#IFNDEF __MUSIC_BI__ #DEFINE __MUSIC_BI__ #INCLUDE "compat.bi" '' External music functions ENUM music_format FORMAT_BAM = 1 FORMAT_MIDI = 2 FORMAT_MOD = 4 FORMAT_OGG = 8 FORMAT_MP3 = 16 FORMAT_XM = 32 FORMAT_IT = 64 FORMAT_S3M = 128 FORMAT_WAV = 256 END ENUM '' FX=WAV or OGG only, Music=all but WAV and MP3 #define VALID_FX_FORMAT (FORMAT_WAV or FORMAT_OGG or FORMAT_MP3) #define VALID_MUSIC_FORMAT (FORMAT_BAM or FORMAT_MIDI or FORMAT_MOD or FORMAT_OGG or FORMAT_MP3 or FORMAT_XM or FORMAT_IT or FORMAT_S3M) 'SDL_Mixer crashes on a lot of MP3s #if not defined(MUSIC_SDL_BACKEND) #define PREVIEWABLE_FX_FORMAT (FORMAT_WAV or FORMAT_OGG or FORMAT_MP3) #define PREVIEWABLE_MUSIC_FORMAT (FORMAT_BAM or FORMAT_MIDI or FORMAT_MOD or FORMAT_OGG or FORMAT_MP3 or FORMAT_XM or FORMAT_IT or FORMAT_S3M) #else #define PREVIEWABLE_FX_FORMAT (FORMAT_WAV or FORMAT_OGG) #define PREVIEWABLE_MUSIC_FORMAT (FORMAT_BAM or FORMAT_MIDI or FORMAT_MOD or FORMAT_OGG or FORMAT_XM or FORMAT_IT or FORMAT_S3M) #endif declare sub music_init() declare sub music_close() declare sub music_play(songname as string, fmt as integer=FORMAT_BAM) declare sub music_pause() declare sub music_resume() declare sub music_stop() declare sub music_setvolume(vol as integer) declare function music_getvolume() as integer declare sub music_fade(targetvol as integer) declare sub sound_init() declare sub sound_close() 'parameter s is 0 if num is an OHR sound number, -1 if it's a slot number (returned from loadSound) declare sub sound_play(byval num as integer, byval loopcount as integer, byval s as integer = 0) declare sub sound_pause(byval num as integer, byval s as integer = 0) declare sub sound_stop(byval num as integer, byval s as integer = 0) declare sub sound_free(byval num as integer)'only used by custom for the importing interface declare function sound_playing(byval num as integer, byval s as integer = 0) as integer declare function LoadSound overload(byval num as integer) as integer declare function LoadSound overload(byval filename as string, byval num as integer = -1) as integer declare sub UnloadSound(byval num as integer) #ENDIF