'OHRRPGCE GAME - Even more various unsorted routines '(C) Copyright 1997-2005 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) ' '$DYNAMIC DEFINT A-Z DECLARE SUB verquit () DECLARE SUB playtimer () DECLARE SUB quitcleanup () DECLARE FUNCTION str2int% (stri$) DECLARE FUNCTION str2lng& (stri$) DECLARE FUNCTION rpad$ (s$, pad$, size%) DECLARE FUNCTION isonscreen% (x%, y%) DECLARE FUNCTION framewalkabout% (x%, y%, framex%, framey%, mapwide%, maphigh%, wrapmode%) DECLARE SUB setScriptArg (arg%, value%) DECLARE FUNCTION cropPlotStr% (s$) DECLARE SUB wrapaheadxy (x%, y%, direction%, distance%, mapwide%, maphigh%, wrapmode%) DECLARE SUB aheadxy (x%, y%, direction%, distance%) DECLARE SUB wrapxy (x%, y%, wide%, high%) DECLARE SUB loadSayToBuffer (say%) DECLARE SUB safekill (f$) DECLARE SUB touchfile (f$) DECLARE SUB keyhandleroff () DECLARE FUNCTION partybyrank% (slot%) DECLARE FUNCTION herobyrank% (slot%) DECLARE FUNCTION rankincaterpillar% (heroid%) DECLARE SUB embedtext (text$, limit%) DECLARE SUB renamehero (who%) DECLARE SUB fadeout (red%, green%, blue%, force%) DECLARE SUB fadein (force%) 'basic subs and functions DECLARE FUNCTION vehiclestuff% (disx%, disy%, foep%) DECLARE FUNCTION trylearn% (who%, atk%, learntype%) DECLARE SUB correctbackdrop () DECLARE FUNCTION gethighbyte% (n%) DECLARE FUNCTION readbadbinstring$ (array%(), offset%, maxlen%, skipword%) DECLARE FUNCTION readbinstring$ (array%(), offset%, maxlen%) DECLARE SUB wrappedsong (songnumber%) DECLARE SUB flusharray (array%(), size%, value%) DECLARE SUB delitem (it%, num%) DECLARE FUNCTION readglobalstring$ (index%, default$, maxlen%) DECLARE FUNCTION getnpcref% (seekid%, offset%) DECLARE SUB suspendresume (id%) DECLARE SUB scriptwatcher (page%) DECLARE SUB onkeyscript (scriptnum%) DECLARE SUB waitcommands (id%) DECLARE SUB getpal16 (array%(), aoffset%, foffset%) DECLARE SUB greyscalepal () DECLARE SUB tweakpalette () DECLARE SUB vishero (stat%()) DECLARE SUB forceparty (stat%()) DECLARE SUB scriptdump (s$) DECLARE FUNCTION vehpass% (n%, tile%, default%) DECLARE FUNCTION readfoemap% (x%, y%, wide%, high%, fh%) DECLARE FUNCTION playtime$ (d%, h%, m%) DECLARE FUNCTION functiondone% () DECLARE FUNCTION functionread% () DECLARE FUNCTION averagelev% (stat%()) DECLARE FUNCTION countitem% (it%) DECLARE SUB fatalerror (e$) DECLARE FUNCTION movdivis% (xygo%) DECLARE FUNCTION onwho% (w$, alone) DECLARE SUB minimap (mx%, my%, x%, y%, tastuf%()) DECLARE SUB heroswap (iAll%, stat%()) DECLARE FUNCTION shoption (inn%, price%, needf%, stat%()) DECLARE SUB savegame (slot%, map%, foep%, stat%()) DECLARE FUNCTION runscript% (n%, index%, newcall%, er$) DECLARE SUB scripterr (e$) DECLARE FUNCTION unlumpone% (lumpfile$, onelump$, asfile$) DECLARE SUB itstr (i%) DECLARE FUNCTION findhero% (who%, f%, l%, d%) DECLARE FUNCTION howmanyh% (f%, l%) DECLARE FUNCTION consumeitem% (index%) DECLARE FUNCTION istag% (num%, zero%) DECLARE FUNCTION bound% (n%, lowest%, highest%) DECLARE FUNCTION usemenu% (pt%, top%, first%, last%, size%) DECLARE SUB debug (s$) DECLARE FUNCTION browse$ (fmask$, needf%) DECLARE SUB doswap (s%, d%, stat%()) DECLARE SUB control () DECLARE SUB equip (pt%, stat%()) DECLARE FUNCTION items% (stat%()) DECLARE SUB getitem (getit%, num%) DECLARE SUB oobcure (w%, t%, atk%, spred%, stat%()) DECLARE SUB spells (pt%, stat%()) DECLARE SUB status (pt%, stat%()) DECLARE SUB getnames (stat$()) DECLARE SUB centerfuz (x%, y%, w%, h%, c%, p%) DECLARE SUB centerbox (x%, y%, w%, h%, c%, p%) DECLARE SUB resetlmp (slot%, lev%) DECLARE SUB loadfoe (i%, formdata%(), es%(), x%(), y%(), p%(), v%(), w%(), h%(), ext$(), bits%(), stat%(), ebits%(), batname$()) DECLARE FUNCTION inflict (w%, t%, stat%(), x%(), y%(), w%(), h%(), harm$(), hc%(), hx%(), hy%(), atk%(), tcount%, die%(), bits%()) DECLARE FUNCTION battle (form%, fatal%, exstat%()) DECLARE SUB addhero (who%, slot%, stat%()) DECLARE SUB edgeprint (s$, x%, y%, c%, p%) DECLARE FUNCTION atlevel% (now%, a0%, a99%) DECLARE FUNCTION range% (n%, r%) DECLARE FUNCTION small% (n1%, n2%) DECLARE FUNCTION large% (n1%, n2%) DECLARE FUNCTION loopvar% (var%, min%, max%, inc%) DECLARE FUNCTION xstring% (s$, x%) DECLARE SUB snapshot () DECLARE FUNCTION checksaveslot (slot%) DECLARE FUNCTION readitemname$ (itemnum%) DECLARE FUNCTION readatkname$ (id%) DECLARE SUB getmapname (mapname$, m%) DECLARE SUB defaultc () DECLARE SUB loadsay (choosep%, say%, sayer%, showsay%, say$(), saytag%(), choose$(), chtag%(), saybit%(), sayenh%()) DECLARE FUNCTION maplumpname$ (map, oldext$) DECLARE SUB cathero () DECLARE FUNCTION getsongname$ (num%) DECLARE SUB readjoysettings () '$INCLUDE: 'compat.bi' '$INCLUDE: 'allmodex.bi' '$INCLUDE: 'gglobals.bi' '$INCLUDE: 'const.bi' '$INCLUDE: 'scrconst.bi' REM $STATIC SUB cathero DIM zsort(3) '--if riding a vehicle and not mounting and not hiding leader and not hiding party then exit IF veh(0) AND readbit(veh(), 6, 0) = 0 AND readbit(veh(), 6, 4) = 0 AND readbit(veh(), 6, 5) = 0 AND readbit(veh(), 9, 4) = 0 AND readbit(veh(), 9, 5) = 0 THEN EXIT SUB IF readbit(gen(), 101, 1) = 1 AND (veh(0) = 0 OR readbit(veh(), 9, 4) = 0) THEN '--caterpillar party (normal) '--this should Y-sort catermask(0) = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 3 FOR o = 0 TO 3 IF readbit(catermask(), 0, o) = 0 THEN j = o NEXT o FOR o = 0 TO 3 IF caty(o * 5) - mapy < caty(j * 5) - mapy AND readbit(catermask(), 0, o) = 0 THEN j = o END IF NEXT o zsort(i) = j setbit catermask(), 0, j, 1 NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO 3 IF framewalkabout(catx(zsort(i) * 5), caty(zsort(i) * 5) + gmap(11), framex, framey, scroll(0) * 20, scroll(1) * 20, gmap(5)) THEN loadsprite buffer(), 0, 200 * ((catd(zsort(i) * 5) * 2) + INT(wtog(zsort(i)) / 2)), zsort(i) * 5, 20, 20, 2 drawsprite buffer(), 0, pal16(), zsort(i) * 16, framex, framey - catz(zsort(i) * 5), dpage END IF NEXT i ELSE '--non-caterpillar party, vehicle no-hide-leader (or backcompat pref) loadsprite buffer(), 0, 200 * ((catd(0) * 2) + INT(wtog(0) / 2)), 0, 20, 20, 2 drawsprite buffer(), 0, pal16(), 0, catx(0) - mapx, (caty(0) - mapy) - catz(0) + gmap(11), dpage END IF END SUB SUB defaultc RESTORE ctrldata FOR i = 0 TO 12 READ csetup(i) NEXT i FOR i = 9 TO 12 READ joy(i) NEXT i EXIT SUB ctrldata: DATA 72,80,75,77,57,28,29,1,56,1,15,36,51 DATA 150,650,150,650 END SUB SUB forcedismount (choosep, say, sayer, showsay, say$(), saytag(), choose$(), chtag(), saybit(), sayenh(), catd(), foep) IF veh(0) THEN '--clear vehicle on loading new map-- IF readbit(veh(), 9, 6) AND readbit(veh(), 9, 7) = 0 THEN '--dismount-ahead is true, dismount-passwalls is false SELECT CASE catd(0) CASE 0 ygo(0) = 20 CASE 1 xgo(0) = -20 CASE 2 ygo(0) = -20 CASE 3 xgo(0) = 20 END SELECT END IF IF veh(16) > 0 THEN say = veh(16) loadsay choosep, say, sayer, showsay, say$(), saytag(), choose$(), chtag(), saybit(), sayenh() END IF IF veh(16) < 0 THEN rsr = runscript(ABS(veh(16)), nowscript + 1, -1, "dismount") END IF IF veh(14) > 1 THEN setbit tag(), 0, veh(14), 0 herospeed(0) = veh(7) IF herospeed(0) = 3 THEN herospeed(0) = 10 FOR i = 0 TO 21 veh(i) = 0 NEXT i FOR i = 1 TO 15 catx(i) = catx(0) caty(i) = caty(0) NEXT i foep = range(100, 60) END IF END SUB FUNCTION framewalkabout (x, y, framex, framey, mapwide, maphigh, wrapmode) 'Given an X and a Y returns true if a walkabout at that 'spot would be on-screen, and false if off-screen. 'Also checks wraparound map, and sets framex and framey 'to the position on screen where the walkabout should 'be drawn (relative to the top-left corner of the screen, 'not the top left corner of the map) '--by default, assume we will not draw the walkaout yesdraw = 0 IF isonscreen(x, y) THEN '--walkabout is on-screen yesdraw = 1 framex = x - mapx framey = y - mapy ELSE IF wrapmode = 1 THEN '--in wrap-mode '--I hope this checking isn't too slow! DO '--just so I can exit do IF isonscreen(x - mapwide, y) THEN '--off-left yesdraw = 1 framex = (x - mapwide) - mapx framey = y - mapy EXIT DO END IF IF isonscreen(x + mapwide, y) THEN '--off-right yesdraw = 1 framex = (x + mapwide) - mapx framey = y - mapy EXIT DO END IF IF isonscreen(x, y - maphigh) THEN '--off-top yesdraw = 1 framex = x - mapx framey = (y - maphigh) - mapy EXIT DO END IF IF isonscreen(x, y + maphigh) THEN '--off-bottom yesdraw = 1 framex = x - mapx framey = (y + maphigh) - mapy EXIT DO END IF IF isonscreen(x - mapwide, y - maphigh) THEN '--off-top-left yesdraw = 1 framex = (x - mapwide) - mapx framey = (y - maphigh) - mapy EXIT DO END IF IF isonscreen(x + mapwide, y - maphigh) THEN '--off-top-right yesdraw = 1 framex = (x + mapwide) - mapx framey = (y - maphigh) - mapy EXIT DO END IF IF isonscreen(x - mapwide, y + maphigh) THEN '--off-bottom-left yesdraw = 1 framex = (x - mapwide) - mapx framey = (y + maphigh) - mapy EXIT DO END IF IF isonscreen(x + mapwide, y + maphigh) THEN '--off-bottom-right yesdraw = 1 framex = (x + mapwide) - mapx framey = (y + maphigh) - mapy EXIT DO END IF EXIT DO LOOP END IF END IF framewalkabout = yesdraw END FUNCTION FUNCTION getsongname$ (num) DIM songd(curbinsize(2) / 2) setpicstuf songd(), curbinsize(2), -1 loadset workingdir$ + SLASH + "songdata.bin" + CHR$(0), num, 0 getsongname$ = readbinstring$ (songd(), 0, 30) END FUNCTION SUB initgamedefaults lastsaveslot = 0 '--items item$(-3) = readglobalstring$(35, "DONE", 10) item$(-2) = readglobalstring$(36, "AUTOSORT", 10) item$(-1) = readglobalstring$(37, "TRASH", 10) FOR i = -3 TO -1 item(i) = 1 item$(i) = rpad$(item$(i), " ", 11) NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO 199: item$(i) = " ": NEXT i '--money gold& = gen(96) '--hero's speed FOR i = 0 TO 3 herospeed(i) = 4 NEXT i '--hero's position FOR i = 0 TO 15 catx(i) = gen(102) * 20 caty(i) = gen(103) * 20 catd(i) = 2 NEXT i END SUB SUB innRestore (stat()) FOR i = 0 TO 3 IF hero(i) > 0 THEN '--hero exists IF stat(i, 0, 0) <= 0 AND readbit(gen(), 101, 4) THEN '--hero is dead and inn-revive is disabled ELSE '--normal revive stat(i, 0, 0) = stat(i, 1, 0) stat(i, 0, 1) = stat(i, 1, 1) resetlmp i, stat(i, 0, 12) END IF END IF NEXT i END SUB FUNCTION isonscreen (x, y) IF x >= mapx - 20 AND x <= mapx + 340 AND y >= mapy - 20 AND y <= mapy + 200 THEN isonscreen = -1 ELSE isonscreen = 0 END IF '17*20=340 '10*20=200 END FUNCTION FUNCTION maplumpname$ (map, oldext$) IF map < 100 THEN maplumpname$ = game$ + "." + oldext$ + RIGHT$("0" + LTRIM$(STR$(map)), 2) ELSE maplumpname$ = workingdir$ + SLASH + LTRIM$(STR$(map)) + "." + oldext$ END IF END FUNCTION SUB safekill (f$) IF isfile(f$ + CHR$(0)) THEN KILL f$ END SUB SUB setmapxy SELECT CASE gen(cameramode) CASE herocam mapx = catx(gen(cameraArg)) - 150 mapy = caty(gen(cameraArg)) - 90 GOSUB limitcamera CASE npccam mapx = npcl(gen(cameraArg)) - 150 mapy = npcl(gen(cameraArg) + 300) - 90 GOSUB limitcamera CASE pancam ' 1=dir, 2=dist, 3=step IF gen(cameraArg2) > 0 THEN SELECT CASE gen(cameraArg) CASE 0'north mapy = mapy - gen(cameraArg3) CASE 1'east mapx = mapx + gen(cameraArg3) CASE 2'south mapy = mapy + gen(cameraArg3) CASE 3'west mapx = mapx - gen(cameraArg3) END SELECT gen(cameraArg2) = gen(cameraArg2) - 1 IF gen(cameraArg2) = 0 THEN gen(cameramode) = stopcam END IF CASE focuscam IF mapx < gen(cameraArg) THEN mapx = mapx + gen(cameraArg3) ELSE IF mapx > gen(cameraArg) THEN mapx = mapx - gen(cameraArg3) END IF IF mapy < gen(cameraArg2) THEN mapy = mapy + gen(cameraArg4) ELSE IF mapy > gen(cameraArg2) THEN mapy = mapy - gen(cameraArg4) END IF IF mapx < gen(cameraArg) + gen(cameraArg3) AND mapx > gen(cameraArg) - gen(cameraArg3) AND ABS(gen(cameraArg3)) > 1 THEN gen(cameraArg3) = gen(cameraArg3) - 1 IF mapy < gen(cameraArg2) + gen(cameraArg4) AND mapy > gen(cameraArg2) - gen(cameraArg4) AND ABS(gen(cameraArg4)) > 1 THEN gen(cameraArg4) = gen(cameraArg4) - 1 IF mapx = gen(cameraArg) THEN gen(cameraArg3) = 0 IF mapy = gen(cameraArg2) THEN gen(cameraArg4) = 0 IF gen(cameraArg3) = 0 AND gen(cameraArg4) = 0 THEN gen(cameramode) = stopcam IF mapx <> bound(mapx, -320, scroll(0) * 20) OR mapy <> bound(mapy, -200, scroll(1) * 20) THEN gen(cameramode) = stopcam END SELECT EXIT SUB limitcamera: IF gmap(5) = 0 THEN mapx = bound(mapx, 0, scroll(0) * 20 - 320) mapy = bound(mapy, 0, scroll(1) * 20 - 200) END IF RETURN END SUB SUB setScriptArg (arg, value) IF scrat(nowscript, scrargs) > arg THEN heap(scrat(nowscript, scrheap) + arg) = value END IF END SUB SUB setusermenu (menu$(), mt, mi()) menu$(0) = readglobalstring$(67, "Quit", 10) menu$(1) = readglobalstring$(62, "Status", 10) menu$(2) = readglobalstring$(68, "Map", 10) menu$(3) = readglobalstring$(61, "Spells", 10) menu$(4) = readglobalstring$(60, "Items", 10) menu$(5) = readglobalstring$(63, "Equip", 10) menu$(6) = readglobalstring$(66, "Save", 10) menu$(7) = readglobalstring$(69, "Volume", 10) menu$(8) = readglobalstring$(64, "Order", 10) IF readbit(gen(), 101, 5) THEN menu$(8) = readglobalstring$(65, "Team", 10) 'THIS STUFF WILL CHANGE LATER...yes it will! mt = 8 mi(0) = 4 mi(1) = 3 mi(2) = 1 mi(3) = 5 mi(4) = 8 mi(5) = 2 mi(6) = 6 mi(7) = 0 mi(8) = 7 END SUB SUB showplotstrings FOR i = 0 TO 31 '-- for each string IF readbit(plotstrBits(), i, 0) THEN '-- only display visible strings IF readbit(plotstrBits(), i, 1) THEN '-- flat text textcolor plotstrCol(i), plotstrBGCol(i) printstr plotstring$(i), plotstrX(i), plotstrY(i), dpage ELSE '-- with outline edgeprint plotstring$(i), plotstrX(i), plotstrY(i), plotstrCol(i), dpage END IF END IF NEXT i END SUB FUNCTION str2int (stri$) n = 0 s$ = LTRIM$(stri$) sign = 1 FOR i = 1 TO LEN(s$) c$ = MID$(s$, i, 1) IF c$ = "-" AND i = 1 THEN sign = -1 c = ASC(c$) - 48 IF c >= 0 AND c <= 9 THEN n = n * 10 + (c * sign) END IF NEXT i str2int = n END FUNCTION FUNCTION str2lng& (stri$) n& = 0 s$ = LTRIM$(stri$) sign = 1 FOR i = 1 TO LEN(s$) c$ = MID$(s$, i, 1) IF c$ = "-" AND i = 1 THEN sign = -1 c = ASC(c$) - 48 IF c >= 0 AND c <= 9 THEN n& = n& * 10 + (c * sign) END IF NEXT i str2lng& = n& END FUNCTION SUB strgrabber (s$, maxl) STATIC clip$ '--BACKSPACE support IF keyval(14) > 1 AND LEN(s$) > 0 THEN s$ = LEFT$(s$, LEN(s$) - 1) '--SHIFT support shift = 0 IF keyval(54) > 0 OR keyval(42) > 0 THEN shift = 1 '--adding chars IF LEN(s$) < maxl THEN '--SPACE support IF keyval(57) > 1 THEN s$ = s$ + " " ELSE '--all other keys FOR i = 2 TO 53 IF keyval(i) > 1 AND keyv(i, shift) > 0 THEN s$ = s$ + CHR$(keyv(i, shift)) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT i END IF END IF END SUB SUB touchfile (f$) fh = FREEFILE OPEN f$ FOR BINARY AS #fh CLOSE #fh END SUB SUB checklumpmod IF readbit(lumpmod(),0,0) THEN 'enemy data copyfile workingdir$ + SLASH + "dt1.old" + CHR$(0), game$ + ".dt1" + CHR$(0), buffer() setbit lumpmod(),0,0,0 END IF IF readbit(lumpmod(),0,0) THEN 'formation data copyfile workingdir$ + SLASH + "for.old" + CHR$(0), game$ + ".for" + CHR$(0), buffer() setbit lumpmod(),0,1,0 END IF END SUB SUB makebackups 'what is this for? Since some lumps can be modified at run time, we need to keep a 'backup copy, so that we can restore it later. Duh. 'enemy data copyfile game$ + ".dt1" + CHR$(0), workingdir$ + SLASH + "dt1.old" + CHR$(0), buffer() 'formation data copyfile game$ + ".for" + CHR$(0), workingdir$ + SLASH + "for.old" + CHR$(0), buffer() 'if you add lump-modding commands, you better well add them here >:( END SUB SUB correctbackdrop IF gen(58) THEN '--restore text box backdrop loadpage game$ + ".mxs" + CHR$(0), gen(58) - 1, 3 EXIT SUB END IF IF gen(50) THEN '--restore script backdrop loadpage game$ + ".mxs" + CHR$(0), gen(50) - 1, 3 EXIT SUB END IF loadpage game$ + ".til" + CHR$(0), gmap(0), 3 END SUB SUB cleanuptemp 'we don't have a lockfile if we never got past the browse screen! IF lockfile THEN KILL workingdir$ + SLASH + "lockfile.tmp" IF usepreunlump = 0 THEN findfiles workingdir$ + SLASH + ALLFILES + CHR$(0), 0, tmpdir$ + "filelist.tmp" + CHR$(0), buffer() ELSE 'if this is an already-unlumped rpg, we can't just go and delete everything! Shock! 'plotscripts findfiles workingdir$ + SLASH + "*.hsx" + CHR$(0), 0, tmpdir$ + "filelis1.tmp" + CHR$(0), buffer() 'generic temporary files findfiles workingdir$ + SLASH + "*.tmp" + CHR$(0), 0, tmpdir$ + "filelis2.tmp" + CHR$(0), buffer() 'lump backups findfiles workingdir$ + SLASH + "*.old" + CHR$(0), 0, tmpdir$ + "filelis3.tmp" + CHR$(0), buffer() fh = FREEFILE OPEN tmpdir$ + "filelist.tmp" FOR OUTPUT as #fh fh2 = FREEFILE FOR i = 1 to 3 OPEN tmpdir$ + "filelis" + str$(i) + ".tmp" FOR INPUT AS #FH DO UNTIL EOF(fh2) LINE INPUT #fh2,tmp$ PRINT #fh, tmp$ LOOP CLOSE #fh2 NEXT CLOSE #fh END IF fh = FREEFILE OPEN tmpdir$ + "filelist.tmp" FOR INPUT AS #fh DO UNTIL EOF(fh) LINE INPUT #fh, filename$ filename$ = LCASE$(filename$) IF LEFT$(filename$, 3) = "vdm" AND RIGHT$(filename$, 4) = ".tmp" THEN '-- mysterious locked file, leave it alone ELSE '-- delte file END IF KILL workingdir$ + SLASH + filename$ LOOP CLOSE #fh KILL tmpdir$ + "filelist.tmp" END SUB FUNCTION checkfordeath (stat()) checkfordeath = 0' --default alive o = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 3 '--for each slot IF hero(i) > 0 THEN '--if hero exists o = o + 1 IF stat(i, 0, 0) <= 0 AND stat(i, 1, 0) > 0 THEN o = o - 1 END IF NEXT i IF o = 0 THEN checkfordeath = 1 END FUNCTION SUB aheadxy (x, y, direction, distance) '--alters the input X and Y, moving them "ahead" by distance in direction IF direction = 0 THEN y = y - distance IF direction = 1 THEN x = x + distance IF direction = 2 THEN y = y + distance IF direction = 3 THEN x = x - distance END SUB SUB exitprogram (needfade) 'DEBUG debug "Exiting Program" 'DEBUG debug "fade music" fademusic 0 'DEBUG debug "fade screen" IF needfade THEN fadeout 0, 0, 0, -1 quitcleanup 'DEBUG debug "Restore Old Graphics Mode" restoremode 'DEBUG debug "Terminate NOW (boom!)" SYSTEM END SUB SUB keyboardsetup RESTORE keyconst keyconst: FOR o = 0 TO 1 FOR i = 2 TO 53 READ temp$ IF temp$ <> "" THEN keyv(i, o) = ASC(temp$) ELSE keyv(i, o) = 0 NEXT i NEXT o keyv(40, 1) = 34 DATA "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0","-","=","","","q","w","e","r","t","y","u","i","o","p","[","]","","","a","s","d","f","g","h","j","k","l",";","'","`","","\","z","x","c","v","b","n","m",",",".","/" DATA "!","@","#","$","%","^","&","*","(",")","_","+","","","Q","W","E","R","T","Y","U","I","O","P","{","}","","","A","S","D","F","G","H","J","K","L",":"," ","~","","|","Z","X","C","V","B","N","M","<",">","?" END SUB SUB verquit copypage dpage, vpage quitprompt$ = readglobalstring$(55, "Quit Playing?", 20) quityes$ = readglobalstring$(57, "Yes", 10) quitno$ = readglobalstring$(58, "No", 10) dd = 2 ptr2 = 0 setkeys DO setwait timing(), speedcontrol setkeys tog = tog XOR 1 playtimer control wtog(0) = loopvar(wtog(0), 0, 3, 1) IF carray(5) > 1 THEN abortg = 0: setkeys: flusharray carray(),7,0: EXIT DO IF (carray(4) > 1 AND ABS(ptr2) > 20) OR ABS(ptr2) > 50 THEN IF ptr2 < 0 THEN abortg = 1: fadeout 0, 0, 0, 0 setkeys flusharray carray(), 7, 0 EXIT SUB END IF IF carray(2) > 0 THEN ptr2 = ptr2 - 5: dd = 3 IF carray(3) > 0 THEN ptr2 = ptr2 + 5: dd = 1 centerbox 160, 95, 200, 42, 15, dpage loadsprite buffer(), 0, 200 * ((dd * 2) + INT(wtog(0) / 2)), 0 * 5, 20, 20, 2 drawsprite buffer(), 0, pal16(), 0, 150 + (ptr2), 90, dpage edgeprint quitprompt$, xstring(quitprompt$, 160), 80, 15, dpage col = 7: IF ptr2 < -20 THEN col = 10 + tog * 5 edgeprint quityes$, 70, 96, col, dpage col = 7: IF ptr2 > 20 THEN col = 10 + tog * 5 edgeprint quitno$, 256 - LEN(quitno$) * 8, 96, col, dpage SWAP vpage, dpage setvispage vpage dowait LOOP END SUB FUNCTION titlescr titlescr = -1 ' default return true for success clearpage 3 loadpage game$ + ".mxs" + CHR$(0), gen(genTitle), 3 needf = 2 IF gen(genTitleMus) > 0 THEN wrappedsong gen(genTitleMus) - 1 fademusic fmvol setkeys DO setwait timing(), speedcontrol setkeys control IF carray(5) > 1 THEN titlescr = 0 ' return false for cancel EXIT DO END IF IF carray(4) > 1 OR carray(5) > 1 THEN EXIT DO FOR i = 2 TO 88 IF keyval(i) > 1 THEN EXIT DO END IF NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO 1 gotj(i) = readjoy(joy(), i) IF gotj(i) THEN IF joy(2) = 0 OR joy(3) = 0 THEN joy(2) = -1: joy(3) = -1 readjoysettings joy(2) = -1: joy(3) = -1 EXIT DO ELSE gotj(i) = 0 END IF END IF NEXT i SWAP vpage, dpage setvispage vpage copypage 3, dpage IF needf = 1 THEN needf = 0 fademusic fmvol fadein -1 END IF IF needf > 1 THEN needf = needf - 1 dowait LOOP END FUNCTION SUB reloadnpc (stat()) vishero stat() FOR i = 0 TO 35 setpicstuf buffer(), 1600, 2 loadset game$ + ".pt4" + CHR$(0), npcs(i * 15 + 0), 20 + (5 * i) getpal16 pal16(), 4 + i, npcs(i * 15 + 1) NEXT i END SUB