#IFNDEF __UICONST_BI__ #DEFINE __UICONST_BI__ 'OHRRPGCE - UICONST.BI - UI colour constants ' 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability ' CONST uiColors = 47 'last color entry (for Game) CONST uiBackground = 0 'background colour CONST uiMenuItem = 1 'normal menu item CONST uiDisabledItem = 2 'disabled menu item CONST uiSelectedItem = 3 'selection, alternates 3 & 4 CONST uiSelectedDisabled = 5 'selected disabled item, 5 & 6 CONST uiHighlight = 7 'background to selected menu item CONST uiHighlight2 = 8 'background used in equip menu CONST uiTimeBar = 9 'hero's time bar CONST uiTimeBarFull = 10 'time bar when full CONST uiHealthBar = 11 'hero's health bar CONST uiHealthBarFlash = 12 'health bar flash colour (?) CONST uiText = 13 'Default text colour CONST uiOutline = 14 'Text outline colour CONST uiDescription = 15 'Spell description CONST uiGold = 16 'Total cash CONST uiShadow = 17 'Vehicle shadow CONST uiTextBox = 18 'Text box styles, 15 * (bg & border) #ENDIF