This is the song importer. Use the Up and Down arrow keys (or PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End) to navigate the menu. To change which song you are editing, select the Song number and press the Left and Right arrow keys. When you add a new song slot, it starts out empty. You need to import a file into it. Pick "Import Song..." and press ENTER or SPACE. Here is a list of the supported song formats: .MID - MIDI Music is like digital sheet-music. It is a description of which notes to play and which instruments to play them with. MIDI has very small filesize, so it is the most popular choice for people who want to keep their game size small. Sound quality is somewhat limited, and MIDI music does not sound the same on every different computer. .OGG - Ogg Vorbis is digital music. If you need higher quality sound, or voices, or if you want to make sure that your music sounds the same on all computers, use OGG. The disadvantage is that the filesize can be much larger. .MP3 - This popular music format has the same advantages as OGG, and the same disadvantage of large filesize. When you import an MP3 file it will automatically be converted to OGG (using the madplay and oggenc tools). .BAM - Bob's Adlib Music format was once the only format supported. Like MIDI, BAM is a sheet-music format that describes musical notes. It has very small filesize, but suffers from the same quality and consistency issues as MIDI music. .MOD .XM .IT .S3M - Tracker formats are sheet-music format similar to MIDI, but they can also include digital samples of the instruments they use, and they always sound the same no matter which computer they are played on. Their filesize is usually bigger than MIDI or BAM but is usually smaller than OGG or MP3. Extra metadata like file comments is shown for some audio file formats, especially OGG files. The `quality' of OGG files is the approximate equivalent quality setting used to encode them (if encoded by the OHRRPGCE's oggenc tool). Press F2 to change the volume level in the editor. This is not saved in the game, it only affects Custom (the editor). In some builds (versions) of the OHRRPGCE, you can press F3 to see a menu of playback options for module tracker music. Again, these changes aren't saved, they only affect playback in the editor. Press F4 to export a list of all song names to a .txt file.