MannheimValhalla OHR DEPOTMannheim -Interiors-Ironwood ForestIronwood Forest -Restored- Muspel DesertSurtr's TempleNiflheim GlacierHelheim's True GateCaves Ice cavernIce cavern MeltHelheimR'lyeh Mt. JÍtun R'lyeh CastleThule -Interiors-Gate of NastrondRuins of MannheimGate of NastrondShore of the MidgarsormTower of Glass -Exterior-Helheim -Interiors- Lyngvi IslandThe Tower of Glass GinnungagapValhalla Renewed Opening SceneCreditsThuleUlfherjar HomeSurtr's Temple -Caves-Nidavellir Field Svartalfheim Box ChallengeParty at the Inn FunkatronAlfheimAlfheim -Interiors- HamstervaniaChasing the Guinea PigInside the TentGnipahellir Cave Angled SpaceBifrost Tesseract Lake AegirThe Blue Marble Arfenhouse Vlad's Throne Everwinter Jade FieldsMannheim Outskirts The JerkstoreVanaheimVanaheim InteriorsIronwood Forest -Ragnarok- Sea of NjordNiflheim Glacier -Ragnarok-A Heart to HeartSurt's Temple -Sanctum-Niflheim Glacier -Melt-Creation of NightNidavellir Field -Ragnarok-Yggdrasil's DecayMuspel Desert -Ragnarok-Alfheim -Ragnarok-