'OHRRPGCE CUSTOM - Item Editor '(C) Copyright 1997-2017 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability ' #include "config.bi" #include "const.bi" #include "udts.bi" #include "custom.bi" #include "allmodex.bi" #include "common.bi" #include "loading.bi" #include "customsubs.bi" #include "thingbrowser.bi" #include "cglobals.bi" '--Local SUBs DECLARE FUNCTION item_attack_name(n as integer) as string DECLARE SUB generate_item_edit_menu (menu() as string, shaded() as bool, itembuf() as integer, item_name as string, info_string as string, equip_types() as string, byref box_preview as string) DECLARE SUB item_editor_equipbits(itembuf() as integer, itemname as string) DECLARE SUB item_editor_elementals(itembuf() as integer) DECLARE SUB item_editor_init_new(itembuf() as integer) DECLARE SUB item_editor_stat_bonuses(itembuf() as integer) SUB item_editor () DIM itemb as ItemBrowser itemb.browse(-1, , @individual_item_editor) END SUB ' an FnEditor FUNCTION item_picker (recindex as integer = -1) as integer DIM itemb as ItemBrowser RETURN itemb.browse(recindex, , @individual_item_editor, NO) END FUNCTION FUNCTION item_picker_or_none (recindex as integer = -1) as integer DIM itemb as ItemBrowser RETURN itemb.browse(recindex - 1, YES , @individual_item_editor, NO) + 1 END FUNCTION LOCAL SUB read_item_strings(itembuf() as integer, byref item_name as string, byref info as string) item_name = readbadbinstring(itembuf(), 0, 8) info = readbadbinstring(itembuf(), 9, 36) END SUB LOCAL SUB write_item_strings(itembuf() as integer, item_name as string, info as string) writebadbinstring item_name, itembuf(), 0, 8 writebadbinstring info, itembuf(), 9, 36 END SUB FUNCTION individual_item_editor(item_id as integer) as integer 'Return value is the item_id (for thingbrowser) STATIC clipboard_used as bool 'There's something in clipboard_buf STATIC clipboard_buf(dimbinsize(binITM)) as integer 'For copy/pasting DIM undo_available as bool 'There's something in undobuf DIM undobuf(dimbinsize(binITM)) as integer 'Just to undo pasting DIM itembuf(dimbinsize(binITM)) as integer 'Add new item IF item_id > maxMaxItems THEN visible_debug "Can't edit item id > " & maxMaxItems RETURN -1 END IF IF item_id > gen(genMaxItem) THEN gen(genMaxItem) += 1 item_id = gen(genMaxItem) item_editor_init_new itembuf() saveitemdata itembuf(), item_id END IF IF item_id > UBOUND(itemtags) THEN 'REDIMs itemtags load_special_tag_caches END IF CONST menusize as integer = 21 DIM menu(menusize) as string DIM menu_display(menusize) as string DIM shaded(menusize) as bool DIM wep_img as GraphicPair DIM box_preview as string = "" DIM eqst(4) as string eqst(0) = readglobalstring(38, "Weapon", 10) FOR i as integer = 0 TO 3 eqst(i + 1) = readglobalstring(25 + i, "Armor" & i+1) NEXT i FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(eqst) IF LEN(eqst(i)) = 0 THEN eqst(i) = "Equip slot " & i NEXT loaditemdata itembuf(), item_id DIM item_name as string, info as string 'item_name and info are written to itembuf() after any change read_item_strings itembuf(), item_name, info 'Indexed by menu index, not by .itm/itembuf() index DIM max(menusize) as integer DIM min(menusize) as integer max(3) = 32767 max(4) = 99 max(5) = 5 max(6) = gen(genMaxAttack) 'These are not used or kept up-to-date! max(7) = gen(genMaxAttack) max(8) = gen(genMaxAttack) max(9) = gen(genMaxAttack) max(10) = 2 max(11) = max_tag() max(12) = max_tag() max(13) = max_tag() max(14) = max_tag() max(15) = gen(genMaxWeaponPic) min(16) = -1 max(16) = 32767 'Map from menu() indices to itembuf() indices DIM iidx(menusize) as integer iidx(3) = 46 'value iidx(4) = 210 'stack size 'iidx(5) = 49 'equippable as (obsolete, replaced by bitsets in int 239) iidx(6) = 47 'in battle use iidx(7) = 48 'weapon use iidx(8) = 50 'teach spell iidx(9) = 51 'out of battle use iidx(10) = 73 'consumption iidx(11) = 74 'own item tag iidx(12) = 75 'in inventory tag iidx(13) = 76 'equipped tag iidx(14) = 77 'actively equipped tag iidx(15) = 52 'weapon pic iidx(16) = 53 'weapon pal DIM elementnames() as string getelementnames elementnames() DIM bitnames(0 TO 47) as string FOR i as integer = 0 TO 7 'Lots of obsolete elemental bits DIM elname as string elname = IIF(i <= UBOUND(elementnames), elementnames(i), "element" & i) bitnames(i) = "##Weak against " & elname & " (obsolete)" bitnames(i + 8) = "##Strong against " & elname & " (obsolete)" bitnames(i + 16) = "##Absorbs " & elname & " (obsolete)" NEXT DIM selectst as SelectTypeState DIM enable_strgrabber as bool DIM state as MenuState state.last = menusize state.need_update = YES state.autosize = YES state.autosize_ignore_lines = 2 state.autosize_ignore_pixels = 4 DIM menuopts as MenuOptions menuopts.scrollbar = YES 'FIXME: this really needs to be the default! setkeys YES DO setwait 55 setkeys YES IF keyval(ccCancel) > 1 THEN EXIT DO IF keyval(scF1) > 1 THEN show_help "item_editor" usemenu state enable_strgrabber = NO IF LEN(selectst.query) = 0 AND (state.pt = 1 OR state.pt = 2) THEN enable_strgrabber = YES END IF IF enable_strgrabber = NO ANDALSO keyval(scAlt) > 0 THEN 'Alt-C/V to copy/paste. Not available when a text field 'selected, because Alt-C/V input characters. IF keyval(scC) > 1 THEN a_copy itembuf(), clipboard_buf() clipboard_used = YES show_overlay_message "Copied item", 0.75 END IF IF clipboard_used ANDALSO keyval(scV) > 1 THEN a_copy itembuf(), undobuf() undo_available = YES a_copy clipboard_buf(), itembuf() read_item_strings itembuf(), item_name, info state.need_update = YES show_overlay_message "Pasted item (Ctrl-Z to undo)", 1.1 END IF END IF IF undo_available ANDALSO keyval(scCtrl) > 0 ANDALSO keyval(scZ) > 1 THEN 'Ctrl-Z to undo paste a_copy undobuf(), itembuf() read_item_strings itembuf(), item_name, info state.need_update = YES show_overlay_message "Undid paste", 0.75 END IF IF enter_space_click(state) THEN IF state.pt = 0 THEN EXIT DO IF item_is_equippable_in_slot(itembuf(), 0) THEN IF state.pt = 17 THEN xy_position_on_sprite wep_img, itembuf(80), itembuf(81), 0, "Weapon handle position", "xy_weapon_handle" state.need_update = YES END IF IF state.pt = 18 THEN xy_position_on_sprite wep_img, itembuf(78), itembuf(79), 1, "Weapon handle position", "xy_weapon_handle" state.need_update = YES END IF END IF IF item_is_equippable(itembuf()) THEN IF state.pt = 19 THEN item_editor_stat_bonuses itembuf() state.need_update = YES END IF IF state.pt = 20 THEN item_editor_elementals itembuf() END IF IF state.pt = 21 THEN item_editor_equipbits itembuf(), item_name state.need_update = YES END IF END IF IF state.pt = 15 THEN 'sprite browser DIM weaponb as WeaponSpriteBrowser itembuf(52) = weaponb.browse(itembuf(52)) state.need_update = YES END IF IF state.pt = 16 THEN '--palette picker itembuf(53) = pal16browse(itembuf(53), sprTypeWeapon, itembuf(52), YES) state.need_update = YES END IF IF state.pt = 5 THEN editbitset itembuf(), 239, eqst() state.need_update = YES END IF IF state.pt = 10 THEN DIM captions(2) as string = {"Unlimited Use", "Consumed By Use", "Cannot be Sold/Dropped"} DIM b as ArrayBrowser = ArrayBrowser(captions(), "Consumability") itembuf(73) = b.browse(itembuf(73)) state.need_update = YES END IF END IF SELECT CASE state.pt CASE 1 IF enable_strgrabber ANDALSO strgrabber(item_name, 8) THEN state.need_update = YES END IF CASE 2 IF enable_strgrabber ANDALSO strgrabber(info, 36) THEN state.need_update = YES END IF CASE 3, 4, 10, 15, 16 IF intgrabber(itembuf(iidx(state.pt)), min(state.pt), max(state.pt)) THEN state.need_update = YES END IF CASE 6, 7, 8 'Attacks IF attackgrabber(itembuf(iidx(state.pt)), state, 1, 0) THEN state.need_update = YES END IF CASE 9 'Out-of-battle use can be either an attack or a textbox 'We want attack/textboxgrabber to handle +/ins and enter/space/click when an 'attack/textbox is selected, and xintgrabber to handle other keys. DIM boxnum as integer = -itembuf(51) IF keyval(scPlus) = 0 ANDALSO xintgrabber(itembuf(51), 0, gen(genMaxAttack), -1, gen(genMaxTextbox) * -1) THEN state.need_update = YES ELSEIF itembuf(51) < 0 ANDALSO textboxgrabber(boxnum, state, 0, , NO) THEN 'intgrab=NO itembuf(51) = -boxnum state.need_update = YES ELSEIF itembuf(51) > 0 ANDALSO attackgrabber(itembuf(51), state, 1, , NO) THEN 'intgrab=NO state.need_update = YES ELSEIF enter_or_add_new(state) THEN 'Yikes... never cram multiple data types in the same option!! '(OK, this is overkill, since James will hopefully come along and replace this soon!) DIM wantnew as bool = NOT enter_space_click(state) SELECT CASE twochoice("Link to what?", "A textbox", "An attack") CASE 0: itembuf(51) = textbox_picker(IIF(wantnew, 999999, 1)) * -1 CASE 1: itembuf(51) = attack_picker_or_none(IIF(wantnew, 999999, 0)) END SELECT state.need_update = YES END IF CASE 11 TO 14 IF tag_id_grabber(itembuf(74 + (state.pt - 11)), state) THEN state.need_update = YES 'Update itemtags() cache item_tags_from_buf itemtags(item_id), itembuf() END IF END SELECT IF keyval(scCtrl) > 0 ANDALSO keyval(scB) > 1 THEN 'Ctrl+B debug key: edit all bits... except equipability editbitset itembuf(), 70, bitnames(), , , , , , YES, YES 'show_index = show_all = YES state.need_update = YES END IF IF state.need_update THEN state.need_update = NO write_item_strings itembuf(), item_name, info generate_item_edit_menu menu(), shaded(), itembuf(), item_name, info, eqst(), box_preview load_sprite_and_pal wep_img, sprTypeWeapon, itembuf(52), itembuf(53) END IF IF enable_strgrabber = NO ANDALSO keyval(scAlt) = 0 ANDALSO select_by_typing(selectst, NO) THEN select_on_word_boundary menu(), selectst, state END IF clearpage dpage highlight_menu_typing_selection menu(), menu_display(), selectst, state standardmenu menu_display(), state, shaded(), 0, 0, dpage, menuopts IF item_is_equippable_in_slot(itembuf(), 0) THEN 'Is a weapon DIM frame as integer = 0 IF state.pt = 17 THEN frame = 1 frame_draw wep_img.sprite + 1 - frame, wep_img.pal, 280, 160, , , dpage DIM handle as XYPair handle.x = 280 + itembuf(78 + frame * 2) handle.y = 160 + itembuf(79 + frame * 2) DIM col as integer = uilook(uiSelectedItem) + state.tog drawline handle.x - 2, handle.y , handle.x - 1, handle.y , col, dpage drawline handle.x , handle.y - 2, handle.x , handle.y - 1, col, dpage drawline handle.x + 1, handle.y , handle.x + 2, handle.y , col, dpage drawline handle.x , handle.y + 1, handle.x , handle.y + 2, col, dpage END IF 'Tooltip and textbox preview DIM tooltipy as RelPos = pBottom IF itembuf(51) < 0 THEN edgeprint box_preview, 0, pBottom, uilook(uiText), dpage tooltipy -= 10 END IF DIM tooltip as string IF state.pt >= 6 AND state.pt <= 9 THEN 'Editing a textbox/attack ID tooltip = THINGGRABBER_TOOLTIP ELSEIF state.pt = 0 THEN 'These keys work when many other menu items, aside from "Back to Item Menu", 'are selected too, but I think it's bad to show tooltips not specific to the current menu item, 'so only show it in one place (so the keys are discoverable). IF clipboard_used THEN tooltip = "Alt-C/V to copy/paste item definition" ELSE tooltip = "Alt-C to copy item definition" END IF END IF edgeprint tooltip, 0, tooltipy, uilook(uiDisabledItem), dpage SWAP vpage, dpage setvispage vpage dowait LOOP unload_sprite_and_pal wep_img saveitemdata itembuf(), item_id RETURN item_id END FUNCTION SUB generate_item_edit_menu (menu() as string, shaded() as bool, itembuf() as integer, item_name as string, info_string as string, equip_types() as string, byref box_preview as string) DIM weapon as string = readglobalstring(38, "Weapon", 10) menu(0) = "Back to Item Menu" menu(1) = "Name:" & item_name menu(2) = "Info:" & info_string menu(3) = "Value: " & itembuf(46) menu(4) = "Maximum stack size: " & defaultint(itembuf(210), "Default (" & gen(genItemStackSize) & ")", 0) DIM is_equippable as bool = NO DIM is_weapon as bool = item_is_equippable_in_slot(itembuf(), 0) menu(5) = "Equippable as:" DIM sep as string = " " FOR i as integer = 0 TO 4 IF item_is_equippable_in_slot(itembuf(), i) THEN menu(5) &= sep & equip_types(i) sep = "/" is_equippable = YES END IF NEXT i IF NOT is_equippable THEN menu(5) &= " NEVER EQUIPPED" menu(6) = "When used in battle: " & item_attack_name(itembuf(47)) menu(7) = "When used as a " & weapon & ": " & item_attack_name(itembuf(48)) menu(8) = "Teach Spell: " & item_attack_name(itembuf(50)) IF itembuf(51) > 0 THEN menu(9) = "When used out of battle: " & item_attack_name(itembuf(51)) box_preview = "" ELSEIF itembuf(51) = 0 THEN menu(9) = "When used out of battle: NO ATTACK/TEXTBOX" box_preview = "" ELSE menu(9) = "When used out of battle: Text " & ABS(itembuf(51)) box_preview = textbox_preview_line(ABS(itembuf(51))) END IF menu(10) = "Unlimited Use" IF itembuf(73) = 1 THEN menu(10) = "Consumed By Use" IF itembuf(73) = 2 THEN menu(10) = "Cannot be Sold/Dropped" menu(11) = "Own item Tag " & itembuf(74) & " " & load_tag_name(itembuf(74)) menu(12) = "Is in inventory Tag " & itembuf(75) & " " & load_tag_name(itembuf(75)) menu(13) = "Is equipped Tag " & itembuf(76) & " " & load_tag_name(itembuf(76)) menu(14) = "Equipped by active hero Tag " & itembuf(77) & " " & load_tag_name(itembuf(77)) menu(15) = "Weapon Picture: " & itembuf(52) menu(16) = "Weapon Palette: " & defaultint(itembuf(53)) menu(17) = "Handle position A..." menu(18) = "Handle position B..." menu(19) = "Stat Bonuses..." menu(20) = "Elemental Resists..." 'menu(20) = "Equipment Bits..." menu(21) = "Who Can Equip?..." FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(shaded) shaded(i) = NO NEXT IF NOT is_weapon THEN menu(7) = "When used as a " & weapon & ": N/A" shaded(7) = YES menu(15) = "Weapon Picture: N/A" menu(16) = "Weapon Palette: N/A" shaded(15) = YES shaded(16) = YES shaded(17) = YES shaded(18) = YES END IF IF NOT is_equippable THEN 'Don't N/A the tags, because they still take effect shaded(13) = YES shaded(14) = YES shaded(19) = YES shaded(20) = YES shaded(21) = YES END IF END SUB FUNCTION item_attack_name(n as integer) as string IF n <= 0 THEN RETURN "NOTHING" RETURN n - 1 & " " & readattackname(n - 1) END FUNCTION ' Who Can Equip? menu SUB item_editor_equipbits(itembuf() as integer, itemname as string) DIM hero_id as integer ' The equippable bits are discontinuous DIM combined_bits(maxMaxHero \ 16) as integer DIM bitnames(-1 TO maxMaxHero) as string FOR hero_id = 0 TO gen(genMaxHero) bitnames(hero_id) = getheroname(hero_id) IF LEN(bitnames(hero_id)) = 0 THEN bitnames(hero_id) = "Hero " & hero_id setbit combined_bits(), 0, hero_id, item_read_equipbit(itembuf(), hero_id) NEXT editbitset combined_bits(), 0, bitnames(), , , , itemname & " is equippable by..." FOR hero_id = 0 TO gen(genMaxHero) item_write_equipbit(itembuf(), hero_id, xreadbit(combined_bits(), hero_id)) NEXT END SUB 'This elemental resistance editor is shared by the hero and item editors SUB common_elementals_editor(elementals() as single, helpfile as string, byval showsign as integer = 0) DIM elementnames() as string getelementnames elementnames() DIM float_reprs(gen(genNumElements) - 1) as string DIM menu(1 + gen(genNumElements) - 1) as string DIM menu_display(UBOUND(menu)) as string DIM selectst as SelectTypeState DIM st as MenuState st.last = UBOUND(menu) st.autosize = YES st.need_update = YES DIM menuopts as MenuOptions menuopts.scrollbar = YES FOR i as integer = 0 TO gen(genNumElements) - 1 float_reprs(i) = format_percent(elementals(i)) elementnames(i) = rpad(elementnames(i), " ", 15, clipRight) NEXT DO setwait 55 setkeys YES IF keyval(ccCancel) > 1 THEN EXIT DO IF keyval(scF1) > 1 THEN show_help helpfile IF st.pt = 0 THEN IF enter_space_click(st) THEN EXIT DO ELSE IF percent_grabber(elementals(st.pt - 1), float_reprs(st.pt - 1), -1000, 1000) THEN st.need_update = YES END IF usemenu st IF st.need_update THEN st.need_update = NO menu(0) = "Previous Menu" FOR i as integer = 0 TO gen(genNumElements) - 1 menu(i + 1) = "Damage from " + elementnames(i) + ": " IF showsign THEN 'positive values get explicit + prefix IF LEFT(float_reprs(i), 1) <> "-" THEN menu(i + 1) += "+" END IF menu(i + 1) += float_reprs(i) NEXT END IF IF select_by_typing(selectst, NO) THEN select_on_word_boundary menu(), selectst, st END IF clearpage vpage highlight_menu_typing_selection menu(), menu_display(), selectst, st standardmenu menu_display(), st, 0, 0, vpage, menuopts setvispage vpage dowait LOOP setkeys END SUB SUB item_editor_elementals(itembuf() as integer) DIM elementals(gen(genNumElements) - 1) as single FOR i as integer = 0 TO gen(genNumElements) - 1 elementals(i) = DeSerSingle(itembuf(), 82 + i * 2) IF gen(genEquipMergeFormula) = 2 THEN 'additive merging elementals(i) -= 1.0 END IF NEXT common_elementals_editor elementals(), "item_elementals", (gen(genEquipMergeFormula) = 2) FOR i as integer = 0 TO gen(genNumElements) - 1 IF gen(genEquipMergeFormula) = 2 THEN 'additive merging elementals(i) += 1.0 END IF SerSingle itembuf(), 82 + i * 2, elementals(i) NEXT END SUB SUB item_editor_init_new(itembuf() as integer) flusharray itembuf(), dimbinsize(binITM), 0 FOR i as integer = 0 TO 63 SerSingle itembuf(), 82 + i * 2, 1.0 NEXT i END SUB SUB item_editor_stat_bonuses(itembuf() as integer) DIM menu(-1 TO statLast) as string DIM menu_display(-1 TO statLast) as string menu(-1) = "Previous Menu" DIM selectst as SelectTypeState DIM state as MenuState state.first = -1 state.top = -1 state.last = UBOUND(menu) state.size = 24 state.need_update = YES setkeys YES DO setwait 55 setkeys YES IF keyval(ccCancel) > 1 THEN EXIT DO IF keyval(scF1) > 1 THEN show_help "equipment_stat_bonuses" usemenu state IF enter_space_click(state) THEN IF state.pt = -1 THEN EXIT DO END IF IF state.pt >= 0 THEN IF intgrabber(itembuf(54 + state.pt), -32768, 32767) THEN state.need_update = YES END IF END IF IF state.need_update THEN state.need_update = NO FOR i as integer = 0 TO statLast menu(i) = statnames(i) + " Bonus: " & itembuf(54 + i) DIM cap as integer = gen(genStatCap + i) IF cap > 0 ANDALSO itembuf(54 + i) > cap THEN menu(i) &= " [stat capped to " & cap & "]" END IF NEXT END IF IF select_by_typing(selectst, NO) THEN select_on_word_boundary menu(), selectst, state END IF clearpage dpage highlight_menu_typing_selection menu(), menu_display(), selectst, state standardmenu menu_display(), state, 0, 0, dpage SWAP vpage, dpage setvispage vpage dowait LOOP END SUB