######################################################################## # These scripts are for testing script commands and (certain) engine # features that require user input. # # Any time you are preparing to fix an engine bug, consider adding a # test that demonstrates the bug FIRST before you fix the bug. ######################################################################## define constant(1, default wait) #string 0 = error messages #string 1-9 = temp #string 10 = error message arg #string 11 = asserts #string 12 = onscreen instructions, line 1 #string 13 = onscreen instructions, line 2 define constant(11, assert expression string) define constant(12, message 1) define constant(13, message 2) ######################################################################## plotscript, run all tests, begin seed random(4444) show string at(message 1, 0, 182) show string at(message 2, 0, 191) keyval tests suspend and wait tests keyboard input tests #basic control tests menu tests $message1="ALL FINISHED" $message2="" wait(10) $0="TESTS SUCCEEDED" trace(0) game over end ######################################################################## script, w, ticks=default wait, begin wait(ticks) _checkpoint end plotscript, crash, begin if(string length(10) >> 0) then( $0+"(" concatenate strings(0, 10) $0+")" ) trace(0) suspend box advance show text box(1) w(40) $0="Last onscreen message:" trace(0) trace(message1) trace(message2) game over end script, assert failure, begin trace(assert expression string) crash end # Note! on-keypress scripts aren't triggered while the active script is # waiting on waitforkey!! script, on keypress script, key, begin _checkpoint end ######################################################################## script, keyval tests, begin $0="keyval tests" suspend player $message 1="Testing keyval and keyispressed" $message 2="Mash the keyboard for a bit (5 sec)" variable (tick, i, events) for (tick, 0, 18*5) do ( for (i, 0, 126) do ( if (keyval(i), and, 2) then (events += 1) assert(keyispressed(i) == true || keyispressed(i) == false) assert(keyval(i) >= 0 && keyval(i) <= 3) if (keyispressed(i)) then (assert(keyval(i))) ) if (keyispressed(key:leftshift)) then (assert(keyispressed(key:shift))) if (keyispressed(key:rightshift)) then (assert(keyispressed(key:shift))) if (keyispressed(key:leftalt)) then (assert(keyispressed(key:alt))) if (keyispressed(key:rightalt)) then (assert(keyispressed(key:alt))) if (keyispressed(key:leftctrl)) then (assert(keyispressed(key:ctrl))) if (keyispressed(key:rightctrl)) then (assert(keyispressed(key:ctrl))) wait ) $message 2="Saw " append number(message 2, events) $message 2+" keypress events" w(20) resume player end ######################################################################## # Wait for the player to hit a certain key script, test wait for key, key, scancode, begin # Because waitforkey blocks the on keypress script, there's not much checking we can do... tracevalue,(wait for key(key),scancode) assert(key is pressed(scancode)) assert(keyval(scancode)) while (key is pressed(scancode)) do (wait) end script, test wait for scancode, scancode, begin wait for scancode(scancode) assert(key is pressed(scancode)) while (key is pressed(scancode)) do (wait) end script, suspend and wait tests, begin $0="suspend and wait tests" $message 1="Testing suspendplayer and waitforkey" $message 2="Hit Q" suspend player test wait for key(anykey, key:q) $message 2="Hit TAB" test wait for key(anykey, key:tab) # Movement suspended set hero direction(me, north) $message 2="Hit LEFT" test wait for key(left key, key:left) assert(hero direction == north) $message 2="Hit DOWN" test wait for key(down key, key:down) assert(hero direction == north) # NPC use suspended $message 2="Hit ENTER" variable (npcref) npcref := create npc(1, hero x, hero y -- 1, east) #linked to script 'crash' test wait for key(use key, key:enter) wait assert(npc direction(npcref) == east) destroy npc(npcref) # Main menu suspended $message 2="Hit ESC" test wait for key(menu key, key:esc) assert(top menu == 0) $message 2="Hit ALT" test wait for key(menu key, key:alt) assert(top menu == 0) # Textbox advance not suspended $message 2="Hit ENTER" show text box(2) test wait for key(use key, key:enter) assert(current textbox == -1) $message 2="Hit CTRL" show text box(2) test wait for key(use key, key:ctrl) assert(current textbox == -1) $message 2="Hit SPACE" show text box(2) test wait for key(use key, key:space) assert(current textbox == -1) $message 1="Testing suspendboxadvance" suspend box advance resume player $message 2="Hit CTRL" show text box(2) test wait for key(use key, key:ctrl) assert(current textbox == 2) wait(2) advance text box assert(current textbox == -1) resume box advance $message1="Testing waitforscancode" $message2="Hit Q" test wait for scancode(key:q) $message2="Hit F1" test wait for scancode(key:F1) end ######################################################################## # This is used to check no strings have been clobbered script, hash all strings except, string, begin variable (hash, i, j) for (i, 0, 31) do ( if (i == string) then (continue) hash += (hash * 333667), xor, (i * 367 + string length(i) * 336667) #primes for (j, 1, string length(i)) do ( hash += (hash * 367), xor, ascii from string(i, j) ) ) return (hash) end script, keyboard input tests, begin $0="keyboard input tests" suspend player $message1="Testing lastascii" assert(last ascii == 0) $message2="Hit q" trace value(wait for key(anykey)) assert(last ascii == 113) $message2="Hit SHIFT+W" while (key is pressed (key:w) == false) do (wait) assert(last ascii == 87) $message2="Hit SPACE" wait for key(anykey) assert(last ascii == 32) $message2="Hit F1" wait for key(anykey) assert(last ascii == 0) $message2="Hit ENTER" wait for key(anykey) assert(last ascii == 0) $message1="Testing inputstring (try backspace & caps)" $message2="Type \"foo BAR AAAAAA #!\"" $2="" $3="dummy" # see inputstring implementation to wonder why I check this doesn't go blank variable (hash) hash := hash all strings except(2) assert(input string(2, 38, false, true) == true) # erase string, center, default position assert(hash == hash all strings except(2)) assert(string is visible(2) == false) $3="foo BAR AAAAAA #!" assert(string compare(2, 3)) $message2="Entered: " message2 $+ 2 w(20) $message1="Testing inputstring" $message2="Type \"éÖ$ \" or \"SKIP\"" assert(input string(2, 38, false, true) == true) $3="éÖ$ " $4="SKIP" assert(string compare(2, 3) || string compare(2, 4)) $message2="Enter text up to length limit" $2="" assert(input string(2, 20, true, true) == true) assert(string length(2) == 20) trim string(2, 1, 14) $3="" assert(string compare(2, 3)) $message2="Enter something then hit ESC" $2="" assert(input string(2, 20, true, true) == false) assert(key is pressed(key:esc) == false) # input string is meant to hide the keypress # assert(string length(2) == 0) # not true: behaviour undefined actually... assert(string is visible(2) == false) $message2="Enter something" show string at(2, 70, 70) assert(input string(2, 20, false, false) == true) # String shouldn't centre assert(string x(2) == 70) hide string(2) resume player end ######################################################################## script, basic control tests, begin $0="basic control tests" $message 1="Testing basic controls" $message 2="Walk south" end ######################################################################## script, menu tests, begin $0="menu tests" $1="Testing menus" # There are so many combinations of menu bits that ought to be tested... variable (menu) menu := open menu(1) set menu bit(menu, menubit:no controls, true) $message 2="Hit ESC" test wait for key(cancel key, key:esc) assert(top menu == menu) $message 2="Hit ALT" test wait for key(cancel key, key:alt) assert(top menu == menu) close menu(menu) end ######################################################################## #### COMMANDS THAT STILL NEED TESTS #equip menu (who) #init mouse #input string (ID, maxlength, use current, center, position x, position y) #items menu #joystick axis (axis,multiplier,joystick) #joystick button (button,joystick) #load menu (reallyload) #main menu #mouse button (which) #mouse click (which) #mouse pixel X #mouse pixel Y #mouse region (x min, x max, y min, y max) #pick hero #put mouse (X, Y) #rename hero by slot(who) #rename hero(who) #set full hero swap mode (state) #show mini map #spells menu (who) #status screen (who) #team menu #use shop (shop) #wait for text box