This is the editor screen for attack targets and aiming. Use the Up and Down arrow keys (or PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End) to navigate through the menu. Use the Left and Right arrow keys to change values, or you can type in numbers. You can also hold the ALT key and press the left and right arrow keys to change which attack you are editing, or while holding ALT you can type an attack ID number. Aim Math: Determines the chance for the attack to hit the target. For Normal, Poor, and Bad aiming, the attacker's Aim and target's Dodge stats are first modified by some multipliers then random values nearby (+/- 75%) to those values are compared. So if the Aim and Dodge stats are equal, for 'Bad' aiming there is a 50% chance to hit. Here is an explanation of other accuracy values. -Never Misses: Ensures that the attack always hits no matter what. (It might still fail due to other conditions.) Great for many purposes, such as healing spells or attacks that serve other purposes. -Magic: Uses different stats to emphasize magical aptitude and enemy resistace to magic to determine whether an attack hits, rather than normal accuracy stats. Its use is rather self-explanatory. -Percentage based formulas: These formulas use the stats as percentages out of 100 to determine the success rate of attacks. The symbol * here means that the first percentage is taken into account, and then if it was successful the second percentage is used to decide if the target avoided the attack. Target Class: This controls who the attack can be used on. NOTE: When an attack is used outside of battle, most target classes are treated equivalent to "Ally (not dead)". The exceptions are Self, Ally not self, Ally (including dead), Dead Ally and All (including dead). * Foe (not dead) - For heroes this means the attack is targetted to enemies. For enemies this means that the attack is targetted to heroes. * Ally (not dead) - For heroes this means that the attack is targeted to heroes. For enemies this means that the attack is targetted to enemies. * Self - This means the attack can only be targetted to the attacker. * All (not dead) - This means the attack can be targeted to anyone, hero or enemy, except dead heroes. * Ally (including dead) - For heroes this means that the attack can target any hero including the ones who are already dead. This is intended for "Life" potions or spells. For enemies, this is no different from "Ally". * Ally not self - Just like "Ally" but the attacker is not permitted to target itself. Only team-mates can be targetted. * Revenge (last to hurt attacker) - This means the attack can only target the last hero or enemy that has dealt damage (to any stat) to the attacker. Warning: normally you should use Counter instead of Revenge for counterattacks, in case the attack missed or failed. (Attacks which do no damage, or "Show damage without inflicting" don't count! Also, "Reset poison/ stun/etc register" and "Reset target stat to max before hit" bits are both ignored for the purpose of determining whether the attack hurt/cured - the latter is a bug!) * Revenge (whole battle) - This means the attack can target any hero or enemy who has dealt damage to the attacker over the course of the entire battle. (See "Revenge (last to...)" for caveats.) * Previous target(s) - This means the attack can only target the same targets as whatever attack was most recently used by the attacker (only one target, unless it was a spread attack). * Recorded (stored) targets - This means that the attack will only be able to target any targets that the attacker has previously hit with an attack that has the "Store Target" bitset turned on. If no "Store Target" attack has been used by the attacker, then the attacker will not be able to use this attack at all. * Dead Ally (hero only) - This attack can only target dead heroes. If no heroes are dead, the attack will be unusable. The attack cannot be used by enemies because unlike heroes, dead enemies are totally removed from the battle. * Thankvenge (last to cure attacker) This means the attack will only be able to target the last hero or enemy who cured the attacker (increased any of their stats). If the attacker has not been cured in the current battle, the attack will be unusable. (See "Revenge (last to...)" for caveats.) * Thankvenge (whole battle) - This means the attack will be able to target any hero or enemy who has cured the attacker (increased any of their stats) over the course of the entire battle. If the attacker has never been cured, the attack will be unusable. (See "Revenge (last to...)" for caveats.) * Counter (last to hit attacker) The attack will be directed at the last enemy or hero to target this attacker, regardless of whether it hurt, cured, did no damage, missed, failed or whatever. This should be used for counterattacks. * All (including dead heroes) - Allows attacking anyone, including dead heroes. Dead enemies vanish so can't be targetted. * Dead Foe (dead heroes only) - This attack can only target dead heroes and can only be used by enemies. If no heroes are dead, the attack will be unusable. The attack cannot be used by heroes because dead enemies are totally removed from battle. * Foe (including dead heroes) - When used by an enemy this attack can target dead or alive heroes. When used by a hero it can target enemies. (Dead enemies are totally removed from battle.) Target Setting: This controls how the attack can be targetted if more than one valid target is available in the chosen target class. * Focused - This means that only one target can be chosen. * Spread - This means the attack will target all available valid targets within the target class. * Optional Spread - This means the attacker will have the choice of whether they want to choose a single target or all available targets. * Random Roulette - Like "Focus" this chooses only a single target, but the player will not be allowed to choose which target. The targetting cursor will rapidly change. If used by an enemy, this is not any different from "Focus", and if used as part of a chain, this will simply pick a random target. * First Target - This always targets the first valid target in the target class. It is not random. Prefer Target: For heroes, this affects which target the target selection cursor starts on. For enemies this affects which target the enemy will choose from its available targets. * Default - For heroes, starts the cursor on the first valid target. For enemies, the enemy will choose a random target. * First - For heroes this is the same as "default". For enemies they will always choose the first valid target. * Closest - Chooses the target closest to the attacker. * Farthest - Chooses the target farthest away from the attacker. * Random - For heroes, starts the cursor on a random valid target. For enemies this is the same as "default". * Weakest - Chooses the target with the weakest stat. The stat is chosen below. * Strongest - Chooses the target with the strongest stat. The stat is chosen below. * Weakest% - Chooses the target with the weakest stat as a percentage of the target's maximum for that attack. * Strongest% - Chooses the target with the strongest stat as a percentage of the target's maximum for that stat. Weak/Strong Stat: This only applies if you have chosen "weakest" "strongest" "weakest%" or "strongest%" as the "Prefer Target" setting. Valid values are "same as target stat", or any specific stat, or any affliction register such as "poision" or "mute". Note that if the attack is used as part of a chain, and both the target class and the target setting are the same as the previous attack, and the preferred target is "Default" then the attack will use the exact same target as the previous attack.