'OHRRPGCE - Editors and functions defined throughout Custom (not in custom.bas) 'Many modules would only have a couple of functions (editors) in their header files, 'so those functions are declared here instead. See customsubs.bi for util functions. ' 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) #ifndef CUSTOM_BI #define CUSTOM_BI #include "config.bi" #include "udts.bi" #include "custom_udts.bi" ' record: which attack to show. If -1, default. If >= max, ask to add a new record, ' (and exit and return -1 if cancelled). Can also return -1 if not reentrant. ' Otherwise, returns the object number that was selected/last edited. TYPE FnEditor as FUNCTION(record as integer = -1) as integer ' FnEditor editors DECLARE FUNCTION enemy_editor (recindex as integer = -1) as integer DECLARE FUNCTION attack_editor (recindex as integer = -1) as integer DECLARE FUNCTION text_box_editor (whichbox as integer = -1) as integer DECLARE SUB importbmp (f as string, cap as string, byref count as integer, sprtype as SpriteType) DECLARE SUB vehicles () DECLARE SUB scriptman () DECLARE SUB map_picker () DECLARE SUB spriteset_editor (xw as integer, yw as integer, byref sets as integer, perset as integer, info() as string, fileset as SpriteType, fullset as bool = NO, cursor_start as integer = 0, cursor_top as integer = 0) DECLARE SUB new_spriteset_editor() DECLARE SUB backdrop_browser () DECLARE SUB importsong () DECLARE SUB importsfx () DECLARE SUB general_data_editor () DECLARE SUB item_editor () DECLARE SUB formation_editor () DECLARE SUB hero_editor () DECLARE SUB menu_editor () DECLARE SUB maptile () DECLARE SUB compile_andor_import_scripts (f as string, quickimport as bool = NO) DECLARE SUB reimport_previous_scripts () DECLARE SUB write_session_info () DECLARE SUB common_elementals_editor(elementals() as single, helpfile as string, byval showsign as integer = 0) DECLARE SUB load_npc_graphics(npc_def() as NPCType, npc_img() as GraphicPair) DECLARE SUB tile_anim_draw_range(tastuf() as integer, byval taset as integer, byval page as integer) DECLARE SUB frame_draw_with_background (src as Frame ptr, pal as Palette16 ptr = NULL, x as integer, y as integer, scale as integer = 1, bgcolor as bgType, byref chequer_scroll as integer, dest as Frame ptr) DECLARE FUNCTION bgcolor_caption(bgcolor as bgType) as string DECLARE SUB Custom_volume_menu DECLARE SUB global_Custom_controls () DECLARE FUNCTION scriptbrowse (byref trigger as integer, byval triggertype as integer, scrtype as string) as string DECLARE FUNCTION scrintgrabber (byref n as integer, byval min as integer, byval max as integer, byval less as integer=75, byval more as integer=77, byval scriptside as integer, byval triggertype as integer) as bool #endif