'OHRRPGCE - rbtest helper '(C) Copyright 1997-2020 James Paige, Ralph Versteegen, and the OHRRPGCE Developers 'Dual licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ and MIT Licenses. Read LICENSE.txt for terms and disclaimer of liability. ' ' This is part of rbtest, for testing multiple .rbas source files extern errorpos as integer extern errorfile as string #define fail errorfile = __FILE__ : errorpos = __LINE__ : return 1 extern unexpected_warns as integer declare sub count_unexpected_warnings (msg as string) function otherFileTests(byval root as nodeptr) as integer # warn_func = count_unexpected_warnings unexpected_warns = 0 if root."mixed files"."foo".exists = NO then fail dim nod as NodePtr = root."mixed files".ptr readnode nod, default if nod."_nested"."_nested2" <> 1001 then fail end readnode AppendChildNode(nod, "sharedname", 10001) AppendChildNode(nod, "uniquename", 10002) end function function testAddingNodeNames1() as integer dim newdoc as Docptr newdoc = CreateDocument() if newdoc = null then fail dim root as NodePtr = CreateNode(newdoc, "root") if root = null then fail SetRootNode(newdoc, root) AppendChildNode(root, "vlad", 41) # warn_func = count_unexpected_warnings unexpected_warns = 0 'Force a BuildNameIndexTable call readnode root end readnode if unexpected_warns <> 1 then fail 'Make sure #strings in the string table > RB_NUM_NAMES for i as integer = 0 to 49 AppendChildNode(root, "totally unique name" & i) next unexpected_warns = 0 dim as integer test1 readnode root test1 = root."vlad" end readnode if unexpected_warns <> 50 then fail if test1 <> 41 then fail FreeDocument(newdoc) end function