'OHRRPGCE - Extendable recordsize arrays for use with binsize.bin 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'GAME and CUSTOM share this file to keep everything in one place 'See binsize.bin documentation page on the wiki for more info CONST sizebinsize = 2 'heheh DIM defbinsize(sizebinsize), curbinsize(sizebinsize) RESTORE defbinsizes defbinsizes: FOR i = 0 TO sizebinsize READ size% defbinsize(i) = size% NEXT DATA 0, 64, 0 '-- current record size data necessary when declaring arrays RESTORE curbinsizes curbinsizes: FOR i = 0 TO sizebinsize READ size% curbinsize(i) = size% NEXT DATA 120, 84, 32