#IFNDEF CUSTOM_UDTS_BI #DEFINE CUSTOM_UDTS_BI 'This file contains UDTs that only get used in custom mode, and not in game, 'so as to prevent them from cluttering up the global udts.bi file #include "slices.bi" ENUM ToolIDs no_tool = -1 'These are the tools available in the sprite, tile and map editors draw_tool box_tool line_tool fill_tool oval_tool airbrush_tool mark_tool clone_tool replace_tool scroll_tool SPRITEEDITOR_LAST_TOOL = scroll_tool paint_tool draw_wall_tool 'pass_mode draw tool has special mouse handling stamp_tool 'Variant on draw_tool in pass_mode, to draw a certain wall bit 'The following tools don't do anything, but just determine what cursor to use select_tool 'Show a normal cursor (door and foe mapping) npc_tool 'NPC placement mode - the cursor is an NPC NUM_TOOLS END ENUM TYPE ToolInfoType name as string icon as string shortcut as integer cursor as integer areanum as integer END TYPE TYPE MouseArea x as integer y as integer w as integer h as integer hidecursor as bool END TYPE TYPE SpriteEditStatic 'The clone/mark tool buffer clone_brush as Frame ptr clonepos as XYPair 'Position of handle on the clone brush (defaults to center) 'Used for Ctrl+C/V/T copying of sprites, by both spriteset browser and sprite editor! NULL if none. spriteclip as Frame ptr 'Used for Alt+C/V copying of palettes; NULL if none pal_clipboard as Palette16 ptr 'Minor remembered settings cursor as XYPair 'Last drawing cursor position tool as integer airsize as integer mist as integer hidemouse as bool palindex as integer END TYPE TYPE FnSpriteSaver as SUB(spr as Frame ptr, context as any ptr) 'spriteset_editor state TYPE SpriteSetBrowseState spritefile as string fileset as SpriteType '.PT# number max_spriteset as integer ptr 'Maximum spriteset number, equal to e.g. gen(genMaxHeroPic) framenum as integer wide as integer high as integer perset as integer 'Number of frames per spriteset size as integer 'Size of a single frame in bytes, two pixels per byte setsize as integer 'Size of spriteset in bytes, two pixels per byte at_a_time as integer 'Number of sprite sets that fit on the browsing screen fullset as bool 'Whether editing full spritesets rather than frames visible_sprites as short ptr 'Stores all loaded visible sprites, as concatenated placer() arrays nulpal(8) as integer '--nulpal is used for getsprite and can go away once we convert to use Frame state_pt as integer 'Copied from state state_top as integer 'Copied from state END TYPE 'sprite_editor state TYPE SpriteEditState 'Members which should be set by the caller to sprite_editor wide as integer high as integer framename as string default_export_filename as string save_callback as FnSpriteSaver 'Called to save the sprite save_callback_context as any ptr 'To be passed to save_callback 'The following are used only by import and palette menus; would like to get rid of this fileset as SpriteType spriteset_num as integer fullset as bool 'Whether editing full spritesets rather than frames (Used only by import menu) 'Internal state sprite as Frame ptr 'The current edit state zoom as integer x as integer y as integer lastcpos as XYPair '.x/.y (cursor position) last tick lastpos as XYPair 'something totally different fastmovestep as integer 'How fast to move when holding Shift zonenum as integer zone as XYPair zonecursor as integer gotmouse as bool mouse as MouseInfo hidemouse as bool number_typing_deadline as double 'Deadline for typing more digits of a color idx drawcursor as integer 'Icon to use for the cursor, (character in the font) tool as integer pal_num as integer 'Palette used by current sprite curcolor as integer 'Index in master palette (equal to .palette->col(.palindex)) palindex as integer 'Index in 16 color palette palette as Palette16 ptr 'The current palette airsize as integer mist as integer hold as integer tick as integer tog as integer '0/1 holdpos as XYPair radius as double ellip_minoraxis as double '--For non-circular elipses. Not implemented yet ellip_angle as double undodepth as integer 'A value in [0, len(undo_history)] (i.e. inclusive). Indicates 'the index in the history equal to the current edit state (with 'indices before being undo steps and after being redo steps); if 'equal to len, indicates the current edits aren't saved in history. undomax as integer 'Max allowable length of undo_history undo_history as Frame ptr vector 'A stack of previous states. The most recent is at the end didscroll as bool 'have scrolled since selecting the scroll tool delay as integer movespeed as integer readjust as bool adjustpos as XYPair showcolnum as integer 'Ticks remaining to show the number of selected master palette color 'Fixed members previewpos as XYPair toolinfo(SPRITEEDITOR_LAST_TOOL) as ToolInfoType area(25) as MouseArea END TYPE TYPE TileCloneBuffer exists as integer buf(19,19) as UBYTE size as XYPair offset as XYPair END TYPE TYPE TileEditState tilesetnum as integer drawframe as Frame Ptr '--Don't write to this! It's for display only x as integer y as integer lastcpos as XYPair '.x/.y (cursor position) last tick fastmovestep as integer 'How fast to move when holding Shift tilex as integer 'on the tileset (measured in tiles) tiley as integer gotmouse as bool drawcursor as integer preview_content as integer 'tile preview mode (0=neighbours/1=tiled) tool as integer curcolor as integer hidemouse as bool radius as double airsize as integer mist as integer undo as integer allowundo as integer zone as integer justpainted as integer hold as integer holdpos as XYPair cutfrom as integer cuttileset as integer canpaste as integer delay as integer readjust as integer adjustpos as XYPair didscroll as integer 'have scrolled since selecting the scroll tool defaultwalls as integer vector 'always length 160 END TYPE TYPE HeroEditState changed as integer previewframe as integer battle as GraphicPair walkabout as GraphicPair portrait as GraphicPair preview_steps as integer preview_walk_direction as integer preview_walk_pos as XYPair END TYPE TYPE TextboxEditState id as integer portrait as GraphicPair search as string END TYPE TYPE TextboxConnectNode lines(2) as string id as integer 'ID of box or < 0 for script style as integer add as integer 'NO normally. YES if this is for adding a new box END TYPE ENUM MapEditMode tile_mode pass_mode door_mode npc_mode foe_mode zone_mode END ENUM ENUM ZoneEditSubmode zone_edit_mode zone_view_mode END ENUM ENUM LayerDisplayMode layerDisplayNormal layerDisplayTinted 'Tinted by height layerDisplayHighlight 'Highlight the selected one, greyscale others layerDisplayNUM END ENUM ENUM MapMouseAttention focusNowhere focusMap focusViewport 'Main part of the screen, but off the map edge focusToolbar 'The tool buttons focusTopbar END ENUM 'MapIDs used for undo steps 'FIXME:a bit of a mess, clean up later ENUM MapID mapIDMetaBEGIN = -11 mapIDMetaCursor = -11 'Stores cursor position at beginning of stroke mapIDMetaEditmode = -10 'to -1. .value is mode specific. mapIDMetaEditmodeEND = -1 mapIDZone = 0 'to 9999 mapIDPass = 10000 mapIDFoe = 10001 mapIDLayer = 10002 'to 10099 END ENUM TYPE MapEditUndoTile x as ushort y as ushort value as short mapid as short 'as MapID END TYPE DECLARE_VECTOR_OF_TYPE(MapEditUndoTile, MapEditUndoTile) DECLARE_VECTOR_OF_TYPE(MapEditUndoTile vector, MapEditUndoTile_vector) TYPE MapEditStateFwd as MapEditState TYPE FnBrush as SUB (st as MapEditStateFwd, byval x as integer, byval y as integer, byval value as integer = -1, byval extraarg as integer = -1) TYPE FnReader as FUNCTION (st as MapEditStateFwd, byval x as integer, byval y as integer, byval extraarg as integer = -1) as integer TYPE MapEditState map as MapData editmode as integer 'ENUM MapEditMode seteditmode as integer 'Normally -1, set to an editmode to cause a switch UNION TYPE x as integer 'Cursor position, in tiles y as integer END TYPE pos as XYPair END UNION UNION TYPE mapx as integer 'Camera position (top left of viewable area), in pixels mapy as integer END TYPE camera as XYPair END UNION viewport as RectType 'The part of the screen where the map is drawn '(not clamped to actual map size) viewport_p2 as XYPair 'For convenience, bottom-right corner of viewport 'Layer state layer as integer visible(maplayerMax \ 16) as integer 'Bitsets: layers which are visible jiggle(maplayerMax \ 16) as integer 'Bitsets: layers which are jiggling layer_display_mode as LayerDisplayMode 'What effect to apply to layers layerpals(maplayerMax + 1) as Palette16 ptr '+1 for overhead layer shadowpal as Palette16 ptr 'Palette used for things in shadow per_layer_skew as XYPair 'Amount to displace map layer 1. In tenths of a pixel mouse_skewing as bool 'Currently using the right mouse button to skew the map drag_camera_start as XYPair 'st.camera at start of pan mouse_attention as MapMouseAttention 'What currently recieves mouse input mouse_active as bool 'The mouse was last used to move the cursor, rather than the keyboard defpass as bool 'Default passability ON/OFF cur_foe as integer 'Formation set selected for placement cur_npc as integer 'NPC ID selected for placement cur_door as integer 'Door number selected usetile(0 to maplayerMax) as integer 'Tile selected for each layer menubarstart(0 to maplayerMax) as integer menubar as TileMap cursor as GraphicPair npc_cursor_frame as integer 'frame num for the NPC cursor in npc_mode tilesets(maplayerMax) as TilesetData ptr 'Tilesets is fixed size at the moment. It must always be at least as large as the number of layers on a map npc_img(any) as GraphicPair defaultwalls as integer vector vector 'indexed by layer (variable length) and then by tile (always 0-159) menustate as MenuState 'The top-level menu state temptilemap as TileMap 'A temporary TileMap. Normally remains uninitialised moved as integer 'used when detecting cursor movement walk as integer 'used for animating NPC walking doorid as integer modenames(5) as string mode_tools as integer vector toolsbar_available as integer 'Whether you can select the current tool drawing_allowed as integer 'Whether you can actually draw toolinfo(NUM_TOOLS) as ToolInfoType hero_gfx as GraphicPair overlaytileset as Frame ptr zonetileset(2) as Frame ptr arrow_icons(4) as Frame ptr lockedzonelist(any) as integer tiny as bool 'whether or not to show the tiny screen relative to map area wallmap_mask as integer 'used by wallbitsbrush message as string 'Message shown at the top of the screen message_ticks as integer 'Remaining ticks to display message 'Editor customisation options shift_speed as XYPair 'Cursor move speen when holding Shift cursor_follows_mouse as bool 'st.pos follows the mouse wallthickness as integer 'How many pixels think to draw the walls in pass_mode show_overhead_bit as bool 'Show 'O' while in tilemap mode animations_enabled as bool 'Tile animations layers_share_usetile as bool 'Current tile is per-tileset mouse_pan_mult as double 'When panning the map with the mouse, how much to multiply the movements by shadows_when_skewing as bool show_grid as bool grid_color as integer 'Master pal color index, or 0 to flash instead 'Tool stuff tool as integer 'Tool ID (index in toolinfo), or -1 if none (meaning none available) brush as FnBrush 'What to draw with reader as FnReader 'What to read with tool_value as integer 'Value (eg. tile) with which to draw. Should never be -1. reset_tool as bool 'When true, tool_value should be set to some default tool_hold as bool 'True if one coordinate has been selected tool_hold_pos as XYPair 'Held coordinate last_pos as XYPair 'Position of the cursor last tick new_stroke as bool 'True before beginning a new editing operation (group of brush() calls) history as MapEditUndoTile vector vector 'Vector of groups of tile edits history_size as integer 'Size of history, in number of MapEditUndoTiles (each is 8 bytes) history_step as integer 'In history, [0, history_step) are undos, and the rest are redos secondary_undo_buffer as MapEditUndoTile vector 'Usually NULL. If not, undo steps are added to this vector instead 'of the history. Used for previewing undoable changes. 'Mark+clone cloned as MapEditUndoTile vector 'Cloned brush. NULL if none. Offsets are 0,0 at topleft of brush clone_offset as XYPair 'Handle point on the clone brush clone_size as XYPair 'Size of the cloned brush in tiles multitile_draw_brush as bool 'When true and clone tool is in use the clone brush is meant to act like 'the draw tool: changing map layer or .tool_value resets the tool to Draw clone_merge as bool 'Whether to preserve existing tiles rather than removing them 'Zone stuff (st.editmode = zone_mode) zonesubmode as ZoneEditSubmode cur_zone as integer 'Zone ID selected for placement cur_zinfo as ZoneInfo ptr '== GetZoneInfo(zonemaps, cur_zone) zones_needupdate as integer zoneviewmap as TileMap 'Each bit indicates one of 8 currently displayed zones zoneoverlaymap as TileMap 'For other overlays drawn by zonemode zoneminimap as Frame ptr '1/20x zoomed view of cur_zone zoneviewtileset as integer 'Which of zonetileset() to use to draw zoneviewmap autoshow_zones as integer 'Zones at current tile become visible ("Autoshow zones") showzonehints as integer 'Display 'hints' where nonvisible zones are ("Show other") zonecolours(7) as integer 'The zone assigned to each colour, or 0. Includes "memories" of zones not currently displayed 'Zone stuff (npc_mode) cur_npc_zone as integer 'Movement zone for currently selected NPC in NPC placer cur_npc_wall_zone as integer 'Avoidance zone for currently selected NPC in NPC placer zonemenu as SimpleMenuItem vector zonemenustate as MenuState npczone_needupdate as bool gauze_ticker as integer = 0 'for hidden zones animation END TYPE TYPE MapResizeState menu as MenuDef rect as RectType oldsize as XYPair zoom as integer minimap as Frame Ptr END TYPE TYPE AttackChainBrowserState root as Slice Ptr lbox as Slice Ptr rbox as Slice Ptr current as Slice Ptr after as MenuState before as MenuState chainfrom as Slice ptr vector chainto as Slice ptr vector column as integer refresh as integer focused as Slice Ptr done as integer END TYPE TYPE ShopEditState id as integer st as MenuState name as string menu(24) as string shaded(24) as bool havestuf as bool END TYPE TYPE ShopStuffState st as MenuState thing as integer 'Hero/item ID number thingname as string item_value as integer 'Garbage if thing is a hero menu(24) as string max(24) as integer min(24) as integer END TYPE #ENDIF