include, plotscr.hsd include, scancode.hsi global variable (1027,exitsound) global variable (1028,shapex) global variable (1029,shapey) global variable (1031,beamx) global variable (1032,beamy) global variable (1033,liveheroart) global variable (1034, exitbeam) global variable (1035, bifrost1) global variable (1036, bifrost2) global variable (1037, bifrost3) global variable (1038, bifrost4) global variable (1039, bifrost5) global variable (1040, bifrost6) global variable (1041, bifrost7) global variable (1042, bifrost8) global variable (1043, bifrost9) global variable (1044, bifrost10) global variable (1045, bifroststatus) global variable (1046, bifrostwait) global variable (1047, bifrostanimator) define constant (10, bifrost timer) #-------------------------------------------------------- script, setupbifrostbeam, begin variable (bifrostrider) exitbeam:= load slice collection (0) bifrost1:= LookupSlice (Sli:Bifrost 1,exitbeam) bifrost2:= LookupSlice (Sli:Bifrost 2,exitbeam) bifrost3:= LookupSlice (Sli:Bifrost 3,exitbeam) bifrost4:= LookupSlice (Sli:Bifrost 4,exitbeam) bifrost5:= LookupSlice (Sli:Bifrost 5,exitbeam) bifrost6:= LookupSlice (Sli:Bifrost 6,exitbeam) bifrost7:= LookupSlice (Sli:Bifrost 7,exitbeam) bifrost8:= LookupSlice (Sli:Bifrost 8,exitbeam) bifrost9:= LookupSlice (Sli:Bifrost 9,exitbeam) bifrost10:= LookupSlice (Sli:Bifrost 10,exitbeam) shapex:= hero pixel X (me) shapey:= hero pixel Y (me) beamx:= shapex -- camerapixelx beamy:=shapey -- camerapixely bifrostrider:=getheroslice(0) put slice (bifrost1,slicescreenx(bifrostrider),slicescreeny(bifrostrider)--180) bifrostanimator:=1 bifrostanimations end #-------------------------------------------------------- script, bifrostanimations,begin variable (bifrostframe, livebifrostframe, bifrostcontrol) if(bifrostanimator) then ( livebifrostframe:=get sprite frame(bifrost1) if((livebifrostframe==0) && (bifrostcontrol==0)) then(bifrostframe:=1, bifrostcontrol:=1) if((livebifrostframe==1) && (bifrostcontrol==0)) then(bifrostframe:=2, bifrostcontrol:=1) if((livebifrostframe==2) && (bifrostcontrol==0)) then(bifrostframe:=3, bifrostcontrol:=1) if((livebifrostframe==3) && (bifrostcontrol==0)) then(bifrostframe:=4, bifrostcontrol:=1) if((livebifrostframe==4) && (bifrostcontrol==0)) then(bifrostframe:=5, bifrostcontrol:=1) if((livebifrostframe==5) && (bifrostcontrol==0)) then(bifrostframe:=6, bifrostcontrol:=1) if((livebifrostframe==6) && (bifrostcontrol==0)) then(bifrostframe:=7, bifrostcontrol:=1) if((livebifrostframe==7) && (bifrostcontrol==0)) then(bifrostframe:=0, bifrostcontrol:=1) set sprite frame (bifrost1, bifrostframe), set sprite frame (bifrost2, bifrostframe) set sprite frame (bifrost3, bifrostframe), set sprite frame (bifrost4, bifrostframe) set sprite frame (bifrost5, bifrostframe), set sprite frame (bifrost6, bifrostframe) set sprite frame (bifrost7, bifrostframe), set sprite frame (bifrost8, bifrostframe) set sprite frame (bifrost9, bifrostframe), set sprite frame (bifrost10, bifrostframe) bifrostcontrol:=0 # run again in 2 ticks set timer(bifrost timer, 0, 1, @bifrostanimations) ) end #-------------------------------------------------------- script, bifrostbeamwarpdissolves, begin dissolve sprite (bifrost1, dissolve:random scatter, bifrostwait, 0, bifroststatus, true) dissolve sprite (bifrost2, dissolve:random scatter, bifrostwait, 0, bifroststatus, true) dissolve sprite (bifrost3, dissolve:random scatter, bifrostwait, 0, bifroststatus, true) dissolve sprite (bifrost4, dissolve:random scatter, bifrostwait, 0, bifroststatus, true) dissolve sprite (bifrost5, dissolve:random scatter, bifrostwait, 0, bifroststatus, true) dissolve sprite (bifrost6, dissolve:random scatter, bifrostwait, 0, bifroststatus, true) dissolve sprite (bifrost7, dissolve:random scatter, bifrostwait, 0, bifroststatus, true) dissolve sprite (bifrost8, dissolve:random scatter, bifrostwait, 0, bifroststatus, true) dissolve sprite (bifrost9, dissolve:random scatter, bifrostwait, 0, bifroststatus, true) dissolve sprite (bifrost10, dissolve:random scatter, bifrostwait, 0, bifroststatus, true) end #-------------------------------------------------------- script, bifrostbeam, cominggoing, begin if(cominggoing==0)then( bifroststatus:=true, bifrostwait:=24 suspend player liveheroart:=get hero picture (0, outsidebattle) #### This segment gets the player out of the map play sound (70), play sound (76) set hero direction (me,south) setupbifrostbeam play sound (74) bifrostbeamwarpdissolves, wait (bifrostwait) set hero picture (me,0) wait (8) #put sound here for the fizzle out of the beam play sound (75) bifroststatus:=false bifrostbeamwarpdissolves, wait (bifrostwait) bifrostanimator:=0, stop timer (bifrost timer) free slice (exitbeam) ) if(cominggoing==1)then( bifroststatus:=true, bifrostwait:=24 suspend player #### This segment gets the player out of the map play sound (70), play sound (76) set hero direction (me,south) setupbifrostbeam play sound (74) bifrostbeamwarpdissolves, wait (bifrostwait) set hero picture (me,liveheroart) wait (8) #put sound here for the fizzle out of the beam play sound (75) bifroststatus:=false bifrostbeamwarpdissolves, wait (bifrostwait) bifrostanimator:=0, stop timer (bifrost timer) free slice (exitbeam) ) end #--------------------------------------------------------