This is a list of attack chaining option bitsets. {{edit_bitsets}} * "Attacker must know chained attack" causes the chain to fail if the attacker doesn't have the attack in any of their attack lists as a normal attack (*not* a counterattack), which means: -Enemies must have the attack in the Normal, Desperation or Alone lists. Enemy counter attacks and On-Death Bequest attacks do *not* count as known. -Heroes must have the chained attack in one of their spell lists or in their battle menu (either as their weapon attack or a fixed attack added directly to the menu). Attacks in spell lists which can be learnt (e.g from an item) but haven't been learnt yet don't count. Attacks which are disabled for any other reason (costs, being mute, menu options which are tag-disabled, etc) *do* count as being known. Hero counter attacks do *not* count. * "Ignore chained attack's delay" causes the chained attack to happen immediately, even if it has a delay when used normally. * "Doesn't block further actions" causes the chained attack to be non-blocking, even if it would not normally be. Non-blocking attacks allow the attacker to continue to act while attack delays count down. Non-blocking status is inherited by all attacks chained from a non-blocking attack. * "Don't retarget if target is lost" Prevents a new target from being chosen if the target dies before the attack animates.