'OHRRPGCE - xml2reload '(C) Copyright 1997-2020 James Paige, Ralph Versteegen, and the OHRRPGCE Developers 'Dual licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ and MIT Licenses. Read LICENSE.txt for terms and disclaimer of liability. ' 'Compile with "scons xml2reload" #define RELOADINTERNAL #include "util.bi" #include "reload.bi" #include "base64.bi" #include "libxml/tree.bi" #include "libxml/parser.bi" using Reload Enum encoding_t encNone encWS encBase64 end enum declare function chug(node as xmlNodeptr, dc as DocPtr, encoded as encoding_t) as NodePtr declare sub optimize(node as nodePtr) dim shared reloadns as xmlNsPtr dim as string infile, outfile xmlCheckVersion(LIBXML_VERSION) infile = command(1) outfile = command(2) if infile = "" then print "Usage:" print command(0) & " infile.xml outfile.rld" end end if if outfile = "" then print "Usage:" print command(0) & " infile.xml outfile.rld" end end if dim as double startTime = Timer, realStart = Timer dim xmlDoc as xmlDocPtr xmlDoc = xmlReadFile(infile, 0, 0) if xmlDoc = null then print "Could not read document!" end end if print "Loaded XML document in " & int((timer - starttime) * 1000) & " ms" starttime = timer dim rldDoc as Docptr rldDoc = CreateDocument() print "Memory usage: " & DocumentMemoryUsage(rldDoc) dim xmlRoot as xmlNodeptr xmlRoot = xmlDocGetRootElement(xmlDoc) reloadns = xmlSearchNsByHref(xmlDoc, xmlRoot, @"http://hamsterrepublic.com/ohrrpgce/RELOAD") dim rldRoot as NodePtr rldRoot = chug(xmlRoot, rldDoc, encNone) print "Parsed XML document in " & int((timer - starttime) * 1000) & " ms" print "Memory usage: " & DocumentMemoryUsage(rldDoc) starttime = timer xmlFreeDoc(xmlDoc) print "Freed XML document in " & int((timer - starttime) * 1000) & " ms" starttime = timer optimize(rldRoot) print "Optimised document in " & int((timer - starttime) * 1000) & " ms" print "Memory usage: " & DocumentMemoryUsage(rldDoc) starttime = timer SetRootNode(rldDoc, rldRoot) SerializeBin(outfile, rldDoc) print "Serialized document in " & int((timer - starttime) * 1000) & " ms" starttime = timer FreeDocument(rldDoc) print "Tore down memory in " & int((timer - starttime) * 1000) & " ms" print "Finished in " & int((timer - realStart) * 1000) & " ms" 'This sub sets a node's content to binary data sub SetContent_base64(byval this as nodeptr, byval encoded as zstring ptr) SetContent(this, base64decode(*encoded)) if this->strSize = 0 then print "Malformed Base64 string (does it contain newlines?): " & left(*encoded, 100) & "[...]" end end if 'optimize will still try to process this node, but w/e. This is the only decently fast code in this file end sub 'reload2xml slaps a iso-8859-1 (aka Latin 1) header on things, but libxml will parse it into unicode and feed us UTF8. 'Go back to Latin 1 to undo that mess (in the process, foil any attempts to create unicode RELOAD documents if the file 'was something other than iso-8859-1) sub SetContent_utf8_garbage(byval this as nodeptr, byval garbled as zstring ptr) 'Change to a string, then reserve enough space - length of the decoded string is less than or 'equal to the length of the source string, so use that as estimation SetContent(this, NULL, len(*garbled)) 'An uninitialised binary blob dim outlen as integer = this->strSize dim inlen as integer = len(*garbled) 'what's the point of passing this by pointer? outlen = UTF8Toisolat1(this->str, @outlen, garbled, @inlen) if outlen = -2 then print "Warning: this XML contains unicode not expressible in the Latin-1 encoding. Importing a string as raw UTF8" *this->str = *garbled elseif outlen = -1 then print "UTF8Toisolat1 unspecified failure!" end end if 'Now we set the length correctly ResizeZString(this, outlen) end sub '''' libxml-tree mini-documentation ' 'The following xml: ' ' bar more spam ' 'is parsed by libxml to the following tree: ' ' ELEMENT: ' }> ' }, children = { ' TEXT:, ' ELEMENT: ' }> ' }> ' 'where FOO: means an xmlNode of type XML_FOO_NODE where the value of a is b, and 'c points to a doubly linked list. content & name are "" if not specified, and children and 'properties are NULL if not specified. ' This function takes an XML node and creates a RELOAD node based on it, or returns NULL if it should be dropped function chug(node as xmlNodeptr, dc as DocPtr, encoded as encoding_t) as NodePtr dim this as nodeptr select case node->type case XML_ELEMENT_NODE, XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE 'this is container: either a '' or an 'attribute="..."' dim child_enc as encoding_t = encNone dim nodename as zstring ptr = cast(zstring ptr, node->name) 'create the RELOAD node if node->type = XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE then 'this is an attribute: 'Except, RELOAD doesn't do attributes. So, we reserve @ for those this = CreateNode(dc, "@" & *nodename) else if node->ns = reloadns andalso *nodename = "_" then 'work around RELOAD supporting no-name nodes this = CreateNode(dc, "") elseif node->ns = reloadns andalso *nodename = "ws" then 'work around clobbering of whitespace this = CreateNode(dc, "$") 'this node will be squashed later child_enc = encWS else this = CreateNode(dc, *nodename) end if 'take a look at the attributes dim cur_attr as xmlAttrPtr = node->properties do while cur_attr <> null dim ch as nodeptr if *cast(zstring ptr, cur_attr->name) = "encoding" andalso cur_attr->ns = reloadns then 'How terribly bothersome. Get the (TEXT) value of this attribute ch = chug(cur_attr->children, dc, encNone) if GetString(ch) = "base64" then child_enc = encBase64 FreeNode(ch) else print "Unknown encoding '" & GetString(ch) & "'" end end if else ch = chug(cast(xmlNodePtr, cur_attr), dc, encNone) 'add the new child to the document tree if ch then AddChild(this, ch) end if cur_attr = cur_attr->next loop end if 'and the children dim cur_node as xmlNodePtr = node->children do while cur_node <> null 'recurse to parse the children dim ch as nodeptr = chug(cur_node, dc, child_enc) 'add the new child to the document tree if ch then AddChild(this, ch) 'move to the next child cur_node = cur_node->next loop 'This is a hack to support SerializeXML debugging option: results 'in no child being appended if child_enc = encWS and this->numChildren = 0 then AppendChildNode(this, "$", "") end if case XML_TEXT_NODE 'this is any text data - aka, the content of "..." 'if the text node is blank, we don't care about it unless we're inside if xmlIsBlankNode(node) = 0 orelse encoded = encWS then dim content as zstring ptr = node->content if encoded = encBase64 then 'create a node with a special name this = CreateNode(dc, "$") 'to be squashed 'Trim whitespace, which the decode library doesn't like SetContent_base64(this, trim(*content, any !" \t\n\r")) elseif encoded = encWS then 'Preserve whitespace and string status this = CreateNode(dc, "$$") 'to be squashed SetContent_utf8_garbage(this, *content) elseif encoded = encNone then 'and, set the content to the value of this node, less any padding of spaces, tabs or new lines this = CreateNode(dc, "$") 'to be squashed SetContent_utf8_garbage(this, trim(*content, any !" \t\n\r")) end if end if case XML_PI_NODE 'we don't support these. case else 'Let's see, comments, CDATA sections, etc print "??? " & node->type end select return this end function 'since all XML nodes are strings, this function figures out which can be represented by simpler data types 'it also squashes <>content wrappers sub optimize(node as nodePtr) if NodeName(node) <> "$$" and NodeType(node) = rltString then 'preserve contents as strings 'Basically, if the string can be parsed as a number, it will be. We need to back off a little bit 'Eg, FB will parse "1234 dots on the door!" as 1234 'I will parse it as a string if (ValLng(GetString(node)) <> 0 AND ValLng(GetString(node) & "1") <> ValLng(GetString(node))) or GetString(node) = "0" then SetContent(node, ValLng(GetString(node))) elseif (Val(GetString(node)) <> 0 AND Val(GetString(node) & "1") <> Val(GetString(node))) or GetString(node) = "0" then SetContent(node, Val(GetString(node))) end if end if dim as nodeptr c, nextc c = FirstChild(node) do while c <> null nextc = NextSibling(c) optimize(c) if NodeName(c) = "$" or NodeName(c) = "$$" then 'this is a <>text or text wrapper select case NodeType(c) 'figure out what kind of wrapper it is, and make it so case rltInt 'hoist the number up a level SetContent(node, GetInteger(c)) FreeNode(c) case rltFloat 'lift the double SetContent(node, GetFloat(c)) FreeNode(c) case rltString 'raise the string SetContent(node, GetString(c)) FreeNode(c) case rltNull 'uh... remove all content. SetContent(node) FreeNode(c) end select end if c = nextc loop end sub