This menu allows you to customize all the menu and interface colors. it also allows you to choose which borders are associated with each text box style. Use the Up and Down arrow keys (or PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End) to navigate the menu. Press the Left and Right arrows to change the colors. You can also type in color ID numbers, which go from 0 to 255. If you press ENTER or SPACE on a color, you will see a palette browser that lets you choose a color. You can press CTRL+D to revert a color back to its default value. You can also find UI color options related to using multiple palettes in `General Game Data->Master Palettes'. If you accidentally make it impossible to read the screen, either by changing the background color or the text colors, you can fix it by pressing the down arrow, then CTRL+D then the down arrow again, and CTRL+D and repeat until the menu is visible again.