Vikings of Midgard (C) Copyright 2012 Fenrir-Lunaris. this game is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Graphics by Fenrir-Lunaris. « They may be used or altered for your own purposes without any need to credit their original source (though it would be awfully nice if you did!) Music by Artimus Bena, Moogle1, Setu Firestorm, Cartlemmy, Jeremy Jacobs, Fenrir-Lunaris, & the Public Domain. « As far as I'm aware, all the music files in the game can be used for your own purposes as well, though the original authors should be credited for their work. « A few sound effects have been edited and used from the "Arfenhouse" movies with permission from Misteroo. They are NOT in the public domain. _____________________________________ The likenesses and depictions of many people's characters and intellectual property have been used with permission, and are either intended as a tribute or parody of their original works. This *IS* a game about the O.H.R.RPG.C.E community after all! Without exception, if a character in this game has a NAME, then it belongs to someone, and the authors of this game stake no claim on them. Said authors are as follows... _____________________________________ Fenrir-Lunaris « Most of the main cast Artimus Bena « Eldardeen, (Himself) Moogle1 « Rancher Sam, (Himself), Dummefaust Gizmog « (Himself) JSH357 « OHR house, DUCK Surlaw « Surlaw (Whalepunch), Bob Surlaw, Walrusman, Dr. Mu, Musclemen, Yuk James Paige « Bob the Hamster, Vlad the Hamster Plips Hiryo « Kouryuu, Kirin, Leo, Youji, Hiryo Thellos « Vellan, Azerith, Ivory, Zidane Elloris, Inara, Kiri, Skadi Smokescale Aquatos « Shayna, Sirius Deam Nitrel « Deam (Himself) XxSkyxX « Sky (Himself) Shadowiii « Julia, Shadowiii (Himself) Red Maverick Zero « Josh, Mr Triangle, Slither, That horrible flying thing you fight in Alfheim that you DON'T want to know what it actuall is, (Himself), Rachael Firewulff « Dogero, Mi'La, Pyrus, Johan, Gahn, Anon, Gitleh, Fedora, Shoda, Nyx, Grinlow, Sword of Jade Charbile « (Himself) Misteroo « Housemaster, E/G Kitty, Joe, Woogy, My Friend Amy, Billy, Arfenhouse, The Jint of mah butt, Squiggle, PIAKCHU!!1, (Himself), LEYMUNAYD, GIMMEYURMUNY Seppel « Seesawgunswallow Sew « Sew Ronintendo « Paul Roanoke, Lita H.P. Lovecraft « Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, Tulzcha, Dagon, Yog-Sothoth, Nylarlethotep, Azathoth, Flying Polyps, Fhtagn, Hounds of Tindalos Stephen King « Langoliers Spoonweaver « Tim-tim the mighty gnome, Boosh, Spaceship Funkatron, Musclemen Siyu/Natedawg « Siyu (Himself) Machu « (Himself) AdrianX « (Himself) Inferior Minion « (Himself) Hachi Roku « HAIL!! HA HA!! CHOO CHOO!! Harlock & Shizuma « Spellshard ~lelelelele!