'OHRRPGCE GAME & CUSTOM - Classes for browsing various kinds of things and getting an ID number '(C) Copyright 2017 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) 'Except, this module isn't especially crappy ' #include "config.bi" #include "allmodex.bi" #include "common.bi" #include "const.bi" #include "uiconst.bi" #include "reloadext.bi" #include "slices.bi" #include "sliceedit.bi" #include "scriptcommands.bi" #include "plankmenu.bi" #include "loading.bi" #include "bcommon.bi" #ifdef IS_CUSTOM #include "custom.bi" #endif #include "thingbrowser.bi" '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ThingBrowser.browse(byref start_id as integer=0, byval or_none as bool=NO, editor_func as FnThingBrowserEditor=0, byval edit_by_default as bool=YES, byval skip_zero as bool=NO) as integer dim result as integer = start_id this.or_none = or_none this.skip_zero = skip_zero dim holdscreen as integer = allocatepage copypage vpage, holdscreen can_edit = (editor_func <> 0) helpkey = init_helpkey() 'Do this after we know if editing is available dim do_add as bool = NO 'Always NO if can_edit=NO dim do_edit as bool = NO 'Always NO if can_edit=NO dim do_filter as bool = NO dim quit_if_add_cancelled as bool = NO 'If start_id is > highest id then .browse should try to add a new item, and return -1 if cancelled if start_id > highest_id() then if can_edit then do_add = YES quit_if_add_cancelled = YES else 'If we can't call an editor, then we can't add new records. 'This isn't a bug, as it might happen after deleting data records. debuginfo thing_kind_name() & " thingbrowser entered with out-of-range start_id=" & start_id start_id = highest_id() end if end if ' Build slice tree root = NewSliceOfType(slContainer) SliceLoadFromFile root, finddatafile("thingbrowser.slice") set_up_sub_buttons enter_browser dim mode_indicator as Slice Ptr = LookupSliceSafe(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_MODE_INDICATOR, root) ChangeTextSlice mode_indicator, "Browsing " & thing_kind_name() if can_edit andalso edit_by_default then ChangeTextSlice mode_indicator, "Editing " & thing_kind_name() thinglist = LookupSlice(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_THINGLIST, root) RefreshSliceScreenPos thinglist build_thing_list() dim noscroll_area as Slice Ptr = LookupSlice(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_NOSCROLL_AREA, root) dim back_holder as Slice Ptr = LookupSlice(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_BACK_HOLDER, root) dim new_holder as Slice Ptr = LookupSliceSafe(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_NEW_HOLDER, root) dim add_new_holder as Slice Ptr = LookupSliceSafe(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_NEW_HOLDER, thinglist) if not can_edit then new_holder->Visible = NO add_new_holder->Visible = NO end if dim filter_holder as Slice Ptr = LookupSlice(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_FILTER_HOLDER, root) dim type_query_sl as Slice Ptr = LookupSlice(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_TYPE_QUERY, root) dim filter_text_sl as Slice Ptr = LookupSlice(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_FILTER_TEXT, root) dim ps as PlankState ps.m = root ps.cur = top_left_plank(ps) dim orig_cur as slice ptr = 0 if focus_plank_by_extra_id(ps, , start_id, thinglist) then orig_cur = ps.cur end if DrawSlice root, vpage update_plank_scrolling ps dim hover as Slice Ptr = 0 dim cursor_moved as bool = YES dim last_resolution as XYPair dim selectst as SelectTypeState do setwait 55 setkeys YES 'Update scroll after resolution change (not otherwise, or scrollwheel won't work) if get_resolution() <> last_resolution then RefreshSliceTreeScreenPos root update_plank_scrolling ps last_resolution = get_resolution() end if if keyval(ccCancel) > 1 then 'cancel out of the browser result = start_id exit do end if if keyval(scF6) > 1 then slice_editor(root, SL_COLLECT_EDITOR, "thingbrowser.slice", , YES) if keyval(scCtrl) > 0 andalso keyval(scF) > 1 then do_filter = YES if len(helpkey) andalso keyval(scF1) > 1 then show_help helpkey 'Clear selection indicators if ps.cur then set_plank_state ps, ps.cur, plankNORMAL if hover then set_plank_state ps, hover, plankNORMAL if orig_cur then set_plank_state ps, orig_cur, plankNORMAL if IsAncestor(ps.cur, thinglist) then 'Things that only happen when the selection is in the thinglist if keyval(scHome) > 1 then 'special handling of the home button dim first_thing as Slice Ptr first_thing = top_left_plank(ps, thinglist) if ps.cur = first_thing then 'Already on the first cursor_moved = plank_menu_home(ps) elseif first_thing then 'Select the first ps.cur = first_thing cursor_moved = YES end if elseif keyval(ccLeft) > 1 andalso ps.cur->Extra(0) = lowest_id() then 'From first thing, wrap around to end of thinglist instead of Filter menubar button cursor_moved = plank_menu_end(ps) elseif plank_menu_arrows(ps, thinglist, YES) then 'linear_left_right=YES 'Give priority to the thinglist cursor_moved = YES elseif keyval(ccUp) > 1 then 'When moving up to the menubar, always move to back button ps.cur = top_left_plank(ps) cursor_moved = YES elseif keyval(ccDown) > 1 orelse keyval(ccRight) > 1 then 'Moving off the bottom, wrap to first thing ps.cur = top_left_plank(ps, thinglist) cursor_moved = YES end if if not cursor_moved andalso cropafter_keycombo() then handle_cropafter(ps.cur->Extra(0)) save_plank_selection ps build_thing_list() restore_plank_selection ps hover = 0 orig_cur = find_plank_by_extra_id(ps, , start_id, thinglist) cursor_moved = YES end if elseif IsAncestor(ps.cur, noscroll_area) then dim start_from as Slice Ptr = noscroll_area if keyval(scPageUp) > 1 orelse keyval(scPageDown) > 1 then start_from = thinglist if plank_menu_arrows(ps, start_from) then cursor_moved = YES elseif keyval(ccUp) > 1 orelse keyval(ccLeft) > 1 then 'Wrap to bottom of the menu (Add new thing) cursor_moved = plank_menu_end(ps) end if end if if not cursor_moved then if plank_menu_arrows(ps, , YES) then 'linear_left_right=YES 'Only if no movement happened in one of the areas do we consider global movement cursor_moved = YES end if end if plank_menu_mouse_wheel(ps) if select_by_typing(selectst) then if selectst.query <> " " then if plank_select_by_string(ps, selectst.query) then cursor_moved = YES end if end if hover = find_plank_at_screen_pos(ps, readmouse.pos) if hover andalso (readmouse.clicks AND mouseLeft) then 'FIXME: clicking on the Play button of a music/sfx plank results in the song/sfx getting 'played twice, once for the button-down moving the selection, and a second time for 'the button-release activating the play button cursor_moved = ps.cur <> hover ps.cur = hover end if if hover andalso (readmouse.buttons AND mouseRight) then 'Holding down right click changes cursor selection cursor_moved = ps.cur <> hover ps.cur = hover end if dim edit_record as integer if readmouse.release AND mouseRight then 'When edit mode is available, but not default, then ' right-clicking pops up a context menu if ps.cur andalso can_edit andalso not edit_by_default then dim selected_id as integer = ps.cur->Extra(0) dim options(1) as string dim thing_and_id as string = thing_kind_name_singular() & " " & selected_id options(0) = "Pick " & thing_and_id options(1) = "Edit " & thing_and_id select case multichoice("", options()) case 0: result = selected_id exit do case 1: edit_record = selected_id do_edit = YES end select end if end if 'Activating menu items. 'The hover=ps.cur test here is to ensure that clicking and dragging off the selection does not activate it. if ps.cur andalso enter_or_space() orelse _ ((readmouse.release AND mouseLeft) andalso hover = ps.cur andalso confirm_plank_click(hover)) then if can_edit andalso (isAncestor(ps.cur, new_holder) orelse isAncestor(ps.cur, add_new_holder)) then '+New menubar button or Add New button at end do_add = YES elseif IsAncestor(ps.cur, thinglist) then if can_edit = NO orelse edit_by_default = NO then 'Selected a thing result = ps.cur->Extra(0) exit do else 'Editing a thing edit_record = ps.cur->Extra(0) do_edit = YES end if elseif IsAncestor(ps.cur, back_holder) then 'Cancel out of the browser result = start_id exit do elseif IsAncestor(ps.cur, filter_holder) then 'Open the Filter window do_filter = YES end if end if if can_edit andalso (keyval(scCtrl) > 0 andalso keyval(scE) > 1) then if ps.cur andalso IsAncestor(ps.cur, thinglist) then 'Editing a thing edit_record = ps.cur->Extra(0) do_edit = YES end if end if if can_edit andalso (keyval(scCtrl) > 0 andalso keyval(scN) > 1) then do_add = YES end if if do_add then do_add = NO 'Add a new thing if highest_id() + 1 > highest_possible_id() then visible_debug "There are already " & highest_possible_id() & " " & thing_kind_name() & ", which is the most " & thing_kind_name() & " you can have." if quit_if_add_cancelled then result = -1: exit do else edit_record = highest_id() + 1 do_edit = YES end if end if if do_edit then do_edit = NO dim ed_ret as integer = editor_func(edit_record) if ed_ret = -1 andalso quit_if_add_cancelled then result = -1 : exit do save_plank_selection ps build_thing_list() restore_plank_selection ps if ed_ret >= 0 then focus_plank_by_extra_id(ps, , ed_ret, thinglist) end if hover = 0 orig_cur = find_plank_by_extra_id(ps, , start_id, thinglist) elseif do_filter then do_filter = NO if prompt_for_string(filter_text, "Find/Filter " & thing_kind_name()) then save_plank_selection ps build_thing_list() restore_plank_selection ps hover = 0 orig_cur = find_plank_by_extra_id(ps, , start_id, thinglist) cursor_moved = YES end if end if 'Set selection indicators if orig_cur then set_plank_state ps, orig_cur, plankSPECIAL if hover then set_plank_state ps, hover, plankMOUSEHOVER if ps.cur then set_plank_state ps, ps.cur, plankSEL if ps.cur = orig_cur then set_plank_state ps, ps.cur, plankSELSPECIAL end if 'Iterate over all the planks to run their each_tick sub REDIM planks(any) as Slice Ptr find_all_planks ps, ps.m, planks() for i as integer = 0 to ubound(planks) each_tick_each_plank planks(i) next i 'Then run the each-tick sub for the selected plank if ps.cur then each_tick_selected_plank ps.cur if thinglist->SliceType = slGrid then ChangeGridSlice thinglist, , thinglist->Width \ plank_size.x if cursor_moved then 'Yep, a move happened. We would update selection detail display here if that was a thing update_plank_scrolling ps dim id as integer = -1 if ps.cur andalso IsAncestor(ps.cur, thinglist) then id = ps.cur->Extra(0) on_cursor_moved id, ps.cur end if cursor_moved = NO ChangeTextSlice filter_text_sl, IIF(filter_text <> "", "Showing Only: *" & filter_text & "*", "") ChangeTextSlice type_query_sl, selectst.query copypage holdscreen, vpage DrawSlice root, vpage setvispage vpage dowait loop leave_browser setkeys freepage holdscreen DeleteSlice @(root) return result End Function Sub ThingBrowser.enter_browser() 'Special initialisation End Sub Sub ThingBrowser.leave_browser() 'Special cleanup End Sub Sub ThingBrowser.on_cursor_moved(byval id as integer, byval plank as Slice Ptr) 'React to selecting a new plank with the keyboard or mouse End Sub Sub ThingBrowser.each_tick_each_plank(byval plank as Slice Ptr) 'Nothing needs to happen here, if you don't want continous animation End Sub Sub ThingBrowser.each_tick_selected_plank(byval plank as Slice Ptr) 'Nothing needs to happen here, if you don't want extra selection cursor animation 'or special key handling '(the SL_PLANK_MENU_SELECTABLE animation of TextSlice and RectangleSlice color happens automatically even without this sub) End Sub Function ThingBrowser.confirm_plank_click (byval plank as Slice Ptr) as bool 'This function is called if a click has happened with readmouse.pos colliding with the plank 'return YES to select/pick the plank, or return NO if the plank should just be focused, not activated dim id as integer = plank->Extra(0) if not IsAncestor(plank, thinglist) then id = INT_MIN dim btn as Slice Ptr for i as integer = 0 to ubound(sub_buttons) dim code as integer = sub_buttons(i) if code <> 0 then btn = LookupSlice(code, plank) if btn andalso SliceCollidePoint(btn, readmouse.pos) then return on_sub_button_click(code, id, plank) end if end if next i return YES End Function Sub ThingBrowser.set_up_sub_buttons() 'Sub classes can resize this array and fill it with slice lookup codes to make them behave as buttons 'see also on_sub_button_click() redim sub_buttons(0) as integer sub_buttons(0) = 0 'For example, if you wanted special handling when clicking on the sprite, you would do: 'sub_buttons(0) = SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_PLANK_SPRITE End Sub Function ThingBrowser.on_sub_button_click(byval button_lookup as integer,byval id as integer, byval plank as Slice Ptr) as bool 'This is a handler for the special sub-buttons set up in set_up_sub_buttons() 'It should return YES if this click should activate the plank as normal, or 'return NO if the plank should just be focused without activating return NO End Function Sub ThingBrowser.loop_sprite_helper(byval plank as Slice Ptr, byval min as integer, byval max as integer, byval delay as integer=1) 'A crude and simple animation helper for sprites in planks. 'Uses the Extra(1) slot to manage the animation speed. 'FIXME: rip this all out and replace it when the new animation system is ready dim spr as Slice Ptr = LookupSlice(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_PLANK_SPRITE, plank) if spr then loopvar spr->Extra(1), 0, delay if spr->Extra(1) = 0 then dim dat as SpriteSliceData Ptr = spr->SliceData loopvar dat->frame, min, max end if end if End Sub Function ThingBrowser.thing_kind_name() as string 'Should be plural return "Things" End Function Function ThingBrowser.thing_kind_name_singular() as string 'Strip the "s" off the end of the plural... override this function when that is wrong return rtrim(thing_kind_name(), ANY "s") End Function Function ThingBrowser.init_helpkey() as string return "" End Function Sub ThingBrowser.build_thing_list() dim timing as double = TIMER dim add_new_holder as Slice ptr = LookupSliceSafe(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_NEW_HOLDER, thinglist) dim add_new_text as Slice ptr = LookupSliceSafe(SL_PLANK_MENU_SELECTABLE, add_new_holder, slText) ChangeTextSlice add_new_text, "Add new " & lcase(thing_kind_name_singular()) OrphanSlice add_new_holder 'So plank_menu_clear doesn't delete it plank_menu_clear root, SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_THINGLIST plank_size = XY(1,1) 'Avoid divide-by-zero dim plank as slice ptr for id as integer = lowest_id() to highest_id() plank = create_thing_plank(id) if plank = NULL then showbug "create_thing_plank returned NULL!" exit for 'Probably something is really broken end if plank->Clip = YES 'Optimisation: don't draw off-screen planks if check_plank_filter(plank) then SetSliceParent(plank, thinglist) plank->Lookup = SL_PLANK_HOLDER plank->Extra(0) = id plank_size.x = large(plank_size.x, plank->Width) plank_size.y = large(plank_size.y, plank->Height) else 'Don't use this one because it was filtered out DeleteSlice @(plank) end if next id thinglist->Height = plank_size.y 'Only needed if a Grid: Height of one row (FIXME: this can't be right) if thinglist->SliceType = slGrid then 'Not tested ChangeGridSlice thinglist, , thinglist->Width \ plank_size.x 'Can't parent this to the Grid, put after and under InsertSliceAfter thinglist, add_new_holder add_new_holder->y = thinglist->Height else 'thinglist is a Layout slice SetSliceParent add_new_holder, thinglist end if DrawSlice root, vpage 'refresh screen positions timing = TIMER - timing if timing > 0.25 then debuginfo thing_kind_name() & ": build_thing_list() took " & cint(timing * 1000) & "ms" end if End Sub Function ThingBrowser.check_plank_filter(byval sl as Slice Ptr) as bool 'Returns YES if this plank is okay to display according to the text filter check. 'Returns NO if the plank should be hidden 'If there is no filter active, succeed immediately if filter_text = "" then return YES if FindTextSliceStringRecursively(sl, filter_text) <> 0 then return YES 'No text was found that matches the filter text return NO End Function Function ThingBrowser.lowest_id() as integer dim ret as integer = 0 if skip_zero then ret += 1 if or_none then ret -= 1 return ret End Function Function ThingBrowser.highest_id() as integer return -1 End Function Function ThingBrowser.highest_possible_id() as integer return 32767 End Function 'The ID which is the NONE option. Irrelevant if or_none = NO (but mustn't be a valid ID) Function ThingBrowser.none_id() as integer if or_none then return lowest_id() else return INT_MIN 'No None end if End Function Function ThingBrowser.create_thing_plank(byval id as integer) as Slice Ptr 'Override this for complex planks. 'For simple plain-text planks, just override thing_text_for_id instead dim plank as Slice Ptr plank = NewSliceOfType(slContainer, , SL_PLANK_HOLDER) ' SL_PLANK_HOLDER will be re-applied by the caller dim box as Slice Ptr box = NewSliceOfType(slRectangle, plank, SL_PLANK_MENU_SELECTABLE) box->Fill = YES box->Visible = NO ChangeRectangleSlice box, , , , borderNone dim txt as Slice Ptr txt = NewSliceOfType(slText, plank, SL_PLANK_MENU_SELECTABLE) ChangeTextSlice txt, thing_text_for_id(id), uilook(uiMenuItem), YES plank->size = txt->size + XY(2, 0) ' Plank is 2 pixels wider than the text return plank End Function Function ThingBrowser.thing_text_for_id(byval id as integer) as string 'Override this for plain text planks. 'For more complex planks, override create_thing_plank instead return str(id) End Function Sub ThingBrowser.handle_cropafter(byval id as integer) visible_debug("No support for deleting " & thing_kind_name() & " after the selected one.") End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ItemBrowser.thing_kind_name() as string return "Items" End Function Function ItemBrowser.init_helpkey() as string return "item_editor_browser" End Function Function ItemBrowser.highest_id() as integer return gen(genMaxItem) End Function Function ItemBrowser.highest_possible_id() as integer return maxMaxItems End Function Function ItemBrowser.thing_text_for_id(byval id as integer) as string dim digits as integer = len(str(highest_id())) if id = none_id then return SPACE(digits) & " " & rpad("NO ITEM", , 8) end if return lpad(str(id), " ", digits) & " " & rpad(readitemname(id), " ", 8) End Function Sub ItemBrowser.handle_cropafter(byval id as integer) cropafter id, gen(genMaxItem), 0, game & ".itm", getbinsize(binITM) load_special_tag_caches End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ShopBrowser.thing_kind_name() as string return "Shops" End Function Function ShopBrowser.init_helpkey() as string return "shop_browser" End Function Function ShopBrowser.highest_id() as integer return gen(genMaxShop) End Function Function ShopBrowser.highest_possible_id() as integer return maxMaxShop End Function Function ShopBrowser.thing_text_for_id(byval id as integer) as string dim digits as integer = len(str(highest_id())) if id = none_id then return SPACE(digits) & " " & rpad("NO SHOP", , 16) end if return lpad(str(id), " ", digits) & " " & rpad(readshopname(id), " ", 16) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Constructor ShopStuffBrowser(byval shop_id as integer) this.shop_id = shop_id End Constructor Function ShopStuffBrowser.thing_kind_name() as string return "Shop Stuff" End Function Function ShopStuffBrowser.thing_kind_name_singular() as string return "Item/hero" End Function Function ShopStuffBrowser.init_helpkey() as string return "shop_stuff_browser" End Function Function ShopStuffBrowser.highest_id() as integer dim shopbuf(20) as integer loadrecord shopbuf(), game & ".sho", 40 \ 2, shop_id return shopbuf(16) End Function Function ShopStuffBrowser.highest_possible_id() as integer return 49 End Function Function ShopStuffBrowser.thing_text_for_id(byval id as integer) as string dim digits as integer = len(str(highest_id())) if id = none_id then return SPACE(digits) & " " & rpad("NOTHING", " ", 16) 'I think this is never used end if dim stufbuf(curbinsize(binSTF) \ 2 - 1) as integer loadrecord stufbuf(), game & ".stf", getbinsize(binSTF) \ 2, shop_id * 50 + id dim kind as string = iif(stufbuf(17) = 1, "(HERO)", "(ITEM)") dim thing_name as string = readbadbinstring(stufbuf(), 0, 16, 0) dim stock_info as string if stufbuf(19) = -1 then 'Infinite stock stock_info = "* " elseif stufbuf(19) = 0 then 'No stock stock_info = "- " else stock_info = rpad(STR(stufbuf(19)), " ", 3) end if return lpad(str(id), " ", digits) & " " & rpad(thing_name, " ", 16) & " " & stock_info & " " & kind End Function '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub AttackBrowser.enter_browser() cache_all_spritesets sprTypeAttack End Sub Function AttackBrowser.thing_kind_name() as string return "Attacks" End Function Function AttackBrowser.init_helpkey() as string return "attack_editor_browser" End Function Function AttackBrowser.highest_id() as integer return gen(genMaxAttack) End Function Function AttackBrowser.highest_possible_id() as integer return maxMaxAttacks End Function Function AttackBrowser.create_thing_plank(byval id as integer) as Slice ptr dim attack as AttackData loadattackdata attack, id if plank_template = 0 then plank_template = load_plank_from_file(finddatafile("attack_browser_plank.slice")) end if dim plank as Slice Ptr plank = CloneSliceTree(plank_template) dim spr as Slice Ptr spr = LookupSliceSafe(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_PLANK_SPRITE, plank) ChangeSpriteSlice spr, sprTypeAttack, attack.picture, attack.pal, 0 if id = none_id then spr->Visible = NO end if dim txt as Slice Ptr txt = LookupSliceSafe(SL_PLANK_MENU_SELECTABLE, plank, slText) ChangeTextSlice txt, id & !"\n" & attack.name if id = none_id then ChangeTextSlice txt, "NONE" return plank End Function Sub AttackBrowser.handle_cropafter(byval id as integer) cropafter id, gen(genMaxAttack), 0, game & ".dt6", 80 '--this is a hack to detect if it is safe to erase the extended data '--in the second file IF id = gen(genMaxAttack) THEN '--delete the end of attack.bin without the need to prompt cropafter id, gen(genMaxAttack), 0, workingdir & SLASH & "attack.bin", getbinsize(binATTACK), NO END IF End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub EnemyBrowser.enter_browser() cache_all_spritesets sprTypeEnemy End Sub Function EnemyBrowser.thing_kind_name() as string return "Enemies" End Function Function EnemyBrowser.thing_kind_name_singular() as string return "Enemy" End Function Function EnemyBrowser.init_helpkey() as string return "enemy_editor_browser" End Function Function EnemyBrowser.highest_id() as integer return gen(genMaxEnemy) End Function Function EnemyBrowser.highest_possible_id() as integer return maxMaxAttacks End Function Function EnemyBrowser.create_thing_plank(byval id as integer) as Slice ptr dim enemy as EnemyDef loadenemydata enemy, id if plank_template = 0 then plank_template = load_plank_from_file(finddatafile("enemy_browser_plank.slice")) end if dim plank as Slice Ptr plank = CloneSliceTree(plank_template) dim spr as Slice Ptr spr = LookupSliceSafe(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_PLANK_SPRITE, plank) dim spr_kind as SpriteType select case enemy.size case 0: spr_kind = sprTypeSmallEnemy case 1: spr_kind = sprTypeMediumEnemy case 2: spr_kind = sprTypeLargeEnemy 'FIXME: switch this to sprTypeEnemy when EnemyDef supports it end select ChangeSpriteSlice spr, spr_kind, enemy.pic, enemy.pal, 0 if id = none_id then spr->Visible = NO end if dim txt as Slice Ptr txt = LookupSliceSafe(SL_PLANK_MENU_SELECTABLE, plank, slText) ChangeTextSlice txt, id & !"\n" & enemy.name if id = none_id then ChangeTextSlice txt, "NONE" return plank End Function Sub EnemyBrowser.handle_cropafter(byval id as integer) cropafter id, gen(genMaxEnemy), 0, game & ".dt1", getbinsize(binDT1) End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Function FormationBrowser.thing_kind_name() as string return "Formations" End Function Function FormationBrowser.init_helpkey() as string return "formation_editor_browser" End Function Function FormationBrowser.highest_id() as integer return gen(genMaxFormation) End Function Function FormationBrowser.highest_possible_id() as integer return maxMaxFormation End Function Function FormationBrowser.thing_text_for_id(byval id as integer) as string dim digits as integer = len(str(highest_id())) if id = none_id then return SPACE(digits) & " " & rpad("NOTHING", " ", 16) end if dim form as Formation LoadFormation form, game & ".for", id dim cap as string cap = lpad(str(id), " ", digits) & " " & describe_formation(form) 'Make a guess of about how many characters to padd the string to so they are all single-screen sized dim w_chars as integer = (vpages(vpage)->w - 16) / 8 return rpad(cap, " ", w_chars) End Function Sub FormationBrowser.handle_cropafter(byval id as integer) cropafter id, gen(genMaxFormation), 0, game & ".for", 80 End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Function HeroBrowser.thing_kind_name() as string return "Heroes" End Function Function HeroBrowser.thing_kind_name_singular() as string return "Hero" End Function Function HeroBrowser.init_helpkey() as string return "hero_editor_browser" End Function Function HeroBrowser.highest_id() as integer return gen(genMaxHero) End Function Function HeroBrowser.highest_possible_id() as integer return maxMaxHero End Function Function HeroBrowser.create_thing_plank(byval id as integer) as Slice ptr dim hero as HeroDef loadherodata hero, id if plank_template = 0 then plank_template = load_plank_from_file(finddatafile("hero_browser_plank.slice")) end if dim plank as Slice Ptr plank = CloneSliceTree(plank_template) dim spr as Slice Ptr spr = LookupSliceSafe(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_PLANK_SPRITE, plank) ChangeSpriteSlice spr, sprTypeHero, hero.sprite, hero.sprite_pal, 0 if id = none_id then spr->Visible = NO end if dim txt as Slice Ptr txt = LookupSliceSafe(SL_PLANK_MENU_SELECTABLE, plank, slText) ChangeTextSlice txt, id & !"\n" & hero.name if id = none_id then ChangeTextSlice txt, "NONE" return plank End Function Sub HeroBrowser.handle_cropafter(byval id as integer) 'FIXME: this only clears the old .dt0 file, not the new heroes.reld file cropafter id, gen(genMaxHero), 0, game & ".dt0", getbinsize(binDT0) load_special_tag_caches End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SfxBrowser.thing_kind_name() as string return "Sound Effects" End Function Function SfxBrowser.init_helpkey() as string return "sfx_editor_browser" End Function Function SfxBrowser.highest_id() as integer return gen(genMaxSFX) End Function Function SfxBrowser.highest_possible_id() as integer return maxMaxSFX End Function Sub SfxBrowser.on_cursor_moved(byval id as integer, byval plank as Slice Ptr) if id >= 0 then playsfx id, 0 end if End Sub Sub SfxBrowser.set_up_sub_buttons() redim sub_buttons(0) as integer sub_buttons(0) = SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_PLANK_SPRITE End Sub Function SfxBrowser.on_sub_button_click(byval button_lookup as integer,byval id as integer, byval plank as Slice Ptr) as bool select case button_lookup case SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_PLANK_SPRITE: if id >= 0 then playsfx id, 0 end if return NO end select return YES End Function Sub SfxBrowser.each_tick_selected_plank(byval plank as Slice Ptr) #ifdef IS_CUSTOM if keyval(scF2) > 1 then Custom_volume_menu #endif End Sub Sub SfxBrowser.build_thing_list() 'Find the list of all sfx that actually exist, so we only show Play icons for them redim imported_sfx(highest_id()) list_of_imported_songs_or_sfx(imported_sfx(), YES) base.build_thing_list() End Sub Function SfxBrowser.create_thing_plank(byval id as integer) as Slice ptr dim sfxname as string = getsfxname(id) if plank_template = 0 then plank_template = load_plank_from_file(finddatafile("sfx_browser_plank.slice")) end if dim plank as Slice Ptr plank = CloneSliceTree(plank_template) dim spr as Slice Ptr spr = LookupSliceSafe(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_PLANK_SPRITE, plank) if id = none_id orelse imported_sfx(id) = NO then spr->Visible = NO end if dim txt as Slice Ptr txt = LookupSliceSafe(SL_PLANK_MENU_SELECTABLE, plank, slText) ChangeTextSlice txt, id & !"\n" & sfxname if id = none_id then ChangeTextSlice txt, "NONE" return plank End Function '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SongBrowser.thing_kind_name() as string return "Songs" End Function Function SongBrowser.init_helpkey() as string return "song_editor_browser" End Function Function SongBrowser.highest_id() as integer return gen(genMaxSong) End Function Function SongBrowser.highest_possible_id() as integer return maxMaxSong End Function Sub SongBrowser.on_cursor_moved(byval id as integer, byval plank as Slice Ptr) if id >= 0 then 'playsongnum doesn't stop the music if you play a nonexistent song. if imported_songs(id) then playsongnum id else music_stop end if else music_stop end if End Sub Sub SongBrowser.set_up_sub_buttons() redim sub_buttons(0) as integer sub_buttons(0) = SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_PLANK_SPRITE End Sub Function SongBrowser.on_sub_button_click(byval button_lookup as integer,byval id as integer, byval plank as Slice Ptr) as bool select case button_lookup case SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_PLANK_SPRITE: on_cursor_moved id, plank 'Play the song return NO end select return YES End Function Sub SongBrowser.each_tick_selected_plank(byval plank as Slice Ptr) #ifdef IS_CUSTOM if keyval(scF2) > 1 then Custom_volume_menu #endif End Sub Sub SongBrowser.build_thing_list() 'Find the list of all songs that actually exist, so we only show Play icons for them redim imported_songs(highest_id()) list_of_imported_songs_or_sfx(imported_songs(), NO) base.build_thing_list() End Sub Function SongBrowser.create_thing_plank(byval id as integer) as Slice ptr dim songname as string = getsongname(id) if plank_template = 0 then plank_template = load_plank_from_file(finddatafile("song_browser_plank.slice")) end if dim plank as Slice Ptr plank = CloneSliceTree(plank_template) dim spr as Slice Ptr spr = LookupSliceSafe(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_PLANK_SPRITE, plank) if id = none_id orelse imported_songs(id) = NO then spr->Visible = NO end if dim txt as Slice Ptr txt = LookupSliceSafe(SL_PLANK_MENU_SELECTABLE, plank, slText) ChangeTextSlice txt, id & !"\n" & songname if id = none_id then ChangeTextSlice txt, "NONE" return plank End Function '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Function TextboxBrowser.thing_kind_name() as string return "Textboxes" End Function Function TextboxBrowser.thing_kind_name_singular() as string return "Textbox" End Function Function TextboxBrowser.init_helpkey() as string return "textbox_browser" End Function Function TextboxBrowser.highest_id() as integer return gen(genMaxTextBox) End Function Function TextboxBrowser.highest_possible_id() as integer return maxMaxTextbox End Function Function TextboxBrowser.create_thing_plank(byval id as integer) as Slice ptr dim box as TextBox LoadTextBox box, id 'Most of the text will not be visible, but we still do want to use it for search and filter dim text as string = textbox_preview_line(box, 800) if plank_template = 0 then plank_template = load_plank_from_file(finddatafile("textbox_browser_plank.slice")) end if dim plank as Slice Ptr plank = CloneSliceTree(plank_template) dim txt as Slice Ptr txt = LookupSliceSafe(SL_PLANK_MENU_SELECTABLE, plank, slText) dim caption as string if id = none_id then caption = "NONE" elseif id = 0 then caption = id & " [template] " & text else caption = id & " " & text end if ChangeTextSlice txt, caption 'show the text box color dim rect as Slice Ptr rect = LookupSlice(SL_TEXTBOX_BOX, plank) if box.no_box then 'Invisible box ChangeRectangleSlice rect, , , , borderNone, transHollow else ChangeRectangleSlice rect, , boxlook(box.boxstyle).bgcol, , borderNone, iif(box.opaque, transOpaque, transFuzzy) end if return plank End Function Sub TextboxBrowser.handle_cropafter(byval id as integer) cropafter id, gen(genMaxTextBox), 0, game & ".say", getbinsize(binSAY) End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ConstantListBrowser.thing_kind_name() as string return "Values" End Function Sub ConstantListBrowser.enter_browser() for i as integer = lbound(list) to ubound(list) longest = large(longest, len(list(i))) next i End Sub Function ConstantListBrowser.lowest_id() as integer if or_none then return lbound(list) - 1 return lbound(list) End Function Function ConstantListBrowser.highest_id() as integer return ubound(list) End Function Function ConstantListBrowser.thing_text_for_id(byval id as integer) as string dim text as string if id >= lbound(list) andalso id <= ubound(list) then text = list(id) else text = "NOVALUE" end if return rpad(text, " ", longest) End Function Sub ConstantListBrowser.handle_cropafter(byval id as integer) 'Silently do nothing End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Constructor ArrayBrowser(array() as string, thing_name as string) set_list array() thing_name_override = thing_name End Constructor Function ArrayBrowser.thing_kind_name() as string if thing_name_override <> "" then return thing_name_override return "Values" End Function Sub ArrayBrowser.set_list(array() as string) a_copy array(), list() End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub FlexmenuCaptionBrowser.set_list_from_flexmenu(caption() as string, byval caption_code as integer, byval min as integer, byval max as integer) dim capindex as integer dim show_id as bool = NO select case caption_code case 1000 to 1999 ' caption with id at the beginning capindex = caption_code - 1000 show_id = YES case 2000 to 2999 ' caption only capindex = caption_code - 2000 case else showbug "set_list_from_flexmenu: caption_code " & caption_code & " is not in the expected range of 1000 to 2999" exit sub end select redim list(min to max) as string for i as integer = min to max list(i) = caption(capindex + i) next i End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Constructor SpriteBrowser(sprtype as SpriteType) 'Avoid a large lag the first time we browse for a sprite type cache_all_spritesets sprtype this.sprtype = sprtype End Constructor Function SpriteBrowser.thing_kind_name() as string return sprite_sizes(this.sprtype).name & " Sprites" End Function Function SpriteBrowser.highest_id() as integer return sprite_sizes(this.sprtype).lastrec() End Function Function SpriteBrowser.sprite_frame() as integer return 0 End Function Function SpriteBrowser.create_thing_plank(byval id as integer) as Slice ptr dim plank as Slice Ptr plank = NewSliceOfType(slContainer, , SL_PLANK_HOLDER) ' SL_PLANK_HOLDER will be re-applied by the caller dim box as Slice Ptr box = NewSliceOfType(slRectangle, plank, SL_PLANK_MENU_SELECTABLE) box->Fill = YES box->Visible = NO ChangeRectangleSlice box, , , , borderNone if id <> none_id then dim spr as Slice Ptr spr = NewSliceOfType(slSprite, plank, SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_PLANK_SPRITE) ChangeSpriteSlice spr, this.sprtype, id, , sprite_frame() plank->size = spr->size else plank->size = XY(40, sprite_sizes(this.sprtype).size.h) end if dim txt as Slice Ptr txt = NewSliceOfType(slText, plank, SL_PLANK_MENU_SELECTABLE) txt->AlignVert = alignBottom txt->AnchorVert = alignBottom ChangeTextSlice txt, iif(id = none_id, "NONE", thing_text_for_id(id)), uilook(uiMenuItem), YES return plank End Function '----------------------------------------------------------------------- 'HERO Constructor HeroSpriteBrowser() Base(sprTypeHero) End Constructor Sub HeroSpriteBrowser.each_tick_selected_plank(byval plank as Slice Ptr) loop_sprite_helper plank, 0, 1 End Sub 'WALKABOUT Constructor WalkaboutSpriteBrowser() Base(sprTypeWalkabout) End Constructor Function WalkaboutSpriteBrowser.sprite_frame() as integer return 4 End Function Sub WalkaboutSpriteBrowser.each_tick_selected_plank(byval plank as Slice Ptr) loop_sprite_helper plank, 4, 5 End Sub 'PORTRAIT Constructor PortraitSpriteBrowser() Base(sprTypePortrait) End Constructor 'ENEMY Constructor EnemySpriteBrowser(sprtype as SpriteType) Base(sprtype) End Constructor 'ATTACK Constructor AttackSpriteBrowser() Base(sprTypeAttack) End Constructor Sub AttackSpriteBrowser.each_tick_each_plank(byval plank as Slice Ptr) loop_sprite_helper plank, 0, 2 End Sub 'WEAPON Constructor WeaponSpriteBrowser() Base(sprTypeWeapon) End Constructor Sub WeaponSpriteBrowser.each_tick_selected_plank(byval plank as Slice Ptr) loop_sprite_helper plank, 0, 1 End Sub 'BACKDROP Constructor BackdropSpriteBrowser() Base(sprTypeBackdrop) End Constructor Sub BackdropSpriteBrowser.enter_browser() switch_to_32bit_vpages End Sub Sub BackdropSpriteBrowser.leave_browser() switch_to_8bit_vpages End Sub Function BackdropSpriteBrowser.create_thing_plank(byval id as integer) as Slice ptr dim plank as Slice Ptr plank = Base.create_thing_plank(id) plank->size = XY(98, 63) dim spr as Slice Ptr spr = LookupSlice(SL_EDITOR_THINGBROWSER_PLANK_SPRITE, plank) if id = none_id then DeleteSlice @spr end if if spr then spr->AlignVert = alignBottom spr->AlignHoriz = AlignCenter spr->AnchorVert = alignBottom spr->AnchorHoriz = alignCenter spr->y = -1 ScaleSpriteSlice spr, plank->size - XY(2,2) end if return plank End Function 'BOX BORDER Constructor BoxborderSpriteBrowser() Base(sprTypeBoxBorder) End Constructor Function BoxborderSpriteBrowser.create_thing_plank(byval id as integer) as Slice ptr dim plank as Slice Ptr plank = NewSliceOfType(slContainer, , SL_PLANK_HOLDER) ' SL_PLANK_HOLDER will be re-applied by the caller dim box as Slice Ptr box = NewSliceOfType(slRectangle, plank, SL_PLANK_MENU_SELECTABLE) box->Fill = YES box->Visible = NO ChangeRectangleSlice box, , , , borderNone if id >= 0 then dim box2 as Slice Ptr box2 = NewSliceOfType(slRectangle, plank) ChangeRectangleSlice box2, , , , , , , id box2->AlignVert = alignCenter box2->AnchorVert = alignCenter box2->AlignHoriz = alignCenter box2->AnchorHoriz = alignCenter box2->size = XY(34, 34) end if dim txt as Slice Ptr txt = NewSliceOfType(slText, plank, SL_PLANK_MENU_SELECTABLE) txt->AlignVert = alignCenter txt->AnchorVert = alignCenter txt->AlignHoriz = alignCenter txt->AnchorHoriz = alignCenter ChangeTextSlice txt, thing_text_for_id(id), uilook(uiMenuItem), YES if id = none_id then ChangeTextSlice txt, "NONE" plank->size = XY(50, 50) return plank End Function '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SpriteOfTypeBrowser.browse(byref start_id as integer=0, byval or_none as bool=NO, byval spr_type as spriteType) as integer select case spr_type case sprTypeHero dim br as HeroSpriteBrowser return br.browse(start_id, or_none) case sprTypeEnemy, sprTypeSmallEnemy, sprTypeMediumEnemy, sprTypeLargeEnemy dim br as EnemySpriteBrowser = EnemySpriteBrowser(spr_type) return br.browse(start_id, or_none) case sprTypeWalkabout dim br as WalkaboutSpriteBrowser return br.browse(start_id, or_none) case sprTypeWeapon dim br as WeaponSpriteBrowser return br.browse(start_id, or_none) case sprTypeAttack dim br as AttackSpriteBrowser return br.browse(start_id, or_none) case sprTypePortrait dim br as PortraitSpriteBrowser return br.browse(start_id, or_none) case sprTypeBackdrop dim br as BackdropSpriteBrowser return br.browse(start_id, or_none) case sprTypeBoxBorder dim br as BoxborderSpriteBrowser return br.browse(start_id, or_none) case else showbug "No sprite browser available for sprite type " & spr_type end select return start_id End Function '-----------------------------------------------------------------------