In this menu you can customize the visual display of the text box. Use the Up and Down arrow keys (or PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End) to navigate the menu. Use the Left and Right arrow keys to change values, or you can type in numbers. The text box will act as a preview for what the player will see. Position: Change the vertical position of the text box onscreen. Shrink: Change the vertical height of the box. 0 signifies no shrink, and is the largest a text box can be. Going left from 0, or pressing -, sets the shrink to "auto" which means the text box will size itself to fit snugly around the last line of text. Textcolor: Choose the color of the text. Press ENTER or SPACE to see the whole palette to choose from. Box style: Choose the color of the textbox background. There are only 15 choices (0-14), but you can change them in the Graphics Editor under User Interface Colors. Backdrop: Choose a special fullscreen backdrop to be displayed while this text box is present. Import backdrops in the Graphics Editor. Music: Choose a special song to start playing when this text box is displayed. Import songs in the Main Menu. Show Box: You can optionally turn off the box to just show the text alone. Translucent: You can optionally make the textbox's background color "translucent". Restore Music: You can set this text box to restore the map's ambient music when it is displayed. Set the map's ambient music in the Map Editor. Portrait Type: You can show a character portrait attached to the text box. Draw your portraits in the Graphics Editor first. * Fixed - Portrait ID will be the ID number of the portrait. Use this if you knkow who will be speaking. * Hero (by caterpillar order) - Portrait ID will be a position in the caterpillar party (0-3, empty slots are skipped), and the portrait will be that of the corresponding hero at the time. Use this if you want a hero to speak but can't be sure which hero the player will be using. * Hero (by party order) - Same as above except that empty slots in the party are NOT skipped, and you can choose heroes not in the current walkabout party. Portrait Palette: "default" is the 16-color palette you used to draw the portrait, but you can change it with the arrow keys or by pressing ENTER or SPACE to browse your available palettes. Portrait Box: Choose whether or not to show a box around the portrait. Position Portrait: Position where the portrait will appear onscreen. Sound Effect: Choose a special sound effect to play when this text box is displayed. Stop sound after box: Have the game automatically stop the sound effect when the player proceeds past this text box. Transparent Backdrop: This only matters if the text box has a backdrop. If YES, color 0 will be transparent, and will allow the map to show through behind the backdrop.