# This include file defines key: and joy: constants for use with commands like #"keypress", "key is pressed" and "wait for key", and also axis: constants for # "joystick axis". # You don't need to include this file, it's done automatically. define constant,begin # These *key constants can be used with any keypress commands. -1,anykey -2,upkey -3,downkey -4,leftkey -5,rightkey -6,usekey -7,menukey -8,fleekey -8,runkey -9,cancelkey 01,key:Esc 02,key:1 02,key:Exclamation 03,key:2 03,key:At Sign 04,key:3 04,key:Hash 05,key:4 05,key:Dollar Sign 06,key:5 06,key:Percent 07,key:6 07,key:Circumflex 08,key:7 08,key:Ampersand 09,key:8 09,key:Asterix 09,key:Asterisk 10,key:9 10,key:Left Parenthesis 11,key:0 11,key:Right Parenthesis 12,key:Minus 12,key:Underscore 13,key:Equals 13,key:Plus 14,key:Backspace 15,key:Tab 16,key:Q 17,key:W 18,key:E 19,key:R 20,key:T 21,key:Y 22,key:U 23,key:I 24,key:O 25,key:P 26,key:Left Bracket 26,key:Left Brace 27,key:Right Bracket 27,key:Right Brace 28,key:Enter 29,key:Ctrl 30,key:A 31,key:S 32,key:D 33,key:F 34,key:G 35,key:H 36,key:J 37,key:K 38,key:L 39,key:Semicolon 39,key:Colon 40,key:Quote 40,key:Doublequote 40,key:Apostrophe 41,key:Backquote 41,key:Tilde 42,key:Left Shift 43,key:Backslash 43,key:Pipe 44,key:Z 45,key:X 46,key:C 47,key:V 48,key:B 49,key:N 50,key:M 51,key:Comma 51,key:Left Caret 52,key:Period 52,key:Right Caret 53,key:Slash 53,key:Question Mark 54,key:Right Shift 55,key:Numpad Asterix 55,key:Numpad Asterisk 56,key:Alt 57,key:Space 58,key:Capslock 59,key:F1 60,key:F2 61,key:F3 62,key:F4 63,key:F5 64,key:F6 65,key:F7 66,key:F8 67,key:F9 68,key:F10 69,key:Numlock # On Macs this is the Clear numpad key instead 70,key:Scroll Lock 71,key:Home 72,key:Up 73,key:Page Up 74,key:Numpad Minus 75,key:Left 77,key:Right 78,key:Numpad Plus 79,key:End 80,key:Down 81,key:Page Down 82,key:Insert 83,key:Delete 87,key:F11 88,key:F12 91,key:Left Win Logo 91,key:Left Command #Macintosh 91,key:Left Meta 92,key:Right Win Logo 92,key:Right Command #Macintosh 92,key:Right Meta 93,key:Context 94,key:F13 95,key:F14 96,key:F15 97,key:Shift 98,key:Left Alt 99,key:Right Alt 100,key:Left Ctrl 101,key:Right Ctrl 102,key:Numpad Slash # previously key:Slash 103,key:Numpad Enter # previously key:Enter 104,key:Numpad 7 # previously key:Home 105,key:Numpad 8 # previously key:Up 106,key:Numpad 9 # previously key:Page Up 108,key:Numpad 4 # previously key:Left 109,key:Numpad 5 110,key:Numpad 6 # previously key:Right 112,key:Numpad 1 # previously key:End 113,key:Numpad 2 # previously key:Down 114,key:Numpad 3 # previously key:Page Down 115,key:Numpad 0 # previously key:Insert 116,key:Numpad Period # previously key:Delete 117,key:Print Screen 118,key:Pause # previously key:Numlock 119,key:Filtered Alt # Same as key:Alt, but try to filter out keypresses which are part of window manager combinations 120,key:Any Enter # either key:Enter or key:Numpad Enter 121,key:Meta # either key:Left Meta or key:Right Meta 121,key:Win Logo 121,key:Command # Keys >= 128 are scancodes for other devices (mouse, joystick) 128,joy:A # B button on a SNES controller! 128,joy:Cross # PS 129,joy:B # A button on a SNES controller! 129,joy:Circle # PS 130,joy:X # Y button on a SNES controller! 130,joy:Square # PS 131,joy:Y # X button on a SNES controller! 131,joy:Triangle # PS 132,joy:Left Stick # When pressed as a button 133,joy:Right Stick # Center-left button: Select (NES, SNES, PS1-3), Back (Xbox), Share (PS4), View (Xbox) 134,joy:Select 134,joy:Back # Center button: PS button (PS3), Xbox guide button 135,joy:Logo 135,joy:Guide # Center-right button: Start (NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, Saturn, PS1-3, Xbox), Options (PS4), Menu (XBox) 136,joy:Start 137,joy:L1 # Left shoulder 138,joy:R1 # Right shoulder 139,joy:L2 # Left trigger. Also axis:L2 140,joy:R2 # Right trigger. Also axis:R2 #141-143 unassigned # Dpad, and also translates axis:X/Y (left thumbstick on a gamepad) to button presses # (unless "Map joystick (left) stick to dpad" is disabled) 144,joy:Left 145,joy:Right 146,joy:Up 147,joy:Down # Translation of right stick (axis:RightX/Y) to button presses 148,joy:RStick Left 149,joy:RStick Right 150,joy:RStick Up 151,joy:RStick Down # Obsolete aliases 144,joy:x left 145,joy:x right 146,joy:y up 147,joy:y down 128,joy:button 1 129,joy:button 2 130,joy:button 3 131,joy:button 4 132,joy:button 5 133,joy:button 6 134,joy:button 7 135,joy:button 8 136,joy:button 9 137,joy:button 10 138,joy:button 11 139,joy:button 12 140,joy:button 13 141,joy:button 14 142,joy:button 15 143,joy:button 16 144,joy:button 17 145,joy:button 18 146,joy:button 19 147,joy:button 20 148,joy:button 21 149,joy:button 22 150,joy:button 23 151,joy:button 24 152,joy:button 25 153,joy:button 26 154,joy:button 27 155,joy:button 28 156,joy:button 29 157,joy:button 30 158,joy:button 31 159,joy:button 32 # 160-163 reserved # These are only returned by waitforkey(anykey)! You can't use them elsewhere! # Don't confuse these with "left button", etc, which are used for "mouse click", etc. #180,mouse:left #181,mouse:right #182,mouse:middle end define constant, begin # Joystick axes 0, x axis # Old style alias 1, y axis # The X,Y axes are the left thumbstick on a gamepad 0, axis:X # Also mapped to joy:Left, joy:Right 1, axis:Y # Also mapped to joy:Up, joy:Down 2, axis:RightX # Also mapped to joy:RStickLeft, joy:RStickRight 3, axis:RightY # Also mapped to joy:RStickUp, joy:RStickDown 4, axis:L2 # Also mapped to joy:L2 button 5, axis:R2 # Also mapped to joy:R2 button end