'' External graphics and IO functions #IFNDEF GFX_BI #DEFINE GFX_BI ' NOTE: ' If a function is marked as optional, that means it may do nothing (either unimplemented ' or irrelevant to the backend) and that a backend doesn't need to set the function pointer: ' instead the pointer must be valid and set to a default in set_default_gfx_function_ptrs. ' On the other hand "(optional, ptr may be NULL)", means the default is a NULL pointer. ' Possibly-NULL function pointers are very much discouraged. They're used as a simple way ' to indicate whether the function is implemented, or where calling an unimplemented function ' would be an unnecessary performance hit. #include "const.bi" #include "backends.bi" #include "surface.bi" #include "util.bi" 'For XYPair #define CURRENT_GFX_API_VERSION 2 ' This is used by dynamically linked backends to report their compatibility ' (returned by gfx_getversion). ' Increment this when a change means that both the backend and the engine can't ' support previous versions. ' It isn't incremented when an optional feature is added to the API, ' (such as by increasing WINDOWSTATE_SZ), and might not be incremented if ' the engine can detect incompatible backends by missing functions. ' 1 - Original version, but there were actually multiple incompatible breaks ' 2 - Changes to Surface (inc. addition of pitch) extern "C" '==================================== Types =================================== ' Forward declarations type FrameFwd as Frame type Palette16Fwd as Palette16 type WindowState structsize as integer 'number of members in the struct, set to WINDOWSTATE_SZ focused as boolint minimised as boolint fullscreen as boolint unused as integer 'Obsolete, used to be user_toggled_fullscreen mouse_over as boolint end type #define WINDOWSTATE_SZ 6 type GamePadMap 'For passing OHR scancodes to io_remap_android_gamepad Ud as integer Rd as integer Dd as integer Ld as integer A as integer B as integer X as integer Y as integer L1 as integer R1 as integer L2 as integer R2 as integer end type ' This is used in a C interface, so need to force 32 bit type (enums may be 64 bit). ' -1 for compatibility with old io_setmousevisibility. type CursorVisibility as integer enum cursorHidden = 0 'Cursor always hidden cursorVisible = -1 'Cursor always shown, except on touch screens cursorDefault = -2 'Cursor shown when windowed, hidden in fullscreen end enum type EventEnum as integer enum eventTerminate = 0 'Window or application close request event eventFullscreened = 1 'Windowed/fullscreen state changed by WM/user. arg1 is new fullscreen state end enum 'Allowed to be called from another thread. 'Maybe ought to guarantee backend won't be reentered. 'Return value is INT_MIN if the event wasn't understood, and event-specific but generally 0 if it was. type FnEventHandler as function (event as EventEnum, arg1 as intptr_t = 0, arg2 as intptr_t = 0) as integer '============================== Engine Functions ============================== 'The following are in allmodex.bas, called by backend. 'Allowed to be called from another thread. 'Maybe ought to guarantee backend won't be reentered. 'Used by backend to send events to the engine. GfxInitData.PostEvent is a pointer to it. 'See FnEventHandler. declare function post_event(event as EventEnum, arg1 as intptr_t = 0, arg2 as intptr_t = 0) as integer 'Call on window or application close request event (redundant to post_event) declare sub post_terminate_signal () '============================== gfx Backend API =============================== '(Obsolete, still supported but replaced by gfx_initialize) 'terminate_signal_handler is a pointer to post_terminate_signal, for dynamically linked graphics backends. 'windowicon is platform specific: name of the icon resource on Windows, no meaning yet elsewhere extern Gfx_init as function (byval terminate_signal_handler as sub cdecl (), byval windowicon as zstring ptr, byval info_buffer as zstring ptr, byval info_buffer_size as integer) as integer extern Gfx_close as sub () '(optional, ptr may be NULL) extern Gfx_setdebugfunc as sub (byval debugc as sub cdecl (byval errorlevel as ErrorLevelEnum, byval message as zstring ptr)) ' Returns CURRENT_GFX_API_VERSION (see above) ' Only used by dynamically linked, not compiled-in backends. extern Gfx_getversion as function () as integer ' Tell backend to display an 8-bit or 32-bit screen buffer. ' pPalette is required for 8-bit Surfaces and ignored for 32-bit ones. ' Returns 0 on success extern Gfx_present as function ( byval pSurfaceIn as Surface ptr, byval pPalette as RGBPalette ptr ) as integer ' Change colour palette. If the last gfx_present was 8-bit it will be ' redisplayed, otherwise this does nothing. extern Gfx_setpal as sub (byval pal as RGBcolor ptr) extern Gfx_screenshot as function (byval fname as zstring ptr) as integer extern Gfx_setwindowed as sub (byval iswindow as integer) extern Gfx_windowtitle as sub (byval title as zstring ptr) extern Gfx_getwindowstate as function () as WindowState ptr '(optional) Size in pixels of the (primary) monitor. Sets values to 0 if can't retrieve it. 'If possible, tries to exclude size of WM tool/taskbars. 'NOTE: call get_screen_size instead of this. extern Gfx_get_screen_size as sub (wide as integer ptr, high as integer ptr) '(optional) Returns whether the resolution can be changed to something other than 320x200 (via gfx_present) '(This doesn't imply that gfx_set_resizable is supported) 'Returns false if the backend hasn't been updated or there are other constraints. extern Gfx_supports_variable_resolution as function () as bool '(optional) If a window resize was requested, returns true and sets ret. Otherwise must not modify ret. extern Gfx_get_resize as function (byref ret as XYPair) as bool '(optional) Enable or disable window resizing by the user, and optionally specify minimum window width/height. 'Returns new resizability state: false if the backend doesn't support it. 'Minimum window width/height may not work! extern Gfx_set_resizable as function (enable as bool, min_width as integer, min_height as integer) as bool '(optional) At the next gfx_present call, recentering the window would be a good idea. 'Called when starting a game. extern Gfx_recenter_window_hint as sub () '(optional) Whether vsync is supported extern Gfx_vsync_supported as function () as bool 'gfx_setoption recieves an option name and the following option which may or may not be a related argument 'returns 0 if unrecognised, 1 if recognised but arg is ignored, 2 if arg is gobbled extern Gfx_setoption as function (byval opt as zstring ptr, byval arg as zstring ptr) as integer '(optional) extern Gfx_describe_options as function () as zstring ptr '(optional, ptr may be NULL, gfx_console only) extern Gfx_printchar as sub (byval ch as integer, byval x as integer, byval y as integer, byval col as integer) '(optional) extern Gfx_get_safe_zone_margin as function () as single extern Gfx_set_safe_zone_margin as sub (byval margin as single) extern Gfx_supports_safe_zone_margin as function () as bool extern Gfx_ouya_purchase_request as sub(dev_id as string, identifier as string, key_der as string) extern Gfx_ouya_purchase_is_ready as function () as bool extern Gfx_ouya_purchase_succeeded as function () as bool extern Gfx_ouya_receipts_request as sub (dev_id as string, key_der as string) extern Gfx_ouya_receipts_are_ready as function () as bool extern Gfx_ouya_receipts_result as function () as string '=============================== io Backend API =============================== extern Io_init as sub () '(optional) called in loops where gfx_present is not. extern Io_pollkeyevents as sub () '(optional) called every 5ms during waits extern Io_waitprocessing as sub () 'one of io_keybits or io_updatekeys, and one of io_mousebits or io_getmouse is required. '(optional) Primary keyboard state function. Get keypress events (since last call) and keyboard state: 'bit 0: key down, bit 1: keypress since last call, must clear all other bits 'Length 128 array. extern Io_keybits as sub (byval keybdarray as integer ptr) '(optional, must be thread safe) Get current up/down state of each key. Only used by the polling thread, not needed otherwise 'set bit 3 (8) on each key if current down, should not modify the other bits! extern Io_updatekeys as sub (byval keybd as integer ptr) '(optional) Enable or disable text input methods, possibly causing some keys to go dead '(stop reporting keypresses). See each backend or setkeys in allmodex.bas for details. extern Io_enable_textinput as sub (byval enable as integer) '(optional, ptr might be NULL) Get the inputted text since the last call, in UCS2 encoded unicode extern Io_textinput as sub (byval buf as wstring ptr, byval bufsize as integer) '(optional) Returns a UTF8 string, or either "" or NULL if the clipboard is unavailable or doesn't contain text 'The result must be DEALLOCATE'd! extern Io_get_clipboard_text as function () as zstring ptr '(optional) Sets the OS clipboard to a UTF8 string extern Io_set_clipboard_text as sub (text as zstring ptr) '(optional) Display the virtual keyboard, but only for platforms like Android that need it extern Io_show_virtual_keyboard as sub () '(optional) Hide the virtual keyboard, but only for platforms like Android that need it extern Io_hide_virtual_keyboard as sub () '(optional) Display the virtual gamepad, but only for platforms like Android that need it extern Io_show_virtual_gamepad as sub () '(optional) Hide the virtual gamepad, but only for platforms like Android that need it extern Io_hide_virtual_gamepad as sub () '(optional) Runtime remapping of android controller buttons extern Io_remap_android_gamepad as sub (byval player as integer, gp as GamePadMap) '(optional) Runtime remapping of touchscreen virtual gamepad buttons extern Io_remap_touchscreen_button as sub (byval button_id as integer, byval ohr_scancode as integer) '(optional) Return true if the running device is a console (currently only supports OUYA, GameStick, Fire-TV) extern Io_running_on_console as function () as bool '(optional) Return true if the running device is an OUYA (determines if OUYA billing APIs can be attempted) extern Io_running_on_ouya as function () as bool '(optional) Primary mouse state function 'All of the arguments should be overwritten with new values: 'mbuttons is bitmask of currently down keys OR new clicks, mclicks is bitmask of new clicks since last call. 'left, right, middle buttons are bits 0, 1, 2 'mwheel is the mouse wheel position, not the wheel delta. It should be 120 per 'dedent ('tick', 15 degree rotation), but not necessarily a multiple of 120 for 'a free-scrolling mouse (e.g. touch interface). Increases rotating away from you. extern Io_mousebits as sub (byref mx as integer, byref my as integer, byref mwheel as integer, byref mbuttons as integer, byref mclicks as integer) '(optional, must be thread safe) same as Io_mouse bits. extern Io_getmouse as sub (byref mx as integer, byref my as integer, byref mwheel as integer, byref mbuttons as integer) extern Io_setmouse as sub (byval x as integer, byval y as integer) extern Io_setmousevisibility as sub (byval visibility as CursorVisibility) 'call io_mouserect(-1, -1, -1, -1) to disable clipping extern Io_mouserect as sub (byval xmin as integer, byval xmax as integer, byval ymin as integer, byval ymax as integer) extern Io_readjoysane as function (byval as integer, byref as integer, byref as integer, byref as integer) as integer '=========================== Backend API wrappers ============================= ' functions in allmodex.bas declare sub Io_amx_keybits (byval keybdarray as integer ptr) declare sub Io_amx_mousebits (byref mx as integer, byref my as integer, byref mwheel as integer, byref mbuttons as integer, byref mclicks as integer) '=============================== Blitting API ================================= ' functions in blit.c declare sub blitohr(byval spr as FrameFwd ptr, byval destspr as FrameFwd ptr, byval pal as Palette16Fwd ptr, byval startoffset as int32, byval startx as int32, byval starty as int32, byval endx as int32, byval endy as int32, byval trans as boolint, byval write_mask as boolint) declare sub blitohrscaled(byval spr as FrameFwd ptr, byval destspr as FrameFwd ptr, byval pal as Palette16Fwd ptr, byval x as int32, byval y as int32, byval startx as int32, byval starty as int32, byval endx as int32, byval endy as int32, byval trans as boolint, byval write_mask as boolint, byval scale as int32) declare sub smoothzoomblit_8_to_8bit(byval srcbuffer as ubyte ptr, byval destbuffer as ubyte ptr, byval w as int32, byval h as int32, byval pitch as int32, byval zoom as int32, byval smooth as int32) declare sub smoothzoomblit_8_to_32bit(byval srcbuffer as ubyte ptr, byval destbuffer as uint32 ptr, byval w as int32, byval h as int32, byval pitch as int32, byval zoom as int32, byval smooth as int32, byval pal as int32 ptr) declare sub smoothzoomblit_32_to_32bit(byval srcbuffer as RGBcolor ptr, byval destbuffer as uint32 ptr, byval w as int32, byval h as int32, byval pitch as int32, byval zoom as int32, byval smooth as int32) end extern #ENDIF