'OHRRPGCE - music_native_subs.bi '(C) Copyright 1997-2020 James Paige, Ralph Versteegen, and the OHRRPGCE Developers 'Dual licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ and MIT Licenses. Read LICENSE.txt for terms and disclaimer of liability. #IFNDEF MUSIC_NATIVE_SUBS_BI #DEFINE MUSIC_NATIVE_SUBS_BI declare function getvlq(byval track as miditrack ptr,byref p as integer) as integer declare function createevent(t as uinteger, e as ubyte, a as ubyte, b as ubyte) as midi_event ptr declare function readbyte(d as ubyte ptr, p as integer) as ubyte declare function miditracktostream(track as miditrack ptr) as midi_event ptr declare function miditostream(mididata as midifile ptr) as midi_event ptr declare function readmidifile(mididata as midifile ptr, fp as file ptr) as integer declare function createmidieventlist(midifile as string, division as short ptr) as midi_event ptr declare sub converttorelative(head as midi_event ptr) declare sub freemidieventlist(head as midi_event ptr) #ENDIF