'OHRRPGCE GAME - Various unsorted routines '(C) Copyright 1997-2020 James Paige, Ralph Versteegen, and the OHRRPGCE Developers 'Dual licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ and MIT Licenses. Read LICENSE.txt for terms and disclaimer of liability. #ifndef MORESUBS_BI #define MORESUBS_BI #include "gfx.bi" #include "game_udts.bi" DECLARE SUB addhero (who as integer, slot as integer, forcelevel as integer = -1, allow_rename as bool = YES, loading as bool = NO) DECLARE SUB deletehero (slot as integer, resetting_game as bool = NO) DECLARE SUB doswap (byval s as integer, byval d as integer) DECLARE SUB party_change_updates () DECLARE SUB evalherotags () DECLARE SUB evalitemtags () DECLARE FUNCTION averagelev () as integer DECLARE SUB get_max_levelmp (ret() as integer, byval hero_level as integer) DECLARE FUNCTION max_levelmp_for_hero(byref hero as HeroState, lmp_slot as integer) as integer DECLARE FUNCTION consumeitem (byval invslot as integer) as bool DECLARE FUNCTION countitem (byval item_id as integer) as integer DECLARE FUNCTION count_equipped_item(byval item_id as integer) as integer DECLARE FUNCTION getitem (byval item_id as integer, byval num as integer=1, byval ok_to_fail as bool=NO) as bool DECLARE SUB delitem (byval item_id as integer, byval amount as integer=1) DECLARE FUNCTION room_for_item (byval itemid as integer, byval num as integer = 1) as bool DECLARE SUB update_textbox () DECLARE SUB choicebox_controls() DECLARE FUNCTION user_textbox_advance() as bool DECLARE SUB settag OVERLOAD (byval tagnum as integer, byval value as integer = 4444) DECLARE SUB settag OVERLOAD (tagbits() as integer, byval tagnum as integer, byval value as integer = 4444) DECLARE FUNCTION istag OVERLOAD (num as integer, zero as bool=NO) as bool DECLARE FUNCTION istag OVERLOAD (tagbits() as integer, num as integer, zero as bool=NO) as bool DECLARE SUB minimap (heropos as XYPair) DECLARE FUNCTION teleporttool () as bool DECLARE SUB hero_swap_menu (byval reserve_too as bool) DECLARE FUNCTION onwho (caption as string, skip_if_alone as bool = YES) as integer DECLARE FUNCTION renamehero (who as integer, escapable as bool) as bool DECLARE SUB resetgame () DECLARE SUB reset_levelmp (byref hero as HeroState) DECLARE SUB reset_game_state () DECLARE SUB reset_map_state (map as MapModeState) DECLARE SUB shop (byval id as integer) DECLARE FUNCTION useinn (byval price as integer, byval holdscreen as integer) as bool DECLARE FUNCTION inn_screen (byval cost as integer, byval skip_fade as bool=NO) as bool DECLARE SUB tagdisplay (page as integer) DECLARE FUNCTION gamepadmap_from_reload(gamepad as NodePtr, byval use_dpad as bool=NO) as GamePadMap DECLARE FUNCTION use_touch_textboxes() as bool DECLARE FUNCTION should_disable_virtual_gamepad() as bool DECLARE FUNCTION should_hide_virtual_gamepad_when_suspendplayer() as bool DECLARE SUB remap_virtual_gamepad(nodename as string) DECLARE FUNCTION default_margin() as integer DECLARE FUNCTION default_margin_for_game() as integer DECLARE FUNCTION playtime (byval d as integer, byval h as integer, byval m as integer) as string DECLARE SUB playtimer #endif