp(), game & ".map", getbinsize(binMAP) \ 2, mapnum offset.x = gmaptmp(20) offset.y = gmaptmp(21) RETURN offset END FUNCTION '========================================================================================== ' General data '========================================================================================== FUNCTION load_gamename (filename as string="") as string DIM f as string IF filename = "" THEN '-default filename f = workingdir & SLASH & "browse.txt" ELSE f = filename END IF IF NOT isfile(f) THEN RETURN "" DIM tempbuf(79) as integer IF loadrecord(tempbuf(), f, 40) THEN RETURN readbinstring(tempbuf(), 0, 38) END IF debug "Couldn't open browse.txt" RETURN "" END FUNCTION FUNCTION load_aboutline (filename as string="") as string DIM f as string IF filename = "" THEN '-default filename f = workingdir & SLASH & "browse.txt" ELSE f = filename END IF IF NOT isfile(f) THEN RETURN "" DIM tempbuf(79) as integer IF loadrecord(tempbuf(), f, 40) THEN RETURN readbinstring(tempbuf(), 20, 38) END IF debug "Couldn't open browse.txt" RETURN "" END FUNCTION SUB save_gamename (s as string, filename as string="") DIM f as string IF filename = "" THEN '-default filename f = workingdir & SLASH & "browse.txt" ELSE f = filename END IF DIM tempbuf(79) as integer loadrecord tempbuf(), f, 40 writebinstring s, tempbuf(), 0, 38 storerecord tempbuf(), f, 40 END SUB SUB save_aboutline (s as string, filename as string="") DIM f as string IF filename = "" THEN '-default filename f = workingdir & SLASH & "browse.txt" ELSE f = filename END IF DIM tempbuf(79) as integer loadrecord tempbuf(), f, 40 writebinstring s, tempbuf(), 20, 38 storerecord tempbuf(), f, 40 END SUB 'Create the editor_version (general.reld) or game_client (RSAV) node SUB write_engine_version_node(byval parent as NodePtr, nodename as string) DIM ch as NodePtr ch = SetChildNode(parent, nodename, "OHRRPGCE") SetChildNode(ch, "long_version", long_version & " " & build_info) SetChildNode(ch, "branch_name", version_branch) SetChildNode(ch, "build_date", version_date) 'version_revision is 0 if verprint could not determine it IF version_revision <> 0 THEN SetChildNode(ch, "revision", version_revision) IF version_branch_revision <> 0 THEN SetChildNode(ch, "branch_revision", version_branch_revision) END SUB 'Write new data. 'NOTE: Assumes general.reld document not currently open! 'In future we probably will want to have it open and loaded all the time, 'but for now it merely stores version info which is updated when upgrading SUB update_general_data () DIM filename as string = workingdir & SLASH & "general.reld" DIM doc as DocPtr IF isfile(filename) THEN doc = LoadDocument(filename, optNoDelay) IF doc = 0 THEN debuginfo "general.reld not present, creating" doc = CreateDocument() END IF DIM root_node as NodePtr root_node = DocumentRoot(doc) IF root_node = 0 THEN root_node = CreateNode(doc, "general_data") SetRootNode(doc, root_node) END IF DIM vernode as NodePtr vernode = root_node."editor_version".ptr IF vernode THEN IF vernode."revision" <> version_revision OR vernode."branch_name".string <> version_branch THEN 'Archive previously used editor version (appending to end) DIM prevvernode as NodePtr prevvernode = ChildNode(root_node, "prev_editor_versions") AddChild(prevvernode, vernode) vernode = NULL END IF END IF IF vernode = NULL THEN write_engine_version_node(root_node, "editor_version") END IF SerializeBin filename, doc FreeDocument doc END SUB '========================================================================================== ' Distrib data '========================================================================================== SUB load_distrib_state(byref distinfo as DistribState) DIM filename as string = workingdir & SLASH & "distrib.reld" load_distrib_state distinfo, filename END SUB SUB load_distrib_state(byref distinfo as DistribState, filename as string) DIM doc as DocPtr doc = LoadDocument(filename, optNoDelay) IF doc = 0 THEN debuginfo "distrib doc not found, create it" doc = CreateDocument() END IF DIM root_node as NodePtr root_node = DocumentRoot(doc) IF root_node = 0 THEN root_node = CreateNode(doc, "distrib") SetRootNode(doc, root_node) END IF load_distrib_state distinfo, root_node FreeDocument doc END SUB SUB load_distrib_state(byref distinfo as DistribState, byval node as Reload.NodePtr) IF NodeName(node) <> "distrib" THEN debug "root node is not distrib" READNODE node, default distinfo.pkgname = node."pkgname".string distinfo.gamename = node."gamename".string distinfo.author = node."author".string distinfo.email = node."email".string distinfo.website = node."website".string distinfo.description = node."description".string distinfo.more_description = node."more_description".string distinfo.license = node."license".string distinfo.copyright_year = node."copyright_year".string END READNODE '--Set up defaults IF distinfo.pkgname = "" THEN distinfo.pkgname = trimextension(trimpath(sourcerpg)) IF distinfo.gamename = "" THEN distinfo.gamename = special_char_sanitize(load_gamename) IF distinfo.gamename = "" THEN distinfo.gamename = distinfo.pkgname END IF IF distinfo.copyright_year = "" THEN distinfo.copyright_year = MID(DATE, 7, 4) IF distinfo.license = "" THEN distinfo.license = "COPYRIGHT" END SUB SUB save_distrib_state(byref distinfo as DistribState) DIM filename as string = workingdir & SLASH & "distrib.reld" save_distrib_state distinfo, filename END SUB SUB save_distrib_state(byref distinfo as DistribState, filename as string) DIM doc as DocPtr doc = CreateDocument() DIM root_node as NodePtr root_node = CreateNode(doc, "distrib") SetRootNode(doc, root_node) save_distrib_state distinfo, root_node SerializeBin filename, doc FreeDocument doc END SUB SUB save_distrib_state(byref distinfo as DistribState, byval node as Reload.NodePtr) IF distinfo.pkgname <> trimextension(trimpath(sourcerpg)) THEN SetChildNode node, "pkgname", distinfo.pkgname END IF IF distinfo.gamename <> special_char_sanitize(load_gamename) THEN SetChildNode node, "gamename", distinfo.gamename END IF SetChildNode node, "author", distinfo.author SetChildNode node, "email", distinfo.email SetChildNode node, "website", distinfo.website SetChildNode node, "description", distinfo.description SetChildNode node, "more_description", distinfo.more_description SetChildNode node, "license", distinfo.license SetChildNode node, "copyright_year", distinfo.copyright_year END SUB