'OHRRPGCE - xml2reload
'(C) Copyright 1997-2020 James Paige, Ralph Versteegen, and the OHRRPGCE Developers
'Dual licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ and MIT Licenses. Read LICENSE.txt for terms and disclaimer of liability.
'Compile with "scons xml2reload"
#include "util.bi"
#include "reload.bi"
#include "base64.bi"
#include "libxml/tree.bi"
#include "libxml/parser.bi"
using Reload
Enum encoding_t
end enum
declare function chug(node as xmlNodeptr, dc as DocPtr, encoded as encoding_t) as NodePtr
declare sub optimize(node as nodePtr)
dim shared reloadns as xmlNsPtr
dim as string infile, outfile
infile = command(1)
outfile = command(2)
if infile = "" then
print "Usage:"
print command(0) & " infile.xml outfile.rld"
end if
if outfile = "" then
print "Usage:"
print command(0) & " infile.xml outfile.rld"
end if
dim as double startTime = Timer, realStart = Timer
dim xmlDoc as xmlDocPtr
xmlDoc = xmlReadFile(infile, 0, 0)
if xmlDoc = null then
print "Could not read document!"
end if
print "Loaded XML document in " & int((timer - starttime) * 1000) & " ms"
starttime = timer
dim rldDoc as Docptr
rldDoc = CreateDocument()
print "Memory usage: " & DocumentMemoryUsage(rldDoc)
dim xmlRoot as xmlNodeptr
xmlRoot = xmlDocGetRootElement(xmlDoc)
reloadns = xmlSearchNsByHref(xmlDoc, xmlRoot, @"http://hamsterrepublic.com/ohrrpgce/RELOAD")
dim rldRoot as NodePtr
rldRoot = chug(xmlRoot, rldDoc, encNone)
print "Parsed XML document in " & int((timer - starttime) * 1000) & " ms"
print "Memory usage: " & DocumentMemoryUsage(rldDoc)
starttime = timer
print "Freed XML document in " & int((timer - starttime) * 1000) & " ms"
starttime = timer
print "Optimised document in " & int((timer - starttime) * 1000) & " ms"
print "Memory usage: " & DocumentMemoryUsage(rldDoc)
starttime = timer
SetRootNode(rldDoc, rldRoot)
SerializeBin(outfile, rldDoc)
print "Serialized document in " & int((timer - starttime) * 1000) & " ms"
starttime = timer
print "Tore down memory in " & int((timer - starttime) * 1000) & " ms"
print "Finished in " & int((timer - realStart) * 1000) & " ms"
'This sub sets a node's content to binary data
sub SetContent_base64(byval this as nodeptr, byval encoded as zstring ptr)
SetContent(this, base64decode(*encoded))
if this->strSize = 0 then
print "Malformed Base64 string (does it contain newlines?): " & left(*encoded, 100) & "[...]"
end if
'optimize will still try to process this node, but w/e. This is the only decently fast code in this file
end sub
'reload2xml slaps a iso-8859-1 (aka Latin 1) header on things, but libxml will parse it into unicode and feed us UTF8.
'Go back to Latin 1 to undo that mess (in the process, foil any attempts to create unicode RELOAD documents if the file
'was something other than iso-8859-1)
sub SetContent_utf8_garbage(byval this as nodeptr, byval garbled as zstring ptr)
'Change to a string, then reserve enough space - length of the decoded string is less than or
'equal to the length of the source string, so use that as estimation
SetContent(this, NULL, len(*garbled)) 'An uninitialised binary blob
dim outlen as integer = this->strSize
dim inlen as integer = len(*garbled) 'what's the point of passing this by pointer?
outlen = UTF8Toisolat1(this->str, @outlen, garbled, @inlen)
if outlen = -2 then
print "Warning: this XML contains unicode not expressible in the Latin-1 encoding. Importing a string as raw UTF8"
*this->str = *garbled
elseif outlen = -1 then
print "UTF8Toisolat1 unspecified failure!"
end if
'Now we set the length correctly
ResizeZString(this, outlen)
end sub
'''' libxml-tree mini-documentation
'The following xml:
' bar more spam
'is parsed by libxml to the following tree:
' }>
' }, children = {
' TEXT:,
' }>
' }>
'where FOO: means an xmlNode of type XML_FOO_NODE where the value of a is b, and
'c points to a doubly linked list. content & name are "" if not specified, and children and
'properties are NULL if not specified.
' This function takes an XML node and creates a RELOAD node based on it, or returns NULL if it should be dropped
function chug(node as xmlNodeptr, dc as DocPtr, encoded as encoding_t) as NodePtr
dim this as nodeptr
select case node->type
case XML_ELEMENT_NODE, XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE 'this is container: either a '' or an 'attribute="..."'
dim child_enc as encoding_t = encNone
dim nodename as zstring ptr = cast(zstring ptr, node->name)
'create the RELOAD node
if node->type = XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE then
'this is an attribute:
'Except, RELOAD doesn't do attributes. So, we reserve @ for those
this = CreateNode(dc, "@" & *nodename)
if node->ns = reloadns andalso *nodename = "_" then 'work around RELOAD supporting no-name nodes
this = CreateNode(dc, "")
elseif node->ns = reloadns andalso *nodename = "ws" then 'work around clobbering of whitespace
this = CreateNode(dc, "$") 'this node will be squashed later
child_enc = encWS
this = CreateNode(dc, *nodename)
end if
'take a look at the attributes
dim cur_attr as xmlAttrPtr = node->properties
do while cur_attr <> null
dim ch as nodeptr
if *cast(zstring ptr, cur_attr->name) = "encoding" andalso cur_attr->ns = reloadns then
'How terribly bothersome. Get the (TEXT) value of this attribute
ch = chug(cur_attr->children, dc, encNone)
if GetString(ch) = "base64" then
child_enc = encBase64
print "Unknown encoding '" & GetString(ch) & "'"
end if
ch = chug(cast(xmlNodePtr, cur_attr), dc, encNone)
'add the new child to the document tree
if ch then AddChild(this, ch)
end if
cur_attr = cur_attr->next
end if
'and the children
dim cur_node as xmlNodePtr = node->children
do while cur_node <> null
'recurse to parse the children
dim ch as nodeptr = chug(cur_node, dc, child_enc)
'add the new child to the document tree
if ch then AddChild(this, ch)
'move to the next child
cur_node = cur_node->next
'This is a hack to support SerializeXML debugging option: results
'in no child being appended
if child_enc = encWS and this->numChildren = 0 then
AppendChildNode(this, "$", "")
end if
case XML_TEXT_NODE 'this is any text data - aka, the content of "..."
'if the text node is blank, we don't care about it unless we're inside
if xmlIsBlankNode(node) = 0 orelse encoded = encWS then
dim content as zstring ptr = node->content
if encoded = encBase64 then
'create a node with a special name
this = CreateNode(dc, "$") 'to be squashed
'Trim whitespace, which the decode library doesn't like
SetContent_base64(this, trim(*content, any !" \t\n\r"))
elseif encoded = encWS then
'Preserve whitespace and string status
this = CreateNode(dc, "$$") 'to be squashed
SetContent_utf8_garbage(this, *content)
elseif encoded = encNone then
'and, set the content to the value of this node, less any padding of spaces, tabs or new lines
this = CreateNode(dc, "$") 'to be squashed
SetContent_utf8_garbage(this, trim(*content, any !" \t\n\r"))
end if
end if
case XML_PI_NODE 'we don't support these.
case else
'Let's see, comments, CDATA sections, etc
print "??? " & node->type
end select
return this
end function
'since all XML nodes are strings, this function figures out which can be represented by simpler data types
'it also squashes <>content> wrappers
sub optimize(node as nodePtr)
if NodeName(node) <> "$$" and NodeType(node) = rltString then 'preserve contents as strings
'Basically, if the string can be parsed as a number, it will be. We need to back off a little bit
'Eg, FB will parse "1234 dots on the door!" as 1234
'I will parse it as a string
if (ValLng(GetString(node)) <> 0 AND ValLng(GetString(node) & "1") <> ValLng(GetString(node))) or GetString(node) = "0" then
SetContent(node, ValLng(GetString(node)))
elseif (Val(GetString(node)) <> 0 AND Val(GetString(node) & "1") <> Val(GetString(node))) or GetString(node) = "0" then
SetContent(node, Val(GetString(node)))
end if
end if
dim as nodeptr c, nextc
c = FirstChild(node)
do while c <> null
nextc = NextSibling(c)
if NodeName(c) = "$" or NodeName(c) = "$$" then 'this is a <>text> or text wrapper
select case NodeType(c) 'figure out what kind of wrapper it is, and make it so
case rltInt 'hoist the number up a level
SetContent(node, GetInteger(c))
case rltFloat 'lift the double
SetContent(node, GetFloat(c))
case rltString 'raise the string
SetContent(node, GetString(c))
case rltNull 'uh... remove all content.
end select
end if
c = nextc
end sub