Choose the base attack stat, and press ENTER or SPACE. Pressing ESC cancels. Base attack stat controls how much damage the attack will do. You can chose any stat of the target or the attacker. Here are a few special base stats: 100 If you want an attack to do a specific amount of damage regardless of stats, use this as your base stat. You can then adjust "Extra Damage%" to customise the specific amount. Random 1-999 Base damage will be a random number. You can cutsomize the range using"Extra Damage%" Previous Attack Base damage will be the actual damage of the last attack performed by this attacker. Last damage to (Revenge) Base damage will be the last actual damage infliced to the attacker or the target regardless of who inflicted it Last cure to (Thankvenge) Base damage will be the last cure applied to the target. When choosing a stat for base damage, you normally do not want to use the "Max" stat. Max stats as base damage will ignore any buffs or debuffs to that stat.