The map editor is in Passability mode (also known as "Wallmap mode"). {{mapedit_basic_controls}} While you are in passability mode, you will see thick flashing lines that indicate where walls are located. (You can customise how these look in the Settings.) At the top right corner the current drawing tool is shown. The tools are: D - Draw tool: Press one of the keys to modify walls that are described below (see "Drawing Keys" below), or press and hold down SPACE while moving the cursor to draw blocks of walls in a line. You can also use the mouse: either LEFT CLICK to add or remove one wall, or DRAG the mouse to draw individual walls in a line. If you hold down space or drag the mouse, then the tile you start dragging on determines whether you add or remove walls. You can hold CTRL while clicking or dragging to add or remove blocks of walls (all four sides at once). S - Stamp tool: The stamp tool is like the draw tool (it draws on one tile at a time) but is for adding or removing just one wall type. It can also add or remove all walls to/from a tile. First, select which wall bit you want to draw, either by pressing one of the drawing keys (see "Drawing Keys" below), including DELETE for all walls, or with the MOUSE WHEEL. Then press SPACE or CLICK (and DRAG) on a tile to to add that wall, or remove it if the tile already had that wall. You can hold SPACE and move, or DRAG the mouse to change a whole line of tiles. B - Box tool: Press SPACE/CLICK once to place one corner of a rectangle, move the cursor to the opposite corner, and then press one of the Drawing Keys to modify the walls for all tiles in the box. P - Paint on Layer # tool: Finds the continuous area on the current tilemap layer under the cursor, and changes the walls for all those tiles according to the Drawing Key pressed; like a flood fill of a map layer except that the map layer isn't modified. You can use PageDown and PageUp to change the selected layer. For example, you can use this to cover a puddle of acid with harmtiles by pressing H. M - Mark tool: Use to select a rectangular of the map to copy. Press SPACE/CLICK once to place one corner of the rectangle, and SPACE/CLICK a second time at the opposite corner. The tool will then be changed to the Clone tool. Mark copies the visible tilemap layers, wallmap, foemap, and zones in the rectangle. C - Clone tool: Press SPACE/CLICK to paste a selection copied with the Mark tool. You can switch to different editing modes to preview the changes to walls, foemap, and zones. If default passability is on (press CTRL+D to toggle), the wallmap will updated using default walls instead of the copied walls. Only visible map layers are modified (press ALT+~ to toggle visibility of the current map layer), so a map layer has to be visible both when Marking and when Cloning. Drawing Keys: Press SPACE or CLICK while holding CTRL to make the tile under the cursor fully impassable in all four directions. Press SPACE/CLICK again to remove the walls and make the tile passable. CTRL+Up makes the selected tile impassable on the top. CTRL+Down makes the selected tile impassable on the bottom. CTRL+Left makes the selected tile impassable on the left side. CTRL+Right makes the selected tile impassable on the right side. CLICK or DRAG the mouse near the edge of a tile to make the tile impassable on that side. Press W to turn all the walls on the current tile into one-way walls. This means that the hero and NPCS can walk through the walls when they leave the tile. If there are no walls on the tile then the one-way bit does nothing, but is still indicated with a small circle. One-way walls are marked with a special zone, ID 10000, which you can also see and edit in the zone editor. H marks the tile as a harm tile that can damage heroes when the player steps on it. CTRL+A marks the tile as special for Airships (or other vehicle or scripting purposes which use the vehicle A bit). CTRL+B marks the tile as special for Boats (or other vehicle or scripting purposes which use the vehicle B bit). O marks the tile as overhead. This is obsolete. You should create a tilemap layer and place it above heroes and NPCs (in the Layers and Tilesets menu) instead if you want make tiles overhead. DELETE removes all walls and other bits from a tile and sets the current wall for the Stamp tool to All. Other Controls: Hold CTRL while using the Draw tool with the mouse to add/remove all four walls at once (if you use keyboard controls, nothing changes). CTRL+Z undoes a change to the tilemap, wallmap, foemap or zonemap. Changes to NPCs and doors are not undoable. The undo history buffer is near-infinite, but certain things cause it to be cleared: resizing the map, deleting or swapping map layers, erasing map data, and leaving the map editor. CTRL+Y redoes an undone change. CTRL+S immediately saves, useful when live-previewing a game. + and - change the way that the walls are drawn on the map. You can also adjust this in the Settings menu. CTRL+W paints the tiles visible in the window/screen using the last wall type you placed. TAB toggles a blue rectangle that shows roughly what area of the map you are currently looking at. ~ shows a preview of the entire map. CTRL+N toggles whethers NPCs are visible.