'OHRRPGCE - General FreeBASIC utility code '(C) Copyright 1997-2020 James Paige, Ralph Versteegen, and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability ' ' This file contains utility subs and functions which would be useful for ' any FreeBasic program. Nothing in here can depend on Allmodex, nor on any ' gfx or music backend, nor on any other part of the OHR CONST STACK_SIZE_INC = 512 ' in integers #include "datetime.bi" 'FB header #include "string.bi" 'FB header #include "config.bi" #include "util.bi" #include "cutil.bi" #include "unicode.bi" #include "fb/fb.bi" #include "lib/sha1.bi" #include "os.bi" #include "common_base.bi" #include "lumpfile.bi" #ifdef __FB_MAIN__ #include "testing.bi" #endif Type FBSTRING as string 'Resize a FB string Declare Function fb_hStrRealloc Alias "fb_hStrRealloc" (byval s as FBSTRING ptr, byval size as ssize_t, byval preserve as long) as FBSTRING ptr 'Resize a FB string or allocate a new one, and mark it temporary (equals SPEED) Declare Function fb_hStrAllocTemp Alias "fb_hStrAllocTemp" (byval s as FBSTRING ptr, byval size as ssize_t) as FBSTRING ptr 'Although unused, documenting this here: free a temporary FBstring which is returned (Normally would destroy it with fb_StrAssign) '(returns error code) #ifndef fb_hStrDelTemp 'Already defined in FB 1.04 (or earlier) Declare Function fb_hStrDelTemp Alias "fb_hStrDelTemp" (s as FBSTRING ptr) as long #endif DECLARE FUNCTION integerptr_compare CDECL (byval a as integer ptr ptr, byval b as integer ptr ptr) as long DECLARE FUNCTION stringptr_compare CDECL (byval a as string ptr ptr, byval b as string ptr ptr) as long 'It is very important for this to be populated _before_ any calls to CHDIR DIM orig_dir as string DIM tmpdir as string DIM exename as string DIM program_start_timer as double program_start_timer = TIMER 'Dummy value used to indicate the default value of a byref arg DIM default_arg as integer '---------------- Initialization ----------------- DIM SHARED filetype_names(fileTypeError) as string filetype_names(fileTypeNonexistent) = "nonexistent" filetype_names(fileTypeFile) = "a file" filetype_names(fileTypeDirectory) = "a directory" filetype_names(fileTypeOther) = "a special file" filetype_names(fileTypeError) = "unreadable" 'Set up an error handler for the errors FB throws when compiled with -exx. The 'default handler prints a message which is lost on Windows. 'Note also that this installs signal handlers, but some of those signal handlers 'are overridden on Unix by setup_exception_handler() SUB setup_fb_error_handler() 'There seems to be a gengcc bug at play: passing the address of a label to a 'function doesn't work (gcc docs say it's undefined behaviour) and the address 'of this function gets passed instead. So we see this function reentering if 'an error occurs, rather than starting at QB_error_handler! STATIC as bool already_setup IF already_setup THEN GOTO QB_error_handler already_setup = YES 'What's this wacky QB stuff doing in a FB codebase! ON ERROR GOTO QB_error_handler EXIT SUB QB_error_handler: STATIC as integer reentered IF reentered <> 0 THEN SYSTEM 99 'fatal_error_shutdown reentered += 1 'Warning: any code using anonymous temporary string variables here seems to crash, 'unless compiling with -gen gcc, because the function prologue hasn't occurred! DIM as integer err_num = ERR, err_line = ERL DIM as zstring ptr func_name = ERFN, mod_name = ERMN DIM as zstring ptr message = ANY message = format_FB_error_message(err_num, err_line, mod_name, func_name) DIM interrupt_signal as bool = (err_num = fberrSIGINT) OR (err_num = fberrSIGQUIT) OR (err_num = fberrSIGTERM) fb_error_hook message, interrupt_signal END SUB SUB remove_fb_error_handler() ON ERROR GOTO 0 END SUB 'Called if FB catches a fatal error, signal, or exception, such as (if compiled 'with -exx) array out-of-bounds read, bad REDIM call, SIGSEGV. (Unless 'CrashRpt/etc is installed, then it catches signals.) This hook is installed in 'one of two different ways by calling hook_fb_End or setup_fb_error_handler (not 'both!) Called on ASSERT failure only if fb_End hooked. EXTERN "C" SUB fb_error_hook(message as const zstring ptr, interrupt_signal as boolint) 'Yes, this function is redundant, but it makes the control flow clearer. IF interrupt_signal THEN fatalerror message ELSE fatalbug message END IF END SUB END EXTERN 'Gets called at the top of the main module for each executable just by including util.bi. 'This is the place to put initialisation code common to everything. SUB lowlevel_init() 'Note: if compiled with -e, FB will insert a call to fb_InitSignals() 'at the top of main(), installing signals handlers for SIGSEGV, etc. 'Android only external_log "main() started..." init_crt 'setlocale os_init 'Install FB error handler, either by hooking fb_End (which is a kludge) 'or using ON ERROR GOTO (which is so yuck it's also a kludge). 'Hooking fb_End is preferred (but only works in FB 1.02+) because how ON ERROR 'GOTO works as of FB 1.07, the topmost frame gets clobbered by a computed 'goto, bad for debugging: though we would still be able to read the line 'number from g/c_debug.txt in that case, we can't inspect locals. 'It also catches fb_Assert(). 'If nothing if hooked then the program would terminate without an exception 'when the rtlib throws an error, and CrashRpt would not be invoked! IF hook_fb_End() = NO THEN setup_fb_error_handler 'Note: if --rawexx cmdline arg given, we later call remove_fb_error_handler. END IF exename = trimextension(trimpath(COMMAND(0))) 'Requires exename setup_exception_handler disable_extended_precision reseed_prng TIMER * 1e9 END SUB '------------- Basic datatypes ------------- DEFINE_VECTOR_OF_TYPE(XYPair, XYPair) #MACRO XYPAIR_OPERATOR_AND_XY(OP) OPERATOR OP (lhs as XYPair, rhs as XYPair) as bool RETURN lhs.x OP rhs.x ANDALSO lhs.y OP rhs.y END OPERATOR #ENDMACRO #MACRO XYPAIR_OPERATOR_AND_INT(OP) OPERATOR OP (lhs as XYPair, rhs as integer) as bool RETURN lhs.x OP rhs ANDALSO lhs.y OP rhs END OPERATOR #ENDMACRO XYPAIR_OPERATOR_AND_XY (=) XYPAIR_OPERATOR_AND_INT(=) XYPAIR_OPERATOR_AND_XY(<) XYPAIR_OPERATOR_AND_INT(<) XYPAIR_OPERATOR_AND_XY(<=) XYPAIR_OPERATOR_AND_INT(<=) XYPAIR_OPERATOR_AND_XY(>) XYPAIR_OPERATOR_AND_INT(>) XYPAIR_OPERATOR_AND_XY(>=) XYPAIR_OPERATOR_AND_INT(>=) OPERATOR <> (lhs as XYPair, rhs as XYPair) as bool RETURN lhs.x <> rhs.x ORELSE lhs.y <> rhs.y END OPERATOR OPERATOR <> (lhs as XYPair, rhs as integer) as bool RETURN lhs.x <> rhs ORELSE lhs.y <> rhs END OPERATOR OPERATOR XYPair.CAST () as string RETURN x & "," & y END OPERATOR OPERATOR WHSimple.CAST () as string RETURN w & "*" & h END OPERATOR OPERATOR XYPair.+= (rhs as XYPair) x += rhs.x y += rhs.y END OPERATOR OPERATOR XYPair.LET (value as integer) x = value y = value END OPERATOR OPERATOR + (lhs as XYPair, rhs as XYPair) as XYPair RETURN TYPE(lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y) END OPERATOR OPERATOR + (lhs as XYPair, rhs as integer) as XYPair RETURN TYPE(lhs.x + rhs, lhs.y + rhs) END OPERATOR OPERATOR - (lhs as XYPair, rhs as XYPair) as XYPair RETURN TYPE(lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y) END OPERATOR OPERATOR - (lhs as XYPair, rhs as integer) as XYPair RETURN TYPE(lhs.x - rhs, lhs.y - rhs) END OPERATOR OPERATOR * (lhs as XYPair, rhs as XYPair) as XYPair RETURN TYPE(lhs.x * rhs.x, lhs.y * rhs.y) END OPERATOR OPERATOR * (lhs as XYPair, rhs as integer) as XYPair RETURN TYPE(lhs.x * rhs, lhs.y * rhs) END OPERATOR OPERATOR * (lhs as XYPair, rhs as double) as XYPair RETURN TYPE(lhs.x * rhs, lhs.y * rhs) END OPERATOR OPERATOR \ (lhs as XYPair, rhs as XYPair) as XYPair RETURN TYPE(lhs.x \ rhs.x, lhs.y \ rhs.y) END OPERATOR OPERATOR \ (lhs as XYPair, rhs as integer) as XYPair RETURN TYPE(lhs.x \ rhs, lhs.y \ rhs) END OPERATOR OPERATOR / (lhs as XYPair, rhs as XYPair) as XYPair RETURN TYPE(lhs.x / rhs.x, lhs.y / rhs.y) END OPERATOR OPERATOR / (lhs as XYPair, rhs as double) as XYPair RETURN TYPE(lhs.x / rhs, lhs.y / rhs) END OPERATOR OPERATOR ABS (lhs as XYPair) as XYPair RETURN TYPE(ABS(lhs.x), ABS(lhs.y)) END OPERATOR OPERATOR MOD (lhs as XYPair, rhs as XYPair) as XYPair RETURN TYPE(lhs.x MOD rhs.x, lhs.y MOD rhs.y) END OPERATOR OPERATOR MOD (lhs as XYPair, rhs as integer) as XYPair RETURN TYPE(lhs.x MOD rhs, lhs.y MOD rhs) END OPERATOR OPERATOR - (lhs as XYPair) as XYPair RETURN TYPE(-lhs.x, -lhs.y) END OPERATOR OPERATOR = (lhs as RectType, rhs as RectType) as bool RETURN memcmp(@lhs, @rhs, sizeof(RectType)) = 0 END OPERATOR OPERATOR <> (lhs as RectType, rhs as RectType) as bool RETURN memcmp(@lhs, @rhs, sizeof(RectType)) <> 0 END OPERATOR OPERATOR + (lhs as RectType, rhs as XYPair) as RectType RETURN XYWH(lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y, lhs.wide, lhs.high) END OPERATOR OPERATOR - (lhs as RectType, rhs as XYPair) as RectType RETURN XYWH(lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y, lhs.wide, lhs.high) END OPERATOR OPERATOR * (lhs as RectType, rhs as integer) as RectType RETURN XYWH(lhs.x * rhs, lhs.y * rhs, lhs.wide * rhs, lhs.high * rhs) END OPERATOR OPERATOR RectType.CAST () as string RETURN x & "," & y & ",w" & wide & ",h" & high END OPERATOR FUNCTION xypair_direction (v as XYPair, byval axis as integer, byval default as DirNum = dirNone) as DirNum IF axis = 0 THEN IF v.x < 0 THEN RETURN dirLeft IF v.x > 0 THEN RETURN dirRight ELSEIF axis = 1 THEN IF v.y < 0 THEN RETURN dirUp IF v.y > 0 THEN RETURN dirDown END IF RETURN default END FUNCTION FUNCTION xypair_to_direction (v as XYPair) as DirNum IF v.x = 0 AND v.y = 0 THEN RETURN dirNone IF ABS(v.x) > ABS(v.y) THEN IF v.x < 0 THEN RETURN dirLeft IF v.x > 0 THEN RETURN dirRight ELSE IF v.y < 0 THEN RETURN dirUp IF v.y > 0 THEN RETURN dirDown END IF END FUNCTION SUB xypair_move (v as XYPair, byval direction as integer, byval amount as integer = 1) SELECT CASE direction CASE 0: v.y -= amount CASE 1: v.x += amount CASE 2: v.y += amount CASE 3: v.x -= amount CASE ELSE showbug "xypair_move: invalid direction " & direction END SELECT END SUB FUNCTION xypair_manhattan_distance(v1 as XYPair, v2 as XYPair) as integer DIM diff as XYPair = v2 - v1 RETURN ABS(diff.x) + ABS(diff.y) END FUNCTION FUNCTION xypair_distance_squared(v1 as XYPair, v2 as XYPair) as integer DIM diff as XYPair = v2 - v1 RETURN diff.x * diff.x + diff.y * diff.y END FUNCTION #IFDEF __FB_MAIN__ startTest(XYPairOperators) DIM as XYPair A = (1,2), B = (3,4) IF A <> A THEN fail IF A <> TYPE(1,2) THEN fail IF XY(101,-34) <> TYPE(101,-34) THEN fail IF (A = XY(1,2)) <> YES THEN fail IF A < 2 THEN fail IF NOT A < 3 THEN fail IF NOT A > 0 THEN fail IF NOT A >= 1 THEN fail IF A >= 2 THEN fail A += B IF A <> XY(4,6) THEN fail IF -A <> XY(-4,-6) THEN fail IF A + 4 <> XY(8,10) THEN fail IF A - A <> XY(0,0) THEN fail IF A * 10 <> XY(40,60) THEN fail IF A * B <> XY(12,24) THEN fail IF A \ 3 <> XY(1,2) THEN fail IF A \ XY(2,-1) <> XY(2,-6) THEN fail IF A * 5 \ 5 <> A THEN fail IF A / 3 <> XY(1,2) THEN fail IF A / 4 <> XY(1,2) THEN fail IF A / 1.5 <> XY(3,4) THEN fail IF A / XY(-1,4) <> XY(-4,2) THEN fail IF STR(A) <> "4,6" THEN fail IF STR(A.wh) <> "4*6" THEN fail IF ABS(XY(-4,-5)) <> XY(4,5) THEN fail IF A MOD 3 <> XY(1,0) THEN fail IF A MOD XY(3,5) <> XY(1,1) THEN fail endTest startTest(RectTypeOperators) DIM as RectType A = (1,2,1,1), B = (1,2,1,0) IF A <> A THEN fail IF A = B THEN fail endTest #ENDIF FUNCTION dirX(dirn as DirNum, dist as integer = 1) as integer IF dirn = dirLeft THEN RETURN -dist IF dirn = dirRight THEN RETURN -dist END FUNCTION FUNCTION dirY(dirn as DirNum, dist as integer = 1) as integer IF dirn = dirUp THEN RETURN -dist IF dirn = dirDown THEN RETURN -dist END FUNCTION '------------- Math operations ------------- FUNCTION bitcount (byval v as unsigned integer) as integer 'From the "Software Optimization Guide for AMD Athlon 64 and Opteron Processors". Thanks, AMD! v = v - ((v SHR 1) AND &h55555555) v = (v AND &h33333333) + ((v SHR 2) AND &h33333333) RETURN ((v + (v SHR 4) AND &hF0F0F0F) * &h1010101) SHR 24 END FUNCTION FUNCTION ceiling (byval n as integer) as integer RETURN INT(n * -1) * -1 END FUNCTION FUNCTION bound (byval n as integer, byval lowest as integer, byval highest as integer) as integer bound = n IF n < lowest THEN bound = lowest IF n > highest THEN bound = highest END FUNCTION FUNCTION bound (byval n as longint, byval lowest as longint, byval highest as longint) as longint bound = n IF n < lowest THEN bound = lowest IF n > highest THEN bound = highest END FUNCTION FUNCTION bound (byval n as double, byval lowest as double, byval highest as double) as double bound = n IF n < lowest THEN bound = lowest IF n > highest THEN bound = highest END FUNCTION FUNCTION bound (point as XYPair, lefttop as XYPair, rightbottom as XYPair) as XYPair DIM ret as XYPair = any ret.x = IIF(point.x > rightbottom.x, rightbottom.x, IIF(point.y < lefttop.x, lefttop.x, point.x)) ret.y = IIF(point.y > rightbottom.y, rightbottom.y, IIF(point.y < lefttop.y, lefttop.y, point.y)) RETURN ret END FUNCTION FUNCTION in_bound (byval n as integer, byval lowest as integer, byval highest as integer) as integer RETURN (n >= lowest) AND (n <= highest) END FUNCTION 'Clamp a value to within a range with warning SUB clamp_value (byref value as integer, byval min as integer, byval max as integer, argname as string) DIM oldval as integer = value IF value < min THEN value = min IF value > max THEN value = max IF value <> oldval THEN debug "Clamped invalid " + argname + " value " & oldval & " to " & value END SUB FUNCTION large (byval n1 as integer, byval n2 as integer) as integer large = n1 IF n2 > n1 THEN large = n2 END FUNCTION FUNCTION large (byval n1 as longint, byval n2 as longint) as longint large = n1 IF n2 > n1 THEN large = n2 END FUNCTION FUNCTION large (byval n1 as double, byval n2 as double) as double IF n2 > n1 THEN RETURN n2 ELSE RETURN n1 END FUNCTION FUNCTION large (xy1 as XYPair, xy2 as XYPair) as XYPair DIM ret as XYPair = any ret.x = IIF(xy1.x < xy2.x, xy2.x, xy1.x) ret.y = IIF(xy1.y < xy2.y, xy2.y, xy1.y) RETURN ret END FUNCTION SUB loopvar (byref value as integer, min as integer, max as integer, inc as integer = 1) value = POSMOD((value + inc) - min, (max - min) + 1) + min END SUB SUB loopvar (byref value as longint, min as longint, max as longint, inc as longint = 1) value = POSMOD((value + inc) - min, (max - min) + 1) + min END SUB FUNCTION small (byval n1 as integer, byval n2 as integer) as integer small = n1 IF n2 < n1 THEN small = n2 END FUNCTION FUNCTION small (byval n1 as longint, byval n2 as longint) as longint small = n1 IF n2 < n1 THEN small = n2 END FUNCTION FUNCTION small (byval n1 as double, byval n2 as double) as double IF n2 < n1 THEN RETURN n2 ELSE RETURN n1 END FUNCTION FUNCTION small (xy1 as XYPair, xy2 as XYPair) as XYPair DIM ret as XYPair = any ret.x = IIF(xy1.x > xy2.x, xy2.x, xy1.x) ret.y = IIF(xy1.y > xy2.y, xy2.y, xy1.y) RETURN ret END FUNCTION ' Split a RelPos into offset, alignment, and anchor. SUB RelPos_decode(pos as RelPos, byref offset as integer, byref align as AlignType, byref anchor as AlignType, byref show as AlignType) DIM as integer highpart, lowpart lowpart = ((pos + _rMargin) MOD _rFactor) - _rMargin highpart = (pos + _rMargin) \ _rFactor IF highpart >= 0 AND highpart < 27 AND ABS(lowpart) <= _rMargin THEN offset = lowpart align = (highpart MOD 9) \ 3 anchor = highpart MOD 3 IF highpart >= 18 THEN show = alignRight ELSEIF highpart >= 9 THEN show = alignLeft ELSE show = alignCenter END IF ELSE offset = pos align = alignLeft anchor = alignLeft show = alignCenter 'None END IF END SUB ' Converts a RelPos value like "rCenter + 30" to "width\2 + 30", and so forth, ' for combinations of at most one of ' rTop, rLeft, rRight, rCenter, rBottom, rWidth, rHeight, ' (which edge of the screen this position is relative to) ' and at most one of ' ancTop, ancLeft, ancRight, ancCenter, ancBottom, ' (which edge of this object the position describes) ' (although in some contexts, like when specifying width of a rect, ' anchor constants don't make sense and do nothing). ' Finally, showLeft, showRight can be added to clip the position so that either ' the left-most or right-most part of the object is on-screen FUNCTION relative_pos(pos as RelPos, pagewidth as integer, objwidth as integer = 0) as integer DIM offset as integer DIM as AlignType align, anchor, show RelPos_decode pos, offset, align, anchor, show IF align = alignCenter THEN offset += pagewidth \ 2 IF align = alignRight THEN offset += pagewidth IF anchor = alignCenter THEN offset -= objwidth \ 2 IF anchor = alignRight THEN offset -= objwidth ' show = alignCenter means no clipping IF show = alignRight THEN offset = large(offset, 0) 'Don't go over left screen edge IF show <> alignCenter THEN offset = small(offset, pagewidth - objwidth) 'Don't go over right screen edge IF show = alignLeft THEN offset = large(offset, 0) 'Don't go over left screen edge RETURN offset END FUNCTION FUNCTION relative_pos(pos as RelPosXY, pagesize as XYPair, objsize as XYPair = XY(0,0)) as XYPair DIM ret as XYPair = pos ret.x = relative_pos(pos.x, pagesize.x, objsize.x) ret.y = relative_pos(pos.y, pagesize.y, objsize.y) RETURN ret END FUNCTION #IFDEF __FB_MAIN__ startTest(RelPos) DIM offset as integer DIM as AlignType align, anchor, show RelPos_decode rCenter + ancRight - 12359 + showLeft, offset, align, anchor, show testEqual(offset, -12359) testEqual(align, alignCenter) testEqual(anchor, alignRight) testEqual(show, alignLeft) 'Test that these values close to a power of 10 aren't treated as containing flags, as documented DIM testvals(...) as integer = {INT_MAX, 99999, 999999, 9999999, 999999999, 1050000, -60050000} FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(testvals) RelPos_decode testvals(i), offset, align, anchor, show testEqual(offset, testvals(i)) testEqual(align, alignLeft) testEqual(anchor, alignLeft) testEqual(show, alignCenter) NEXT testEqual(rCenter + rCenter, rRight) testEqual(rRight - rLeft, rRight) testEqual((rRight + 100) \ 2, rCenter + 50) testEqual(relative_pos(0, 0, 0), 0) testEqual(relative_pos(-3499, 1000), -3499) testEqual(relative_pos(rLeft + 1312334, 1000), 1312334) testEqual(relative_pos(rCenter + 50000, 20000), 60000) testEqual(relative_pos(rCenter - 1000, 20000), 9000) testEqual(relative_pos(rRight - 50000, 200042), 150042) testEqual(relative_pos(rRight - 20000, 20000), 0) testEqual(relative_pos(ancCenter - 90, 20000, 0), -90) testEqual(relative_pos(ancCenter - 90, 20000, 100), -140) testEqual(relative_pos(ancRight - 90, 20000, 100), -190) testEqual(relative_pos(rCenter + ancCenter + 9, 20100, 100), 10009) testEqual(relative_pos(rCenter + ancRight + 9, 20200, 100), 10009) testEqual(relative_pos(rRight + ancRight + 9, 20200, 100), 20109) testEqual(relative_pos(rRight + ancCenter + 9, 20200, 100), 20159) testEqual(relative_pos(67 + showLeft, 100, 10), 67) testEqual(relative_pos(67 + showRight, 100, 10), 67) testEqual(relative_pos(showRight, 100, 110), -10) testEqual(relative_pos(rRight + showLeft, 100, 10), 90) testEqual(relative_pos(rRight + showRight, 100, 10), 90) testEqual(relative_pos(rRight + showRight, 100, 1000), -900) testEqual(relative_pos(rRight + showLeft - 50, 100, 10), 50) testEqual(relative_pos(rRight + showRight - 50, 100, 10), 50) testEqual(relative_pos(rCenter + showLeft, 100, 1000), 0) testEqual(relative_pos(rCenter + showRight, 100, 1000), -900) testEqual(relative_pos(rRight + ancRight - 120 + showLeft, 100, 1000), 0) testEqual(relative_pos(rRight + ancRight - 120 + showRight, 100, 1000), -900) 'Test RelPosXY overload testEqual(relative_pos(XY(rLeft + 1312334, rCenter + 50000), XY(1000, 20000)), XY(1312334, 60000)) endtest #ENDIF 'Find dimensions of a rect, given opposite corners SUB corners_to_rect (p1 as XYPair, p2 as XYPair, result as RectType) IF p1.x < p2.x THEN result.x = p1.x ELSE result.x = p2.x result.wide = ABS(p1.x - p2.x) IF p1.y < p2.y THEN result.y = p1.y ELSE result.y = p2.y result.high = ABS(p1.y - p2.y) END SUB 'As above, but include the corner positions inside the rect (for use when coordinates measure on a discrete grid) SUB corners_to_rect_inclusive (p1 as XYPair, p2 as XYPair, result as RectType) corners_to_rect p1, p2, result result.wide += 1 result.high += 1 END SUB FUNCTION rect_collide_point (r as RectType, p as XYPair) as bool RETURN p.x >= r.x ANDALSO p.y >= r.y ANDALSO p.x < r.x + r.wide ANDALSO p.y < r.y + r.high END FUNCTION FUNCTION rect_collide_rect (r1 as RectType, r2 as RectType) as bool IF r1.w + r2.w <= ABS(2 * r1.x + r1.w - 2 * r2.x - r2.w) THEN RETURN NO IF r1.h + r2.h <= ABS(2 * r1.y + r1.h - 2 * r2.y - r2.h) THEN RETURN NO RETURN YES END FUNCTION FUNCTION rect_collide_point_vertical_chunk (r as RectType, p as XYPair, chunk_spacing as integer) as integer 'Divide a rect into vertical chunks (like a menu) and return the 'index of the one the point collides with. Returns -1 if none collide IF chunk_spacing = 0 THEN debug "divide by 0: chunk_spacing=0" : RETURN -1 IF rect_collide_point(r, p) THEN RETURN (p.y - r.y) \ chunk_spacing END IF RETURN -1 END FUNCTION FUNCTION rando () as double 'STATIC count as integer = 0 'This is a simple wrapper for RND to facilitate debugging DIM n as double = RND 'debug count & " RND=" & n 'count += 1 RETURN n END FUNCTION FUNCTION randint (byval limit as integer) as integer 'Returns a random integer >=0 and < limit RETURN INT(rando() * limit) END FUNCTION 'Simple low quality psuedo random number generator with exposed state. Same speed as RND. 'Initialise prng_state to a seed before first call. 'Returns a float in the range [0.0, 1.0) but no where near a full double of precision. FUNCTION simple_rand (byref prng_state as uinteger) as double prng_state = (prng_state * 1103515245 + 12345) RETURN CAST(double, prng_state) * (1.0 / &hffffffffU) END FUNCTION 'Simple low quality psuedo random number generator. Initialise prng_state to a seed before first call. 'Returns an integer in the range 0 to limit - 1. limit should be <= 2^20 FUNCTION simple_randint (byref prng_state as uinteger, byval limit as integer) as uinteger prng_state = (prng_state * 1103515245 + 12345) RETURN CINT((CAST(longint, prng_state) * limit) SHR 32) END FUNCTION 'simple_rand simple test: create a bmp /' DIM timestart as double = TIMER DIM tframe as frame ptr = frame_new(256, 256) DIM pstate as unsigned integer = 0 FOR yy as integer = 0 to 255 FOR xx as integer = 0 to 255 putpixel tframe, xx, yy, simple_randint(pstate, 16) * 15 'putpixel tframe, xx, yy, CINT(simple_rand(pstate) * 16) * 15 NEXT NEXT frame_export_bmp8 "randtest.bmp", tframe, master() debug "testframe in " & (TIMER - timestart) * 1000 & "ms" frame_unload @tframe '/ SUB reseed_prng (seed as double) 'Note: the fractional part of seed is ignored! RANDOMIZE seed, 3 END SUB ' Returns number +/- up to percent% ' Note that the average value returned is number - 0.5! Don't change this ' without adjusting attack damage calculation FUNCTION range (number as integer, percent as integer) as integer DIM a as longint a = (number / 100) * percent ' number - a <= RETURN < number + a a = number + INT((rando() * a) * 2) - a RETURN bound(a, -2147483648LL, 2147483647LL) END FUNCTION FUNCTION isnan (byval value as double) as integer RETURN value <> value END FUNCTION FUNCTION isnan (byval value as single) as integer RETURN value <> value END FUNCTION FUNCTION isfinite (byval value as double) as integer RETURN DBL_MAX >= value AND value >= -DBL_MAX END FUNCTION FUNCTION isfinite (byval value as single) as integer RETURN FLT_MAX >= value AND value >= -FLT_MAX END FUNCTION 'A fuzzy equivalent to 'iif(value >= low+high/2, 1.0, 0.0)' 'Swap low,high to reverse the comparison FUNCTION fuzzythreshold (byval value as double, byval low as double, byval high as double) as double IF low > high THEN low = -low high = -high value = -value END IF IF value <= low THEN RETURN 0.0 ELSEIF value >= high THEN RETURN 1.0 ELSE RETURN (value - low) / (high - low) END IF END FUNCTION '---------------- String operations -------------- 'strprintf is actually defined in miscc.c, but test it here #IFDEF __FB_MAIN__ startTest(strprintf) IF strprintf("") <> "" THEN fail IF strprintf(" ") <> " " THEN fail IF strprintf(" %d ", 23) <> " 23 " THEN fail IF strprintf(" %s ", @"42") <> " 42 " THEN fail IF strprintf(" %d %d%d", 1, 2, -3) <> " 1 2-3" THEN fail IF strprintf("%04dd %.2f %s %%", -1, 2.4, @",") <> "-001d 2.40 , %" THEN fail IF strprintf("%-4d", -23) <> "-23 " THEN fail IF strprintf("%-04d", -23) <> "-23 " THEN fail IF strprintf("%0-4d", -23) <> "-23 " THEN fail endTest #ENDIF 'FB will usually produce a NULL ptr when converting an empty string to a zstring ptr, 'which is not acceptable in C FUNCTION cstring (s as string) as zstring ptr DIM ret as zstring ptr = strptr(s) IF ret = NULL THEN RETURN strptr("") RETURN ret END FUNCTION 'Allocate a copy of a null-terminated zstring. In case you don't want to use FB strings for some reason. FUNCTION copy_zstring (str_ptr as zstring ptr) as zstring ptr DIM ret as zstring ptr = allocate(strlen(str_ptr) + 1) strcpy(ret, str_ptr) RETURN ret END FUNCTION 'FB's string assignment will always do a strlen on zstring arguments, (even if you call fb_StrAssign 'manually with the right length!) so if the source is a binary blob containing null bytes then 'this function should be used instead. FUNCTION blob_to_string (byval str_ptr as zstring ptr, byval str_len as integer) as string DIM ret as string 'Consider this a testcase for "Can you trust TMC to implement a FreeBASIC compiler?" 'OK, OK, you could just do ret = SPACE(str_len), but this is faster fb_hStrAllocTemp(@ret, str_len) memcpy(@ret[0], str_ptr, str_len) ret[str_len] = 0 RETURN ret END FUNCTION 'Add padding to the right of a string, and possible clip it to 'size' FUNCTION rpad (s as string, pad_char as zstring ptr = @" ", size as integer, clip as clipDir = clipNone) as string IF clip = clipNone AND LEN(s) >= size THEN RETURN s DIM temp as string temp = IIF(clip = clipRight, LEFT(s, size), RIGHT(s, size)) RETURN temp & STRING(size - LEN(temp), *pad_char) END FUNCTION 'Add padding to the left of a string, and possible clip it to 'size' FUNCTION lpad (s as string, pad_char as zstring ptr = @" ", size as integer, clip as clipDir = clipNone) as string IF clip = clipNone AND LEN(s) >= size THEN RETURN s DIM temp as string temp = IIF(clip = clipRight, LEFT(s, size), RIGHT(s, size)) RETURN STRING(size - LEN(temp), *pad_char) & temp END FUNCTION ' First pad right, then pad left FUNCTION rlpad (s as string, pad_char as zstring ptr = @" ", pad_right as integer, pad_left as integer, clip as clipDir = clipNone) as string RETURN lpad(rpad(s, pad_char, pad_right, NO), pad_char, pad_left, clip) END FUNCTION 'Like INSTR, but return the n-th match 'Returns 0 if not found FUNCTION Instr_nth (byval start as integer, s as string, substring as string, byval nth as integer = 1) as integer DIM temp as integer = start - 1 IF nth < 1 THEN RETURN 0 FOR n as integer = 1 TO nth temp = INSTR(temp + 1, s, substring) IF temp = 0 THEN RETURN 0 NEXT RETURN temp END FUNCTION 'Like INSTR without start point, but return the n-th match 'Returns 0 if not found FUNCTION Instr_nth (s as string, substring as string, byval nth as integer = 1) as integer RETURN Instr_nth(1, s, substring, nth) END FUNCTION 'Returns the number of characters at the start of two strings that are equal FUNCTION length_matching(s1 as string, s2 as string) as integer DIM as byte ptr p1 = @s1[0], p2 = @s2[0] DIM as integer ret = 0 WHILE *p1 AND *p2 IF *p1 <> *p2 THEN RETURN ret p1 += 1 p2 += 1 ret += 1 WEND RETURN ret END FUNCTION 'Advance 'idx' (1-based) over copies of tok. Returns number of copies skipped over. 'If tok is more than one character long, only skips over whole matches. FUNCTION skip_over(text as string, byref idx as integer, tok as zstring ptr, maxskips as integer = -1) as integer IF LEN(text) = 0 THEN RETURN 0 'Protect against zero-length strings with null pointers DIM ret as integer = 0 DIM toklen as integer = strlen(tok) WHILE strncmp(@text[idx - 1], tok, toklen) = 0 idx += toklen ret += 1 IF ret = maxskips THEN EXIT WHILE WEND RETURN ret END FUNCTION 'Try to parse a string into an int, returning true on success and optionally 'putting the results in *ret (*ret is unmodified on failure). 'This is stricter than VALINT: the string must be composed only of digits and 'possible leading - and leading space. If strict=YES, then leading spaces and 'leading zeroes (but not -0) are also rejected. FUNCTION parse_int (stri as zstring ptr, ret as integer ptr=NULL, strict as bool=NO) as bool IF stri = NULL THEN RETURN NO 'Empty string DIM s as unsigned byte ptr = stri IF strict = NO THEN 's = LTRIM(s) WHILE isspace(s[0]): s += 1 : WEND END IF IF s[0] = 0 THEN RETURN NO 'length 0 DIM sign as integer = 1 IF s[0] = ASC("-") THEN sign = -1 s += 1 's = MID(s, 2) IF s[0] = 0 THEN RETURN NO 'length 0 END IF 'Reject leading zeroes (check length is >= 2) IF strict ANDALSO s[0] = ASC("0") ANDALSO s[1] THEN RETURN NO DIM n as integer = 0 WHILE s[0] DIM c as integer = s[0] - 48 s += 1 IF c >= 0 AND c <= 9 THEN n = n * 10 + (c * sign) ELSE RETURN NO END IF WEND IF ret THEN *ret = n RETURN YES END FUNCTION 'Use this in contrast to FB's VALINT. 'It is stricter, and returns a default on failure: the string 'must be composed only of digits and possible leading - and leading space. 'If strict=YES, then leading spaces and leading zeroes (but not -0) are rejected. FUNCTION str2int (stri as zstring ptr, default as integer=0, strict as bool=NO) as integer DIM ret as integer IF parse_int(stri, @ret, strict) THEN RETURN ret RETURN default END FUNCTION 'Split a string composed of alphabetic text and an integer concatenated without 'whitespace, like "H32" or "Font-1" into action ("Font") and arg (-1). 'Returns false if isn't strictly formatted like that (eg whitespace anywhere, or eg "H00") FUNCTION split_str_int(z as zstring ptr, byref action as string, byref arg as integer) as bool 'Written to avoid temporary strings, for speed IF z = NULL THEN RETURN NO DIM chidx as integer FOR chidx = 0 TO LEN(z) - 1 IF isalpha(CAST(ubyte ptr, z)[chidx]) = 0 THEN EXIT FOR NEXT IF chidx = 0 THEN RETURN NO action = LEFT(*z, chidx) RETURN parse_int(z + chidx, @arg, YES) 'strict=YES END FUNCTION #IFDEF __FB_MAIN__ startTest(parse_int) DIM n as integer IF parse_int(NULL) THEN fail IF parse_int("") THEN fail IF parse_int(" ") THEN fail IF parse_int("-") THEN fail IF parse_int("2 ", @n) THEN fail IF parse_int(" - 2", @n) THEN fail IF parse_int("1 2", @n) THEN fail IF parse_int("1") = NO THEN fail IF parse_int("00", @n) = NO ORELSE n <> 0 THEN fail IF parse_int("-001234", @n) = NO ORELSE n <> -1234 THEN fail IF parse_int("2147483647", @n) = NO ORELSE n <> 2147483647 THEN fail IF parse_int("-2147483648", @n) = NO ORELSE n <> -2147483648 THEN fail IF parse_int("0", @n) = NO ORELSE n <> 0 THEN fail IF parse_int("-0", @n) = NO ORELSE n <> 0 THEN fail IF parse_int(" -2", @n) = NO ORELSE n <> -2 THEN fail 'Test strictness IF parse_int("00", , YES) THEN fail IF parse_int("01", , YES) THEN fail IF parse_int("-001234", , YES) THEN fail IF parse_int(" 2", , YES) THEN fail IF parse_int(" -2", , YES) THEN fail IF parse_int("0", @n, YES) = NO ORELSE n <> 0 THEN fail IF parse_int("-0", @n, YES) = NO ORELSE n <> 0 THEN fail endTest #ENDIF 'Lenient, accepts any number or the strings yes, no, true, false, on, off. 'Otherwise returns default. FUNCTION str2bool(q as string, default as integer = NO) as integer DIM v as string = TRIM(LCASE(q)) IF LEN(v) = 0 THEN RETURN default IF v = "yes" ORELSE v = "true" ORELSE v = "on" THEN RETURN YES IF v = "no" ORELSE v = "false" ORELSE v = "off" THEN RETURN NO DIM value as integer IF parse_int(v, @value) THEN RETURN value <> 0 RETURN default END FUNCTION 'Ancient password encryption/decryption function FUNCTION rotascii (s as string, o as integer) as string DIM as string temp = "" FOR i as integer = 1 TO LEN(s) temp &= CHR(POSMOD(ASC(MID(s, i, 1)) + o, 256)) NEXT i RETURN temp END FUNCTION 'Capitalise first letter, lower-case the rest. Assumes one word. FUNCTION titlecase(word as string) as string RETURN UCASE(LEFT(word, 1)) & LCASE(MID(word, 2)) END FUNCTION FUNCTION escape_string(s as string, chars as string) as string DIM i as integer DIM c as string DIM result as string result = "" FOR i = 1 to LEN(s) c = MID(s, i, 1) IF INSTR(chars, c) THEN result = result & "\" END IF result = result & c NEXT i RETURN result END FUNCTION 'Replace occurrences of a substring with the result of replacefun. Modifies 'buffer'! 'Returns the number of replacements done. Inserted text is not eligible for further replacements. 'Optionally limit the number of times to do the replacement by passing maxtimes; no limit if < 0 FUNCTION replacestr (byref buffer as string, replacewhat as string, replacefunc as FnReplacement, arg as any ptr, maxtimes as integer = -1, caseinsensitive as bool = NO) as integer DIM pt as integer DIM count as integer DIM start as integer = 1 WHILE maxtimes < 0 OR count < maxtimes IF caseinsensitive THEN pt = INSTR(start, LCASE(buffer), LCASE(replacewhat)) 'inefficient ELSE pt = INSTR(start, buffer, replacewhat) END IF IF pt = 0 THEN RETURN count DIM withwhat as string = replacefunc(MID(buffer, pt, LEN(replacewhat)), arg) buffer = MID(buffer, 1, pt - 1) + withwhat + MID(buffer, pt + LEN(replacewhat)) start = pt + LEN(withwhat) count += 1 WEND RETURN count END FUNCTION LOCAL FUNCTION _get_replacement(original as string, arg as any ptr) as string RETURN *CAST(string ptr, arg) END FUNCTION 'Replace occurrences of a substring with the result of replacefun. Modifies 'buffer'! 'Returns the number of replacements done. Inserted text is not eligible for further replacements. 'Optionally limit the number of times to do with replacement by passing maxtimes; no limit if < 0 FUNCTION replacestr (byref buffer as string, replacewhat as string, withwhat as string, maxtimes as integer = -1, caseinsensitive as bool = NO) as integer RETURN replacestr(buffer, replacewhat, @_get_replacement, @withwhat, maxtimes, caseinsensitive) END FUNCTION ' Change the type of newline in a string, which might contain mixed win/unix line endings ' (but doesn't current support Mac style \r line endings) ' newline is usually either !"\n" or !"\r\n", but could be anything. eg. " ". FUNCTION normalize_newlines (buffer as string, newline as string = LINE_END) as string DIM ret as string = buffer IF newline = !"\n" THEN replacestr(ret, !"\r\n", newline) ELSE replacestr(ret, !"\r\n", !"\n") replacestr(ret, !"\n", newline) END IF RETURN ret END FUNCTION #IFDEF __FB_MAIN__ startTest(normalize_newlines) IF normalize_newlines(!"a\n b\r\n", !"\n") <> !"a\n b\n" THEN fail IF normalize_newlines(!"a\n b\r\n", !"\r\n") <> !"a\r\n b\r\n" THEN fail IF normalize_newlines(!"a\n b\r\n", " ") <> !"a b " THEN fail endTest #ENDIF FUNCTION exclude (s as string, x as string) as string DIM ret as string = "" FOR i as integer = 1 TO LEN(s) DIM tmp as string = MID(s, i, 1) IF INSTR(x, tmp) = 0 THEN ret &= tmp END IF NEXT i RETURN ret END FUNCTION FUNCTION exclusive (s as string, x as string) as string DIM ret as string = "" FOR i as integer = 1 TO LEN(s) DIM tmp as string = MID(s, i, 1) IF INSTR(x, tmp) THEN ret &= tmp END IF NEXT i RETURN ret END FUNCTION '------------- Stack ------------- SUB createstack (st as Stack) WITH st .size = STACK_SIZE_INC - 4 .bottom = allocate(STACK_SIZE_INC * sizeof(integer)) IF .bottom = 0 THEN 'oh dear 'debug "Not enough memory for stack" EXIT SUB END IF .pos = .bottom END WITH END SUB SUB destroystack (st as Stack) IF st.bottom <> 0 THEN deallocate st.bottom st.size = -1 END IF END SUB SUB checkoverflow (st as Stack, byval amount as integer = 1) WITH st IF .pos - .bottom + amount >= .size THEN .size += STACK_SIZE_INC IF .size > STACK_SIZE_INC * 4 THEN .size += STACK_SIZE_INC 'debug "new stack size = " & .size & " * 4 pos = " & (.pos - .bottom) & " amount = " & amount 'debug "nowscript = " & nowscript & " " & scrat(nowscript).id & " " & scriptname(scrat(nowscript).id) DIM newptr as integer ptr newptr = reallocate(.bottom, .size * sizeof(integer)) IF newptr = 0 THEN 'debug "stack: out of memory" EXIT SUB END IF .pos += newptr - .bottom .bottom = newptr END IF END WITH END SUB SUB setstackposition (st as Stack, byval position as integer) BUG_IF(position < 0 ORELSE position > stackposition(st), "invalid, " & position) st.pos = st.bottom + position END SUB '------------- Old allmodex stack ------------- dim shared stackbottom as integer ptr dim shared stackptr as integer ptr 'Where to put the next pushed dword dim shared stacksize as integer = -1 'In dwords SUB setupstack () stacksize = 8192 stackbottom = callocate(sizeof(integer) * stacksize) if stackbottom = 0 then 'oh dear debug "Not enough memory for stack" stacksize = -1 exit sub end if stackptr = stackbottom end SUB SUB pushdw (byval dword as integer) if stackptr - stackbottom >= stacksize then dim newptr as integer ptr stacksize += 8192 newptr = reallocate(stackbottom, sizeof(integer) * stacksize) if newptr = 0 then debug "stack: out of memory" exit sub end if stackptr += newptr - stackbottom stackbottom = newptr end if *stackptr = dword stackptr += 1 end SUB FUNCTION popdw () as integer dim pdw as integer if (stackptr >= stackbottom + 1) then stackptr -= 1 pdw = *stackptr else pdw = 0 showbug "Stack underflow" end if popdw = pdw end FUNCTION SUB releasestack () if stacksize > 0 then deallocate stackbottom stacksize = -1 end if end SUB 'Number of dwords that have been pushed to the stack FUNCTION stackpos () as integer stackpos = stackptr - stackbottom end FUNCTION 'read an int from the stack relative to current position (eg -1 is last word pushed - off should be negative) FUNCTION readstackdw (byval off as integer) as integer if stackptr + off >= stackbottom then return *(stackptr + off) end if END FUNCTION '------------- End allmodex stack ------------- FUNCTION sign_string(n as integer, neg_str as string, zero_str as string, pos_str as string) as string IF n < 0 THEN RETURN neg_str IF n > 0 THEN RETURN pos_str RETURN zero_str END FUNCTION 'See also defaultint FUNCTION zero_default(n as integer, default_caption as string="default") as string IF n = 0 THEN RETURN default_caption RETURN STR(n) END FUNCTION 'See also zero_default FUNCTION defaultint (n as integer, default_caption as string="default", default_value as integer=-1) as string IF n = default_value THEN RETURN default_caption RETURN STR(n) END FUNCTION FUNCTION blank_default(s as string, blankcaption as string="[default]") as string IF s = "" THEN RETURN blankcaption RETURN s END FUNCTION FUNCTION caption_or_int (captions() as string, n as integer) as string IF n >= LBOUND(captions) AND n <= UBOUND(captions) THEN RETURN captions(n) RETURN STR(n) END FUNCTION FUNCTION safe_caption(caption_array() as string, index as integer, description as string = "value") as string IF index >= LBOUND(caption_array) AND index <= UBOUND(caption_array) THEN RETURN caption_array(index) ELSE RETURN "Invalid " & description & " " & index END IF END FUNCTION 'Overload for storing captions in a zstring ptr array, useful because unlike string arrays, 'those can be initialised (with = {...}). 'Because of https://sourceforge.net/p/fbc/bugs/666/ it's not possible to define an overload for 'safe_caption which takes a zstring ptr array, hence the different name. FUNCTION safe_captionz(caption_array() as zstring ptr, index as integer, description as string = "value") as string IF index >= LBOUND(caption_array) AND index <= UBOUND(caption_array) THEN RETURN *caption_array(index) ELSE RETURN "Invalid " & description & " " & index END IF END FUNCTION 'Returns a copy of the string with separators inserted, replacing spaces, so that there's at most 'wid' 'characters between separators; use together with split() Function wordwrap(z as string, byval wid as integer, sep as string = chr(10)) as string dim as string ret, in in = z if len(in) <= wid then return in dim as integer i, j do 'Need to add a separator? See if there's one already. Look up to one character past end of line for i = 1 to small(wid + 1, len(in)) if mid(in, i, 1) = sep then ret &= left(in, i - 1) & sep in = mid(in, i + 1) continue do end if next if len(in) <= wid then 'We reached the end of input, and it will fit on a line ret &= in in = "" exit do end if 'Look for the last space in the second half of the line (ugly to wrap near the beginning of the line) for j = i - 1 to wid \ 2 step -1 if mid(in, j, 1) = " " then 'bingo! (separator overwrites the space) ret &= left(in, j - 1) & sep in = mid(in, j + 1) continue do end if next 'No space found; the last word's too long, we need to cut it off ret &= left(in, wid) & sep in = mid(in, wid + 1) loop while in <> "" return ret end function 'After calling wordwrap() and split(), this calculates the start position of each line 'in the lines array produced by split(), and puts the result in line_starts() after REDIM'ing it. 'Offsets are 0-based sub split_line_positions(original_text as string, lines() as string, line_starts() as integer, sep as string = chr(10)) dim offset as integer = 0 redim line_starts(ubound(lines)) dim idx as integer for idx = 0 TO ubound(lines) line_starts(idx) = offset offset += len(lines(idx)) if offset >= len(original_text) then exit for if original_text[offset] = asc(" ") or original_text[offset] = asc(sep) then 'This character was transformed to/is a seperator, and excluded by split() offset += 1 end if next 'Always exits early on last iteration if idx <> ubound(lines) or offset <> len(original_text) then showbug "split_line_positions buggy or called with bad args" end if end sub 'Splits text at the separators; use together with wordwrap() to do wrapping 'sep must be length 1. ret() must be resizeable. If in == "", then ret() is redimmed to length 1. sub split(in as string, ret() as string, sep as string = chr(10)) redim ret(0) dim as integer i = 0, i2 = 1, j = 0 i = instr(i2, in, sep) if i = 0 then ret(0) = in exit sub end if do redim preserve ret(j) if i = 0 then ret(j) = mid(in, i2) exit do else ret(j) = mid(in, i2, i - i2) end if i2 = i + 1 i = instr(i2, in, sep) j+=1 loop end sub function split_chunk(in as string, index as integer, sep as string = chr(10), default as string="") as string ' Split a string by a separater, return one chunk. ' 0 is the first chunk. ' negative index counts from the end of the list, python-style dim chunks() as string split(in, chunks(), sep) if index < 0 then ' convert negative index index = ubound(chunks) + 1 + index end if if index < lbound(chunks) or index > ubound(chunks) then return default return chunks(index) end function FUNCTION days_since_datestr (datestr as string) as integer 'Returns the number of days since a date given as a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD IF LEN(datestr) <> 10 THEN debug "days_since_datestr: bad datestr " & datestr RETURN 0 END IF DIM y as integer = str2int(MID(datestr, 1, 4)) DIM m as integer = str2int(MID(datestr, 6, 2)) DIM d as integer = str2int(MID(datestr, 9, 2)) RETURN NOW - DateSerial(y, m, d) END FUNCTION 'Format a duration as a string with given precision, like '2m23.1s' or '0.4s'. 'decimal_places = 1 means 0.1s precision, = 0 means 1s precision, etc FUNCTION format_duration(length as double, decimal_places as integer = 1) as string DIM subseconds as string IF decimal_places > 0 THEN subseconds = "." & STRING(decimal_places, "0") DIM seconds as double = fmod(length, 60) DIM minutes as integer = INT(length) \ 60 IF seconds > 60 - 0.5 * 0.1 ^ decimal_places THEN 'Avoid e.g. printing 1m60.0s for length 119.99 seconds = 0. minutes += 1 END IF DIM msg as string IF minutes >= 1 THEN IF minutes >= 60 THEN msg = (minutes \ 60) & "h" minutes = minutes MOD 60 END IF msg &= minutes & "m" msg &= FORMAT(seconds, "00" & subseconds) & "s" ELSE msg = FORMAT(seconds, "0" & subseconds) & "s" END IF RETURN msg END FUNCTION SUB flusharray (array() as integer, byval size as integer=-1, byval value as integer=0) 'If size is -1, then flush the entire array IF size = -1 THEN size = UBOUND(array) FOR i as integer = LBOUND(array) TO size array(i) = value NEXT i END SUB #MACRO MAKE_ARRAY_APPEND(Typename) 'Insert a new element into an array at position 'pos'. SUB a_append (array() as Typename, value as Typename) REDIM PRESERVE array(LBOUND(array) TO UBOUND(array) + 1) array(UBOUND(array)) = value END SUB #ENDMACRO 'MAKE_ARRAY_APPEND(string) MAKE_ARRAY_APPEND(integer) SUB a_append (array() as string, value as zstring ptr) REDIM PRESERVE array(LBOUND(array) TO UBOUND(array) + 1) array(UBOUND(array)) = *value END SUB SUB a_append (array() as IntStrPair, byval k as integer, s as zstring ptr) REDIM PRESERVE array(LBOUND(array) TO UBOUND(array) + 1) array(UBOUND(array)).i = k array(UBOUND(array)).s = *s END SUB #MACRO MAKE_ARRAY_INSERT(Typename) 'Insert a new element into an array at position 'pos'. SUB a_insert(array() as Typename, pos as integer, value as Typename) BUG_IF(pos < LBOUND(array) ORELSE pos > UBOUND(array) + 1, "out of bounds: " & pos) REDIM PRESERVE array(LBOUND(array) TO UBOUND(array) + 1) array(UBOUND(array)) = value FOR idx as integer = UBOUND(array) - 1 TO pos STEP -1 SWAP array(idx), array(idx + 1) NEXT END SUB #ENDMACRO MAKE_ARRAY_INSERT(string) MAKE_ARRAY_INSERT(integer) #MACRO MAKE_ARRAY_POP(Typename) ' Remove array(which) (default last), shuffling everything else down SUB a_pop (array() as Typename, which as integer = -&h7FFFFFFF) IF which = -&h7FFFFFFF THEN which = UBOUND(array) IF which >= LBOUND(array) ANDALSO which <= UBOUND(array) THEN a_shuffle_to_end array(), which REDIM PRESERVE array(LBOUND(array) TO UBOUND(array) - 1) END IF END SUB #ENDMACRO MAKE_ARRAY_POP(string) MAKE_ARRAY_POP(integer) #MACRO MAKE_ARRAY_FIND(Subname, ArrayTypename, ValTypename, EqualCheck) ' Return index of first item in array equal to 'value', or 'notfound'. FUNCTION Subname (array() as ArrayTypename, value as ValTypename, notfound as integer = -1) as integer FOR i as integer = LBOUND(array) TO UBOUND(array) IF EqualCheck THEN RETURN i NEXT RETURN notfound END FUNCTION #ENDMACRO MAKE_ARRAY_FIND(a_find, string, string, array(i) = value) MAKE_ARRAY_FIND(a_findcasei, string, string, LCASE(array(i)) = LCASE(value)) MAKE_ARRAY_FIND(a_find, integer, integer, array(i) = value) MAKE_ARRAY_FIND(a_find, IntStrPair, integer, array(i).i = value) MAKE_ARRAY_FIND(a_find, IntStrPair, string, array(i).s = value) #MACRO MAKE_ARRAY_SHUFFLE_TO_END(Typename) 'Preserves order of everything except element at position 'which'. OK to give invalid 'which' SUB a_shuffle_to_end(array() as Typename, which as integer) IF which < LBOUND(array) THEN EXIT SUB FOR idx as integer = which TO UBOUND(array) - 1 SWAP array(idx), array(idx + 1) NEXT END SUB #ENDMACRO MAKE_ARRAY_SHUFFLE_TO_END(string) MAKE_ARRAY_SHUFFLE_TO_END(integer) #MACRO MAKE_ARRAY_REMOVE(Typename) 'Remove the first instance of value, resizing the dynamic array. 'No error or warning if it isn't found. 'Returns the index of the item if it was found, or -1 if not FUNCTION a_remove (array() as TypeName, value as TypeName) as integer DIM idx as integer idx = a_find(array(), value, -&h7FFFFFFF) IF idx = -&h7FFFFFFF THEN RETURN -1 a_pop array(), idx RETURN idx END FUNCTION #ENDMACRO MAKE_ARRAY_REMOVE(string) MAKE_ARRAY_REMOVE(integer) SUB a_copy (fromarray() as integer, toarray() as integer) DIM as integer low = LBOUND(fromarray), high = UBOUND(fromarray) REDIM toarray(low TO high) memcpy @toarray(low), @fromarray(low), sizeof(integer) * (high - low + 1) END SUB SUB a_copy (fromarray() as string, toarray() as string) DIM as integer low = LBOUND(fromarray), high = UBOUND(fromarray) REDIM toarray(low TO high) FOR i as integer = low TO high toarray(i) = fromarray(i) NEXT END SUB 'Only have tests for some of the above functions here... #IFDEF __FB_MAIN__ startTest(array_operators) REDIM arr() as integer IF UBOUND(arr) <> -1 THEN fail a_append arr(), 100 IF UBOUND(arr) <> 0 THEN fail IF arr(0) <> 100 THEN fail a_insert arr(), 0, 101 a_append arr(), 103 a_insert arr(), 3, 102 'Insert 1 past end IF UBOUND(arr) <> 3 THEN fail IF arr(0) <> 101 THEN fail IF arr(1) <> 100 THEN fail IF arr(2) <> 103 THEN fail IF arr(3) <> 102 THEN fail a_pop arr(), 1 'Remove 100 IF UBOUND(arr) <> 2 THEN fail IF a_remove(arr(), 100) <> -1 THEN fail 'Does nothing IF arr(1) <> 103 THEN fail a_pop arr() 'Remove arr(2)=102 IF UBOUND(arr) <> 1 THEN fail IF arr(1) <> 103 THEN fail IF a_remove(arr(), 101) <> 0 THEN fail 'Remove arr(0) IF UBOUND(arr) <> 0 THEN fail IF arr(0) <> 103 THEN fail endTest 'Test how static dynamic behave in FB, especially before they are first REDIMed. 'This behaviour was different in older versions (0.90?) #MACRO STATIC_TEST_FUNC(Typename) FUNCTION test_static_##Typename##_array (push as Typename, expectubound as integer) as Typename STATIC array() as Typename DIM ret as Typename IF LBOUND(array) <> 0 THEN RETURN push 'This will cause a fail IF UBOUND(array) <> expectubound THEN RETURN push 'ditto IF a_find(array(), push) <> -1 THEN RETURN push 'ditto IF UBOUND(array) >= 0 THEN ret = array(UBOUND(array)) a_append array(), push 'After 3 pushes, reset IF UBOUND(array) = 2 THEN ERASE array RETURN ret END FUNCTION #ENDMACRO STATIC_TEST_FUNC(integer) STATIC_TEST_FUNC(string) startTest(staticDynamicArray) IF test_static_integer_array(30, -1) <> 0 THEN fail IF test_static_integer_array(31, 0) <> 30 THEN fail IF test_static_integer_array(32, 1) <> 31 THEN fail 'Erases the array IF test_static_integer_array(33, -1) <> 0 THEN fail IF test_static_integer_array(34, 0) <> 33 THEN fail IF test_static_string_array("a", -1) <> "" THEN fail IF test_static_string_array("ab", 0) <> "a" THEN fail endTest #ENDIF 'Stable (insert) sort of integers. Running time is O(n^2), but much faster on nearly-sorted lists. 'Use qsort_integers_indices instead when speed is needed. 'Returns, in indices() (assumed to already have been dimmed large enough), indices for 'visiting the data (an array of some kind of struct containing an integer) in ascending order. 'start points to the integer in the first element, stride is the size of an array element, in integers SUB sort_integers_indices(indices() as integer, byval start as integer ptr, byval number as integer, byval stride as integer) IF number = 0 THEN number = UBOUND(indices) + 1 DIM keys(number - 1) as integer DIM as integer i, temp FOR i = 0 TO number - 1 keys(i) = *start start = CAST(integer ptr, CAST(byte ptr, start) + stride) 'yuck NEXT indices(0) = 0 FOR j as integer = 1 TO number - 1 temp = keys(j) FOR i = j - 1 TO 0 STEP -1 IF keys(i) <= temp THEN EXIT FOR keys(i + 1) = keys(i) indices(i + 1) = indices(i) NEXT keys(i + 1) = temp indices(i + 1) = j NEXT END SUB 'CRT Quicksort. Running time is *usually* O(n*log(n)). NOT STABLE 'See sort_integer_indices. ' 'A comparison (dependent on your libc) of sort_integers_indices and qsort_integers_indices speed: 'For random integers, the quicksort is faster 'for arrays over length about 80. For arrays which are 90% sorted appended with 10% random data, 'the cut off is about 600 (insertion sort did ~5x better on nearly-sort data at the 600 mark) LOCAL SUB qsort_indices(indices() as integer, byval start as any ptr, byval number as integer, byval stride as integer, byval compare_fn as FnCompare) IF number = 0 THEN number = UBOUND(indices) + 1 DIM keys(number - 1) as any ptr DIM i as integer FOR i = 0 TO number - 1 keys(i) = start + stride * i NEXT qsort(@keys(0), number, sizeof(any ptr), compare_fn) FOR i = 0 TO number - 1 indices(i) = CAST(integer, keys(i) - start) \ stride NEXT END SUB SUB qsort_integers_indices(indices() as integer, byval start as integer ptr, byval number as integer, byval stride as integer) qsort_indices indices(), start, number, stride, CAST(FnCompare, @integerptr_compare) END SUB SUB qsort_strings_indices(indices() as integer, byval start as string ptr, byval number as integer, byval stride as integer) qsort_indices indices(), start, number, stride, CAST(FnCompare, @stringptr_compare) END SUB FUNCTION ptr_compare CDECL (byval a as any ptr ptr, byval b as any ptr ptr) as long IF *a < *b THEN RETURN -1 IF *a > *b THEN RETURN 1 'implicitly RETURN 0 (it's faster to omit the RETURN :-) END FUNCTION FUNCTION integer_compare CDECL (byval a as integer ptr, byval b as integer ptr) as long IF *a < *b THEN RETURN -1 IF *a > *b THEN RETURN 1 'implicitly RETURN 0 (it's faster to omit the RETURN :-) END FUNCTION FUNCTION integerptr_compare CDECL (byval a as integer ptr ptr, byval b as integer ptr ptr) as long IF **a < **b THEN RETURN -1 IF **a > **b THEN RETURN 1 'implicitly RETURN 0 END FUNCTION 'a string ptr is a pointer to a FB string descriptor FUNCTION string_compare CDECL (a as string, b as string) as integer 'This is equivalent, but the code below can be adapted for case insensitive compare (and is faster (what, how?!)) 'Yep, still twice as fast as of 2019. 'RETURN fb_StrCompare(a, -1, b, -1) DIM ret as integer = 0 DIM somenull as bool = NO 'Zero-length strings in FB may have either a NULL data pointer or a pointer to a '\0', deal with that. IF @a[0] = 0 THEN ret -= 1: somenull = YES IF @b[0] = 0 THEN ret += 1: somenull = YES IF somenull THEN RETURN ret DIM k as integer = 0 DIM chara as ubyte DIM charb as ubyte DO chara = a[k] charb = b[k] IF chara < charb THEN RETURN -1 ELSEIF chara > charb THEN RETURN 1 END IF k += 1 LOOP WHILE chara OR charb RETURN 0 END FUNCTION FUNCTION stringptr_compare CDECL (byval a as string ptr ptr, byval b as string ptr ptr) as long RETURN string_compare(**a, **b) END FUNCTION FUNCTION numeric_string_compare CDECL (a as string, b as string, case_insen as bool = NO) as integer DIM ptra as zstring ptr = @a[0] DIM ptrb as zstring ptr = @b[0] DO DIM as ubyte chara, charb IF ptra THEN chara = *ptra 'On the first iteration one of the strings might be NULL IF ptrb THEN charb = *ptrb IF case_insen THEN chara = tolower(chara) charb = tolower(charb) END IF IF chara = 0 ANDALSO charb = 0 THEN RETURN 0 ELSEIF chara <> ASC("0") ANDALSO isdigit(chara) ANDALSO charb <> ASC("0") ANDALSO isdigit(charb) THEN 'Two numbers which both don't start with a leading zero. 'If either number has a leading zero, then the one with the most leading zeroes 'is first, eg "09" before "1". Avoids having to check length if the values are equal. DIM as longint numa, numb DIM as zstring ptr aftera, afterb 'strtol is quite similar to VALINT numa = strtoll(ptra, @aftera, 10) numb = strtoll(ptrb, @afterb, 10) IF numa < numb THEN RETURN -1 ELSEIF numa > numb THEN RETURN 1 ELSEIF numa = LLONG_MAX THEN 'If overflowed, don't compare by value, but by digits. '(Can't allow numa/numb to overflow, because we ignore negative signs) ELSE 'Skip over the number ptra = aftera ptrb = afterb CONTINUE DO END IF END IF IF chara < charb THEN RETURN -1 ELSEIF chara > charb THEN RETURN 1 END IF ptra += 1 ptrb += 1 LOOP END FUNCTION #IFDEF __FB_MAIN__ startTest(numeric_string_compare) DIM nul as string, notnul as string = "x" notnul[0] = 0 IF numeric_string_compare(notnul, nul) <> 0 THEN fail IF numeric_string_compare("a", "0") <> 1 THEN fail IF numeric_string_compare("0", "0") <> 0 THEN fail IF numeric_string_compare("abc", "aBc", YES) <> 0 THEN fail IF numeric_string_compare("abc", "aBc", NO) <> 1 THEN fail IF numeric_string_compare("ab5c", "ab0d") <> 1 THEN fail IF numeric_string_compare("ab5c", "ab5d") <> -1 THEN fail IF numeric_string_compare("12345678900", "12345678900") <> 0 THEN fail '32-bit int IF numeric_string_compare("1234567890000", "1234567890000") <> 0 THEN fail '64-bit int IF numeric_string_compare("1234567890000", "10000000000000") <> -1 THEN fail '64-bit int 'Note: huge integers aren't compared by value IF numeric_string_compare("9223372036854775809", "9223372036854775808") <> 1 THEN fail '>64-bit int IF numeric_string_compare("09", "1") <> -1 THEN fail endTest #ENDIF 'Invert a (possibly partial) permutation such as that returned by sort_integers_indices; 'indices() should normally contain the integers 0 to UBOUND(inverse), 'result stored in inverse(). 'If an integer x between 0 and UBOUND(inverse) is missing from indices(), 'then inverse(x) contains garbage. You may want to clear inverse() first. SUB invert_permutation(indices() as integer, inverse() as integer) FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(indices) DIM index as integer = indices(i) IF index >= 0 AND index <= UBOUND(inverse) THEN inverse(index) = i END IF NEXT END SUB SUB invert_permutation(indices() as integer) DIM inverse(UBOUND(indices)) as integer invert_permutation indices(), inverse() 'Copy back memcpy(@indices(0), @inverse(0), sizeof(integer) * (UBOUND(indices) + 1)) END SUB 'These cache functions store a 'resetter' string, which causes search_string_cache 'to automatically empty the cache when its value changes (eg, different game). 'Normally you would just use the game_unique_id global for this. 'Note that you can resize the cache arrays (in either direction!) as you want at any time. FUNCTION search_string_cache (cache() as IntStrPair, byval key as integer, resetter as string) as string IF cache(0).s <> resetter THEN cache(0).s = resetter cache(0).i = 0 'used to loop through the indices when writing FOR i as integer = 1 TO UBOUND(cache) cache(i).i = -1099999876 cache(i).s = "" NEXT END IF FOR i as integer = 1 TO UBOUND(cache) IF cache(i).i = key THEN RETURN cache(i).s NEXT END FUNCTION SUB add_string_cache (cache() as IntStrPair, byval key as integer, value as string) DIM i as integer FOR i = 1 TO UBOUND(cache) IF cache(i).i = -1099999876 THEN cache(i).i = key cache(i).s = value EXIT SUB END IF NEXT 'overwrite an existing entry, in a loop i = 1 + (cache(0).i MOD UBOUND(cache)) cache(i).i = key cache(i).s = value cache(0).i = i END SUB SUB remove_string_cache (cache() as IntStrPair, byval key as integer) FOR i as integer = 1 TO UBOUND(cache) IF cache(i).i = key THEN cache(i).i = -1099999876 cache(i).s = "" EXIT SUB END IF NEXT END SUB '---------------- Hash Functions -------------- 'Return the SHA1 hash of a file. SUB file_hash_SHA1(filename as string, result_out as SHA160 ptr) DIM fh as integer IF OPENFILE(filename, FOR_BINARY + ACCESS_READ, fh) THEN debug "file_hash: couldn't open " & filename memset result_out, 0, 20 EXIT SUB END IF file_hash_SHA1(fh, result_out) CLOSE #fh END SUB 'Read a whole file (clobbering file position) and return its SHA1 hash. SUB file_hash_SHA1(fh as integer, result_out as SHA160 ptr) DIM size as integer = LOF(fh) SEEK fh, 1 DIM buf(4095) as ubyte DIM ctx as SHA1_CTX SHA1Init(@ctx) WHILE size > 0 DIM readamnt as size_t fgetiob fh, , @buf(0), 4096, @readamnt IF readamnt <= 0 THEN debug "file_hash: fgetiob failed!" memset result_out, 0, 20 EXIT SUB END IF SHA1Update(@ctx, cptr(zstring ptr, @buf(0)), readamnt) size -= readamnt WEND SHA1Final(result_out, @ctx) END SUB 'Return a 64 bit hash (first 64 bits of SHA1) of a file '(The bytes are reversed so that HEX() prints the first 8 bytes of the hash) FUNCTION file_hash64(filename as string) as ulongint DIM hash as SHA160 file_hash_SHA1 filename, @hash RETURN int64_to_bigendian(*CAST(ulongint ptr, @hash)) END FUNCTION 'Return a 64 bit hash (first 64 bits of SHA1) of a file (clobbers file position) '(The bytes are reversed so that HEX() prints the first 8 bytes of the hash) FUNCTION file_hash64(fh as integer) as ulongint DIM hash as SHA160 file_hash_SHA1 fh, @hash RETURN int64_to_bigendian(*CAST(ulongint ptr, @hash)) END FUNCTION 'Format a SHA1 hash to a hex string (length 40) FUNCTION SHA1_to_string(hash as SHA160) as string DIM ret as string FOR idx as integer = 0 TO 19 ret &= LCASE(HEX(hash[idx], 2)) NEXT RETURN ret END FUNCTION 'A fast hash function suitable for hashmaps FUNCTION strhash(hstr as string) as unsigned integer RETURN stringhash(cptr(zstring ptr, strptr(hstr)), len(hstr)) END FUNCTION '---------- Path and File functions ----------- ' Same as os.path.join in Python. ' path1 is a directory (possibly empty) and FUNCTION join_path(path1 as string, path2 as string) as string IF is_absolute_path(path2) THEN RETURN path2 IF LEN(path1) = 0 THEN RETURN path2 RETURN trim_trailing_slashes(path1) & SLASH & path2 END FUNCTION 'Change / to \ in paths on Windows FUNCTION normalize_path(filename as string) as string DIM ret as string = filename #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ FOR i as integer = 0 TO LEN(ret) - 1 IF ispathsep(ret[i]) THEN ret[i] = asc(SLASH) NEXT #ENDIF RETURN ret END FUNCTION #IFDEF __FB_MAIN__ #DEFINE testjoin(path1, path2, expected) testEqual(join_path(path1, path2), expected) startTest(join_path) testjoin("", "foo.bar", "foo.bar") testjoin("", "", "") #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ testjoin("foo/bar/", "qux", "foo/bar\qux") testjoin("foo.bar", "", "foo.bar\") testjoin("foo\bar", "qux\", "foo\bar\qux\") testjoin("c:\foo", "bar", "c:\foo\bar") testjoin("foo", "c:\bar","c:\bar") #ELSE testjoin("foo/bar/", "qux", "foo/bar/qux") testjoin("foo.bar", "", "foo.bar/") testjoin("foo\bar", "qux\", "foo\bar/qux\") testjoin("/foo", "bar", "/foo/bar") testjoin("foo", "/bar", "/bar") #ENDIF endTest #DEFINE testnorm(path, expected) testEqual(normalize_path(path), expected) startTest(normalize_path) #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ testnorm("a/b/cat//", "a\b\cat\\") testnorm("/cat/", "\cat\") testnorm("\cat\", "\cat\") testnorm("c:/", "c:\") #ELSE testnorm("a/b/cat//", "a/b/cat//") testnorm("/cat/", "/cat/") testnorm("\cat\", "\cat\") testnorm("c:/", "c:/") #ENDIF testnorm("", "") endTest #ENDIF FUNCTION add_trailing_slash (dirname as string) as string IF LEN(dirname) = 0 THEN RETURN dirname 'For safety #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ 'Also valid on Windows IF RIGHT(dirname, 1) = "\" THEN RETURN dirname #ENDIF IF RIGHT(dirname, 1) = SLASH THEN RETURN dirname RETURN dirname + SLASH END FUNCTION 'On Windows both slashes are trimmed, on Unix only / 'This will NOT trim a trailing slash if it's part of the root, '"/" on Unix; "X:\" or "X:/" on Windows. FUNCTION trim_trailing_slashes(filename as string) as string DIM root_length as integer = LEN(get_path_root(filename)) DIM retend as integer = LEN(filename) WHILE retend > root_length DIM ch as byte = filename[retend - 1] IF ispathsep(ch) THEN retend -= 1 ELSE EXIT WHILE END IF WEND RETURN LEFT(filename, retend) END FUNCTION FUNCTION trimpath(filename as string) as string 'Return the file/directory name without path, and without trailing (or any) slashes. 'See testcases below DIM temp as string = trim_trailing_slashes(filename) FOR i as integer = LEN(temp) TO 1 STEP -1 IF ispathsep(temp[i - 1]) THEN RETURN MID(temp, i + 1, LEN(temp) - (i + 1) + 1) END IF NEXT RETURN temp END FUNCTION #IFDEF __FB_MAIN__ #DEFINE testtrims(path, expected) testEqual(trim_trailing_slashes(path), expected) startTest(trim_trailing_slashes) testtrims("a/b/cat//", "a/b/cat") testtrims("a/b/cat/", "a/b/cat") testtrims("a/b/cat", "a/b/cat") testtrims("cat/", "cat") testtrims("/cat/", "/cat") testtrims("/c", "/c") #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ testtrims("c:\", "c:\") testtrims("c:\/", "c:\") testtrims("c:\foo", "c:\foo") testtrims("c:\f\", "c:\f") testtrims("c:\foo/", "c:\foo") #ELSE testtrims("/", "/") testtrims("//", "/") #ENDIF testtrims("", "") endTest #DEFINE testtrimp(path, expected) testEqual(trimpath(path), expected) startTest(trimpath) testtrimp("a/b/cat//", "cat") testtrimp("a/b/cat/", "cat") testtrimp("a/b/cat", "cat") testtrimp("a/b//cat", "cat") testtrimp("cat/", "cat") testtrimp("/cat/", "cat") #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ testtrimp("c:\", "") testtrimp("c:\foo", "foo") testtrimp("c:\foo\", "foo") testtrimp("c:\foo/", "foo") #ELSE testtrimp("/", "") #ENDIF testtrimp("", "") endTest #ENDIF 'FIXME: this function is terribly misnamed; rename it or change semantics FUNCTION trimfilename (filename as string) as string 'Trim the last component of a path (which may be a directory rather than file!) 'Return path without trailing slash. See testcases. 'This is the complement to trimpath 'Quite similar to parentdir(). DIM ret as string = trim_trailing_slashes(normalize_path(filename)) ret = MID(ret, 1, large(0, INSTRREV(ret, SLASH) - 1)) IF is_absolute_path(filename) AND is_absolute_path(ret) = NO THEN 'Whoops, we deleted the / or \ corresponding to the root RETURN normalize_path(get_path_root(filename)) END IF return ret END FUNCTION #IFDEF __FB_MAIN__ #DEFINE testtrimf(path, expected) testEqual(trimfilename(path), normalize_path(expected)) startTest(trimfilename) testtrimf("a/b/cat//", "a/b") testtrimf("a/b/cat/", "a/b") testtrimf("a/b/cat", "a/b") testtrimf("cat/", "") testtrimf("/cat/", "/") testtrimf("/", "/") #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ testtrimf("c:/vak", "c:\") testtrimf("c:\vak/", "c:\") testtrimf("c:\", "c:\") #ENDIF testtrimf("", "") endTest #ENDIF FUNCTION trimextension (filename as string) as string 'Return the filename (including path) without extension 'Periods at the beginning of file/folder names are not counted as beginning an extension DIM at as integer = INSTRREV(filename, ".") DIM at2 as integer = INSTRREV(filename, "/") #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ at2 = large(at2, INSTRREV(filename, "\")) #ENDIF IF at >= at2 + 2 THEN RETURN MID(filename, 1, at - 1) ELSE RETURN filename END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION justextension (filename as string) as string 'Return only the extension (everything after the *last* period) 'Periods at the beginning of file/folder names are not counted as beginning an extension DIM at as integer = INSTRREV(filename, ".") DIM at2 as integer = INSTRREV(filename, "/") #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ at2 = large(at2, INSTRREV(filename, "\")) #ENDIF IF at >= at2 + 2 THEN RETURN MID(filename, at + 1) ELSE RETURN "" END IF END FUNCTION 'Return the root of a Windows path, regardless of the current OS: X:/ or X:\ or / or \ 'Otherwise return "" 'FIXME: should handle network paths on Windows too FUNCTION get_windows_path_root (pathname as string) as string DIM first as string = LCASE(LEFT(pathname, 1)) DIM temp as string = MID(pathname, 2, 2) IF first >= "a" ANDALSO first <= "z" ANDALSO (temp = ":\" OR temp = ":/") THEN RETURN MID(pathname, 1, 3) END IF END FUNCTION 'If a path is absolute return the root directory: / on Unix, X:/ or X:\ or / or \ on Windows 'Otherwise return "" 'FIXME: should handle network paths on Windows too FUNCTION get_path_root (pathname as string) as string #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ DIM root as string = get_windows_path_root(pathname) IF LEN(root) THEN RETURN root #ENDIF IF LEN(pathname) ANDALSO ispathsep(pathname[0]) THEN RETURN MID(pathname, 1, 1) RETURN "" END FUNCTION 'Strip / or X:\ from path, if any FUNCTION trim_path_root (pathname as string) as string DIM root as string = get_path_root(pathname) IF LEN(root) THEN RETURN MID(pathname, LEN(root) + 1) ELSE RETURN pathname END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION is_absolute_path (sDir as string) as bool RETURN LEN(get_path_root(sDir)) <> 0 END FUNCTION 'Return whether a path is absolute on this or any other OS FUNCTION is_possibly_absolute_path (pathname as string) as bool IF LEN(pathname) THEN IF pathname[0] = ASC("/") OR pathname[0] = ASC("\") THEN RETURN YES END IF IF LEN(get_windows_path_root(pathname)) THEN RETURN YES RETURN NO END FUNCTION 'Make a path absolute. See also absolute_with_orig_path FUNCTION absolute_path(pathname as string) as string IF NOT is_absolute_path(pathname) THEN RETURN CURDIR & SLASH & pathname RETURN pathname END FUNCTION FUNCTION absolute_with_orig_path(file_or_dir as string, byval add_slash as bool = NO) as string DIM d as string = file_or_dir IF NOT is_absolute_path(d) THEN d = orig_dir & SLASH & d IF add_slash THEN d = add_trailing_slash(d) RETURN d END FUNCTION 'Remove redundant ../, ./, // in a path. Handles both relative and absolute paths 'Result has normalised slashes and no trailing slash (unless it's the root /). 'See testcases below FUNCTION simplify_path(sDir as string) as string DIM piecesarray() as string DIM pieces as string vector DIM pathname as string = normalize_path(sDir) DIM isabsolute as integer = is_absolute_path(pathname) 'remove drive letter DIM ret as string = get_path_root(pathname) 'Trim everything except the final slash of the root IF LEN(ret) THEN pathname = MID(pathname, LEN(ret)) END IF split pathname, piecesarray(), SLASH array_to_vector pieces, piecesarray() DIM i as integer = 0 DIM leading_updots as integer = 0 'The number of "../"s at the start WHILE i < v_len(pieces) IF pieces[i] = "" OR pieces[i] = "." THEN v_delete_slice pieces, i, i+1 ELSEIF pieces[i] = ".." THEN IF i = 0 ANDALSO isabsolute THEN 'Can't go up in the root directory v_delete_slice pieces, i, i+1 ELSEIF i > leading_updots THEN v_delete_slice pieces, i-1, i+1 i -= 1 ELSE leading_updots += 1 i += 1 END IF ELSE i += 1 END IF WEND FOR i = 0 TO v_len(pieces) - 1 IF i <> 0 THEN ret += SLASH ret += pieces[i] NEXT v_free pieces IF ret = "" THEN ret = "." 'so that appending a slash is safe RETURN ret END FUNCTION #IFDEF __FB_MAIN__ #DEFINE testsimplify(path, expected) testEqual(simplify_path(path), normalize_path(expected)) startTest(simplify_path) testsimplify("testcases", "testcases") testsimplify(".././../foo/", "../../foo") testsimplify(".././a/../../foo/", "../../foo") testsimplify("/..", "/") testsimplify("", ".") testsimplify(".", ".") testsimplify("/../.", "/") testsimplify("./../../../../a", "../../../../a") testsimplify("//.//../a/../c/b/../d", "/c/d") endTest #ENDIF 'If one path is absolute and the other isn't, returns false! 'It doesn't make a difference if one has a trailing slash and not the other. FUNCTION paths_equal(path1 as string, path2 as string) as bool #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ RETURN simplify_path(LCASE(path1)) = simplify_path(LCASE(path2)) #ELSE RETURN simplify_path(path1) = simplify_path(path2) #ENDIF END FUNCTION 'Run pathname through simplify_path, and also make it relative if it's below ''fromwhere' (which ought to be a dir, not a file, and defaults to CURDIR). 'Returns "." if both are equal. 'It would be possible to also possibly return something starting with some ../'s, but it's more trouble 'Warning, either both paths should be absolute, or both relative, otherwise 'no parts of the path can be removed. FUNCTION simplify_path_further(pathname as string, fromwhere as string = "") as string DIM path as string = simplify_path(pathname) DIM source as string = fromwhere IF source = "" THEN source = CURDIR source = simplify_path(source) 'source and path now have no trailing slash (unless they're the root dir) #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ DIM matchlen as integer = length_matching(LCASE(source), LCASE(path)) #ELSE DIM matchlen as integer = length_matching(source, path) #ENDIF IF matchlen = LEN(source) THEN IF matchlen = LEN(path) THEN 'They are equal RETURN "." ELSEIF ispathsep(path[matchlen]) THEN 'Need a slash following the part matching source, so we don't match foo and foo.rpgdir 'Strip the slash. RETURN MID(path, matchlen + 2) END IF END IF RETURN path END FUNCTION #IFDEF __FB_MAIN__ #DEFINE testsimplify2(path, fromwhere, expected) testEqual(simplify_path_further(path, fromwhere), normalize_path(expected)) startTest(simplify_path_further) testsimplify2("testcases", "", "testcases") testsimplify2("testcases/", "", "testcases") testsimplify2("testcases", "testcases", ".") testsimplify2("testcases", "test", "testcases") testsimplify2("/foo/bar", "foo", "/foo/bar") testsimplify2("/foo/bar/", "foo/", "/foo/bar") testsimplify2("/foo/bar", "/foo", "bar") testsimplify2("/foo/bar/", "/foo/", "bar") testsimplify2("../bar", "..", "bar") testsimplify2(".././../foo/", "", "../../foo") testsimplify2(".././../foo/", "..", "../foo") testsimplify2(".././../foo/", "..", "../foo") testsimplify2(".././a/../../foo/", "", "../../foo") testsimplify2("/..", "", "/") testsimplify2("", "", ".") testsimplify2(".", ".", ".") testsimplify2("/../.", "", "/") testsimplify2("//.//../a/../c/b/../d", "/c", "d") testsimplify2(CURDIR & SLASH & "bar", "", "bar") endTest #ENDIF 'Go up a number of directories. Simplifies and normalises. 'pathname is interpreted as a directory even if missing the final slash! FUNCTION parentdir (path as string, byval upamount as integer = 1) as string DIM pathname as string = path + SLASH FOR i as integer = 0 TO upamount - 1 pathname += ".." + SLASH NEXT RETURN add_trailing_slash(simplify_path(pathname)) END FUNCTION #IFDEF __FB_MAIN__ startTest(parentdir) testEqual(parentdir("foo/bar/qux/", 1), "foo" SLASH "bar" SLASH) testEqual(parentdir("foo/bar/qux", 1), "foo" SLASH "bar" SLASH) testEqual(parentdir("foo/bar/qux", 2), "foo" SLASH) testEqual(parentdir("foo/bar/qux", 3), "." SLASH) endTest #ENDIF ' Given a relative path to a file or dir by a user clueless about Unix/Windows ' differences, try to find that file, returning either a simplified/normalised ' path or an error message. Use isfile() or isdir() to test for success. ' 'path' is not modified. ' In particular: ' - \ is treated as a path separator even on Unix ' - The path is treated as case insensitive, and we search for a file matching that pattern ' - If there are multiple files matching case insensitively, return an error ' - If the path would be absolute on any platform, give up, this can't be made portable ' FIXME: Need to disallow non-portable characters such as : ' ' NOTE: while on UNIX and Mac we return the path with the actual capitalisation, on Windows we don't bother ' to do so, and return the original path (normalised and simplified). ' Note that on Mac the filesystem may or may not be case sensitive, but we use the Unix/case sensitive ' codepath to handle both cases. FUNCTION find_file_portably (path as string) as string IF is_possibly_absolute_path(path) THEN RETURN "Absolute path not allowed: " + path CONST findhidden = YES DIM _path as string = path #IFDEF __FB_UNIX__ replacestr _path, "\", "/" _path = simplify_path(_path) DIM ret as string DIM filenames as string vector ' Walk the path REDIM components() as string split _path, components(), SLASH FOR idx as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(components) DIM namemask as string = anycase(components(idx)) IF idx > 0 THEN ret += SLASH IF components(idx) = ".." THEN ret += components(idx) CONTINUE FOR END IF IF idx = UBOUND(components) THEN ' We don't know whether we're looking for a file or directory, allow either v_move filenames, list_files_or_subdirs(ret, namemask, findhidden, -1) ELSE v_move filenames, list_subdirs(ret, namemask, findhidden) END IF IF v_len(filenames) = 0 THEN ' Failure v_free filenames RETURN "Can't find " + ret + components(idx) ELSEIF v_len(filenames) > 1 THEN ' Return an error DIM errmsg as string = "Found multiple paths" IF LEN(ret) THEN errmsg += " (in " + ret + ")" ' Sort just so the error message is deterministic, for testcases v_sort filenames errmsg += " with same case-insensitive name: " + v_str(filenames) v_free filenames RETURN errmsg END IF ret += filenames[0] NEXT v_free filenames RETURN ret #ELSE ' On Windows, no searching needed _path = simplify_path(path) IF isfile(_path) ORELSE isdir(_path) THEN RETURN _path RETURN "Can't find " + _path #ENDIF END FUNCTION 'If the given file or directory with possibly changed case already exists then 'return its filename, otherwise returns 'path' unchanged. 'Also, path can contain ? or * wildcards in the final component. '(Only does case-insensitive matching of the final component. Try find_file_portably for the whole path) FUNCTION find_file_anycase(path as string, file_type as FileTypeEnum = fileTypeFile) as string #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ 'If the path contains a wildcard, then we have to run it through findfiles to get rid of it, 'otherwise there's no need to do a search IF INSTR(path, "*") = 0 ANDALSO INSTR(path, "?") = 0 THEN RETURN path #ENDIF DIM filelist() as string DIM dirname as string = trimfilename(path) IF LEN(dirname) = 0 THEN dirname = CURDIR 'findfiles is always case-insensitive findfiles dirname, trimpath(path), file_type, YES, filelist() IF UBOUND(filelist) < 0 THEN RETURN path IF UBOUND(filelist) > 0 THEN debug "find_path_anycase: multiple files case-insensitively match " & path END IF RETURN dirname & SLASH & filelist(0) END FUNCTION #IFDEF __FB_MAIN__ ' Have to allow find_file_portably to not resolve the true capitalisation on Windows #IFDEF __FB_UNIX__ #DEFINE testfindfile(path, expected_unix, expected_windows) testEqual(find_file_portably(path), expected_unix) #DEFINE testanycase( path, expected_unix, expected_windows) testEqual(find_file_anycase (path), expected_unix) #ELSE #DEFINE testfindfile(path, expected_unix, expected_windows) testEqual(find_file_portably(path), expected_windows) #DEFINE testanycase( path, expected_unix, expected_windows) testEqual(find_file_anycase (path), expected_windows) #ENDIF #DEFINE testfilemissing(path, expected) testEqual(find_file_portably(path), "Can't find " + normalize_path(expected)) #DEFINE testfileabsolute(path) testEqual(find_file_portably(path), "Absolute path not allowed: " + path) 'This also indirectly tests findfiles a bit (Unix only) startTest(find_file_portably_and_anycase) CONST tempdir = "_Testdir.tmp" CONST tempdir2 = tempdir + SLASH + "subDir" IF makedir(tempdir) <> 0 THEN fail IF makedir(tempdir2) <> 0 THEN fail touchfile(tempdir + "/Foo.Tmp") touchfile(tempdir2 + "/bar.TMP") #IFDEF __FB_UNIX__ touchfile(tempdir + "/file1.TMP") touchfile(tempdir + "/FILE1.tmp") IF makedir(tempdir + "/Subdir1") <> 0 THEN fail #IFNDEF __FB_DARWIN__ IF makedir(tempdir + "/SUBDIR1") <> 0 THEN fail #ENDIF #ENDIF ' Test finding files testfindfile(tempdir + "/foo.tmp", tempdir + "/Foo.Tmp", tempdir + "\foo.tmp") testfindfile(tempdir + "\Foo.tmp", tempdir + "/Foo.Tmp", tempdir + "\Foo.tmp") testfindfile(UCASE(tempdir) + "\foo.TMP", tempdir + "/Foo.Tmp", UCASE(tempdir) + "\foo.TMP") testfindfile(tempdir2 + "/..\foo.tmp", tempdir + "/Foo.Tmp", tempdir + "\foo.tmp") testfindfile(tempdir2 + "\../foo.tmp", tempdir + "/Foo.Tmp", tempdir + "\foo.tmp") testfindfile(tempdir2 + "/Bar.tmp", tempdir2 + "/bar.TMP", tempdir2 + "\Bar.tmp") testfindfile(UCASE(tempdir2) + "\bar.tmp", tempdir2 + "/bar.TMP", UCASE(tempdir2) + "\bar.tmp") ' Test finding directories testfindfile(tempdir, tempdir, tempdir) testfindfile(tempdir2, tempdir2, tempdir2) testfindfile(UCASE(tempdir2), tempdir2, UCASE(tempdir2)) testfindfile(tempdir2 + "/", tempdir2, tempdir2) testfindfile(tempdir2 + "\", tempdir2, tempdir2) testfindfile(tempdir2 + "//.", tempdir2, tempdir2) testfindfile(tempdir2 + "\\.", tempdir2, tempdir2) testfindfile(tempdir2 + "/..", tempdir, tempdir) testfindfile(tempdir2 + "\..", tempdir, tempdir) ' Test files that don't exist testfilemissing(tempdir + "\Not.A.Directory\", tempdir + SLASH + "Not.A.Directory") testfilemissing(tempdir + "/Not here", tempdir + SLASH + "Not here") testfilemissing(tempdir2 + "\nor THERE", tempdir2 + SLASH + "nor THERE") testfilemissing(tempdir + "/FLOOP\..\not anywhere!", tempdir + SLASH + "not anywhere!") ' Should simplify ' Test parent directories CHDIR tempdir2 testfindfile("bar.tmp", "bar.TMP", "bar.tmp") testfindfile("..\foo.tmp", "../Foo.Tmp", "..\foo.tmp") testfindfile("..\subdir", "../subDir", "..\subdir") testfindfile("..", "..", "..") CHDIR "../.." ' Test disallowed paths testfileabsolute("c:/Invalid") testfileabsolute("c:\Invalid") testfileabsolute("/Invalid") ' Test multiple files with same case-collapsed path (can't happen on Windows) ' Also skip this test on Mac because there the filesystem is usually case-insensitive, so this can't happen #IF defined(__FB_UNIX__) and not defined(__FB_DARWIN__) DIM normed as string = normalize_path(tempdir + "/") testEqual(find_file_portably(tempdir + "/file1.tmp"), _ "Found multiple paths (in " + normed + ") with same case-insensitive name: [""FILE1.tmp"", ""file1.TMP""]") testEqual(find_file_portably(tempdir + "/subdir1/file"), _ "Found multiple paths (in " + normed + ") with same case-insensitive name: [""SUBDIR1"", ""Subdir1""]") #ENDIF ' Test find_file_anycase testanycase(tempdir + "/foo.tmp", tempdir + "/Foo.Tmp", tempdir + "/foo.tmp") testanycase(tempdir + "/Foo.tmp", tempdir + "/Foo.Tmp", tempdir + "/Foo.tmp") CHDIR tempdir2 testanycase("bar.tmp", CURDIR + "/bar.TMP", "bar.tmp") testanycase(".." SLASH "foo.tmp", ".." SLASH "Foo.Tmp", ".." SLASH "foo.tmp") '(Looking for a file, not a subdir) testanycase("../subdir", "../subdir", "../subdir") testanycase("..", "..", "..") ' Test wildcard support testanycase("*.tmp", CURDIR + "/bar.TMP", CURDIR + "\bar.TMP") testanycase("bar.?mp", CURDIR + "/bar.TMP", CURDIR + "\bar.TMP") testanycase("doesn't exist *", "doesn't exist *", "doesn't exist *") CHDIR "../.." killdir(tempdir, YES) 'recursively IF isdir(tempdir) THEN fail endTest #ENDIF FUNCTION anycase (filename as string) as string 'create a case-insensitive regex from a filename #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ 'Windows filenames are always case-insenstitive RETURN filename #ELSE DIM ascii as integer DIM as string result = "" FOR i as integer = 1 TO LEN(filename) ascii = ASC(MID(filename, i, 1)) IF ascii >= 65 AND ascii <= 90 THEN result = result + "[" + CHR(ascii) + CHR(ascii + 32) + "]" ELSEIF ascii >= 97 AND ascii <= 122 THEN result = result + "[" + CHR(ascii - 32) + CHR(ascii) + "]" ELSE result = result + CHR(ascii) END IF NEXT i RETURN result #ENDIF END FUNCTION FUNCTION escape_filename (filename as string) as string 'This is intended for escaping filenames for use in shells #IFDEF __FB_UNIX__ 'Don't escape ' RETURN """" & escape_string(filename, """`\$") & """" #ELSE 'Note " is not allowed in filenames RETURN """" & filename & """" #ENDIF END FUNCTION FUNCTION escape_filenamec CDECL (byval filename as zstring ptr) as zstring ptr DIM ret as string = escape_filename(*filename) DIM retz as zstring ptr = ALLOCATE(LEN(ret) + 1) strcpy retz, cstring(ret) RETURN retz END FUNCTION 'Exclude chars disallowed in filenames (on any platform), and also 'wildcards that will be a problem if passed to findfiles. Printable ASCII only. 'Does NOT disallow characters that need escaping. FUNCTION fixfilename (filename as string) as string '/\: should definitely be excluded. 'For findfiles also exclude *?, and also [] (supported by fnmatch/findfiles only on Unix) 'and <> (undocumented wildcards supported by Windows DIR command: ' https://ss64.com/nt/syntax-wildcards.html 'Probably not supported by FB's DIR, but to be safe...) DIM temp as string = exclude(filename, "/\:*?[]<>") DIM result as string FOR i as integer = 0 TO LEN(temp) - 1 SELECT CASE temp[i] CASE 32 TO 127 : result &= CHR(temp[i]) END SELECT NEXT RETURN result END FUNCTION 'This is called to check whether the name of lump file is valid. fixfilename is 'too restrictive for that, because script source files lumped into source.lumped 'are unrestricted. FUNCTION lump_filename_valid (filename as string) as bool IF INSTR(filename, ANY "/\") THEN RETURN NO FOR i as integer = 0 TO LEN(filename) - 1 IF filename[i] < 32 THEN RETURN NO NEXT RETURN YES END FUNCTION 'The hostname part of a URL, eg HamsterRepublic.com FUNCTION url_hostname (url as string) as string DIM ret as string = url DIM idx as integer idx = INSTR(ret, "://") IF idx THEN ret = MID(ret, idx + 3) idx = INSTR(ret, "/") IF idx THEN ret = LEFT(ret, idx - 1) RETURN ret END FUNCTION 'This is a replacement for SHELL, meaning it runs invokes a command interpreter like 'cmd.exe instead of just running a program, and the standard search paths are searched, 'don't need to get a full path. 'Unlike SHELL on Windows, it doesn't pop up a terminal window. 'Also it needs to be used on Windows if the executable was escaped (so contains quotes). 'Returns the exit code, or -1 if it couldn't be run, or -2 if it timed out 'NOTE: use instead run_and_get_output and check stderr if you want better ability to catch errors FUNCTION safe_shell (cmd as string, timeout as double = 5., log_it as bool = YES) as integer IF log_it THEN debuginfo cmd #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ 'SHELL wraps system() which calls cmd.exe (or command.com on non-NT Windows) DIM handle as ProcessHandle IF is_windows_9x() THEN handle = open_process("command.com", "/C " & cmd, YES, NO) ELSE 'cmd.exe will remove the first and last quotes from the string and leave the rest. 'Therefore, there need to be two quotes at the beginning of the string! handle = open_process("cmd.exe", "/C """ & cmd & """", YES, NO) END IF RETURN wait_for_process(@handle, timeout * 1000) #ELSE ' Replacement for SHELL which checks the return code in more detail ' Doesn't timeout. Only implemented on Unix. RETURN checked_system(STRPTR(cmd)) #ENDIF END FUNCTION 'Like safe_shell, but passes back the output in the 'stdout' string, and optionally 'stderr' in a string too. 'By default stderr also gets debuginfo logged, and cmd too when log_it is true. 'If stderr = "" then stderr isn't captured, and writes to stderr pass through to our stderr stream. ' 'The return value is generally -1 on an error invoking the shell, -2 on timeout, '-4444/-4445 on an error running or capturing the output, 'and otherwise the shell exit code, generally equal to the program exitcode and 0 on success. ' '(There is a second implementation of this as run_process_and_get_output in os_unix.c ' which does't support stderr, but doesn't use temporary files or run the shell) FUNCTION run_and_get_output(cmd as string, byref stdout_s as string, byref stderr_s as string = "", log_it as bool = YES) as integer DIM ret as integer DIM as string stdout_file, stderr_file, cmdline DIM as bool grab_stderr grab_stderr = (stderr_s <> "") IF is_windows_9x() THEN grab_stderr = NO stderr_s = "(Can't grab errors on Windows 9x/ME)" END IF stdout_file = tmpdir & "temp_stdout." & randint(1000000) & ".tmp" cmdline = cmd & " > " & escape_filename(stdout_file) IF grab_stderr THEN stderr_file = tmpdir & "temp_stderr." & randint(1000000) & ".tmp" ' This redirection works on Windows too with cmd.exe, but not command.com cmdline &= " 2> " & escape_filename(stderr_file) END IF ret = safe_shell(cmdline, , log_it) IF grab_stderr THEN IF isfile(stderr_file) THEN stderr_s = string_from_file(stderr_file) killfile stderr_file ELSE stderr_s = "(redirection failed)" ret = -4445 END IF END IF IF isfile(stdout_file) THEN stdout_s = string_from_file(stdout_file) killfile stdout_file ELSE stdout_s = "" ret -= -4000 END IF IF ret ORELSE (grab_stderr AND LEN(stderr_s)) THEN debuginfo "safe_shell(" & IIF(log_it, "", cmd) & ")=" & ret & " stderr:" & stderr_s END IF RETURN ret END FUNCTION 'Create if it doesn't exist. Does NOT update its timestamp! SUB touchfile (filename as string) DIM as integer fh IF OPENFILE(filename, FOR_BINARY + ACCESS_READ_WRITE, fh) THEN debug "touchfile(): could not open " + filename EXIT SUB END IF CLOSE #fh END SUB 'Increases (never decreases) the length of a file by appending NUL bytes as required. 'Writing off the end of a file writes garbage between the new data and the end of the old file. 'Use this function to extend the file first. SUB extendfile (byval fh as integer, byval length as integer) DIM curlen as integer = LOF(fh) IF curlen < length THEN DIM oldpos as integer = SEEK(fh) DIM buf(length - curlen - 1) as ubyte PUT #fh, curlen + 1, buf() SEEK #fh, oldpos END IF END SUB ' Convert a UTF8 string to Latin-1. Any codepoints not in Latin-1 (ie above 255) get converted to '?' ' NOTE: you should normally use utf8_to_OHR instead! FUNCTION utf8_to_latin1(utf8string as ustring) as string IF LEN(utf8string) = 0 THEN RETURN "" 'Avoid FB's builtin conversion to wstring because it's locale-dependent DIM length as integer = utf8_length(strptr(utf8string)) IF length < 0 THEN debug "utf8_length(" & utf8string & ") failed" 'Maybe this garbage string is actually already latin-1? E.g. if some application 'put a string in the clipboard without encoding it in UTF8 RETURN utf8string ' "[CORRUPTED]" END IF DIM widestr as wstring ptr widestr = utf8_decode(strptr(utf8string), @length) IF widestr = NULL THEN RETURN "[CORRUPTED]" 'Shouldn't ever happen DIM ret as string = SPACE(length) length = wstring_to_latin1(widestr, strptr(ret), length + 1) ' The result might be shorter ret = LEFT(ret, length) DEALLOCATE widestr RETURN ret END FUNCTION ' Just leaves all the icon characters alone FUNCTION latin1_to_utf8(s as string) as ustring DIM buf as ustring = SPACE(LEN(s) * 2) 'At most a 2x blowup DIM outchar as ubyte ptr = @buf[0] FOR idx as integer = 0 TO LEN(s) - 1 outchar += utf8_encode_char(outchar, s[idx]) NEXT RETURN LEFT(buf, outchar - @buf[0]) END FUNCTION ' Translates from utf8 to the OS native multibyte string encoding (that is, to ' the OS codepage (for non-unicode programs) on Windows and to the LC_CTYPE ' encoding on Unix), which is used for printing to console. ' Returns original u8str on failure FUNCTION utf8_to_mbs(u8str as ustring) as string 'First convert from utf8 to wstring so we can call wcstombs DIM wcstr as wstring ptr = utf8_decode(strptr(u8str)) IF wcstr = NULL THEN debug "utf8_decode failed" : RETURN u8str DIM length as integer = wcstombs(NULL, wcstr, 0) IF length < 0 THEN RETURN u8str DIM mbstr as zstring ptr = calloc(length + 1, 1) IF wcstombs(mbstr, wcstr, length) = cast(size_t, -1) THEN RETURN u8str RETURN *mbstr END FUNCTION ' This translates a filename, e.g. returned from browse() or findfiles() to ' Latin-1 so it can be displayed normally. ' FIXME: check the font type instead of assuming Latin-1. ' FIXME: check the Windows ANSI codepage instead of assuming 1252 (extension of Latin-1). ' ' Filenames may be in various encodings depending on OS, filesystem, and locale. ' In practice, on Unix the encoding might be anything, and is determined by ' the LANG and LC_CTYPE envvars. ' On Windows, there are ANSI (8-bit) and UTF-16 filenames for each file, depending ' on which variant of winapi functions get called; FB uses the ANSI ones ' meaning filenames are encoded in the system codepage, often Windows-1252 ' (an extension of Latin1). ' FIXME: filenames stored as 8-bit (ANSI) strings on Windows can't be used to open ' filenames that can't be encoded in the ANSI codepage; FindNextFileA does lossy conversion. ' ' The engine recieves filenames in the unknown encoding, treats them as byte ' strings (aside from dependable ASCII characters like / \ .) and then hands ' them back to the OS, and must never attempt to muck with the encoding ' along the way. This function must ONLY be used for display, as it is lossy! FUNCTION decode_filename(filename as string) as string IF LEN(filename) = 0 THEN RETURN filename #ifdef __FB_UNIX__ DIM length as integer DIM unicode as wstring ptr #ifdef __FB_ANDROID__ 'Android NDK doesn't support mbstowcs or non-C locales (only exposed to Java apps), 'and is always UTF8 length = utf8_length(strptr(filename)) IF length < 0 THEN debuginfo "decode_filename(" & filename & ") failed, " & length RETURN filename END IF unicode = utf8_decode(strptr(filename), @length) IF unicode = NULL THEN RETURN filename 'Shouldn't happen #else /' This is just equivalent to assigning a string to a wstring! length = mbstowcs(NULL, STRPTR(filename), 0) IF length = -1 THEN debuginfo "decode_filename(" & filename & ") failed" RETURN filename 'not valid UTF-8 (Note: we continue on valid ASCII) END IF unicode = allocate(SIZEOF(wstring) * (length + 1)) mbstowcs(unicode, STRPTR(filename), length + 1) '/ length = LEN(filename) unicode = allocate(SIZEOF(wstring) * (length + 1)) *unicode = filename #endif DIM ret as string = SPACE(length) length = wstring_to_latin1(unicode, strptr(ret), length + 1) ' The result might be shorter ret = LEFT(ret, length) deallocate unicode #elseif defined(__FB_WIN32__) 'Internally FB uses legacy ANSI file IO functions, so all filenames are in 'the system ANSI codepage, if possible (they might contain ?'s and be impossible to open!) 'FIXME: we assume the system codepage is Windows-1252, which is extremely wrong! 'Convert Windows-1252 to Latin-1 by removing the extra characters '(There's little point doing this) DIM ret as string = filename FOR i as integer = 0 TO LEN(ret) - 1 IF ret[i] >= 127 AND ret[i] <= 160 THEN ret[i] = ASC("?") END IF NEXT #endif 'debug "decode_filename(" & filename & ") = " & ret RETURN ret END FUNCTION 'Finds files in a directory, writing them into an array without their path '(If you want to find a single file, use find_file_portably()) 'filelist() must be resizeable; it'll be resized so that LBOUND = -1, with files, if any, in filelist(0) up 'By default, find all files in directory, otherwise namemask is a case-insensitive filename mask 'filetype is one of fileTypeFile, fileTypeDirectory, fileTypeFileOrDir SUB findfiles (directory as string, namemask as string = "", filetype as FileTypeEnum = fileTypeFile, findhidden as bool = NO, filelist() as string) REDIM filelist(-1 TO -1) IF directory = "" THEN ' For safety and bug catching: for example deletetemps() calls findfiles ' and then deletes everything. showbug "findfiles called with empty directory" EXIT SUB END IF IF filetype <> fileTypeDirectory and filetype <> fileTypeFile and filetype <> fileTypeFileOrDir THEN showbug "findfiles: bad filetype" EXIT SUB END IF DIM as string searchdir = add_trailing_slash(directory) DIM as string nmask = anycase(namemask) IF LEN(nmask) = 0 THEN nmask = ALLFILES #ifdef DEBUG_FILE_IO DIM filetypestr as string = "fileTypeFile" IF filetype = fileTypeDirectory THEN filetypestr = "fileTypeDirectory" IF filetype = fileTypeFileOrDir THEN filetypestr = "fileTypeFileOrDir" debuginfo "findfiles(directory = " & directory & ", namemask = " & namemask & ", " _ & filetypestr & ", findhidden = " & findhidden & ")" #endif #ifdef __FB_UNIX__ DIM filenames as string vector IF filetype = fileTypeDirectory THEN v_move filenames, list_subdirs(searchdir, nmask, findhidden) ELSEIF filetype = fileTypeFile THEN v_move filenames, list_files(searchdir, nmask, findhidden) ELSE v_move filenames, list_files_or_subdirs(searchdir, nmask, findhidden, -1) END IF FOR i as integer = 0 TO v_len(filenames) - 1 IF filetype = fileTypeDirectory THEN 'Filter out some Linux dirs that we should not be browsing around in. IF filenames[i] = "dev" ORELSE filenames[i] = "proc" ORELSE filenames[i] = "sys" THEN CONTINUE FOR 'Maybe we should filter out some other dirs on Mac and on Android? END IF a_append filelist(), filenames[i] NEXT v_free filenames #else 'FIXME: On Windows, non-unicode-enabled programs automatically get their filenames downconverted to the current '"ANSI" codepage. If any character in the filename isn't in that codepage, then opening the file is impossible, 'and DIR will return a useless filename containing ?'s. (If we're searching for directories, the 'extra DIR call to test the filetype will then filter it out). 'If the filename does fit in the codepage we can open it, but we use Latin-1 internally (a subset 'of Windows-1252), and if the filename has characters not in Latin-1 then they'll display wrong, as something 'else. Ee want to support more than just Latin-1 filenames, we will have to rewrite 'this properly, using winapi calls, because FB's DIR has no support. Or fix FB itself. DIM foundfile as string DIM attrib as integer /'---Windows directory attributes CONST attribReadOnly = 1 CONST attribHidden = 2 CONST attribSystem = 4 ' 8 is not used CONST attribDirectory = 16 CONST attribArchive = 32 CONST attribDevice = 64 CONST attribNormal = 128 '"A file that does not have other attributes set." (Not a real attribute?) CONST attribReserved = 64+128 CONST attribAlmostAll = 255-16-2 ' All except directory and hidden '/ ' Recall that DIR returns all things in a directory except those ' with a bit that we didn't specify IF filetype = fileTypeDirectory THEN attrib = 32+16+4+1 ELSEIF filetype = fileTypeFile THEN attrib = 255 XOR (16+2) ELSE attrib = 255 XOR 2 END IF IF findhidden THEN attrib += 2 foundfile = DIR(searchdir + nmask, attrib) IF foundfile = "" THEN EXIT SUB REDIM tempfilelist(-1 TO -1) as string DO UNTIL foundfile = "" a_append tempfilelist(), foundfile foundfile = DIR '("", attrib) LOOP FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(tempfilelist) foundfile = tempfilelist(i) IF foundfile = "." ORELSE foundfile = ".." THEN CONTINUE FOR IF filetype = fileTypeDirectory THEN 'alright, we want directories, but DIR is too broken to give them to us 'files with attribute 0 appear in the list, so single those out IF DIR(searchdir + foundfile, 32+16+4+2+1) = "" OR DIR(searchdir + foundfile, 32+4+2+1) <> "" THEN CONTINUE FOR END IF a_append filelist(), foundfile NEXT 'If DIR is not called until it returns "" then internally it holds a HANDLE for the search, 'which makes the directory on which it was last run undeletable. So reset it by 'doing another search (C:\ is actually invalid, the search string can't end in \) DIR("C:\") #endif END SUB 'Returns true on success FUNCTION writeablecopyfile(src as string, dest as string) as bool IF copyfile(src, dest) = NO THEN RETURN NO #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ IF setwriteable(dest, YES) = NO THEN RETURN NO #ENDIF RETURN YES END FUNCTION 'Copy files in one directory to another (ignores directories) SUB copyfiles(src as string, dest as string, copyhidden as bool = NO, lowercase as bool = NO) DIM filelist() as string findfiles src, ALLFILES, fileTypeFile, copyhidden, filelist() FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(filelist) DIM destname as string = IIF(lowercase, LCASE(filelist(i)), filelist(i)) writeablecopyfile src + SLASH + filelist(i), dest + SLASH + destname NEXT END SUB FUNCTION copydirectory (src as string, dest as string, byval copyhidden as bool = YES) as string 'Recursively copy directory src to directory dest. Dest should not already exist 'returns "" on success, or an error string on failure. Failure might leave behind a partial copy. IF isdir(dest) THEN RETURN "copydirectory: Destination """ & dest & """ must not already exist" '--create the dest directory IF makedir(dest) <> 0 THEN RETURN "copydirectory: Couldn't create """ & dest & """" '--copy all the files DIM filelist() as string findfiles src, ALLFILES, fileTypeFile, copyhidden, filelist() FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(filelist) writeablecopyfile src & SLASH & filelist(i), dest & SLASH & filelist(i) IF NOT isfile(dest & SLASH & filelist(i)) THEN RETURN "copydirectory: Couldn't copy file """ & dest & SLASH & filelist(i) & """" END IF NEXT i '--recursively copy all the subdirectories DIM result as string = "" DIM dirlist() as string findfiles src, ALLFILES, fileTypeDirectory, copyhidden, dirlist() FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(dirlist) IF dirlist(i) = "." ORELSE dirlist(i) = ".." THEN CONTINUE FOR result = copydirectory(src & SLASH & dirlist(i), dest & SLASH & dirlist(i), copyhidden) IF result <> "" THEN RETURN result NEXT i RETURN "" END FUNCTION SUB killdir(directory as string, recurse as bool = NO) #ifdef DEBUG_FILE_IO debuginfo "killdir(" & directory & ", recurse = " & recurse & ")" #endif close_lazy_files DIM filetype as FileTypeEnum = get_file_type(directory) IF filetype <> fileTypeDirectory THEN DIM msg as string msg = "killdir: '" & directory & "' is not a directory, it is " & safe_caption(filetype_names(), filetype, "filetype") & ". Skipping." IF filetype <> fileTypeNonexistent THEN visible_debug msg ELSE debuginfo msg EXIT SUB END IF ' For safety. (You ought to pass absolute paths.) Check ' writability so we don't recurse if started from e.g. /home until ' we hit something deletable (this happened to me)! IF LEN(directory) < 5 ORELSE diriswriteable(directory) = NO THEN showbug "killdir: refusing suspicious attempt to delete directory '" & directory & "'" EXIT SUB END IF DIM filelist() as string findfiles directory, ALLFILES, fileTypeFile, YES, filelist() FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(filelist) killfile directory + SLASH + filelist(i) NEXT IF recurse THEN DIM dirlist() as string findfiles directory, ALLFILES, fileTypeDirectory, YES, dirlist() FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(dirlist) IF dirlist(i) = "." ORELSE dirlist(i) = ".." THEN CONTINUE FOR 'debuginfo "recurse to " & directory & SLASH & dirlist(i) killdir directory & SLASH & dirlist(i), YES NEXT i END IF IF RMDIR(directory) THEN 'errno would get overwritten while building the error message DIM err_string as string = *get_sys_err_string() debug "Could not rmdir(" & directory & "): " & err_string END IF ' IF isdir(directory) THEN ' debug "Failed to delete directory " & directory ' END IF END SUB 'Returns zero on success (including if already exists) FUNCTION makedir (directory as string) as integer IF isdir(directory) THEN debuginfo "makedir: " & directory & " already exists" RETURN 0 END IF #ifdef DEBUG_FILE_IO debuginfo "makedir(" & directory & ")" #endif IF MKDIR(directory) THEN 'errno would get overwritten while building the error message DIM err_string as string = *get_sys_err_string() 'The heck? On Windows at least, MKDIR throws this false error #ifdef __FB_WIN32__ IF err_string = "File exists" THEN RETURN 0 #endif debug "Could not mkdir(" & directory & "): " & err_string RETURN 1 END IF #ifdef __FB_UNIX__ ' I don't know on which OSes this is necessary ' work around broken file permissions in dirs created by linux version ' MKDIR creates with mode 644, should create with mode 755 safe_shell "chmod +x " + escape_filename(directory), , NO #endif RETURN 0 END FUNCTION 'True on successful deletion, false if couldn't or didn't exist FUNCTION killfile (filename as string) as bool 'KILL is a thin wrapper around C's remove(), however by calling it directly we can get a textual error message #ifdef DEBUG_FILE_IO debuginfo "killfile(" & filename & ")" #endif close_lazy_files IF remove(strptr(filename)) THEN DIM err_string as string = *get_sys_err_string() debug "Could not remove(" & filename & "): " & err_string 'NOTE: on Windows, even if deletion doesn't happen because the file is open, the file will be marked 'to be deleted once everyone closes it. Also, it will no longer be possible to open it. 'However if someone opened the file without FILE_SHARE_DELETE access, it can't be deleted. 'Note that FB's OPEN and OPENFILE don't open with FILE_SHARE_DELETE! 'On Unix, you can unlink a file even when someone else has it open. RETURN NO END IF ' FIXME: send a message to Game if live-previewing, or else special case all ' places where it matters ie. music/sfx (like we do for RELOAD's use of renamefile) RETURN YES END FUNCTION 'True on success or didn't exist, false if couldn't delete. 'Call this instead of killfile if you're not sure the file exists, it avoid error messages if it doesn't. FUNCTION safekill (filename as string) as bool DIM exists as bool = real_isfile(filename) IF exists THEN RETURN killfile(filename) #ifdef DEBUG_FILE_IO debuginfo "safekill(" & filename & ") exists = NO" #endif RETURN YES END FUNCTION SUB safekill_pattern (dirname as string, filepattern as string) 'Is this "safe"? That is "debatable" DIM filelist() as string IF LEN(dirname) = 0 THEN debuginfo "safekill_pattern: empty dirname, do nothing." EXIT SUB END IF IF NOT isdir(dirname) THEN debuginfo "safekill_pattern: """ & dirname & """ directory does not exist, do nothing." EXIT SUB END IF 'findfiles is always case-insensitive findfiles dirname, filepattern, fileTypeFile, YES, filelist() FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(filelist) safekill dirname & SLASH & filelist(i) NEXT i END SUB 'Looking for local_file_move? Now called renamefile, in filelayer.cpp FUNCTION fileisreadable(filename as string) as bool if len(filename) = 0 then debug "fileisreadable: no filename" : return NO dim ret as bool = NO dim fh as integer, err_code as integer ' Check this first, to exclude directories on Linux (you can open a directory read-only) if get_file_type(filename) = fileTypeFile then err_code = openfile(filename, for_binary + access_read, fh) if err_code <> fberrOK then 'if err_code fberrNOTFOUND, it doesn't exist. Shouldn't happen unless there's a race condition debuginfo "fileisreadable: Error " & err_code & " reading " & filename else close #fh ret = YES end if end if #ifdef DEBUG_FILE_IO debuginfo "fileisreadable(" & filename & ") = " & ret #endif return ret END FUNCTION ' Whether an existing file can be opened for writing, or else if a new file can be written. FUNCTION fileiswriteable(filename as string) as bool if len(filename) = 0 then debug "fileiswriteable: no filename" : return NO dim ret as bool = NO dim fh as integer dim exists as bool = (get_file_type(filename) <> fileTypeNonexistent) ' Attempting to open read-write means that opening directories fails on Linux, unlike read-only if openfile(filename, for_binary + access_read_write, fh) = fberrOK then close #fh ' Delete the file we just created if exists = NO then killfile(filename) ret = YES end if #ifdef DEBUG_FILE_IO debuginfo "fileiswriteable(" & filename & ") = " & ret & " exists=" & exists #endif return ret END FUNCTION FUNCTION diriswriteable(filename as string) as bool dim ret as bool = NO dim testfile as string dim testdir as string = filename if filename = "" then testdir = curdir ' Kludge to detect an rpgdir full of unwriteable files: on Windows you don't seem ' able to mark a folder read-only, instead it makes the contents read-only. ' (If testdir isn't a directory, these checks will print debug messages, ' which I think is a good thing.) testfile = testdir + SLASH + "archinym.lmp" if real_isfile(testfile) = NO then ' If archinym.lmp doesn't exist, then ohrrpgce.gen does testfile = testdir + SLASH + "ohrrpgce.gen" if real_isfile(testfile) = NO then testfile = "" end if ' In the case of an .rpgdir, we test both an existing file and a new one for writability. if len(testfile) andalso fileiswriteable(testfile) = NO then ret = NO else testfile = testdir & SLASH & "__testwrite_" & randint(100000) & ".tmp" if fileiswriteable(testfile) then ret = YES end if end if #ifdef DEBUG_FILE_IO debuginfo "diriswriteable(" & filename & ") = " & ret #endif return ret END FUNCTION ' This is a simple wrapper for fileisreadable, and there's now a lot of code ' that might depend on that. If you want to *really* test if something is a file, use real_isfile FUNCTION isfile (filename as string) as bool return fileisreadable(filename) END FUNCTION FUNCTION real_isfile(filename as string) as bool if len(filename) = 0 then debug "real_isfile: no filename" : return NO dim filetype as FileTypeEnum = get_file_type(filename) dim ret as bool = (filetype = fileTypeFile) #ifdef DEBUG_FILE_IO debuginfo "real_isfile(" & filename & ") = " & ret IF ret = NO ANDALSO filetype <> fileTypeNonexistent THEN debuginfo " filetype=" & filetype #endif return ret END FUNCTION 'Check whether a filename doesn't refer to a file/dir/etc FUNCTION is_not_file (filename as string) as bool dim filetype as FileTypeEnum = get_file_type(filename) dim ret as bool = (filetype = fileTypeNonexistent) #ifdef DEBUG_FILE_IO debuginfo "is_not_file(" & filename & ") = " & ret & " filetype=" & filetype #endif return ret END FUNCTION ' Is a directory. Return true for "" (the current directory) FUNCTION isdir (filename as string) as bool dim ret as bool = (get_file_type(filename) = fileTypeDirectory) #ifdef DEBUG_FILE_IO debuginfo "isdir(" & filename & ") = " & ret #endif return ret END FUNCTION '--------- Doubly Linked List --------- #define DLFOLLOW(someptr) cast(DListItem(Any) ptr, cast(byte ptr, someptr) + this.memberoffset) SUB dlist_construct (byref this as DoubleList(Any), byval itemoffset as integer) this.numitems = 0 this.first = NULL this.last = NULL this.memberoffset = itemoffset END SUB 'NULL as beforeitem inserts at end SUB dlist_insertat (byref this as DoubleList(Any), byval beforeitem as any ptr, byval newitem as any ptr) dim litem as DListItem(Any) ptr = DLFOLLOW(newitem) litem->next = beforeitem if beforeitem = NULL then litem->prev = this.last this.last = newitem else dim bitem as DListItem(Any) ptr = DLFOLLOW(beforeitem) litem->prev = bitem->prev bitem->prev = newitem end if if litem->prev then DLFOLLOW(litem->prev)->next = newitem else this.first = newitem end if this.numitems += 1 END SUB SUB dlist_remove (byref this as DoubleList(Any), byval item as any ptr) dim litem as DListItem(Any) ptr = DLFOLLOW(item) 'check whether item isn't the member of a list if litem->next = NULL andalso item <> this.last then exit sub if litem->prev then DLFOLLOW(litem->prev)->next = litem->next else this.first = litem->next end if if litem->next then DLFOLLOW(litem->next)->prev = litem->prev else this.last = litem->prev end if litem->next = NULL litem->prev = NULL this.numitems -= 1 END SUB SUB dlist_swap (byref this as DoubleList(Any), byval item1 as any ptr, byref that as DoubleList(Any), byval item2 as any ptr) 'dlist_insertat can't move items from one list to another if item1 = item2 then exit sub dim dest2 as any ptr = DLFOLLOW(item1)->next dlist_remove(this, item1) if dest2 = item2 then 'items are arranged like -> item1 -> item2 -> dlist_insertat(that, DLFOLLOW(item2)->next, item1) else dlist_insertat(that, item2, item1) dlist_remove(that, item2) dlist_insertat(this, dest2, item2) end if END SUB FUNCTION dlist_find (byref this as DoubleList(Any), byval item as any ptr) as integer dim n as integer = 0 dim lit as any ptr = this.first while lit if lit = item then return n n += 1 lit = DLFOLLOW(lit)->next wend return -1 END FUNCTION FUNCTION dlist_walk (byref this as DoubleList(Any), byval item as any ptr, byval n as integer) as any ptr if item = NULL then item = this.first while n > 0 andalso item item = DLFOLLOW(item)->next n -= 1 wend while n < 0 andalso item item = DLFOLLOW(item)->prev n += 1 wend return item END FUNCTION /' SUB dlist_print (byref this as DoubleList(Any)) dim ptt as any ptr = this.first debug "numitems=" & this.numitems & " first=" & hex(ptt) & " last=" & hex(this.last) & " items:" while ptt debug " 0x" & hex(ptt) & " n:0x" & hex(DLFOLLOW(ptt)->next) & " p:0x" & hex(DLFOLLOW(ptt)->prev) '& " " & get_menu_item_caption(*ptt, menudata) ptt = DLFOLLOW(ptt)->next wend END SUB '/ '------------- Hash Table ------------- 'See util.bi for documentation. DEFINE_VECTOR_OF_TYPE(HashBucketItem, HashBucketItem) sub HashTable.construct(tablesize as integer = 31) this.destruct() this.numitems = 0 if tablesize > 4096 then tablesize = 4096 'Prevent overflow of iter() 'state' this.tablesize = tablesize this.table = callocate(sizeof(any ptr) * this.tablesize) this.key_compare = NULL this.key_hash = NULL this.key_length = 0 this.key_copy = NULL this.key_delete = NULL this.key_is_integer = YES this.value_copy = NULL this.value_delete = NULL this.value_is_string = NO this.value_is_zstring = NO end sub sub HashTable.construct(tablesize as integer = 31, key_type as TypeTable, copy_and_delete_keys as bool, value_type as TypeTable, copy_and_delete_values as bool) this.construct(tablesize) if @key_type <> @type_table(integer) then this.key_compare = key_type.comp this.key_hash = key_type.hash this.key_length = key_type.element_len if copy_and_delete_keys then this.key_copy = key_type.copy this.key_delete = key_type._delete end if this.key_is_integer = NO end if if @value_type <> @type_table(integer) then if copy_and_delete_values then this.value_copy = value_type.copy this.value_delete = value_type._delete end if end if this.value_is_string = (@value_type = @type_table(string)) this.value_is_zstring = (@value_type = @type_table(zstring)) end sub sub HashTable.destruct() this.clear() deallocate(this.table) this.table = NULL this.tablesize = 0 end sub destructor HashTable() this.destruct() end destructor function HashTable.constructed() as bool return this.tablesize > 0 end function 'Look for a key in a bucket vector, return NULL on failure local function hash_search_bucket(this as HashTable, bucket as HashBucketItem vector, hash as integer, key as any ptr = NULL) as HashBucketItem ptr for bucketidx as integer = 0 to v_len(bucket) - 1 dim it as HashBucketItem ptr = @bucket[bucketidx] if it->hash = hash then if it->key = key then return it elseif this.key_compare then 'One or both keys may be NULL if this.key_compare(it->key, key) = 0 then return it end if else 'showbug "HashTable: need a key compare function" 'Shallow comparison of key pointers: take as inequal end if end if next return NULL end function function HashTable.hash_key(key as any ptr) as integer if this.key_hash then return this.key_hash(key) elseif key then if this.key_length = 0 then showbug "HashTable: can't hash ptr; use TypeTable constructor" return stringhash(key, this.key_length) end if return 0 end function sub HashTable.add(hash as integer, value as any ptr, _key as any ptr = NULL) BUG_IF(this.table = NULL, "construct() not called") dim byref bucket as HashBucketItem vector = this.table[cuint(hash) mod this.tablesize] dim item as HashBucketItem ptr = any if bucket = NULL then v_new bucket, 1 item = @bucket[0] else item = v_expand(bucket) end if item->hash = hash item->key = iif(this.key_copy, this.key_copy(_key), _key) item->value = iif(this.value_copy, this.value_copy(value), value) this.numitems += 1 end sub sub HashTable.add(hash as integer, value as integer) this.add(hash, canyptr(value), NULL) end sub sub HashTable.add(key as any ptr, value as any ptr) this.add(this.hash_key(key), value, key) end sub sub HashTable.add(key as any ptr, value as integer) this.add(this.hash_key(key), canyptr(value), key) end sub sub HashTable.set(hash as integer, value as any ptr, _key as any ptr = NULL) BUG_IF(this.table = NULL, "construct() not called") dim bucket as HashBucketItem vector = this.table[cuint(hash) mod this.tablesize] dim it as HashBucketItem ptr = hash_search_bucket(this, bucket, hash, _key) if it then if this.value_delete andalso it->value then this.value_delete(it->value) it->value = iif(this.value_copy, this.value_copy(value), value) else this.add(hash, value, _key) end if end sub sub HashTable.set(hash as integer, value as integer) this.set(hash, canyptr(value), NULL) end sub sub HashTable.set(key as any ptr, value as any ptr) this.set(this.hash_key(key), value, key) end sub sub HashTable.set(key as any ptr, value as integer) this.set(this.hash_key(key), canyptr(value), key) end sub function HashTable.get(hash as integer, default as any ptr = NULL, _key as any ptr = NULL) as any ptr BUG_IF(this.table = NULL, "construct() not called", NULL) dim bucket as HashBucketItem vector = this.table[cuint(hash) mod this.tablesize] dim it as HashBucketItem ptr = hash_search_bucket(this, bucket, hash, _key) if it = NULL then return default return it->value end function function HashTable.get(key as any ptr, default as any ptr = 0) as any ptr return this.get(this.hash_key(key), default, key) end function function HashTable.get_int(hash as integer, default as integer = 0) as integer return cintptr32(this.get(hash, canyptr(default), NULL)) end function function HashTable.get_int(key as any ptr, default as integer = 0) as integer return cintptr32(this.get(this.hash_key(key), canyptr(default), key)) end function function HashTable.get_str(hash as integer, default as zstring ptr = @"", _key as any ptr = NULL) as string 'return *cast(string ptr, this.get(hash, @default, _key)) 'Avoiding initialising a new string from default if not needed, but want to still allow NULL as a value dim ret as any ptr = this.get(hash, canyptr(-1234), _key) if ret = canyptr(-1234) then return *default if this.value_is_string then return *cast(string ptr, ret) elseif this.value_is_zstring then return *cast(zstring ptr, ret) else showbug "HashTable.get_str shouldn't be called!" end if end function function HashTable.get_str(key as any ptr, default as zstring ptr = @"") as string return this.get_str(this.hash_key(key), default, key) 'if ret = canyptr(-1) then return *default else return *ret end function function HashTable.remove(hash as integer, _key as any ptr = NULL) as bool dim byref bucket as HashBucketItem vector = this.table[cuint(hash) mod this.tablesize] dim it as HashBucketItem ptr = hash_search_bucket(this, bucket, hash, _key) if it = NULL then return NO if this.key_delete andalso it->key then this.key_delete(it->key) if this.value_delete andalso it->value then this.value_delete(it->value) dim idx as integer = it - @bucket[0] v_delete_slice bucket, idx, idx + 1 this.numitems -= 1 return YES end function function HashTable.remove(key as any ptr) as bool return this.remove(this.hash_key(key), key) end function sub HashTable.clear() for bucketnum as integer = 0 to this.tablesize - 1 dim byref bucket as HashBucketItem vector = this.table[bucketnum] for bucketidx as integer = 0 to v_len(bucket) - 1 with bucket[bucketidx] if this.key_delete andalso .key then this.key_delete(.key) if this.value_delete andalso .value then this.value_delete(.value) end with next v_free bucket next this.numitems = 0 end sub function HashTable.iter(byref state as uinteger, prev_value as any ptr, byref key as any ptr = NULL) as any ptr if state = &hFFFFFFFF then key = NULL return NULL end if 'If the length of a bucket exceeds &hfffff = 1048575, then we are in trouble! 'However, even then iteration will still work if you delete each item you iterate over. dim as integer bucketnum = state shr 20, bucketidx = state and &hfffff if state <> 0 then 'Check whether something got deleted from the hash table since last .iter(), upsetting the iteration, 'and if so search backwards in this bucket to find the correct bucketidx. 'NOTE: this assumes values are unique!! '(If new items got added to the hash table they get added to the end of a bucket, which is no problem. 'They may or may get included in the iteration.) dim bucket as HashBucketItem vector = this.table[bucketnum] 'bucketidx was incremented on the last iter() call, so we expect to see prev_value at bucketidx-1 bucketidx -= 1 bucketidx = small(bucketidx, v_len(bucket) - 1) 'The bucket might have shrunk while bucketidx >= 0 if bucket[bucketidx].value = prev_value then exit while bucketidx -= 1 wend if bucketidx < 0 then showbug "HashTable.iter: item has been deleted from the table" state = &hFFFFFFFF return NULL end if 'Increment past prev_value bucketidx += 1 end if 'Advance to next non-empty bucket if we've reached the end of this one while bucketidx >= v_len(this.table[bucketnum]) bucketnum += 1 bucketidx = 0 if bucketnum >= this.tablesize then key = NULL state = &hFFFFFFFF return NULL end if wend state = (bucketnum shl 20) or (bucketidx + 1) '+1 to advance to next item on next call with this.table[bucketnum][bucketidx] key = .key return .value end with end function function HashTable.keys() as any ptr vector dim ret as any ptr vector 'v_new ret, 0, this.numitems ' dim typetbl as TypeType ptr ' if typetbl = NULL then typetbl = @type_table(any_ptr) array_new ret, this.numitems, 0, iif(this.key_is_integer, @type_table(integer), @type_table(any_ptr)) for bucketnum as integer = 0 to this.tablesize - 1 dim byref bucket as HashBucketItem vector = this.table[bucketnum] for bucketidx as integer = 0 to v_len(bucket) - 1 if this.key_is_integer then v_append ret, @bucket[bucketidx].hash else v_append ret, @bucket[bucketidx].key end if next next return ret end function /' This seems unnecessary, so commenting out to reduce bloat. (Testcase below is commented out too) function HashTable.hashes() as integer vector dim ret as integer vector dim idx as integer v_new ret, this.numitems, 0 for bucketnum as integer = 0 to this.tablesize - 1 dim byref bucket as HashBucketItem vector = this.table[bucketnum] for bucketidx as integer = 0 to v_len(bucket) - 1 ret[idx] = bucket[bucketidx].hash idx += 1 next next return ret end function '/ function HashTable.items() as HashBucketItem vector dim ret as HashBucketItem vector v_new ret, 0, this.numitems for idx as integer = 0 to this.tablesize - 1 v_extend(ret, this.table[idx]) next return ret end function dim shared HashTable_key_compare as FnCompare local function HashBucketItem_compare cdecl (a as HashBucketItem ptr, b as HashBucketItem ptr) as long if HashTable_key_compare then return HashTable_key_compare(a->key, b->key) if a->hash < b->hash then return -1 if a->hash > b->hash then return 1 end function function HashTable.items_sorted() as HashBucketItem vector dim ret as HashBucketItem vector = this.items() HashTable_key_compare = this.key_compare qsort(@ret[0], this.numitems, sizeof(HashBucketItem), cast(FnCompare, @HashBucketItem_compare)) return ret end function #IFDEF __FB_MAIN__ startTest(HashTableIntToInt) dim as HashTable tbl tbl.construct(64) 'tbl.construct(64, type_table(integer), NO, type_table(any_ptr), NO) 'Equivalent to above tbl.add(65, 11) ' | tbl.add(1, 10) ' | tbl.add(129, 9) ' v tbl.add(-255, 8) 'All in same bucket tbl.add(20, 7) tbl.add(20, -6) 'Duplicates if tbl.numitems <> 6 then fail if tbl.get(1) <> 10 then fail 'Interestingly FB allows comparing a ptr to an int without warning if tbl.get(65) <> 11 then fail if tbl.get(129) <> 9 then fail if tbl.get(-255) <> 8 then fail if tbl.get(20) <> 7 then fail dim tmp as integer = tbl.get_int(20) 'But here you do need get_int() if tmp <> 7 then fail if tbl.get_int(-255, -1) <> 8 then fail 'And also when providing a default value if tbl.get_int(0, -1) <> -1 then fail tbl.set(20, 0) if tbl.remove(-255) <> YES then fail if tbl.remove(84) <> NO then fail if tbl.get_int(20, -1) <> 0 then fail dim items as HashBucketItem vector = tbl.items_sorted() if v_len(items) <> 5 then fail if items[0].hash <> 1 then fail if items[1].hash <> 20 then fail if items[2].hash <> 20 then fail if items[3].hash <> 65 then fail if items[4].hash <> 129 then fail if items[0].value_int <> 10 then fail 'The order of these two values (0, -6) may be random or depend on the CRT implementation if items[1].value_int + items[2].value_int <> -6 then fail if items[3].value_int <> 11 then fail if items[4].value_int <> 9 then fail v_free items /' dim hashes as uinteger vector = tbl.hashes() v_sort hashes if v_str(hashes) <> "[1, 20, 20, 65, 129]" then fail v_free hashes '/ tbl.destruct() if tbl.numitems <> 0 then fail endTest startTest(HashTableStrings) dim tbl as HashTable tbl.construct( , type_table(string), YES, type_table(integer), NO) dim as string a = "A", b = "B", c = "C", d, e, f tbl.add @a, 100 tbl.add @b, 200 tbl.set @c, 300 c = "foo" d = "C" 'Note: you can NOT write 'tbl.get(@"C")', that's a zstring ptr not a string ptr if tbl.get(@c) <> 0 then fail if tbl.get(@d) <> 300 then fail tbl.destruct() if a <> "A" then fail 'Shouldn't have touched the originals 'Try out reinitialising a table with different types. 'This time, don't copy the strings tbl.construct(1 , type_table(string), NO, type_table(string), NO) c = "C" tbl.add @a, @d tbl.add @b, @e tbl.set @c, @f if tbl.numitems <> 3 then fail a = "not A" if tbl.get(@a) <> NULL then fail c = "B" tbl.set @c, @d 'Overwrites "B" key, since we are comparing by value, not pointer if tbl.numitems <> 3 then fail if tbl.get(@b) <> @d then fail if tbl.get(@c) <> @d then fail 'Since b and c are equal, the @c->@f item is shadowed c = "C" if tbl.get(@c) <> @f then fail 'But is still there if tbl.get_str(@e) <> "" then fail '@e = "", which is not in the table if tbl.get_str(@e, "none") <> "none" then fail if tbl.get_str(@a) <> "" then fail '@e = "", not in the table either if tbl.get_str(@a, "none") <> "none" then fail if tbl.get_str(@c) <> "" then fail 'In the table; value is "" if tbl.get_str(@c, "none") <> "" then fail if tbl.get_str(@b, "none") <> "C" then fail tbl.destruct() endTest startTest(HashTableZstring) dim tbl as HashTable tbl.construct(1 , type_table(zstring), YES, type_table(zstring), NO) dim as zstring ptr a = @"A", b = @"B", c = @"C" tbl.add a, a tbl.add b, b tbl.set c, c if tbl.get(b) <> b then fail if tbl.get_str(b) <> "B" then fail if tbl.get_int(@"D", 42) <> 42 then fail dim items as HashBucketItem vector = tbl.items() 'Check the key is a deep copy, value is shallow if items[0].key = a then fail if *cast(zstring ptr, items[0].key) <> *a then fail if items[0].value <> a then fail v_free items if tbl.get(b) <> b then fail dim as string a2 = "A" if strptr(a2) = a then fail if tbl.get(strptr(a2)) <> a then fail tbl.destruct() endTest #ENDIF '----------------- StrHashTable ----------------- sub StrHashTable.construct(tablesize as integer = 31, value_type as TypeTable = type_table(any_ptr), copy_and_delete_values as bool = NO) base.construct(tablesize, type_table(string), YES, value_type, copy_and_delete_values) end sub sub StrHashTable.add(key as string, value as any ptr) 'Could just cast to string ptr and pass to base.add, but calling stringhash 'directly avoids a couple extra function calls base.add(stringhash(strptr(key), len(key)), value, @key) end sub sub StrHashTable.add(key as string, value as integer) base.add(stringhash(strptr(key), len(key)), canyptr(value), @key) end sub sub StrHashTable.add(key as string, value as string) base.add(stringhash(strptr(key), len(key)), canyptr(@value), @key) end sub sub StrHashTable.set(key as string, value as any ptr) base.set(stringhash(strptr(key), len(key)), value, @key) end sub sub StrHashTable.set(key as string, value as integer) base.set(stringhash(strptr(key), len(key)), canyptr(value), @key) end sub sub StrHashTable.set(key as string, value as string) base.set(stringhash(strptr(key), len(key)), canyptr(@value), @key) end sub function StrHashTable.get(key as string, default as any ptr = NULL) as any ptr return base.get(stringhash(strptr(key), len(key)), default, @key) end function function StrHashTable.get_int(key as string, default as integer = 0) as integer return cintptr32(base.get(stringhash(strptr(key), len(key)), canyptr(default), @key)) end function function StrHashTable.get_str(key as string, default as zstring ptr = @"") as string 'return base.get_str(stringhash(strptr(key), len(key)), default, @key) 'Avoiding initialising a new string from default if not needed, but want to still allow NULL as a value dim ret as string ptr = base.get(stringhash(strptr(key), len(key)), canyptr(-1234), @key) if ret = canyptr(-1234) then return *default else return *ret end function function StrHashTable.remove(key as string) as bool return base.remove(stringhash(strptr(key), len(key)), @key) end function #ifdef __FB_MAIN__ startTest(StrStrHashTable) dim tbl as StrHashTable tbl.construct(32, type_table(string), YES) dim as string a = "A", q = "q" tbl.add a, "42" if tbl.get_str("A") <> "42" then fail if tbl.get_str("A", "default") <> "42" then fail if tbl.get_str("B") <> "" then fail a = "B" if tbl.get_str(a) <> "" then fail tbl.set "A", q if tbl.get_str("A") <> "q" then fail q = "not q" if tbl.get_str("A") <> "q" then fail if tbl.get_str("B", "default") <> "default" then fail tbl.set "Q", " " if tbl.numitems <> 2 then fail tbl.remove "A" if tbl.numitems <> 1 then fail endTest #endif '------------- Old allmodex stuff ------------- SUB array2str (arr() as integer, byval o as integer, dest as string) 'String dest is already filled out with spaces to the requisite size 'o is the offset in bytes from the start of the buffer 'the buffer will be packed 2 bytes to an int, for compatibility, even 'though FB ints are 4 bytes long. 'TODO: this sub is redundant to readbinstring dim i as integer dim bi as integer dim bp as integer ptr dim toggle as integer dim size as integer = len(dest) bp = @arr(0) bi = o \ 2 'offset is in bytes toggle = o mod 2 if bi < lbound(arr) orelse o + len(dest) > (ubound(arr) + 1) * 2 then showbug "array2str: input array too small: " & ubound(arr) size = (ubound(arr) + 1) * 2 - o end if for i = 0 to size - 1 if toggle = 0 then dest[i] = bp[bi] and &hff toggle = 1 else dest[i] = (bp[bi] and &hff00) shr 8 toggle = 0 bi = bi + 1 end if next END SUB SUB str2array (src as string, arr() as integer, byval o as integer) 'strangely enough, this does the opposite of the above dim i as integer dim bi as integer dim bp as integer ptr dim toggle as integer dim size as integer = len(src) bp = @arr(0) bi = o \ 2 'offset is in bytes toggle = o mod 2 if bi < lbound(arr) orelse o + len(src) > (ubound(arr) + 1) * 2 then showbug "str2array: input array too small: " & ubound(arr) size = (ubound(arr) + 1) * 2 - o end if 'debug "String is " + str(len(src)) + " chars" for i = 0 to size - 1 if toggle = 0 then bp[bi] = src[i] and &hff toggle = 1 else bp[bi] = (bp[bi] and &hff) or (src[i] shl 8) 'check sign if (bp[bi] and &h8000) > 0 then bp[bi] = bp[bi] or &hffff0000 'make -ve end if toggle = 0 bi = bi + 1 end if next end SUB SUB xbload (filename as string, array() as integer, errmsg as string) IF isfile(filename) THEN dim ff as integer, byt as ubyte, seg as short, offset as short, length as short dim ilength as integer dim i as integer IF OPENFILE(filename, FOR_BINARY + ACCESS_READ, ff) THEN fatalerror errmsg END IF GET #ff,, byt 'Magic number, always 253 IF byt <> 253 THEN CLOSE #ff fatalerror errmsg & " (bad header)" 'file may also be zero length END IF GET #ff,, seg 'Segment, no use anymore GET #ff,, offset 'Offset into the array, not used now GET #ff,, length 'Length 'length is in bytes, so divide by 2, and subtract 1 because 0-based ilength = (length / 2) - 1 dim buf(ilength) as short GET #ff,, buf() CLOSE #ff for i = 0 to small(ilength, ubound(array)) array(i) = buf(i) next i ELSE fatalerror errmsg END IF END SUB SUB xbsave (filename as string, array() as integer, bsize as integer) dim ff as integer, byt as UByte, seg as uShort, offset as Short, length as Short dim ilength as integer dim i as integer dim needbyte as integer seg = &h9999 offset = 0 'Because we're working with a short array, but the data is in bytes 'we need to check if there's an odd size, and therefore a spare byte 'we'll need to add at the end. ilength = (bsize \ 2) - 1 'will lose an odd byte in the division needbyte = bsize mod 2 'write an extra byte at the end? length = bsize 'bsize is in bytes byt = 253 'copy array to shorts DIM buf(ilength) as short for i = 0 to small(ilength, ubound(array)) buf(i) = array(i) next OPENFILE(filename, FOR_BINARY + ACCESS_WRITE, ff) 'Truncate PUT #ff, , byt 'Magic number PUT #ff, , seg 'segment - obsolete PUT #ff, , offset 'offset - obsolete PUT #ff, , length 'size in bytes PUT #ff,, buf() if needbyte = 1 then i = small(ilength + 1, ubound(array)) 'don't overflow byt = array(i) and &hff put #ff, , byt end if CLOSE #ff END SUB 'Set a bit in an integer if 'value', given a bitmask instead of a bit number SUB setbitmask (byref bitsets as integer, bitmask as integer, value as bool) bitsets and= not bitmask if value then bitsets or= bitmask END SUB 'Turn a bit in an array of 16bit words on or off. 'bitwords(): bit array, 16 bits per integer (rest ignored) 'wordnum: index in bitwords() to start at (index where bits 0-15 are) 'bitnum: bit number (counting from bitwords(wordnum)) 'value: whether to set the bit on SUB setbit (bitwords() as integer, wordnum as integer, bitnum as integer, value as bool) dim wordoff as integer dim wordbit as integer wordoff = wordnum + (bitnum \ 16) wordbit = bitnum mod 16 if wordoff < lbound(bitwords) orelse wordoff > ubound(bitwords) then showbug strprintf("setbit overflow: ub %d, wordnum %d, bitnum %d, v %d", _ ubound(bitwords), wordnum, bitnum, value) exit sub end if setbitmask bitwords(wordoff), 1 shl wordbit, value end SUB 'Returns 0 or 1. Use xreadbit if you want NO or YES instead. 'See setbit for full documentation FUNCTION readbit (bitwords() as integer, wordnum as integer = 0, bitnum as integer) as integer dim wordoff as integer dim wordbit as integer wordoff = wordnum + (bitnum \ 16) wordbit = bitnum mod 16 if wordoff < lbound(bitwords) orelse wordoff > ubound(bitwords) then showbug strprintf("readbit overflow: ub %d, wordnum %d, bitnum %d", _ ubound(bitwords), wordnum, bitnum) return 0 end if if bitwords(wordoff) and (1 shl wordbit) then readbit = 1 else readbit = 0 end if end FUNCTION 'This is a wrapper for readbit that returns YES/NO FUNCTION xreadbit (bitwords() as integer, bitnum as integer, wordoffset as integer = 0) as bool RETURN readbit(bitwords(), wordoffset, bitnum) <> 0 END FUNCTION 'Returns what a scancode is if Shift isn't pressed. 'longname: if false, a one-character string for the character that the key ' inserts is returned if available, e.g. "[" instead of "Left Bracket", with ' exception of "Space" and "Enter" and numpad keys like "Numpad Minus" which ' always returned as long names. 'Perhaps doesn't belong here because scancodes are OHR-specific. However, OHR 'scancodes are 95% the same as FB scancodes FUNCTION scancodename (k as KBScancode, longname as bool = NO) as string 'static scancodenames(...) as string * 18 = { ... } 'static joybuttonnames(...) as string * 20 = { ... } #INCLUDE "scancodenames.bi" DIM scname as string IF k >= LBOUND(scancodenames) ANDALSO k <= UBOUND(scancodenames) THEN scname = scancodenames(k) ELSEIF k >= scJoyButton1 ANDALSO k <= scJoyLAST THEN IF k >= LBOUND(joybuttonnames) ANDALSO k <= UBOUND(joybuttonnames) THEN scname = joybuttonnames(k) END IF IF LEN(scname) = 0 THEN scname = "Gamepad Button " & (k - scJoyButton1 + 1) END IF END IF IF LEN(scname) THEN 'scname is either "" or formatted like "Long Name" or "X Long Name" IF LEN(scname) THEN IF LEN(scname) >= 3 ANDALSO scname[1] = ASC(" ") THEN IF longname THEN scname = MID(scname, 3) ELSE scname = LEFT(scname, 1) END IF RETURN scname END IF END IF RETURN "Scancode " & k END FUNCTION FUNCTION special_char_sanitize(s as string) as string 'This is a datalossy function. 'Remove special characters from an OHR string to make it 7-bit ASCII safe. 'Also translates the old OHR and the new Latin-1 copyright chars to (C) DIM result as string = "" FOR i as integer = 0 TO LEN(s) - 1 SELECT CASE s[i] CASE 32 TO 126: result &= CHR(s[i]) CASE 134, 169: result &= "(C)" END SELECT NEXT i RETURN result END FUNCTION FUNCTION starts_with(s as string, prefix as string) as bool 'Return YES if the string begins with a specific prefix RETURN MID(s, 1, LEN(prefix)) = prefix END FUNCTION FUNCTION ends_with(s as string, suffix as string) as bool 'Return YES if the string ends with a specific prefix RETURN RIGHT(s, LEN(suffix)) = suffix END FUNCTION FUNCTION count_directory_size(directory as string) as integer '--Count the bytes in all the files in a directory and all subdirectories. '--This doesn't consider the space taken by the directories themselves, '--nor does it consider blocksize or any other filesystem details. DIM bytes as integer = 0 DIM filelist() as string '--First count files findfiles directory, ALLFILES, fileTypeFile, YES, filelist() FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(filelist) bytes += filelen(directory & SLASH & filelist(i)) NEXT '--Then count subdirectories findfiles directory, ALLFILES, fileTypeDirectory, YES, filelist() FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(filelist) bytes += count_directory_size(directory & SLASH & filelist(i)) NEXT RETURN bytes END FUNCTION 'Return contents of a binary file as a string FUNCTION read_file (filename as string) as string DIM buflen as integer = FILELEN(filename) DIM buf as string = STRING(buflen, 0) DIM fh as integer IF OPENFILE(filename, FOR_BINARY + ACCESS_READ + OR_ERROR, fh) THEN RETURN "" GET #fh, , buf CLOSE #fh RETURN buf END FUNCTION 'Write binary data (as a string) to a file SUB write_file (filename as string, outdata as string) DIM fh as integer IF OPENFILE(filename, FOR_BINARY + ACCESS_WRITE, fh) = fberrOK then 'truncate to 0 length PUT #fh, , outdata CLOSE #fh END IF END SUB FUNCTION string_from_first_line_of_file (filename as string) as string 'Read the first line of a text file and return it as a string. 'ignore/removes any line-ending chars DIM fh as integer DIM result as string OPENFILE(filename, for_input, fh) LINE INPUT #fh, result CLOSE #fh RETURN result END FUNCTION FUNCTION string_from_file (filename as string) as string 'Read an entire text file as a string and 'convert the line endings to LF only DIM fh as integer DIM result as string = "" DIM s as string OPENFILE(filename, for_input, fh) DO WHILE NOT EOF(fh) LINE INPUT #fh, s s = RTRIM(s) result &= s & CHR(10) LOOP CLOSE #fh RETURN result END FUNCTION SUB string_to_file (string_to_write as string, filename as string) 'Write a string to a text file using native line endings DIM s as string = string_to_write replacestr string_to_write, !"\n", LINE_END write_file filename, s END SUB 'Read each line of a file into a string array. Return true on success 'See also string_from_first_line_of_file() if you only want the first. FUNCTION lines_from_file(strarray() as string, filename as string, expect_exists as bool = YES) as bool REDIM strarray(-1 TO -1) DIM as integer fh, openerr openerr = OPENFILE(filename, FOR_INPUT, fh) IF openerr = fberrNOTFOUND THEN IF expect_exists THEN showerror "Missing file: " & filename RETURN NO ELSEIF openerr <> fberrOK THEN showerror "lines_from_file: Couldn't open " & filename RETURN NO END IF DO UNTIL EOF(fh) DIM text as string LINE INPUT #fh, text a_append strarray(), text LOOP CLOSE #fh RETURN YES END FUNCTION 'Write an array of strings to a file, one-per-line. 'The specified line endings will automatically be added (you can pass "" if not needed) FUNCTION lines_to_file(strarray() as string, filename as string, lineending as string = !"\n") as bool DIM fh as integer IF OPENFILE(filename, FOR_BINARY + ACCESS_WRITE, fh) THEN 'truncate to 0 length showerror "lines_to_file: Couldn't open " & filename RETURN NO END IF FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(strarray) PUT #fh, , strarray(i) & lineending NEXT i CLOSE #fh RETURN YES END FUNCTION 'Note: Custom doesn't use this function FUNCTION get_tmpdir () as string DIM tmp as string #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__ 'Windows only behavior tmp = environ("TEMP") IF NOT diriswriteable(tmp) THEN tmp = environ("TMP") IF NOT diriswriteable(tmp) THEN tmp = EXEPATH IF NOT diriswriteable(tmp) THEN tmp = CURDIR IF NOT diriswriteable(tmp) THEN fatalerror "Unable to find any writable temp dir" #ELSEIF DEFINED(__FB_ANDROID__) 'SDL sets initial directory to .../com.hamsterrepublic.ohrrpgce.game/files tmp = orig_dir #ELSEIF DEFINED(__FB_DARWIN__) 'This matches fallback behaviour of get_settings_dir. See comments there. '(TODO: We only care about using .ohrrpgce if is already exists so that we can delete 'crashed playing.tmp dirs) 'We use Caches instead of Application Support; looks like it only matters on iOS '(where the OS is free to delete Caches). tmp = ENVIRON("HOME") & "/.ohrrpgce" IF isdir(tmp) = NO THEN tmp = ENVIRON("HOME") & "/Library/Caches/OHRRPGCE" END IF #ELSEIF DEFINED(__FB_UNIX__) tmp = environ("HOME") + SLASH + ".ohrrpgce" #ELSE #ERROR "Unknown OS" #ENDIF IF NOT isdir(tmp) THEN IF makedir(tmp) <> 0 THEN fatalerror "Temp directory " & tmp & " missing and unable to create it" END IF tmp = add_trailing_slash(tmp) DIM as string d = DATE, t = TIME tmp += "ohrrpgce" & MID(d,7,4) & MID(d,1,2) & MID(d,4,2) & MID(t,1,2) & MID(t,4,2) & MID(t,7,2) & "." & randint(1000) & ".tmp" & SLASH IF NOT isdir(tmp) THEN IF makedir(tmp) <> 0 THEN fatalerror "Unable to create temp directory " & tmp END IF RETURN tmp END FUNCTION '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Commandline processing 'Returns true if opt is a flag (prefixed with -,--,/) and removes the prefix function commandline_flag(opt as string) as bool dim temp as string temp = left(opt, 1) '/ should not be a flag under unix #ifdef __FB_UNIX__ if temp = "-" then #else if temp = "-" or temp = "/" then #endif temp = mid(opt, 2, 1) if temp = "-" then '-- opt = mid(opt, 3) else opt = mid(opt, 2) end if return YES end if return NO end function 'Read commandline arguments from actual commandline and from args_file local sub get_commandline_args(cmdargs() as string, args_file as string = "") if len(args_file) andalso isfile(args_file) then debuginfo "Reading additional commandline arguments from " & args_file lines_from_file cmdargs(), args_file end if dim i as integer = 1 while command(i) <> "" a_append(cmdargs(), command(i)) i += 1 wend end sub ' Processes all commandline switches by calling opt_handler function, ' and put any arguments that aren't recognised in nonoption_args() (must be a dynamic array). ' args_file optionally provides additional arguments. sub processcommandline(nonoption_args() as string, opt_handler as FnSetOption, args_file as string = "") dim cnt as integer = 0 dim opt as string dim arg as string redim cmdargs(-1 to -1) as string redim nonoption_args(-1 to -1) as string get_commandline_args cmdargs(), args_file while cnt <= ubound(cmdargs) dim argsused as integer = 0 opt = cmdargs(cnt) if commandline_flag(opt) then #ifdef __FB_DARWIN__ 'Passed when started from Finder. Ignore. (Fix for bug #1171) 'This is currently only necessary when using gfx_sdl2 because it doesn't link 'mac/SDLMain.m; if using gfx_sdl then this argument is stripped in SDLMain.m. if left(opt, 4) = "psn_" then cnt += 1 continue while end if #endif if cnt + 1 <= ubound(cmdargs) then arg = cmdargs(cnt + 1) if commandline_flag(arg) then arg = "" else arg = "" end if argsused = opt_handler(opt, arg) 'debuginfo "commandline option = '" & opt & "' arg = '" & arg & "' used = " & argsused end if if argsused = 0 then 'Everything else falls through and is stored for the program to catch '(we could prehaps move their handling into functions as well) a_append(nonoption_args(), cmdargs(cnt)) argsused = 1 'debuginfo "commandline arg " & (ubound(nonoption_args) - 1) & ": stored " & cmdargs(cnt) end if cnt += argsused wend end sub '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ini file read/write SUB write_ini_value (ini_filename as string, key as string, value as string) REDIM ini(-1 TO -1) as string IF isfile(ini_filename) THEN lines_from_file ini(), ini_filename END IF write_ini_value ini(), key, value lines_to_file ini(), ini_filename, LINE_END END SUB SUB write_ini_value (ini_filename as string, key as string, value as integer) write_ini_value ini_filename, key, STR(value) END SUB SUB write_ini_value (ini_filename as string, key as string, value as double) write_ini_value ini_filename, key, STR(value) END SUB SUB write_ini_value (ini() as string, key as string, value as string) 'Key is case insensitive but case preservative 'If the key is matched more than once, all copies of it will be changed BUG_IF(LEN(key) = 0, "Can't write empty key to ini file") DIM found as bool = NO FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(ini) IF ini_key_match(ini(i), key) THEN ini(i) = key & " = " & value found = YES END IF NEXT i IF NOT found THEN a_append ini(), key & " = " & value END IF END SUB FUNCTION read_ini_str (ini_filename as string, key as string, default as string="") as string REDIM ini(-1 TO -1) as string IF isfile(ini_filename) THEN lines_from_file ini(), ini_filename END IF RETURN read_ini_str(ini(), key, default) END FUNCTION 'Given the content of an .ini as an array of lines, return the value of the 'first line of form "key = value". FUNCTION read_ini_str (ini() as string, key as string, default as string="") as string BUG_IF(LEN(key) = 0, "Can't read empty key from ini file", default) DIM value as string FOR i as integer = 0 TO UBOUND(ini) IF ini_key_match(ini(i), key, value) THEN RETURN value NEXT i RETURN default END FUNCTION FUNCTION read_ini_int (ini_filename as string, key as string, default as integer=0) as integer RETURN str2int(read_ini_str(ini_filename, key), default) END FUNCTION 'This is not strict. A non-numerical value will return 0., not default! FUNCTION read_ini_double (ini_filename as string, key as string, default as double=0.) as double DIM value as string = read_ini_str(ini_filename, key) IF LEN(value) THEN RETURN VAL(value) RETURN default END FUNCTION 'A case insensitive match for regex "^key *= *value *". Returns true and sets "value" on a match FUNCTION ini_key_match(text as string, key as string, byref value as string = "") as bool DIM eqpos as integer IF LCASE(LEFT(text, LEN(key))) <> LCASE(key) THEN RETURN NO eqpos = LEN(key) + 1 WHILE MID(text, eqpos, 1) = " " eqpos += 1 WEND IF MID(text, eqpos, 1) <> "=" THEN RETURN NO value = TRIM(MID(text, eqpos + 1)) RETURN YES END FUNCTION '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' For commandline utilities. Wait for a keypress and return it. FUNCTION readkey () as string DO DIM w as string = INKEY IF w <> "" THEN RETURN w LOOP END FUNCTION '---------------------------------------------------------------------- destructor SmoothedTimer() v_free times end destructor Sub SmoothedTimer.start() timing = timer end sub 'Returns true if smoothed value was updated function SmoothedTimer.stop() as bool timing = timer - timing if times = NULL then v_new times v_append times, timing if v_len(times) = 9 then 'Update with median buffer value v_sort times if smoothtime > times[4] * 4/3 orelse smoothtime < times[4] * 3/4 then smoothtime = times[4] 'Reset else smoothtime = smoothtime * 0.8 + 0.2 * times[4] end if v_new times 'Clear buffer return YES end if end function function SmoothedTimer.tell() as string return "done in " & cint(1e6 * timing) & !"us;\tsmoothed: " & cint(1e6 * smoothtime) & "us" end function sub SmoothedTimer.stop_and_print() if stop() then ? tell() end sub