'OHRRPGCE - UI colour constants '(C) Copyright 1997-2020 James Paige, Ralph Versteegen, and the OHRRPGCE Developers 'Dual licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ and MIT Licenses. Read LICENSE.txt for terms and disclaimer of liability. #IFNDEF __UICONST_BI__ #DEFINE __UICONST_BI__ CONST uiColorLast = 53 CONST uiColorOldLast = 17 ' the last uilook saved in uicolors.bin CONST uiBoxLast = 14 CONST uiBoxOldLast = 14 ' the last boxlook saved in uicolors.bin CONST uiBackground = 0 'background colour (not for transparent! transparent is always 0) CONST uiMenuItem = 1 'normal menu item CONST uiDisabledItem = 2 'disabled menu item CONST uiSelectedItem = 3 'selection (1st col) CONST uiSelectedItem2 = 4 'selection (2nd col) - flashes when used as slice color CONST uiSelectedDisabled = 5 'selected disabled item (1st col) CONST uiSelectedDisabled2 = 6 'selected disabled item (2nd col) - flashes when used as slice color CONST uiHighlight = 7 'background to selected menu item CONST uiHighlight2 = 8 'background used in equip menu CONST uiTimeBar = 9 'hero's time bar CONST uiTimeBarFull = 10 'time bar when full CONST uiHealthBar = 11 'hero's health bar CONST uiHealthBarFlash = 12 'health bar flash colour (when higher than max) CONST uiText = 13 'Default text colour CONST uiOutline = 14 'Text outline colour CONST uiDescription = 15 'Spell description CONST uiGold = 16 'Total cash CONST uiShadow = 17 'Vehicle shadow CONST uiSpecialItem = 18 'Special menu item CONST uiSelectedSpecial = 19 'Selected Special item (1st col) CONST uiSelectedSpecial2 = 20 'Selected Special item (2nd col) - flashes when used as slice color '---Just for the items screen--- CONST uiItemScreenSwap = 21 CONST uiItemScreenSwapDisabled = 22 CONST uiItemScreenSwapSpecial = 23 CONST uiItemScreenItem = 24 CONST uiItemScreenDisabled = 25 CONST uiItemScreenSpecial = 26 CONST uiItemScreenSelected = 27 CONST uiItemScreenSelected2 = 28 'flashes when used as slice color CONST uiItemScreenSelectedDisabled = 29 CONST uiItemScreenSelectedDisabled2 = 30 'flashes when used as slice color CONST uiItemScreenSelectedSpecial = 31 CONST uiItemScreenSelectedSpecial2 = 32 'flashes when used as slice color CONST uiItemScreenHighlight = 33 CONST uiItemScreenHighlight2 = 34 'flashes when used as slice color CONST uiItemScreenSwapHighlight = 35 CONST uiItemScreenSwapHighlight2 = 36 'flashes when used as slice color '------------------------- CONST uiMouseHoverItem = 37 'A menu item over which the mouse is hovering CONST uiBattleDamage = 38 CONST uiBattleHeal = 39 CONST uiBattleAbsorb = 40 CONST uiBattlePoison = 41 CONST uiBattleRegen = 42 CONST uiFadeOutNewGame = 43 CONST uiFadeOutLoadGame = 44 CONST uiFadeOutDeath = 45 CONST uiFadeOutQuit = 46 CONST uiFadeOutDoor = 47 CONST uiFadeOutInn = 48 CONST uiFadeOutEnterBattle = 49 CONST uiFadeOutWonBattle = 50 CONST uiFadeOutExitBattle = 51 CONST uiMPBar = 52 'hero's mp bar CONST uiMPBarFlash = 53 'mp bar flash colour (when higher than max) CONST colInvalid = -999 'When you add more constants you will need to update GuessDefaultUIColors 'and UiColorCaption, and possibly FillMissingUIColor, in loading.rbas. 'And don't forget to update uiColorLast above. 'If you add any new colors that need to auto-flash when used by slices, 'add them to ColorIndex. 'Although not requiring manual updating, other places UI colours are looped over: '-automatic remapping in remappalette '-used master palette colours indicated in master_palette_menu 'TODO: editor UI constants. Not implemented yet, these are just aliases. CONST eduiHeading = uiText CONST eduiTextCursor = uiSelectedDisabled 'Toggles CONST eduiNote = uiSelectedDisabled 'Unselectable (not disabled) menu items which show some info, ideally not highlighted CONST eduiSpecial = uiSelectedDisabled 'Menu items distinct from normal ones, e.g. "Append " #ENDIF