#pragma once '#include once "crt/stdint.bi" extern "C" #define SHA1_H type SHA1_CTX state(0 to 4) as ulong count(0 to 1) as ulong buffer(0 to 63) as ubyte end type type SHA160 as zstring * 20 declare sub SHA1Transform(byval state as ulong ptr, byval buffer as const ubyte ptr) declare sub SHA1Init(byval context as SHA1_CTX ptr) declare sub SHA1Update(byval context as SHA1_CTX ptr, byval data as const ubyte ptr, byval len as ulong) declare sub SHA1Final(byval digest as SHA160 ptr, byval context as SHA1_CTX ptr) declare sub SHA1(byval hash_out as SHA160 ptr, byval str as const zstring ptr, byval len as long) declare function int64_to_bigendian(byval v as ulongint) as ulongint declare function SHA1_64(byval str as const zstring ptr, byval len as long) as ulongint end extern