'OHRRPGCE - Definitions of some menus which are common to Custom + Game '(C) Copyright 1997-2020 James Paige, Ralph Versteegen, and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability #include "config.bi" #include "allmodex.bi" #include "udts.bi" #include "uiconst.bi" #include "common.bi" #include "slices.bi" #include "reload.bi" #include "loading.bi" 'Globals REDIM npc_movetypes(15) as string npc_movetypes(0) = "Stand Still" npc_movetypes(1) = "Wander" npc_movetypes(2) = "Pace" npc_movetypes(3) = "Right Turns" npc_movetypes(4) = "Left Turns" npc_movetypes(5) = "Random Turns" npc_movetypes(6) = "Chase You (Meandering)" npc_movetypes(7) = "Avoid You (Meandering)" npc_movetypes(8) = "Walk In Place" npc_movetypes(9) = "Chase You (Direct)" npc_movetypes(10) = "Avoid You (Direct)" npc_movetypes(11) = "Follow walls (Right)" npc_movetypes(12) = "Follow walls (Left)" npc_movetypes(13) = "Follow walls (R) stop for others" npc_movetypes(14) = "Follow walls (L) stop for others" npc_movetypes(15) = "Chase You (Pathfinding)" REDIM npc_pushtypes(7) as string npc_pushtypes(0) = "Off" npc_pushtypes(1) = "Full" npc_pushtypes(2) = "Vertical" npc_pushtypes(3) = "Horizontal" npc_pushtypes(4) = "Up only" npc_pushtypes(5) = "Right Only" npc_pushtypes(6) = "Down Only" npc_pushtypes(7) = "Left Only" REDIM npc_usetypes(2) as string npc_usetypes(0) = "Use" npc_usetypes(1) = "Touch" npc_usetypes(2) = "Step On" REDIM npc_facetypes(2) as string npc_facetypes(0) = "Change Direction" npc_facetypes(1) = "Face Player" npc_facetypes(2) = "Do Not Face Player" '============================================================================== 'This is a debug menu, which shows all bits (including hidden and unused) and their 'indices, in order of their index. So it throws away the ordering in bitmenu(), 'and acts like editbitset with show_index=YES, show_all=YES. 'See editbitset for arg documentation. FUNCTION edit_all_bits (array() as integer, wof as integer, bitmenu() as IntStrPair, numbits as integer, helpkey as string="editbitset", byref remem_pt as integer = -1, immediate_quit as bool = NO, title as string = "", prevmenu as string="Previous Menu") as EditBitsetResult REDIM fullbitmenu(numbits - 1) as IntStrPair FOR i as integer = 0 TO numbits - 1 fullbitmenu(i).i = i NEXT FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(bitmenu) IF bitmenu(i).i >= 0 THEN fullbitmenu(bitmenu(i).i).s = bitmenu(i).s END IF NEXT RETURN editbitset(array(), wof, fullbitmenu(), helpkey, remem_pt, immediate_quit, title, prevmenu, YES, YES) END FUNCTION 'Edit array of bits. The bits don't have to be consecutive, but they do have to be in ascending order. 'The bits corresponding to any blank entries in names(), or starting with '##' are hidden/skipped over, 'unless show_all is true. 'If a bit name starts with ! then the diplayed value of the bit is reversed. 'remem_pt is used to store the selected bit. 'If immediate_quit is true, then toggling a bit causes the menu to quit immediately (and return edbitPickedBit). 'Return value: ' edbitCancel if user pressed ESC ' edbitBack if used selected prevmenu (which is useful if prevmenu is something like "Done") ' edbitPickedBit if immediate_quit=YES and the user toggled a bit FUNCTION editbitset (array() as integer, wof as integer, names() as string, helpkey as string="editbitset", byref remem_pt as integer = -1, immediate_quit as bool = NO, title as string = "", prevmenu as string="Previous Menu", show_index as bool = NO, show_all as bool = NO) as EditBitsetResult REDIM bitmenu(UBOUND(names)) as IntStrPair DIM nextbit as integer = 0 FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(names) IF show_all ORELSE LEN(names(i)) THEN bitmenu(nextbit).s = names(i) bitmenu(nextbit).i = i nextbit += 1 END IF NEXT IF nextbit THEN REDIM PRESERVE bitmenu(nextbit - 1) ELSE ERASE bitmenu END IF RETURN editbitset(array(), wof, bitmenu(), helpkey, remem_pt, immediate_quit, title, prevmenu, show_index, show_all) END FUNCTION 'See above for documentation. 'This overload takes an array of bits to edit which allows bits be out of order, 'and to include unselectable section headings. 'The .i member of bits() is the bit number, which is -1 for unselectable menu items. 'This overload doesn't hide bits with blank names. Bits with ## prefix are hidden 'unless show_hidden=YES. If you want to see unused bits (like show_all=YES for the 'other editbitset overload), use edit_all_bits instead. FUNCTION editbitset (array() as integer, wof as integer, bits() as IntStrPair, helpkey as string="editbitset", byref remem_pt as integer = -1, immediate_quit as bool = NO, title as string = "", prevmenu as string="Previous Menu", show_index as bool = NO, show_hidden as bool = NO) as EditBitsetResult DIM selectable(-1 TO UBOUND(bits)) as bool 'Oversized if there are any hidden bits selectable(-1) = YES 'Build bitmenu(), a copy of bits(), with hidden items removed '(Note that bitmenu(-1) for prevmenu doesn't exist) DIM bitmenu() as IntStrPair FOR idx as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(bits) IF show_hidden ORELSE LEFT(bits(idx).s, 2) <> "##" THEN a_append bitmenu(), bits(idx).i, LTRIM(bits(idx).s, "#") selectable(UBOUND(bitmenu)) = (bits(idx).i >= 0) END IF NEXT DIM menupos as XYPair IF LEN(title) THEN menupos.y = 14 DIM state as MenuState state.pt = remem_pt state.top = -1 state.first = -1 state.last = UBOUND(bitmenu) state.autosize = YES state.autosize_ignore_pixels = menupos.y calc_menustate_size state, MenuOptions(), 0, 0 'For autosize correct_menu_state state DIM ret as EditBitsetResult push_and_reset_gfxio_state DO setwait 55 setkeys state.tog = state.tog XOR 1 IF keyval(ccCancel) > 1 THEN ret = edbitCancelled : EXIT DO IF keyval(scF1) > 1 THEN show_help helpkey usemenu state, selectable() IF state.pt >= 0 ANDALSO selectable(state.pt) THEN DIM bitnum as integer = bitmenu(state.pt).i DIM bitflip as integer = IIF(starts_with(bitmenu(state.pt).s, "!"), 1, 0) IF keyval(ccLeft) > 1 OR keyval(scLeftCaret) > 1 THEN setbit array(), wof, bitnum, 0 XOR bitflip IF immediate_quit THEN ret = edbitPickedBit : EXIT DO END IF IF keyval(ccRight) > 1 OR keyval(scRightCaret) > 1 THEN setbit array(), wof, bitnum, 1 XOR bitflip IF immediate_quit THEN ret = edbitPickedBit : EXIT DO END IF IF enter_space_click(state) THEN setbit array(), wof, bitnum, readbit(array(), wof, bitnum) XOR 1 IF immediate_quit THEN ret = edbitPickedBit : EXIT DO END IF ELSE IF enter_space_click(state) THEN ret = edbitBack : EXIT DO END IF ' Draw clearpage dpage calc_menustate_size state, MenuOptions(), menupos.x, menupos.y ' Recalcs .size, .rect, .spacing draw_fullscreen_scrollbar state, , dpage IF LEN(title) THEN edgeprint title, pCentered, menupos.y - 12, uilook(uiMenuItem), dpage FOR i as integer = state.top TO small(state.top + state.size, state.last) DIM drawat as XYPair = menupos drawat.x += 8 + IIF(state.pt = i, showRight, 0) drawat.y += (i - state.top) * state.spacing DIM biton as integer DIM col as integer DIM text as string = IIF(i = -1, prevmenu, bitmenu(i).s) IF i >= 0 ANDALSO selectable(i) THEN biton = readbit(array(), wof, bitmenu(i).i) IF LEFT(text, 1) = "!" THEN 'Inverted display biton XOR= 1 text = MID(text, 2) END IF IF show_index THEN text = strprintf("%2d ", bitmenu(i).i) & text ellipse vpages(dpage), menupos.x + 4, drawat.y + 3, 3, uilook(uiDisabledItem), IIF(biton, uilook(uiSelectedItem), -1) ELSE biton = 1 'Don't show as disabled IF i > -1 THEN col = uilook(eduiHeading) 'Section heading: override text color END IF col = menu_item_color(state, i, biton = 0, selectable(i) = NO, col) textcolor col, 0 printstr text, drawat.x, drawat.y, dpage NEXT i SWAP vpage, dpage setvispage vpage dowait LOOP pop_gfxio_state remem_pt = state.pt RETURN ret END FUNCTION 'This is a wrapper around editbitset, but bools instead of packed bits. FUNCTION editbools(bools() as bool, names() as string, helpkey as string = "editbitset", byref remem_pt as integer = -2, immediate_quit as bool = NO, title as string = "", prevmenu as string="Previous Menu") as EditBitsetResult DIM bitarray(0 TO UBOUND(bools) \ 16) as integer FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(bools) setbit bitarray(), 0, i, bools(i) NEXT DIM ret as EditBitsetResult ret = editbitset(bitarray(), 0, names(), helpkey, remem_pt, immediate_quit, title, prevmenu) FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(bools) bools(i) = xreadbit(bitarray(), i) NEXT RETURN ret END FUNCTION SUB gather_gen_bits(bittemp() as integer) bittemp(0) = gen(genBits) bittemp(1) = gen(genBits2) bittemp(2) = gen(genBits2+1) FOR i as integer = 0 TO 3 bittemp(3 + i) = gen(genBits3 + i) NEXT END SUB SUB scatter_gen_bits(bittemp() as integer) gen(genBits) = bittemp(0) gen(genBits2) = bittemp(1) gen(genBits2+1) = bittemp(2) FOR i as integer = 0 TO 3 gen(genBits3 + i) = bittemp(3 + i) NEXT END SUB SUB edit_global_bitsets OVERLOAD (bitname() as string, helpfile as string) DIM bittemp(6) as integer gather_gen_bits bittemp() editbitset bittemp(), 0, bitname(), helpfile scatter_gen_bits bittemp() END SUB SUB edit_global_bitsets OVERLOAD (bits() as IntStrPair, helpfile as string) DIM bittemp(6) as integer gather_gen_bits bittemp() editbitset bittemp(), 0, bits(), helpfile scatter_gen_bits bittemp() END SUB SUB edit_general_bitsets() REDIM bits() as IntStrPair a_append bits(), -1, "" a_append bits(), -1, " Hero Experience, Levels and Stats" a_append bits(), 2, "!Restore HP on levelup" a_append bits(), 3, "!Restore MP on levelup" a_append bits(), 4, "!Inns revive dead heroes" a_append bits(), 31, "Don't reset max stats after OOB attack" a_append bits(), 30, "!Divide experience between heroes" a_append bits(), 19, "Dead heroes gain share of experience" a_append bits(), 43, "Cap minimum stats at zero" a_append bits(), 46, "!Negative-damage harmtiles can cure above max HP" a_append bits(), 29, "Ignore extra Hits stat" a_append bits(), 52, "Ignore MP~ stat" a_append bits(), -1, "" a_append bits(), -1, " Hero Party" a_append bits(), 1, "Enable caterpillar party" a_append bits(), 41, "Keep caterpillar length the same when speed changes" a_append bits(), 42, "Heroes use Walk in Place animation while idle" a_append bits(), 5, "Hero swapping always available" a_append bits(), 20, "Locked heroes can't be re-ordered" a_append bits(), -1, "" a_append bits(), -1, " Starting or Loading Games" a_append bits(), 11, "Skip title screen" a_append bits(), 12, "Skip load screen" a_append bits(), 40, "!Stop music before starting/loading game" a_append bits(), 44, "Hide empty save slots at the bottom of the save/load menus" a_append bits(), -1, "" a_append bits(), -1, " Misc" a_append bits(), 8, "!Enable debugging keys" a_append bits(), 10, "Permit double-triggering of scripts" a_append bits(), 18, "!Save gameover/loadgame script IDs" a_append bits(), 15, "Default passability disabled by default" a_append bits(), 47, "!Map joystick controls to keyboard keys for scripts" a_append bits(), 53, "!Map joystick (left) stick to dpad" edit_global_bitsets bits(), "general_game_bitsets" END SUB SUB edit_backcompat_bitsets() DIM bitname(111) as string bitname(9) = "Simulate old levelup bonus-accretion bug" bitname(16) = "Simulate pushable NPC obstruction bug" bitname(24) = "!Disable better scancodes for scripts" bitname(25) = "Simulate old fail vs element resist bit" bitname(27) = "!Don't recreate map slices when changing maps" bitname(28) = "!Harm tiles ignore non-caterpillar heroes" bitname(32) = "!Limit maximum tags to 999" bitname(33) = "Simulate Bug #430 script wait skips" bitname(34) = "!showtextbox is delayed" bitname(36) = "Old attack positioning at bottom-left of target" bitname(37) = "Wrap map layers over edge of Crop maps" bitname(39) = "Draw Backdrop slice above Script Layer" IF gen(genBattleMode) = 1 THEN 'turn-based bitname(50) = "!Non-turn attack delays can also cause turn delays" END IF edit_global_bitsets bitname(), "share_general_game_backcompat_bitsets" END SUB 'Battle System bitsets SUB edit_battle_bitsets() REDIM bits() as IntStrPair a_append bits(), -1, "" a_append bits(), -1, " Battle Display Options" a_append bits(), 6, "!Show ready-meter" a_append bits(), 7, "!Show health meter" a_append bits(), 49, "Show MP meter" a_append bits(), 14, "Disable hero cursor" a_append bits(), 38, "Never show script timers during battles" a_append bits(), -1, "" a_append bits(), -1, " General Options" a_append bits(), 26, "0 damage when immune to attack elements" a_append bits(), 29, "Ignore extra Hits stat" a_append bits(), 52, "Ignore MP~ stat" a_append bits(), -1, "" IF gen(genBattleMode) = 0 THEN a_append bits(), -1, " Active-Time Battle Options" IF get_gen_bool("/mouse/mouse_battles") THEN a_append bits(), 17, "!Hold ESC key or right-click to run from battle" ELSE a_append bits(), 17, "!Hold ESC key to run from battle" END IF a_append bits(), 13, "Pause on all battle menus & targeting" a_append bits(), 0, "Pause on Spells & Items menus" a_append bits(), 35, "Pause when targeting attacks" a_append bits(), 23, "Battle menus wait for attack animations" a_append bits(), 21, "Attack captions pause ready meters" a_append bits(), 22, "!Randomize initial ready meters" ELSE a_append bits(), -1, " Turn-based Battle Options" a_append bits(), 48, "!Press ESC to cancel/change a hero's attack" a_append bits(), 51, "Don't break Speed ties randomly" END IF edit_global_bitsets bits(), "general_battle_bitsets" END SUB SUB edit_mouse_options () DIM menu as MenuDef DIM st as MenuState st.active = YES st.need_update = YES DIM t as integer DIM do_toggle as bool = NO REDIM enabled(0) as bool push_and_reset_gfxio_state setkeys YES DO setwait 55 setkeys YES IF keyval(scF1) > 1 THEN show_help "edit_mouse_options" IF keyval(ccCancel) > 1 THEN EXIT DO IF st.need_update THEN st.need_update = NO InitLikeStandardMenu menu append_menu_item menu, "Previous menu..." menu.last->t = 0 append_menu_item menu, "Click on map to move the hero: " & yesorno(get_gen_bool("/mouse/move_hero")) menu.last->t = 1 IF get_gen_bool("/mouse/move_hero") THEN append_menu_item menu, " Display destination: " & yesorno(get_gen_bool("/mouse/move_hero/display_dest")) menu.last->t = 2 append_menu_item menu, " Cancel move on battles: " & yesorno(get_gen_bool("/mouse/move_hero/cancel_on_battle")) menu.last->t = 3 append_menu_item menu, " Cancel move on textboxes: " & yesorno(get_gen_bool("/mouse/move_hero/cancel_on_textbox")) menu.last->t = 4 append_menu_item menu, " Cancel move on menus: " & yesorno(get_gen_bool("/mouse/move_hero/cancel_on_menu")) menu.last->t = 5 append_menu_item menu, " Max tiles to walk: " & zero_default(get_gen_int("/mouse/move_hero/max_path_length"), "0 (no limit)") menu.last->t = 6 END IF append_menu_item menu, "Show cursor even in full-screen: " & yesorno(get_gen_bool("/mouse/show_cursor")) menu.last->t = 9 append_menu_item menu, "Open main menu on right-click: " & yesorno(get_gen_bool("/mouse/menu_right_click")) menu.last->t = 10 append_menu_item menu, "Click to advance text boxes: " & yesorno(get_gen_bool("/mouse/click_textboxes")) menu.last->t = 20 append_menu_item menu, """any key"", etc, include mouse: " & yesorno(get_gen_bool("/mouse/click_keys")) menu.last->t = 13 append_menu_item menu, "Mouse support on menus: " & yesorno(get_gen_bool("/mouse/mouse_menus")) menu.last->t = 11 append_menu_item menu, "Mouse support in battles: " & yesorno(get_gen_bool("/mouse/mouse_battles")) menu.last->t = 12 init_menu_state st, menu END IF usemenu st, menu t = menu.items[st.pt]->t do_toggle = NO IF enter_space_click(st) THEN SELECT CASE t CASE 0: EXIT DO CASE 6: CASE ELSE do_toggle = YES END SELECT END IF SELECT CASE t CASE 0: 'exit CASE 6: IF gen_intgrabber("/mouse/move_hero/max_path_length") THEN st.need_update = YES CASE ELSE IF keyval(ccLeft) > 1 ORELSE keyval(ccRight) > 1 THEN do_toggle = YES END IF END SELECT IF do_toggle THEN SELECT CASE t CASE 1: toggle_gen_bool("/mouse/move_hero") st.need_update = YES CASE 2: toggle_gen_bool("/mouse/move_hero/display_dest") st.need_update = YES CASE 3: toggle_gen_bool("/mouse/move_hero/cancel_on_battle") st.need_update = YES CASE 4: toggle_gen_bool("/mouse/move_hero/cancel_on_textbox") st.need_update = YES CASE 5: toggle_gen_bool("/mouse/move_hero/cancel_on_menu") st.need_update = YES CASE 9: toggle_gen_bool("/mouse/show_cursor") st.need_update = YES CASE 10: toggle_gen_bool("/mouse/menu_right_click") st.need_update = YES CASE 11: toggle_gen_bool("/mouse/mouse_menus") st.need_update = YES CASE 12: toggle_gen_bool("/mouse/mouse_battles") st.need_update = YES CASE 13: toggle_gen_bool("/mouse/click_keys") st.need_update = YES CASE 20: toggle_gen_bool("/mouse/click_textboxes") st.need_update = YES END SELECT END IF clearpage dpage draw_menu menu, st, dpage SWAP vpage, dpage setvispage vpage dowait LOOP pop_gfxio_state #IFNDEF IS_GAME ' Don't write changes, in case we're live-previewing or playing an .rpgdir write_general_reld() #ENDIF END SUB