'OHRRPGCE UNLUMP - RPG File unlumping utility '(C) Copyright 1997-2005 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) ' ' To compile: ' fbc unlump.bas util.bas ' '$DYNAMIC DEFINT A-Z 'basic subs and functions DECLARE FUNCTION readkey$ () DECLARE FUNCTION editstr$ (stri$, key$, cur%, max%, number%) DECLARE SUB fatalerror (e$) DECLARE FUNCTION rightafter$ (s$, d$) DECLARE SUB xbload (f$, array%(), e$) DECLARE SUB readscatter (s$, lhold%, array%(), start%) 'DECLARE FUNCTION readpassword$ () 'assembly subs and functions DECLARE SUB setwait (b(), BYVAL t) DECLARE SUB dowait () DECLARE SUB setbit (b(), BYVAL w, BYVAL b, BYVAL v) DECLARE FUNCTION readbit (b(), BYVAL w, BYVAL b) DECLARE SUB findfiles (fmask$, BYVAL attrib, outfile$, buf()) DECLARE SUB lumpfiles (listf$, lump$, path$, buffer()) DECLARE SUB unlump (lump$, ulpath$, buffer()) DECLARE SUB unlumpfile (lump$, fmask$, path$, buf()) DECLARE FUNCTION islumpfile (lump$, fmask$) DECLARE SUB array2str (arr(), BYVAL o, s$) DECLARE SUB str2array (s$, arr(), BYVAL o) DECLARE SUB getstring (path$) DECLARE FUNCTION rpathlength () DECLARE FUNCTION envlength (e$) DECLARE FUNCTION drivelist (drbuf()) DECLARE FUNCTION isfile (n$) DECLARE FUNCTION isdir (dir$) DECLARE FUNCTION isremovable (BYVAL d) DECLARE FUNCTION isvirtual (BYVAL d) DECLARE FUNCTION hasmedia (BYVAL d) #include "util.bi" #ifdef __FB_LINUX__ #define LINUX -1 #define SLASH "/" #define ALLFILES "*" #else #define LINUX 0 #define SLASH "\" #define ALLFILES "*.*" #endif CONST null = 0 DIM buffer(16383) DIM SHARED createddir = 0, dest$, olddir$ rpas$ = "" cur = 0 olddir$ = curdir IF COMMAND$ = "" THEN PRINT "O.H.R.RPG.C.E. game unlumping utility" PRINT "" PRINT "syntax:" PRINT "unlump filename.rpg directory" PRINT "" PRINT "A utility to extract the contents of an RPG file or other lumped PRINT "to a directory so that advanced users can hack the delicious" PRINT "morsels inside." PRINT "If a password is required, you will be prompted to enter it." PRINT "" PRINT "Windows users can drag-and-drop their RPG file onto this program" PRINT "to unlump it." PRINT "" PRINT "[Press a Key]" dummy$ = readkey$() fatalerror "" END IF lump$ = COMMAND$(1) dest$ = COMMAND$(2) 'check whether it is an RPG file (assume all RPG files contain BROWSE.TXT) isrpg = islumpfile(lump$, "browse.txt") IF dest$ = "" THEN IF isrpg THEN dest$ = trimextension$(lump$) + ".rpgdir" ELSE dest$ = trimextension$(lump$) + ".unlmp" END IF IF LEN(rightafter(lump$, ".")) > 3 OR dest$ = "" THEN fatalerror "please specify an output directory" END IF IF NOT isfile(lump$) THEN fatalerror "lump file `" + lump$ + "' was not found" PRINT "From " + lump$ + " to " + dest$ '--Get old-style game$ (only matters for ancient RPG files that are missing the archinym.lmp) game$ = rightafter(lump$, SLASH) IF game$ = "" THEN game$ = lump$ IF INSTR(game$, ".") THEN game$ = trimextension$(game$) IF isfile(dest$) THEN fatalerror "destination directory `" + dest$ + "' already exists as a file" IF isdir(dest$) THEN PRINT "destination directory `" + dest$ + "' already exists. use it anyway? (y/n)" w$ = readkey IF w$ <> "Y" AND w$ <> "y" THEN SYSTEM ELSE IF LINUX THEN SHELL "mkdir " + dest$ ELSE MKDIR dest$ END IF createddir = -1 END IF IF NOT isdir(dest$) THEN fatalerror "unable to create destination directory `" + dest$ + "'" IF NOT isrpg THEN unlump lump$, dest$ + SLASH, buffer() CHDIR olddir$ SYSTEM END IF unlumpfile lump$, "archinym.lmp", dest$ + SLASH, buffer() '--set game$ according to the archinym IF isfile(dest$ + SLASH + "archinym.lmp") THEN fh = FREEFILE OPEN dest$ + SLASH + "archinym.lmp" FOR INPUT AS #fh LINE INPUT #fh, a$ CLOSE #fh IF LEN(a$) <= 8 THEN game$ = a$ END IF KILL dest$ + SLASH + "archinym.lmp" END IF unlumpfile lump$, game$ + ".gen", dest$ + SLASH, buffer() xbload dest$ + SLASH + game$ + ".gen", buffer(), "unable to open general data" KILL dest$ + SLASH + game$ + ".gen" passokay = -1 IF buffer(94) > -1 THEN passokay = 0 '----load password----- 'Note that this is still using the old 2nd-style password format, not the 'newer simpler 3rd-style password format. This is okay for now, since 'CUSTOM writes both 2nd and 3rd style passwords, but supporting 3rd-style 'here also would be desireable readscatter rpas$, buffer(94), buffer(), 200 rpas$ = rotascii(rpas$, buffer(93) * -1) 'PRINT rpas$ '-----get inputed password----- print "Password Required" pas$ = "" DO w$ = readkey$ IF w$ = CHR$(13) THEN PRINT "" IF pas$ <> rpas$ THEN fatalerror "password mismatch" passokay = -1 EXIT DO END IF LOCATE , 1: FOR i = 1 TO LEN(pas$): PRINT " "; : NEXT i pas$ = editstr(pas$, w$, cur, 17, 0) LOCATE , 1: FOR i = 1 TO LEN(pas$): PRINT "*"; : NEXT i sleep 80,1 LOOP END IF IF passokay THEN REDIM buffer(32767) unlump lump$, dest$ + SLASH, buffer() END IF CHDIR olddir$ SYSTEM REM $STATIC FUNCTION editstr$ (stri$, key$, cur, max, number) pre$ = LEFT$(stri$, cur) post$ = RIGHT$(stri$, LEN(stri$) - cur) SELECT CASE key$ CASE CHR$(8) 'backspace IF LEN(pre$) > 0 THEN pre$ = LEFT$(pre$, LEN(pre$) - 1): cur = cur - 1 CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(83) 'delete IF LEN(post$) > 0 THEN post$ = RIGHT$(post$, LEN(post$) - 1) CASE ELSE IF LEN(key$) > 0 THEN IF (ASC(key$) >= 32 AND ASC(key$) < 127 AND key$ <> "," AND key$ <> "~" AND number = 0) OR (ASC(key$) >= 48 AND ASC(key$) <= 57 AND number) THEN IF LEN(post$) = 0 AND LEN(pre$) < max THEN post$ = " " IF LEN(post$) > 0 THEN MID$(post$, 1, 1) = key$ cur = bound(cur + 1, 0, LEN(pre$ + post$)) END IF END IF END IF END SELECT editstr$ = pre$ + post$ END FUNCTION SUB fatalerror (e$) IF e$ <> "" THEN PRINT "ERROR: " + e$ 'RMDIR does not work unless isdir$ is called first. If I tried to figure out why, my brain would explode isdir$(dest$) IF createddir THEN RMDIR dest$ SYSTEM END SUB FUNCTION readkey$ w$ = "" WHILE w$ = "" w$ = INKEY$ WEND readkey$ = w$ END FUNCTION SUB readscatter (s$, lhold, array(), start) DIM stray(10) s$ = STRING$(20, "!") FOR i = 0 TO lhold setbit stray(), 0, i, readbit(array(), start - 1, array(start + i)) NEXT i array2str stray(), 0, s$ s$ = LEFT$(s$, INT((lhold + 1) / 8)) END SUB FUNCTION rightafter$ (s$, d$) rightafter$ = "" result$ = "" FOR i = LEN(s$) TO 1 STEP -1 IF MID$(s$, i, 1) = d$ THEN rightafter$ = result$ EXIT FOR END IF result$ = MID$(s$, i, 1) + result$ NEXT i END FUNCTION SUB xbload (f$, array(), e$) ' Linux compat demands lowercase lump names f$ = lcase(f$) IF isfile(f$) THEN DIM ff%, byt as UByte, seg AS Short, offset AS Short, length AS Short dim ilength as integer dim i as integer ff = FreeFile OPEN f$ FOR BINARY AS #ff GET #ff,, byt 'Magic number, always 253 IF byt <> 253 THEN fatalerror e$ GET #ff,, seg 'Segment, no use anymore GET #ff,, offset 'Offset into the array, not used now GET #ff,, length 'Length 'length is in bytes, so divide by 2, and subtract 1 because 0-based ilength = (length / 2) - 1 dim buf(ilength) as short GET #ff,, buf() CLOSE #ff for i = 0 to small(ilength, ubound(array)) array(i) = buf(i) next i ELSE fatalerror e$ END IF END SUB FUNCTION readbit (bb() as integer, BYVAL w as integer, BYVAL b as integer) as integer dim mask as uinteger dim woff as integer dim wb as integer woff = w + (b \ 16) wb = b mod 16 mask = 1 shl wb if (bb(woff) and mask) then readbit = 1 else readbit = 0 end if end FUNCTION SUB setbit (bb() as integer, BYVAL w as integer, BYVAL b as integer, BYVAL v as integer) dim mask as uinteger dim woff as integer dim wb as integer woff = w + (b \ 16) wb = b mod 16 if woff > ubound(bb) then exit sub end if mask = 1 shl wb if v = 1 then bb(woff) = bb(woff) or mask else mask = not mask bb(woff) = bb(woff) and mask end if end SUB SUB array2str (arr() AS integer, BYVAL o AS integer, s$) 'String s$ is already filled out with spaces to the requisite size 'o is the offset in bytes from the start of the buffer 'the buffer will be packed 2 bytes to an int, for compatibility, even 'though FB ints are 4 bytes long ** leave like this? not really wise DIM i AS Integer dim bi as integer dim bp as integer ptr dim toggle as integer bp = @arr(0) bi = o \ 2 'offset is in bytes toggle = o mod 2 for i = 0 to len(s$) - 1 if toggle = 0 then s$[i] = bp[bi] and &hff toggle = 1 else s$[i] = (bp[bi] and &hff00) shr 8 toggle = 0 bi = bi + 1 end if next END SUB FUNCTION isfile (n$) as integer ' I'm assuming we don't count directories as files 'return dir$(n$) <> "" return dir$(n$, 255 xor 16) <> "" END FUNCTION FUNCTION isdir (sDir$) as integer #IFDEF __FB_LINUX__ 'Special hack for broken Linux dir$() behavior isdir = 0 SHELL "if [ -d """ + sDir$ + """ ] ; then echo dir ; fi > isdirhack.tmp" DIM AS INTEGER fh fh = FREEFILE OPEN "isdirhack.tmp" FOR INPUT AS #fh DIM s$ LINE INPUT #fh, s$ IF TRIM$(s$) = "dir" THEN isdir = -1 CLOSE #fh KILL "isdirhack.tmp" #ELSE 'Windows just uses dir dim ret as integer = dir$(sDir$, 55) <> "" AND dir$(sDir$, 39) = "" return ret #ENDIF END FUNCTION function matchmask(match as string, mask as string) as integer dim i as integer dim m as integer dim si as integer, sm as integer 'special cases if mask = "" then matchmask = 1 exit function end if i = 0 m = 0 while (i < len(match)) and (m < len(mask)) and (mask[m] <> asc("*")) if (match[i] <> mask[m]) and (mask[m] <> asc("?")) then matchmask = 0 exit function end if i = i+1 m = m+1 wend if (m >= len(mask)) and (i < len(match)) then matchmask = 0 exit function end if while i < len(match) if m >= len(mask) then 'run out of mask with string left over, rewind i = si + 1 ' si will always be set by now because of * si = i m = sm else if mask[m] = asc("*") then m = m + 1 if m >= len(mask) then '* eats the rest of the string matchmask = 1 exit function end if i = i + 1 'store the positions in case we need to rewind sm = m si = i else if (mask[m] = match[i]) or (mask[m] = asc("?")) then 'ok, next m = m + 1 i = i + 1 else 'mismatch, rewind to last * positions, inc i and try again m = sm i = si + 1 si = i end if end if end if wend while (m < len(mask)) and (mask[m] = asc("*")) m = m + 1 wend if m < len(mask) then matchmask = 0 else matchmask = 1 end if end function SUB unlumpfile (lump$, fmask$, path$, buf() as integer) dim lf as integer dim dat as ubyte dim size as integer dim maxsize as integer dim lname as string dim i as integer dim bufr as ubyte ptr dim nowildcards as integer = 0 lf = freefile open lump$ for binary access read as #lf if err > 0 then 'debug "Could not open file " + lump$ exit sub end if maxsize = LOF(lf) bufr = allocate(16383) if bufr = null then close #lf exit sub end if 'should make browsing a bit faster if len(fmask$) > 0 then if instr(fmask$, "*") = 0 and instr(fmask$, "?") = 0 then nowildcards = -1 end if end if get #lf, , dat 'read first byte while not eof(lf) 'get lump name lname = "" i = 0 while not eof(lf) and dat <> 0 and i < 64 lname = lname + chr$(dat) get #lf, , dat i += 1 wend if i > 50 then 'corrupt file, really if i > 12 'debug "corrupt lump file: lump name too long" exit while end if 'force to lower-case lname = lcase(lname) 'debug "lump name " + lname if instr(lname, "\") or instr(lname, "/") then 'debug "unsafe lump name " + str$(lname) exit while end if if not eof(lf) then 'get lump size - byte order = 3,4,1,2 I think get #lf, , dat size = (dat shl 16) get #lf, , dat size = size or (dat shl 24) get #lf, , dat size = size or dat get #lf, , dat size = size or (dat shl 8) if size > maxsize then 'debug "corrupt lump size" + str$(size) + " exceeds source size" + str$(maxsize) exit while end if 'debug "lump size " + str$(size) 'do we want this file? if matchmask(lname, lcase$(fmask$)) then 'write yon file dim of as integer dim csize as integer dim osize as integer osize = size of = freefile open path$ + lname for binary access write as #of if err > 0 then 'debug "Could not open file " + path$ + lname exit while end if 'copy the data do while size > 0 if size > 16383 then csize = 16383 else csize = size end if 'copy a chunk of file get #lf, , *bufr, csize put #of, , *bufr, csize size -= csize if size > osize then size = 0 loop close #of 'early out if we're only looking for one file if nowildcards then exit while else 'skip to next name i = seek(lf) i = i + size seek #lf, i end if if not eof(lf) then get #lf, , dat end if end if wend deallocate bufr close #lf end SUB SUB unlump (lump$, ulpath$, buffer() as integer) unlumpfile(lump$, "", ulpath$, buffer()) end SUB FUNCTION islumpfile (lump$, fmask$) dim lf as integer dim dat as ubyte dim size as integer dim maxsize as integer dim lname as string dim i as integer islumpfile = 0 lf = freefile open lump$ for binary access read as #lf if err > 0 then 'debug "Could not open file " + lump$ exit function end if maxsize = LOF(lf) get #lf, , dat 'read first byte while not eof(lf) 'get lump name lname = "" i = 0 while not eof(lf) and dat <> 0 and i < 64 lname = lname + chr$(dat) get #lf, , dat i += 1 wend if i > 50 then 'corrupt file, really if i > 12 'debug "corrupt lump file: lump name too long" exit while end if 'force to lower-case lname = lcase(lname) 'debug "lump name " + lname if instr(lname, "\") or instr(lname, "/") then 'debug "unsafe lump name " + str$(lname) exit while end if if not eof(lf) then 'get lump size - byte order = 3,4,1,2 I think get #lf, , dat size = (dat shl 16) get #lf, , dat size = size or (dat shl 24) get #lf, , dat size = size or dat get #lf, , dat size = size or (dat shl 8) if size > maxsize then 'debug "corrupt lump size" + str$(size) + " exceeds source size" + str$(maxsize) exit while end if 'do we want this file? if matchmask(lname, lcase$(fmask$)) then islumpfile = -1 exit function else 'skip to next name seek #lf, seek(lf) + size end if if not eof(lf) then get #lf, , dat end if end if wend close #lf end FUNCTION 'FUNCTION readpassword$ ' ''--read a 17-byte string from GEN at word offset 7 ''--(Note that array2str uses the byte offset not the word offset) 's$ = STRING$(17, 0) 'array2str general(), 14, s$ ' ''--reverse ascii rotation / weak obfuscation 's$ = rotascii(s$, general(6) * -1) ' ''-- discard ascii chars lower than 32 'p$ = "" 'FOR i = 1 TO 17 ' c$ = MID$(s$, i, 1) ' IF ASC(c$) >= 32 THEN p$ = p$ + c$ 'NEXT i ' 'readpassword$ = p$ ' 'END FUNCTION