'OHRRPGCE GAME - Globals '(C) Copyright 1997-2005 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) ' 'Misc game globals COMMON SHARED workingdir$, version$, game$, sourcerpg$, buffer(), master(), gen(), tag(), timing(), global(), carray(), csetup(), gotj(), joy(), veh(), hero(), vpage, dpage, pal16(), names$(), eqstuf(), item(), item$(), lmp(), bmenu(), spell(), _ exlev&(), gold&, herobits%(), itembits%(), fmvol, hmask(), speedcontrol, deferpaint, tmpdir$, nativehbits(), catx(), caty(), catz(), catd(), herospeed(), xgo(), ygo(), npcl(), mapx, mapy, presentsong, keyv(), fadestate, foemaph, lockfile, _ lastsaveslot, plotstring$(), plotstrX(), plotstrY(), plotstrCol(), plotstrBGCol(), plotstrBits(), npcs(), wtog(), catermask(), framex, framey, gmap(), scroll(), progdir$, exename$, defbinsize(), curbinsize(), lumpmod(), abortg, usepreunlump% 'Only used for ASM keyhandler COMMON SHARED regs AS Regtype, off9, seg9 'Script globals COMMON SHARED script(), heap(), astack(), scrat(), retvals(), nowscript, scriptret, nextscroff 'Battle globals COMMON SHARED battlecaption$, battlecaptime, battlecapdelay, bstackstart, learnmask()