This menu shows some statistics about the random encounters on this map, such as all possible enemies and drops. You probably want to maximise the window! Press ENTER/SPACE/CLICK on menu items to jump to the Enemy, Formation, Formation Set, Map, or Item Editor. == Formation Sets == % of tiles: What fraction of tiles have this form-set. % of foe-tiles: Like "% of tiles", except this is the fraction of tiles amongst all tiles that have a formation set ("foe-tiles"). E.g. if only one formation set is used on the map this is only 0% (not shown) or 100%. Steps / battle: Average number of tiles you need to step on to trigger a battle. Guessed % of battles: By assuming that every tile on the map is equally likely to be stepped this, this shows what % of battles will be from this form-set. If there's more than one formation set then all the following statistics in this menu (except Formation Set Rewards) are a weighted sum of the different formations, according to this percentage. Num formations: How many formations there are in this foe-set (not necessarily distinct). == Formations == XP: Total experience points from the formation. Assumes no spawns. Gold: Total money from the formation. Assumes no spawns. Enemies: In the formation. == Enemies == Steps / encounter: The average number of steps on foe-tiles before you see this enemy. (This is calculated assuming you walk over a random mixture of form-sets according to "Guessed % of battles") % of battles: The fraction of battles which contain at least one copy of this enemy. Avg num / battle: The average number of this enemy In formations: The list of all formations that can be encountered on this map which contain the enemy. Other formations containing the enemy aren't shown. == Formation Set Rewards == Avg gold / Avg XP: The average amount of money and experience recieved from a battle in this form-set. Battles/Steps for level ##->##: Shows how many battles or steps on foe-tiles are needed on average to gain one or more levels. From level / To level / Experience curve / For # heroes: These are used to preview the battles/steps needed. The "For # heroes" option is the number of heroes in the active party, and isn't shown if the General Preference setting to divide experience between heroes is off. == Items (drops) == Shows all possible items that can be dropped (assuming no spawns) from enemies and the average number obtained per battle. == Items (stealable) == Shows all possible items that can be stolen from enemies (assuming no spawns) and the average number obtained per battle. If an item can be stolen an unlimited number of times from at least one enemy then it's indicated and counted just once for that enemy.