'Structure definitions for the BMP file format #ifndef BITMAP 'windows.bi might have been included. 'It contains all of these definitions 'Compression enum #define BI_RGB 0 #define BI_RLE8 1 #define BI_RLE4 2 #define BI_BITFIELDS 3 #define BI_JPEG 4 #define BI_PNG 5 type BITMAP bmType as LONG bmWidth as LONG bmHeight as LONG bmWidthBytes as LONG bmPlanes as short bmBitsPixel as short bmBits as any ptr end type type PBITMAP as BITMAP ptr type LPBITMAP as BITMAP ptr 'An ancient BMP header type BITMAPCOREHEADER bcSize as integer bcWidth as short bcHeight as short bcPlanes as short bcBitCount as short end type type LPBITMAPCOREHEADER as BITMAPCOREHEADER ptr type PBITMAPCOREHEADER as BITMAPCOREHEADER ptr type RGBTRIPLE field=1 rgbtBlue as BYTE rgbtGreen as BYTE rgbtRed as BYTE end type type LPRGBTRIPLE as RGBTRIPLE ptr type BITMAPFILEHEADER field=2 bfType as short bfSize as integer bfReserved1 as short bfReserved2 as short bfOffBits as integer end type type LPBITMAPFILEHEADER as BITMAPFILEHEADER ptr type PBITMAPFILEHEADER as BITMAPFILEHEADER ptr type BITMAPCOREINFO bmciHeader as BITMAPCOREHEADER bmciColors(0 to 1-1) as RGBTRIPLE end type type LPBITMAPCOREINFO as BITMAPCOREINFO ptr type PBITMAPCOREINFO as BITMAPCOREINFO ptr 'This is the header used when saving BMPs. 'I suppose this is INFOHEADER V1, but isn't known as such. 'Ancient BMP headers are smaller than this. type BITMAPINFOHEADER field = 1 biSize as integer biWidth as LONG biHeight as LONG biPlanes as short biBitCount as short biCompression as integer biSizeImage as integer biXPelsPerMeter as LONG biYPelsPerMeter as LONG biClrUsed as integer biClrImportant as integer end type type LPBITMAPINFOHEADER as BITMAPINFOHEADER ptr type PBITMAPINFOHEADER as BITMAPINFOHEADER ptr type RGBQUAD field = 1 rgbBlue as BYTE rgbGreen as BYTE rgbRed as BYTE rgbReserved as BYTE end type type LPRGBQUAD as RGBQUAD ptr type BITMAPINFO bmiHeader as BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiColors(0 to 1-1) as RGBQUAD end type type LPBITMAPINFO as BITMAPINFO ptr type PBITMAPINFO as BITMAPINFO ptr #endif #ifndef BITMAPV3INFOHEADER 'This structure is the only one in this file which 'doesn't appear in winapi headers (BITMAPV4HEADER defined instead) 'A much more common version of the BMP header. 'Later versions add colourspace and gamma information which 'we can safely ignore. type BITMAPV3INFOHEADER field = 1 biSize as integer biWidth as LONG biHeight as LONG biPlanes as short biBitCount as short biCompression as integer biSizeImage as integer biXPelsPerMeter as LONG biYPelsPerMeter as LONG biClrUsed as integer biClrImportant as integer biRedMask as integer biGreenMask as integer biBlueMask as integer biAlphaMask as integer end type #endif