'OHRRPGCE Common - Odd header/module left over from the QuickBasic to FreeBASIC move '(C) Copyright 1997-2005 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) ' 'FIXME: move this crud elsewhere #include "config.bi" #include "util.bi" #include "ver.txt" #include "misc.bi" #include "allmodex.bi" #include "fontdata.bi" #include "gfx.bi" #include "common.bi" #include "music.bi" #ifdef IS_GAME #include "yetmore2.bi" #endif #ifdef IS_CUSTOM #include "customsubs.bi" #endif 'An option was given on commandline to set zoom or fullscreen/windowed (overrides the games' settings) dim overrode_default_zoom as bool = NO dim overrode_default_fullscreen as bool = NO dim overrode_log_dir as bool = NO #ifdef timer_variables dim timer_variables #endif SUB getdefaultfont(fnt() as integer) for i as integer = 0 to 1023 fnt(i) = default_font(i) next END SUB SUB getbrowserfont(fnt() as integer) for i as integer = 0 to 1023 fnt(i) = browser_font(i) next END SUB function global_setoption(opt as string, arg as string) as integer dim help as string = "" if opt = "v" or opt = "version" then help = help & long_version & build_info & LINE_END help = help & "(C) Copyright 1997-2017 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions" & LINE_END help = help & "This game engine is free software under the terms of the GNU GPL v2+" & LINE_END help = help & "For source-code see http://HamsterRepublic.com/ohrrpgce/source.php" & LINE_END help = help & "Game data copyright and license will vary." & LINE_END display_help_string help return 1 elseif opt = "?" or opt = "help" or opt = "h" then load_preferred_gfx_backend() help = help & "Usage: " & trimpath(command(0)) & " [options] [.rpg or .rpgdir or initial browser directory]" & LINE_END #IFDEF IS_CUSTOM help = help & " Or: " & trimpath(command(0)) & " [options] <.rpg or .rpgdir> <.hss file>" & LINE_END help = help & " (Import the scripts and then quit. See also --nowait)" & LINE_END #ENDIF help &= LINE_END help = help & "If a file named ohrrpgce_arguments.txt exists in the current directory then" & LINE_END help = help & "additional command line arguments will be read from it, one per line." & LINE_END help &= LINE_END help = help & "-? -h -help Display this help screen" & LINE_END help = help & "-v -version Show version and build info" & LINE_END help = help & "-log foldername Log debug messages to a specific folder" & LINE_END #IFDEF IS_GAME help = help & "-full-upgrade Upgrade game data completely, as Custom does (only useful for bughunting)" & LINE_END help = help & "-autosnap N Automatically save a screen snapshot every N ticks" & LINE_END help = help & "-autotest Run quickly and write screenshots on _checkpoints" & LINE_END help = help & "-errlvl [level] Override script error suppression level (" & serrBound & " default, " & serrSuspicious & " hide warnings, " & serrBadOp & " hide all but corruption/bugs)" & LINE_END help = help & "-scriptlog Script logging initially turned on (Ctrl+F10 to toggle)" LINE_END 'Hidden options: 'help = help & "-slave channel IPC channel to use to receive messages from Custom" & LINE_END 'help = help & "-debugkeys Turn on debug keys" & LINE_END #ENDIF #IFDEF IS_CUSTOM help = help & "-distrib [zip|win|mac[32|64]|tarball[32|64]|debian[32|64]|all]" & LINE_END help = help & " When opening a game, export a copy for distribution in the requested" & LINE_END help = help & " format. mac/tarball/debian are aliases for mac64/tarball64/debian64." & LINE_END help = help & " Not all formats are available on all platforms." & LINE_END help = help & " See c_debug.txt for error messages" & LINE_END help = help & "-nowait When importing scripts (ignored otherwise) quit immediately on success" & LINE_END help = help & "-export-trans file Export translations to a file" & LINE_END #ENDIF help = help & "-rawexx Don't catch -exx fatal errors, let gdbgame/gdbcustom.sh/bat catch them" & LINE_END help = help & "-recordinput file Record keyboard input to a file" & LINE_END help = help & "-replayinput file Replay keyboard input from a previously recorded file" & LINE_END help = help & "-nojoy Disable joystick/gamepad support" & LINE_END help = help & "-runfast Run as quickly as possible (no FPS throttling)" & LINE_END help = help & "-logslow Log to c/g_debug.txt when certain backend calls took a long time" & LINE_END help = help & "-maxfps fps The maximum frames-per-second before starting to skip frames (default " & max_display_fps & ")" & LINE_END help = help & "-giffps fps Set the maximum frames-per-second for a recorded .gif (default 30)" & LINE_END help = help & "-recordoverlays Include overlays like FPS counter and macro playback info in screenshots/.gifs" & LINE_END help = help & "-hideoverlays Never draw overlays" & LINE_END help = help & "-showkeys Show keyboard keys as they're pressed while recording a .gif" & LINE_END help = help & "-showmouse Show mouse position while recording a .gif" & LINE_END help = help & "-gfx backendname Select graphics backend. This build supports:" & LINE_END help = help & " " & SUPPORTED_GFX & " (tried in that order)" & LINE_END help = help & "-no-native-kbd Use US keyboard layout instead of OS-based text input (Default under X11 (ie. Linux, BSD))" & LINE_END help = help & "-native-kbd Use OS-based text input instead of US keyboard layout (Default on Windows, Mac OS X, Android)" & LINE_END help = help & "-f -fullscreen Start in full-screen mode if possible" & LINE_END help = help & "-w -windowed Start in windowed mode (default)" & LINE_END help = help & " Backend-specific options for gfx_" & gfxbackend & ": (use -gfx XYX -help to see others)" & LINE_END if gfx_describe_options() then help = help & *gfx_describe_options() end if display_help_string help return 1 elseif opt = "log" then dim d as string = absolute_with_orig_path(arg, YES) if isdir(d) ANDALSO diriswriteable(d) then if paths_equal(d, log_dir) = NO then end_debug log_dir = d start_new_debug "Starting log (-log option)" end if return 2 else help = "log dir """ & d & """ is not valid." & LINE_END help = help & "a valid argument to -log must be a writable folder that exists." display_help_string help return 1 end if elseif opt = "rawexx" then ' The purpose of this flag is that ON ERROR GOTO causes the topmost stack frame ' (where the error actually occurred) to be lost. remove_fb_error_handler 'setup_fb_error_handler already called ' Could also uninstall the Windows exception handler, if that's useful? return 1 end if return 0 end function ' Custom and Game share this function for processing commandline flags: ' poll various modules that accept options. function gamecustom_setoption(opt as string, arg as string) as integer dim argsused as integer = 0 ' Check for commandline options that we want to do something about but without consuming. 'dim value as integer = str2int(arg, -1) if opt = "zoom" or opt = "z" or opt = "width" or opt = "w" then overrode_default_zoom = YES end if if opt = "fullscreen" or opt = "f" or opt = "windowed" or opt = "w" then overrode_default_fullscreen = YES end if if opt = "log" then overrode_log_dir = YES end if ' Delegate if argsused = 0 then argsused = allmodex_setoption(opt, arg) if argsused = 0 then argsused = global_setoption(opt, arg) if argsused = 0 then argsused = common_setoption(opt, arg) 'common.rbas #ifdef IS_GAME if argsused = 0 then argsused = game_setoption(opt, arg) #endif #ifdef IS_CUSTOM if argsused = 0 then argsused = custom_setoption(opt, arg) #endif if argsused = 0 then argsused = backends_setoption(opt, arg) 'this always loads a backend if argsused = 0 andalso gfx_setoption then argsused = gfx_setoption(cstring(opt), cstring(arg)) end if return argsused end function sub display_help_string(help as string) dim k as string print help ' display to text console (doesn't work under Windows unless compiled without -s gui) #ifdef __FB_WIN32__ 'Don't do this under Unix, it's annoying and adds fbgfx as a dependency if len(help) > 500 then screen 19 ' create a graphical fake text console (800x600, 100x37 characters) else screen 11 end if print help, ' display the help on the graphical console k = input(1) ' use FreeBasic-style keypress checking because our keyhandler isn't set up yet #endif SYSTEM ' terminate the program end sub ' This function exists to be hooked by gdb after we've opened ' the channel (without which, Custom's attempt to open it times out). ' It needs to be in a module other than yetmore2.bas so that it doesn't get inlined. SUB hook_after_attach_to_master(success as bool) END SUB FUNCTION ReadShort(byval fh as integer, byval p as long=-1) as short DIM ret as short IF p = -1 THEN GET #fh,,ret ELSEIF p >= 0 THEN GET #fh,p,ret END IF return ret END FUNCTION FUNCTION ReadShort(filename as string, byval p as integer) as short DIM ret as short DIM fh as integer OPENFILE(filename, for_binary + access_read, fh) GET #fh, p, ret CLOSE #fh return ret END FUNCTION FUNCTION ReadByte(byval fh as integer, byval p as long=-1) as ubyte DIM ret as ubyte IF p = -1 THEN GET #fh,,ret ELSEIF p >= 0 THEN GET #fh,p,ret END IF return ret END FUNCTION Sub WriteShort(byval fh as integer, byval p as long, byval v as integer) WriteShort(fh,p,cshort(v)) END SUB Sub WriteShort(byval fh as integer, byval p as long, byval v as short) IF p = -1 THEN PUT #fh,,v ELSEIF p >= 0 THEN PUT #fh,p,v END IF END SUB Sub WriteShort(filename as string, byval p as integer, byval v as integer) DIM fh as integer OPENFILE(filename, FOR_BINARY, fh) PUT #fh, p, cshort(v) CLOSE #fh END SUB Sub WriteByte(byval fh as integer, byval v as ubyte, byval p as long=-1) IF p = -1 THEN PUT #fh,,v ELSEIF p >= 0 THEN PUT #fh,p,v END IF END SUB Function ReadVStr(byval fh as integer, byval maxlen as integer) as string dim length as short, ret as string, c as short, i as integer length = readshort(fh) for i = 0 to maxlen - 1 c = readshort(fh) if i < length then ret &= chr(c AND 255) next return ret end function Sub WriteVStr(byval fh as integer, byval maxlen as integer, s as string) dim i as integer writeshort(fh, -1, small(maxlen, len(s))) for i = 0 to maxlen - 1 if i < len(s) then writeshort(fh, -1, cint(s[i])) else writeshort(fh, -1, 0) next end sub Function ReadByteStr(byval fh as integer, byval maxlen as integer) as string dim length as short, ret as string, c as ubyte, i as integer length = readshort(fh) for i = 0 to maxlen - 1 c = readbyte(fh) if i < length then ret = ret & chr(c) next return ret end function Sub WriteByteStr(byval fh as integer, byval maxlen as integer, s as string) dim i as integer writeshort(fh, -1, small(maxlen, len(s))) for i = 0 to maxlen - 1 if i < len(s) then writebyte(fh, cubyte(s[i])) else writebyte(fh, 0) next end sub