'' '' gfx_sdl.bas - External graphics functions implemented in SDL '' '' part of OHRRPGCE - see LICENCE.txt for GPL '' option explicit #include "crt.bi" #include "gfx.bi" #include once "sdl_common.bi" DECLARE SUB gfx_sdl_set_screen_mode() DECLARE SUB gfx_sdl_update_screen() DIM SHARED zoom AS INTEGER = 2 DIM SHARED screensurface AS SDL_Surface PTR = NULL DIM SHARED screenbuffer AS SDL_Surface PTR = NULL DIM SHARED windowedmode AS INTEGER = -1 DIM SHARED keystate AS Uint8 PTR = NULL DIM SHARED sdljoystick AS SDL_Joystick PTR = NULL DIM SHARED sdlpalette(0 TO 255) AS SDL_Color DIM SHARED source_rect AS SDL_Rect DIM SHARED dest_rect AS SDL_Rect 'Translate SDL scancodes into a OHR scancodes DIM SHARED scantrans(0 to 322) AS INTEGER scantrans(SDLK_UNKNOWN) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_BACKSPACE) = 14 scantrans(SDLK_TAB) = 15 scantrans(SDLK_CLEAR) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_RETURN) = 28 scantrans(SDLK_PAUSE) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_ESCAPE) = 1 scantrans(SDLK_SPACE) = 57 scantrans(SDLK_EXCLAIM) = 2 scantrans(SDLK_QUOTEDBL) = 40 scantrans(SDLK_HASH) = 4 scantrans(SDLK_DOLLAR) = 5 scantrans(SDLK_AMPERSAND) = 8 scantrans(SDLK_QUOTE) = 40 scantrans(SDLK_LEFTPAREN) = 10 scantrans(SDLK_RIGHTPAREN) = 11 scantrans(SDLK_ASTERISK) = 9 scantrans(SDLK_PLUS) = 13 scantrans(SDLK_COMMA) = 51 scantrans(SDLK_MINUS) = 12 scantrans(SDLK_PERIOD) = 52 scantrans(SDLK_SLASH) = 53 scantrans(SDLK_0) = 11 scantrans(SDLK_1) = 2 scantrans(SDLK_2) = 3 scantrans(SDLK_3) = 4 scantrans(SDLK_4) = 5 scantrans(SDLK_5) = 6 scantrans(SDLK_6) = 7 scantrans(SDLK_7) = 8 scantrans(SDLK_8) = 9 scantrans(SDLK_9) = 10 scantrans(SDLK_COLON) = 39 scantrans(SDLK_SEMICOLON) = 39 scantrans(SDLK_LESS) = 51 scantrans(SDLK_EQUALS) = 13 scantrans(SDLK_GREATER) = 52 scantrans(SDLK_QUESTION) = 53 scantrans(SDLK_AT) = 3 scantrans(SDLK_LEFTBRACKET) = 26 scantrans(SDLK_BACKSLASH) = 43 scantrans(SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET) = 27 scantrans(SDLK_CARET) = 7 scantrans(SDLK_UNDERSCORE) = 12 scantrans(SDLK_BACKQUOTE) = 41 scantrans(SDLK_a) = 30 scantrans(SDLK_b) = 48 scantrans(SDLK_c) = 46 scantrans(SDLK_d) = 32 scantrans(SDLK_e) = 18 scantrans(SDLK_f) = 33 scantrans(SDLK_g) = 34 scantrans(SDLK_h) = 35 scantrans(SDLK_i) = 23 scantrans(SDLK_j) = 36 scantrans(SDLK_k) = 37 scantrans(SDLK_l) = 38 scantrans(SDLK_m) = 50 scantrans(SDLK_n) = 49 scantrans(SDLK_o) = 24 scantrans(SDLK_p) = 25 scantrans(SDLK_q) = 16 scantrans(SDLK_r) = 19 scantrans(SDLK_s) = 31 scantrans(SDLK_t) = 20 scantrans(SDLK_u) = 22 scantrans(SDLK_v) = 47 scantrans(SDLK_w) = 17 scantrans(SDLK_x) = 45 scantrans(SDLK_y) = 21 scantrans(SDLK_z) = 44 scantrans(SDLK_DELETE) = 83 scantrans(SDLK_KP0) = 82 scantrans(SDLK_KP1) = 79 scantrans(SDLK_KP2) = 80 scantrans(SDLK_KP3) = 81 scantrans(SDLK_KP4) = 75 scantrans(SDLK_KP5) = 76 scantrans(SDLK_KP6) = 77 scantrans(SDLK_KP7) = 71 scantrans(SDLK_KP8) = 72 scantrans(SDLK_KP9) = 73 scantrans(SDLK_KP_PERIOD) = 83 scantrans(SDLK_KP_DIVIDE) = 83 scantrans(SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY) = 55 scantrans(SDLK_KP_MINUS) = 74 scantrans(SDLK_KP_PLUS) = 78 scantrans(SDLK_KP_ENTER) = 28 scantrans(SDLK_KP_EQUALS) = 13 scantrans(SDLK_UP) = 72 scantrans(SDLK_DOWN) = 80 scantrans(SDLK_RIGHT) = 77 scantrans(SDLK_LEFT) = 75 scantrans(SDLK_INSERT) = 82 scantrans(SDLK_HOME) = 71 scantrans(SDLK_END) = 79 scantrans(SDLK_PAGEUP) = 73 scantrans(SDLK_PAGEDOWN) = 81 scantrans(SDLK_F1) = 59 scantrans(SDLK_F2) = 60 scantrans(SDLK_F3) = 61 scantrans(SDLK_F4) = 62 scantrans(SDLK_F5) = 63 scantrans(SDLK_F6) = 64 scantrans(SDLK_F7) = 65 scantrans(SDLK_F8) = 66 scantrans(SDLK_F9) = 67 scantrans(SDLK_F10) = 68 scantrans(SDLK_F11) = 87 scantrans(SDLK_F12) = 89 scantrans(SDLK_F13) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_F14) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_F15) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_NUMLOCK) = 69 scantrans(SDLK_CAPSLOCK) = 58 scantrans(SDLK_SCROLLOCK) = 70 scantrans(SDLK_RSHIFT) = 54 scantrans(SDLK_LSHIFT) = 42 scantrans(SDLK_RCTRL) = 29 scantrans(SDLK_LCTRL) = 29 scantrans(SDLK_RALT) = 56 scantrans(SDLK_LALT) = 56 scantrans(SDLK_RMETA) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_LMETA) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_LSUPER) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_RSUPER) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_MODE) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_COMPOSE) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_HELP) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_PRINT) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_SYSREQ) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_BREAK) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_MENU) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_POWER) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_EURO) = 0 scantrans(SDLK_UNDO) = 0 SUB gfx_init() IF sdl_init_done = 0 THEN SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO or SDL_INIT_AUDIO) sdl_init_done = -1 WITH source_rect .x = 0 .y = 0 .w = 320 .h = 200 END WITH gfx_sdl_set_screen_mode() END IF END SUB SUB gfx_sdl_set_screen_mode() DIM flags AS Uint32 = 0 IF windowedmode = 0 THEN flags = flags OR SDL_FULLSCREEN SDL_ShowCursor(0) END IF screensurface = SDL_SetVideoMode(320 * zoom, 200 * zoom, 0, flags) IF screensurface = NULL THEN print "Failed to allocate display" SYSTEM END IF WITH dest_rect .x = 0 .y = 0 .w = 320 * zoom .h = 200 * zoom END WITH END SUB SUB gfx_close() IF screenbuffer <> NULL THEN SDL_FreeSurface(screenbuffer) IF sdljoystick <> NULL THEN SDL_JoystickClose(sdljoystick) DIM i AS INTEGER SDL_VideoQuit() SDL_Quit() END SUB SUB gfx_showpage(byval raw as ubyte ptr) 'takes a pointer to raw 8-bit data at 320x200 IF screenbuffer = NULL THEN screenbuffer = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(raw, 320 * zoom, 200 * zoom, 8, 320, &hff000000, &h00ff0000, &h0000ff00, &h000000ff) IF screenbuffer = NULL THEN print "Failed to allocate screen buffer " & 320 * zoom & "x" & 200 * zoom SYSTEM END IF END IF gfx_sdl_update_screen() END SUB SUB gfx_sdl_update_screen() IF screenbuffer <> NULL and screensurface <> NULL THEN SDL_SetColors(screenbuffer, @sdlpalette(0), 0, 256) SDL_BlitSurface(screenbuffer, @source_rect, screensurface, @dest_rect) IF zoom > 1 THEN DIM AS INTEGER x, y, b, z, pitch, bpp, pixels DIM pixelptr AS ubyte PTR pitch = screensurface->pitch bpp = screensurface->format->BytesPerPixel DIM zoombuffer(pitch) AS ubyte SDL_LockSurface(screensurface) pixelptr = screensurface->pixels FOR y = 199 TO 0 STEP -1 FOR x = 0 TO 319 FOR z = 0 TO zoom - 1 FOR b = 0 TO bpp - 1 zoombuffer((x * zoom + z) * bpp + b) = pixelptr[y * pitch + (x * bpp + b)] NEXT b NEXT z NEXT x FOR z = 0 TO zoom - 1 memcpy pixelptr + (y * zoom + z) * pitch, @zoombuffer(0), pitch NEXT z NEXT y SDL_UnlockSurface(screensurface) END IF SDL_Flip(screensurface) SDL_PumpEvents() END IF END SUB SUB gfx_setpal(pal() as RGBcolor) DIM i AS INTEGER FOR i = 0 TO 255 sdlpalette(i).r = pal(i).r sdlpalette(i).g = pal(i).g sdlpalette(i).b = pal(i).b NEXT gfx_sdl_update_screen() END SUB FUNCTION gfx_screenshot(fname as string, byval page as integer) as integer 'FIXME: what is the purpose of this? gfx_screenshot = 0 END FUNCTION SUB gfx_setwindowed(byval iswindow as integer) IF iswindow = 0 THEN windowedmode = 0 ELSE windowedmode = -1 END IF gfx_sdl_set_screen_mode() END SUB SUB gfx_togglewindowed() gfx_setwindowed(windowedmode XOR -1) END SUB SUB gfx_windowtitle(title as string) IF sdl_init_done then SDL_WM_SetCaption(strptr(title), strptr(title)) END IF END SUB SUB gfx_setoption(opt as string, byval value as integer = -1) IF opt = "zoom" THEN IF value >= 1 AND value <= 4 THEN zoom = value IF sdl_init_done THEN gfx_sdl_set_screen_mode() END IF END IF END IF END SUB FUNCTION gfx_describe_options() AS STRING dim s as string s = "-z -zoom [1|2|3|4] Scale screen to 1,2,3 or 4x normal size (2x default)" return s END FUNCTION SUB io_init 'nothing needed at the moment... END SUB SUB io_pollkeyevents() SDL_Flip(screensurface) SDL_PumpEvents() END SUB SUB io_updatekeys(keybd() as integer) DIM a AS INTEGER keystate = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL) FOR a = 0 TO 322 IF keystate[a] THEN 'print "OHRkey=" & scantrans(a) & " SDLkey=" & a & " " & *SDL_GetKeyName(a) IF scantrans(a) THEN keybd(scantrans(a)) = keybd(scantrans(a)) OR 4 END IF END IF NEXT END SUB FUNCTION io_enablemouse() as integer 'FIXME: this is unneeded. It was originally for DOS mouse init voodoo io_enablemouse = 0 SDL_ShowCursor(0) END FUNCTION SUB io_getmouse(mx as integer, my as integer, mwheel as integer, mbuttons as integer) DIM x AS INTEGER DIM y AS INTEGER DIM buttons AS Uint8 buttons = SDL_GetMouseState(@x, @y) mx = x \ zoom my = y \ zoom mbuttons = 0 IF SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) AND buttons THEN mbuttons = mbuttons OR 1 IF SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) AND buttons THEN mbuttons = mbuttons OR 2 IF SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE) AND buttons THEN mbuttons = mbuttons OR 4 END SUB SUB io_setmouse(byval x as integer, byval y as integer) SDL_WarpMouse x * zoom, y * zoom END SUB SUB io_mouserect(byval xmin as integer, byval xmax as integer, byval ymin as integer, byval ymax as integer) 'FIXME: not implemented yet 'not required? END SUB FUNCTION io_readjoy(joybuf() as integer, byval joynum as integer) as integer 'FIXME: this could be removed from all backends, and replaced with a backcompat wrapper around io_readjoysane in allmodex.bas 'FIXME: only bothers to support the first joystick IF SDL_NumJoysticks() = 0 THEN RETURN 0 IF sdljoystick = NULL THEN sdljoystick = SDL_JoystickOpen(0) END IF SDL_JoystickUpdate() joybuf(0) = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(sdljoystick, 0) joybuf(1) = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(sdljoystick, 1) joybuf(2) = SDL_JoystickGetButton(sdljoystick, 0) joybuf(3) = SDL_JoystickGetButton(sdljoystick, 1) RETURN 1 END FUNCTION FUNCTION io_readjoysane(byval joynum as integer, byref button as integer, byref x as integer, byref y as integer) as integer 'FIXME: yetmore.bas should NOT be calling this directly! allmodex.bas need to wrap this like it does all other backend functions 'FIXME: only bothers to support the first joystick IF SDL_NumJoysticks() = 0 THEN RETURN 0 IF sdljoystick = NULL THEN sdljoystick = SDL_JoystickOpen(0) END IF button = 0 IF SDL_JoystickGetButton(sdljoystick, 0) THEN button = button AND 1 IF SDL_JoystickGetButton(sdljoystick, 1) THEN button = button AND 2 x = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(sdljoystick, 0) y = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(sdljoystick, 1) END FUNCTION