'OHRRPGCE RELUMP - RPG File relumping utility '(C) Copyright 2006 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) ' ' Compile with makeutil.sh or makeutil.bat #ifdef LANG_DEPRECATED #define __langtok #lang __langtok "deprecated" OPTION STATIC OPTION EXPLICIT #endif #include "config.bi" #include "util.bi" #include "const.bi" #include "file.bi" #include "lumpfile.bi" #include "common_base.bi" DIM olddir as string = curdir IF COMMAND = "" THEN PRINT "O.H.R.RPG.C.E. lumping utility" PRINT "" PRINT "syntax:" PRINT "relump folder filename" PRINT "" PRINT "A utility to package the contents of a folder into an OHRRPGCE" PRINT "lumpfile, such as an .RPG file" PRINT "" PRINT "Windows users can drag-and-drop their rpgdir folder onto this program" PRINT "to relump it." PRINT "" PRINT "[Press a Key]" DIM dummy as string = readkey() fatalerror "" END IF DIM src as string = COMMAND(1) DIM dest as string = COMMAND(2) IF RIGHT(src,1)=SLASH THEN src=LEFT(src,LEN(src)-1) IF NOT isdir(src) THEN IF isfile(src) THEN fatalerror src + "' is a file, not a folder" fatalerror "rpgdir folder `" + src + "' was not found" END IF IF dest = "" THEN IF RIGHT(src,7) = ".rpgdir" THEN dest = trimextension(src) + ".rpg" ELSE fatalerror "please specify an output folder" END IF END IF PRINT "From " + src + " to " + dest IF isfile(dest) THEN PRINT "destination file " + dest + " already exists. Replace it? (y/n)" DIM w as string w = readkey IF w <> "Y" AND w <> "y" THEN SYSTEM END IF IF isdir(dest) THEN fatalerror "destination file " + dest + " already exists as a folder." '--build the list of files to lump REDIM filelist() as string findfiles src, ALLFILES, fileTypefile, NO, filelist() fixlumporder filelist() '---relump data into lumpfile package--- lumpfiles filelist(), dest, src + SLASH