The map editor is in Zone Mapping mode, single zone editing submode. A zone simply marks out part of the map; think of it like a map layer with two states per tile: included in the zone, or not. This submode is for editing a single zone at a time. You can place each tile in multiple zones (up to 15) and you can create 9999 zones per map. Zones may be used for restricting NPC movement, and for scripted effects. F2 switch to picture mode F3 switch to passability mode F4 switch to door placement mode F5 switch to NPC placement mode F6 switch to foemap mode F7 switch to zonemap mode Z to switch to zone viewing submode. Use the arrow keys to move around the map. Use SHIFT+arrow keys to move around the map faster. Press < and > or PageDown and PageUp to change the current zone number, or type in an ID number. There's no need to use sequential ID numbers. Press E to go to the zone info editor, where you can edit the triggers attached to this zone. If the current tool isn't the Draw tool, press + or - to toggle whether you are adding or removing tiles. At the top right corner the current drawing tool is shown. Press SPACE to draw the zone. The tools are: D - Draw tool: Press SPACE to add or remove the selected tile to the current zone. You can hold down space and move the cursor. B - Box tool: Press SPACE once to place one corner of the box, and SPACE a second time at the opposite corner to add or remove a rectangle of tiles to the zone. F - Fill (Paint bucket) tool: Flood fills the continuous region under the cursor of tiles either in the zone or not. P - Paint on Layer # tool: Finds the continuous area on the current tilemap layer under the cursor, and adds/removes all those tiles from the zone; like a flood fill of a map layer except that the map layer isn't modified. You can use PageDown and PageUp to change the selected layer. For example, you could use this to 'paint' a road with a zone. M - Mark tool: Use to select a rectangular of the map to copy. Press SPACE once to place one corner of the rectangle, and SPACE a second time at the opposite corner. The tool will then be changed to the Clone tool. Mark copies the visible tilemap layers, wallmap, foemap, and zones in the rectangle. C - Clone tool: Press SPACE to paste a selection copied with the Mark tool. You can switch to different editing modes to preview the changes to walls, foemap, and zones. If default passability is on (press CTRL+D to toggle), the wallmap will updated using default walls instead of the copied walls. Only visible map layers are modified (press ALT+~ to toggle visibility of the current map layer), so a map layer has to be visible both when Marking and when Cloning. Also, CTRL+W paints (adds or removes) the tiles visible in the window/screen to/from the zone. CTRL+Z undoes a change to the tilemap, wallmap, foemap or zonemap. Changes to NPCs and doors are not undoable. The undo history buffer is near-infinite, but certain things cause it to be cleared: resizing the map, deleting or swapping map layers, erasing map data, and leaving the map editor. CTRL+Y redoes an undone change. CTRL+S immediately saves, useful when live-previewing a game. Pressing DELETE removes the selected tile from the zone. Pressing TAB toggles a minimap that shows the selected zone, and what part of the map you are currently looking at. ~ shows a preview of the entire map.