'OHRRPGCE - Custom+Game common battle system code '(C) Copyright 1997-2005 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GNU GPL details and disclaimer of liability #IFNDEF BCOMMON_BI #DEFINE BCOMMON_BI DECLARE FUNCTION equip_elemental_merge(values() as single, byval formula as integer) as single DECLARE FUNCTION focuscost (byval cost as integer, byval focus as integer) as integer DECLARE FUNCTION attack_cost_info(byref atk as AttackData, byval focus as integer=0, byval cur_mp as integer=0, byval max_mp as integer=0, byval magic_list_type as integer=0, byval lmp_level as integer=0, byval cur_lmp as integer=0) as string DECLARE FUNCTION describe_formation(formdata as Formation) as string #ENDIF