define constant(20, last map) define constant(19, default map) define constant(4, music count) define constant(1, timer:turn and go) define constant(2, timer:back and forth) define constant(2, str:turn and go) global variable(1, turn and go ref) global variable(2, music i) global variable(3, find x) global variable(4, find y) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- plotscript, mulberry bush autorun, begin follow all in a loop(1) end plotscript, hungry caterpillar autorun, begin follow in a chain(6, 1) end plotscript, circle the wagons autorun, begin variable(ref) ref := npc reference(3) if(ref) then( clicky switch(none, ref) ) follow all in a loop(1) end plotscript, back and forth autorun, begin trace(string sprintf(0, $1="back and forth autorun")) back and forth loop end #----------------------------------------------------------------------- plotscript, on new game, begin # Screen defaults to 400x400 on desktop if(running on console || running on mobile) then( set screen resolution(400, 225) ) set hero speed(me, 4) jump to map(none, default map) end plotscript, quit this game, begin game over end plotscript, on menu button, begin suspend player suspend npcs suspend timers variable(i, m, mi) m := create menu() set menu on close script(m, @on menu close) for(i, 0, last map) do( mi := add menu item(m) get map name(0, i) set menu item caption(mi, 0) set menu item type(mi, menutype:script) set menu item subtype(mi, @jump to map) set menu item extra(mi, 0, i) set menu item bit(mi, menu item bit:Close menu when selected, true) if(i == current map) then(select menu item(mi)) ) mi := add menu item(m) set menu item caption(mi, $0="Quit Game") set menu item type(mi, menutype:script) set menu item subtype(mi, @quit this game) end plotscript, on menu close, begin resume player maybe resume npcs resume timers end plotscript, jump to map, mi, mapnum, begin suspend player suspend npcs teleport to map(mapnum) set hero position(0, NPC x(0), NPC y(0)) delete npc(0) stop timer(timer:turn and go) hide string(str:turn and go) resume npcs resume player next music end script, next music, begin play song(music i) music i := (music i + 1) ,mod, music count end plotscript, on key press handler, begin if(keyval(key:space) > 1 || keyval(key:enter) > 1 || keyval(key:ctrl) > 1) then( if(try to splat) then(exit script) call blue slime ) end script, try to splat, begin variable(x, y, d, ref, count, i, result) result := false x := hero x(me) y := hero y(me) d := hero direction(me) x := ahead x(x, d) y := ahead y(y, d) count := npc at spot(x, y, get count) for (i, 0, count -- 1) do( ref := npc at spot(x, y, i) if(ref) then(splat slime(ref), result := true) ) exit returning(result) end script, ahead x, x, d, dist=1, begin switch(d) do( case(left) exit returning(x -- dist) case(right) exit returning(x + dist) ) exit returning(x) end script, ahead y, y, d, dist=1, begin switch(d) do( case(up) exit returning(y -- dist) case(down) exit returning(y + dist) ) exit returning(y) end script, splat slime, ref, begin # Only unsplatted slimes can splat if(get npc id(ref) == 1) then( wait for NPC change npc id(ref, 2) set npc obstructs(ref, false) play sound(1) ) end plotscript, clicky switch, arg, ref, begin variable(tile, pass) play sound(2) if(npc direction(ref) == down) then( # rock doors are open, we want to close them. tile := 42 pass := north wall + east wall + south wall + west wall set npc direction(ref, up) )else( # rock doors are closed, we want to open them tile := 16 pass := none set npc direction(ref, down) ) variable(x, y) for (y, 0, map height -- 1) do( for (x, 0, map width -- 1) do( if(read zone(2, x, y)) then( write map block(x, y, tile) write pass block(x, y, pass) ) ) ) end script, call blue slime, begin variable(x, y, d, ref, result) result := false x := hero x(me) y := hero y(me) d := hero direction(me) x := ahead x(x, d) y := ahead y(y, d) ref := npc reference(4) if(ref) then( pathfind npc to(ref, x, y) result := true play sound(3) ) exit returning(result) end script, maybe resume npcs, begin variable(ref) ref := npc reference(5) if(ref) then( # Suspender switch found, toggle it twice suspender switch(none, ref) suspender switch(none, ref) )else( # No suspender switch, just resume npcs resume npcs ) end plotscript, suspender switch, arg, ref, begin play sound(2) if(npc direction(ref) == down) then( # suspend npc is off, turn it on suspend npcs set npc direction(ref, up) )else( # suspend npc is on, turn it off resume npcs set npc direction(ref, down) ) end script, follow all in a loop, id, begin variable(count, ref, dest, i) count := npc copy count(id) for(i, 0, count -- 1) do( ref := npc reference(id, i) if(i == count -- 1) then( dest := npc reference(id, 0) )else( dest := npc reference(id, i + 1) ) npc chases npc(ref, dest) ) end script, follow in a chain, leader ref, id, begin variable(count, ref, dest, i) count := npc copy count(id) for(i, 0, count -- 1) do( ref := npc reference(id, i) if(i == 0) then( dest := leader ref )else( dest := npc reference(id, i -- 1) ) npc chases npc(ref, dest) ) end plotscript, turn and go, arg, ref, begin variable(d) d := (hero direction(me) + 2) ,mod, 4 set npc direction(ref, d) turn and go ref := ref set timer(timer:turn and go, 3, 30, @already turned so now go, str:turn and go) show string at(str:turn and go, npc pixel x(ref) -- camera pixel x, npc pixel y(ref) -- camera pixel y) play sound(4) end script, already turned so now go, begin variable(ref) ref := turn and go ref hide string(str:turn and go) walk npc(ref, npc direction(ref), 100000) play sound(5) end plotscript, cancel all npc walk, begin variable(ref) ref := next npc reference() while(ref) do( cancel npc walk(ref) ref := next npc reference(ref) ) play sound(6) end script, back and forth loop, begin if(current map <> map:back and forth) then(exit script) variable(ref) ref := next npc reference() while(ref) do( if(get npc id(ref) == 1) then( if(one tile from hero(ref)) then( npc chases npc(ref, 4, true) ) ) ref := next npc reference(ref) ) set timer(timer:back and forth, 0, 1, @back and forth loop) end script, one tile from hero, ref, begin exit returning(manhattan dist to hero(ref) <= 1) end script, manhattan dist to hero, ref, begin exit returning(abs(npc x(ref) -- hero x(me)) + abs(npc y(ref) -- hero y(me))) end script, one tile from npc, ref, other, begin exit returning(manhattan dist between npcs(ref, other) <= 1) end script, manhattan dist between npcs, ref, other, begin exit returning(abs(npc x(ref) -- npc x(other)) + abs(npc y(ref) -- npc y(other))) end script, one tile from spot, ref, x, y, begin exit returning(manhattan dist to spot(ref, x, y) <= 1) end script, manhattan dist to spot, ref, x, y, begin exit returning(abs(npc x(ref) -- x) + abs(npc y(ref) -- y)) end plotscript, trigger summoner, arg, ref, begin suspend player camera follows npc(ref) if(find slime well) then( pathfind npc to(ref, find x, find y -- 1, 1) wait for npc(ref) if(one tile from spot(ref, find x, find y)) then( create npc(1, find x, find y, down) ) pathfind npc to(ref, hero x(me), hero y(me), 1) wait for npc(ref) ) camera follows hero resume player end script, find slime well, begin exit returning(find random zone tile(3)) end script, find random zone tile, seek zone, begin variable(count, which, x, y, found) count := zone number of tiles(seek zone) if(count == 0) then(exit returning(false)) which := random(1, count) found := 0 for(y, 0, map height -- 1) do( for(x, 0, map width -- 1) do( if(read zone(seek zone, x, y)) then( found += 1 if(found == which) then( find x := x find y := y exit returning(true) ) ) ) ) exit returning(false) end # Map 20: Change the default pathfinding rule plotscript, toggle pathfinding rule, _, npc , begin set npc direction(npc, npc direction(npc), xor, 2) if (read gmap(378) == 2) then ( # Ignore NPCs write gmap(378, 1) # NPCs obstruct ) else ( write gmap(378, 2) # Ignore NPCs ) end # Map 20: Make all instances of an NPC type swap places with a partner plotscript, npcs swap places, _, used npc, begin variable(id, npc1, npc2, copy) id := get npc id(used npc) for (copy, 0, npc copy count(id) -- 1, 2) do ( npc1 := npc reference(id, copy) npc2 := npc reference(id, copy + 1) pathfind npc to(npc1, npc x(npc2), npc y(npc2)) pathfind npc to(npc2, npc x(npc1), npc y(npc1)) ) end