'OHRRPGCE - Special Web/Emscripten/Js code. Not used by any other port '(C) Copyright 1997-2024 James Paige, Ralph Versteegen, and the OHRRPGCE Developers 'Dual licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ and MIT Licenses. Read LICENSE.txt for terms and disclaimer of liability. 'Web emscripten specific os functions #ifndef WEB_BI #define WEB_BI #ifdef __FB_JS__ extern "C" declare sub web_mount_persistent_storage(byval foldername as zstring ptr) declare sub web_sync_persistent_storage() declare sub web_unmount_persistent_storage(byval foldername as zstring ptr) 'Don't call this one directly, use url_open() instead. declare sub web_open_url(byval url as zstring ptr) end extern #endif #endif