'' Compatibility functions/definitions for OHRRPGCE ' This file is specific to either FreeBasic or QuickBasic and ' defines the necessary functions to maintain compatibility ' between the two '' FreeBasic version option nokeyword getkey option nokeyword setmouse #ifndef DEMACRO #ifndef DONESTR option nokeyword clear #define CLEAR dummyclear option nokeyword str #define str$(x) xstr$((x)) #define fbdim dim as short #define varseg varptr option nokeyword peek #define peek(x) xpeek(x) option nokeyword poke #define poke xpoke #define DONESTR #endif #endif #ifdef __FB_LINUX__ #define LINUX -1 #define SLASH "/" #define CUSTOMEXE "ohrrpgce-custom" #define ALLFILES "*" #else #define LINUX 0 #define SLASH "\" #define CUSTOMEXE "CUSTOM.EXE" #define ALLFILES "*.*" #endif ' keyword(?) in QB ' had to change reg params to any because type not declared yet DECLARE SUB INTERRUPTX (intnum AS INTEGER,inreg AS any, outreg AS any) declare function xstr$ overload (x as integer) declare function xstr$ (x as single) declare function xstr$ (x as double) declare sub defseg(var as integer ptr) declare function xpeek (byval idx as integer) as integer declare sub xpoke(byval idx as integer, byval v as integer) DECLARE SUB getdefaultfont (font() as integer) DECLARE SUB xbloadmap (f$, array%(), e$) DECLARE SUB xbload (f$, array%(), e$) DECLARE SUB xbsave (f$, array%(), bsize%) DECLARE SUB crashexplain () declare sub dummyclear (arg1%=0, arg2%=0, arg3%=0) declare sub togglewindowed() declare sub storecommandline(temppath as string) declare function getcommandline(temppath as string) as string DECLARE FUNCTION canplay (file$) DECLARE SUB playsongnum (songnum%) DECLARE SUB romfontchar (font%(), char%) DECLARE SUB makedir (dirname$) DECLARE SUB setwindowtitle (title as string) DECLARE FUNCTION ReadShort(fh as integer,p as long) as short DECLARE Sub WriteShort(fh as integer,p as long, v as integer)