'' '' music_native.bas - External music functions implemented natively '' '' part of OHRRPGCE - see elsewhere for license details '' option explicit '#include "crt.bi" 'glup #include "compat.bi" #include "util.bi" '#IFNDEF USE_ALLEGRO #IFDEF __FB_LINUX__ '??? #ELSE #undef getcommandline #include once "windows.bi" #undef createevent #include "externs.bi" #include once "win/msacm.bi" #include once "win/mmsystem.bi" #ENDIF #undef rectangle #undef copyfile #include once "allmodex.bi" #include once "common.bi" #include once "const.bi" #IFDEF IS_GAME #include once "gglobals.bi" #ELSE dim shared tag(2000), global(1025) #ENDIF #include "music_native_subs.bas" #include once "music.bi" #undef MIDIEVENT 'fb's MIDIEVENT is wrong type MIDIEVENT dwDeltaTime as integer dwReserved as integer dwEvent as integer end type #DEFINE USE_DEBUG_WINDOW 0 'extern extern tmpdir declare sub bam2mid(infile as string, outfile as string, useOHRm as integer) DECLARE sub fade_daemon(byval targetvol as integer) DECLARE Sub UpdateDelay(BYREF delay as integer, tempo as integer) DECLARE Sub StreamCallback(Byval handle as HMIDIOUT, byval umsg as Uinteger, byval dwInstance as UInteger, byval dwParam1 as UInteger, byval dwParam2 as UInteger) DECLARE Sub PrepareNextBeat(byval unused as integer) Declare Sub ResetInternals() DECLARE function streamPosition as integer dim shared music_on as integer = 0 dim shared music_vol as integer = 8 dim shared music_vol_mod as single = .5 dim shared music_paused as integer dim shared music_playing as integer dim shared music_song as MIDI_EVENT ptr = NULL dim shared song_ptr as MIDI_EVENT ptr = NULL dim shared orig_vol as integer = -1 dim shared fade_thread as intptr dim shared inited_once as integer = 0 dim shared device as any ptr dim shared sound_song as integer = -1'if it's not a midi 'for playback dim shared division as short dim shared looppoint as MIDI_EVENT ptr = NULL dim shared origvol as integer dim shared midibuffer as UByte ptr, midibufferlen as integer, midibufferused as integer dim shared current_beat as MIDIEVENT ptr = NULL, current_head as MIDIHDR ptr = NULL dim shared buffer_beat as MIDIEVENT ptr = NULL, buffer_head as MIDIHDR ptr = NULL dim shared current_size as integer, buffer_size as integer dim shared skip_ticks as integer dim shared buffer_thread as intptr = NULL declare function DebugWndProc (byval hwnd as HWND, byval uMsg as uinteger, byval wParam as WPARAM, byval lParam as LPARAM) Declare sub DebugWindowThread(byval useless as integer) #include once "fbgfx.bi" 'this should probably be in an include... Extern FB_Win32 Alias "fb_win32" As WIN32DRIVER Function ProgInstance() As HINSTANCE Return FB_Win32.hInstance End Function dim shared DebugWndClass as ATOM '??? dunno. dim shared DebugWnd as HWND dim shared clasName as ZString * 9 Sub initDebugWindow dim clas as WNDCLASSEX 'dim mainHandle as integer clasName = "WndMusDbg" 'screencontrol GET_WINDOW_HANDLE, mainHandle with clas .cbSize = len(WNDCLASSEX) .lpszClassName = @"WndMusDbg" .hInstance = ProgInstance .hbrBackground = cptr(HBRUSH, COLOR_WINDOW) .lpfnWndProc = @DebugWndProc .style = CS_NOCLOSE .hCursor = LoadImage(0, MAKEINTRESOURCE(OCR_NORMAL), IMAGE_CURSOR, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE OR LR_SHARED) end with DebugWndClass = RegisterClassEx(@clas) if DebugWndClass = 0 then 'failed. debug "WndClass failed" exit sub end if ThreadCreate @DebugWindowThread, 0 end sub sub killDebugWindow 'SendMessage(DebugWnd, WM_USER, 0, 0) 'debug "asking the window to die plzkthx" SendMessage(DebugWnd, WM_USER, 0, 0) UnregisterClass("WndMusDbg", ProgInstance) end sub sub DebugWindowThread(byval useless as integer) dim i as integer, msg as MSG DebugWnd = CreateWindowEx(0, "WndMusDbg", "Debug", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, 200, 200, 0, 0, ProgInstance, 0) if DebugWnd = 0 then 'failed debug "CreateWindow failed (" & GetLastError & ")" exit sub end if ShowWindow(DebugWnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT) do i = GetMessage(@msg, DebugWnd, 0, 0) if i = 0 then exit do if i = -1 then debug "Error in GetMessage (" & GetLastError & ")" exit do end if TranslateMessage(@msg) DispatchMessage(@msg) loop end sub function DebugWndProc(byval hwnd as HWND, byval uMsg as uinteger, byval wParam as WPARAM, byval lParam as LPARAM) as LRESULT select case as const uMsg case WM_USER 'this thread created the window, this thread must destroy it... DestroyWindow(DebugWnd) case WM_CREATE 'debug "WM_CREATE" SetTimer(hWnd, 1, 100, 0) return 0 case WM_DESTROY 'debug "WM_DESTROY" KillTimer(hwnd, 1) PostQuitMessage(0) return 0 case WM_TIMER 'debug "WM_TIMER" RedrawWindow(hwnd, 0, 0, RDW_INVALIDATE OR RDW_ERASE) 'SetTimer(DebugWnd, 1, 100, 0) return 0 case WM_PAINT 'debug "WM_PAINT" dim dc as HDC, o as string, ps as PAINTSTRUCT dc = BeginPaint(hwnd, @ps) SetBkMode(dc, TRANSPARENT) if music_song then 'draw the buffer size o = "Buffer size: " & str(buffer_size) ExtTextOut(dc, 5, 10, 0, 0, strptr(o), len(o), 0) o = "Division: " & str(division) ExtTextOut(dc, 5, 25, 0, 0, strptr(o), len(o), 0) o = "Position: " & str(StreamPosition) ExtTextOut(dc, 5, 40, 0, 0, strptr(o), len(o), 0) else o = "Not playing a midi" ExtTextOut(dc, 5, 10, 0, 0, strptr(o), len(o), 0) end if o = "music_song: " & hex(music_song) ExtTextOut(dc, 5, 65, 0, 0, strptr(o), len(o), 0) EndPaint(hwnd, @ps) return 0 case else return DefWindowProc(hwnd,umsg,wParam,lParam) end select end function function openMidi() as integer #IFNDEF __FB_LINUX__ 'dim moc as MIDIOUTCAPS 'midiOutGetDevCaps MIDI_MAPPER, @moc, len(MIDIOUTCAPS) 'debug "Midi port supports Volume changes:" + str$(moc.dwSupport AND MIDICAPS_VOLUME) dim mididev as integer = 0, erro as MMRESULT 'debug "opening midi device" erro = midiStreamOpen(@device, @mididev, 1, cint(@StreamCallback), 0, CALLBACK_FUNCTION) if erro then 'debug "midiStreamOpen error" 'if erro = MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID then debug "Not sure, but the device ID is bad." 'if erro = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM then debug "Doesn't like one of my parameters" 'if erro = MMSYSERR_NOMEM then debug "Can't lock memory or something" end if origvol = music_getvolume #IF USE_DEBUG_WINDOW initDebugWindow #ENDIF Return erro #ENDIF end function function closeMidi() as integer #IFNDEF __FB_LINUX__ #IF USE_DEBUG_WINDOW killDebugWindow #ENDIF ResetInternals return 0 #ENDIF end function sub dumpMidi_event overload(byval m as MIDI_EVENT ptr, byval c as integer = -1, byval f as string = "mididump.txt") dim i as integer, fh as integer, w as string 'debug "dumping internal buffer" fh = freefile open f for output as #fh DO while m <> NULL and (c = -1 OR (c <> -1 AND i < c)) w = "" w = "D = " & m->time & ", " w = w & "S = " & m->status select case (m->status SHR 4) and &HF case &H8 w = w & " (Note on)" case &H9 w = w & " (Note off)" case &HA w = w & " (Pressure)" case &HB w = w & " (Controller)" case &HC w = w & " (Program change)" case &HD w = w & " (Channel pressure)" case &HE w = w & " (Pitch bend)" case &HF if m->status = &HFF then w = w & " (Sysex)" else w = w & " (Meta)" case else w = w & " (Unknown!?)" end select w = w & ", " w = w & "A = " & cbyte(m->data(0)) & ", " w = w & "B = " & cbyte(m->data(1)) print #fh, w m = m->next i+=1 LOOP close #fh end sub sub dumpMidi_event (byval m as MIDIEVENT ptr, byval c as integer, byval f as string = "mididump.txt") dim i as integer, fh as integer, w as string debug "dumping external buffer (c = " & c & ")" dim D as UInteger, S as UByte, A as UByte, B as UByte, Fl as UByte fh = freefile open f for output as #fh if c <= 0 then exit sub DO until i >= c w = "" D = m->dwDeltaTime B = (m->dwEvent AND &HFF0000) SHR 16 A = (m->dwEvent AND &HFF00) SHR 8 S = (m->dwEvent AND &HFF) Fl = (m->dwEvent AND &HFF000000) SHR 24 w = "D = " & D & ", " w = w & "S = " & hex(S) select case (S SHR 4) and &HF case &H8 w = w & " (Note on)" case &H9 w = w & " (Note off)" case &HA w = w & " (Pressure)" case &HB w = w & " (Controller)" case &HC w = w & " (Program change)" case &HD w = w & " (Channel pressure)" case &HE w = w & " (Pitch bend)" case &HF if S = &HFF then w = w & " (Sysex)" else w = w & " (Meta)" case else w = w & " (Unknown!?)" end select w = w & ", " w = w & "A = " & hex(A) & ", " w = w & "B = " & hex(B) & ", " w = w & "Fl = " & Fl print #fh, w m += 1 i+=1 LOOP close #fh end sub #define MAKEWINNOTE(t,s,a,b) Type((t), 0, (((b) AND 255) SHL 16) OR (((a) AND 255) SHL 8) OR ((s) AND 255)) #define MIDINOP(t) Type((t), 0, MEVT_NOP SHL 24) dim shared bufferlen as integer = 120 Sub PrepareNextBeat(byval unused as integer) dim as double prof1, prof2 if music_song = 0 then exit sub prof1 = timer dim tmp as MIDIHDR ptr, tmp2 as MIDIEVENT ptr, tmp3 as integer, newflag as integer = 0 dim erro as MMRESULT 'debug "prepare next beat" /' basically, this sub does the following: 1. unprepare the current header 2. swap the current and bufferered pointers 3. play the current header 4. null and refill the buffer 5. prepare the buffer header '/ '1. unprepare the current header if current_head = 0 then 'if it's the first beat, there won't be a current_head. 'debug "first beat, allocating buffers" current_head = CAllocate(len(MIDIHDR)) buffer_head = CAllocate(len(MIDIHDR)) 'if the current one doesn't exist, neither will this newflag = -1 'we need to get data out now! end if if current_head->lpData <> 0 then erro = midiOutUnprepareHeader(device, current_head, len(MIDIHDR)) if erro then 'debug "midiOutUnprepareHeader error" 'if erro = MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING then debug "The buffer to be unprepared is still playing?!" 'if erro = MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE then debug "The device hasn't been opened...?" 'if erro = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM then debug "Doesn't like the buffer." end if end if '2. swap buffers tmp = current_head current_head = buffer_head buffer_head = tmp tmp2 = current_beat current_beat = buffer_beat buffer_beat = tmp2 tmp3 = current_size current_size = buffer_size buffer_size = tmp3 if newflag = 0 then 'ifn the buffers are empty, we need to defer playing them. '3. play the current buffer erro = midiStreamOut(device, current_head, len(MIDIHDR)) if erro then 'debug "midiStreamOut error" select case erro case MMSYSERR_NOMEM 'debug "The buffer can't be locked?!" case MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING 'debug "The buffer to be played is still playing?!" case MIDIERR_UNPREPARED 'debug "The buffer hasn't been prepared?!" case MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE 'debug "The device hasn't been opened...?" case MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM 'debug "Doesn't like the buffer." case else 'debug "mysterious other error!" end select end if else 'debug "deferring buffer 'til later" end if '4. empty and refill the buffer dim ticks as integer = bufferlen + skip_ticks '4.1. deallocate buffer if buffer_beat <> 0 then Deallocate buffer_beat: buffer_beat = 0: buffer_size = 0 dim orig as MIDI_EVENT ptr, cnt as integer '4.2. Sanity checking if song_ptr = NULL then 'we ran out of music. 'debug "end of song" if looppoint <> NULL then 'debug "looping to point" song_ptr = looppoint song_ptr = song_ptr->next 'loop point, skip it else song_ptr = music_song end if end if bufferanyway: if song_ptr = NULL then exit sub 'sanity 'debug str(skip_ticks) if ticks < song_ptr->time then 'no notes this tick. 'debug "no events this beat (" & song_ptr->time & ")" skip_ticks += bufferlen 'skip this many ticks next beat. else '4.2. traverse tree, to figure out how many events we need orig = song_ptr do ticks -= song_ptr->time cnt += 1 song_ptr = song_ptr->next loop while ticks > 0 AND song_ptr <> NULL 'debug "found " & cnt & " events this beat" song_ptr = orig if cnt > 0 then buffer_beat = CAllocate(len(MIDIEVENT) * cnt) buffer_size = cnt dim i as integer for i = 0 to cnt - 1 with *song_ptr select case as const .status case &HB0 to &HBF IF .data(0) = &H6F then 'loop point! looppoint = song_ptr buffer_beat[i] = MIDINOP(.time - skip_ticks) 'do nothing this beat Else buffer_beat[i] = MAKEWINNOTE(.time - skip_ticks,.status, .data(0), .data(1)) End if case &HF0 'sysex, pass a nop buffer_beat[i] = MIDINOP(.time - skip_ticks) 'do nothing this beat case &HFF 'meta if .data(0) = &H51 then dim tempo as integer = .extradata[0] SHL 16 + .extradata[1] SHL 8 + .extradata[2] buffer_beat[i] = Type(.time - skip_ticks, 0, (MEVT_TEMPO SHL 24) OR tempo) end if case &H80 to &H8F, &H90 to &H9f buffer_beat[i] = MAKEWINNOTE(.time - skip_ticks,.status, .data(0), .data(1) * music_vol / 16) case &HC0 to &HCF 'debug "program change: " & .status & " - " & .data(0) buffer_beat[i] = MAKEWINNOTE(.time - skip_ticks, .status, .data(0), 0) case else if .data(0) <> -1 AND .data(1) <> -1 THEN buffer_beat[i] = MAKEWINNOTE(.time - skip_ticks,.status, .data(0), .data(1)) elseif .data(0) <> -1 AND .data(1) = -1 THEN buffer_beat[i] = MAKEWINNOTE(.time - skip_ticks,.status, .data(0), 0) elseif .data(0) = -1 THEN buffer_beat[i] = MAKEWINNOTE(.time - skip_ticks,.status, 0, 0) end if end select end with song_ptr = song_ptr->next skip_ticks = 0 next 'that should be all the buffering 'these are for 'debugging 'debug "dumping 'debug log" 'dumpMidi_event orig, cnt, "midimike.txt" 'dumpMidi_event buffer_beat, cnt, "midiwin.txt" with *buffer_head .dwBufferLength = len(MIDIEVENT) * cnt .dwBytesRecorded = .dwBufferLength .dwFlags = 0 .lpData = cptr(LPSTR, buffer_beat) end with Else ':\ um, this should've been caught above. 'debug "sanity check failure!" buffer_beat = CAllocate(len(Midievent)) 'just one event, in case windows tries to read it anyway buffer_size = 1 with *buffer_head .dwBufferLength = len(MIDIEVENT) .dwBytesRecorded = .dwBufferLength .dwFlags = 0 .lpData = cptr(LPSTR, buffer_beat) end with buffer_beat[0] = MIDINOP(bufferlen) 'do nothing this beat end if end if '5. Prepare buffer 'debug "preparing buffer" erro = midiOutPrepareHeader(device, buffer_head, len(MIDIHDR)) if erro then 'debug "midiOutPrepareHeader error" 'if erro = MMSYSERR_NOMEM then debug "The buffer can't be locked?!" 'if erro = MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE then debug "The device hasn't been opened...?" 'if erro = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM then debug "Doesn't like the buffer." end if 'debug "end of prepare next buffer" if newflag then 'debug "recurse! (current_head = " & current_head & ", buffer_head = " & buffer_head & ")" PrepareNextBeat 0 'new song, no front buffer yet end if ' if DebugWnd then ' 'debug "telling the debug window to update itself" ' 'SendMessage(DebugWnd, WM_PAINT, 0, 0) ' RedrawWindow(DebugWnd, 0, 0, RDW_INVALIDATE OR RDW_ERASE) ' end if buffer_thread = NULL prof2 = timer 'debug str(prof2 - prof1) End Sub Sub StreamCallback(Byval handle as HMIDIOUT, byval umsg as Uinteger, byval dwInstance as UInteger, byval dwParam1 as UInteger, byval dwParam2 as UInteger) 'must make this quick select case as const umsg case MOM_DONE 'debug "callback" 'the midi is done playing the buffer if buffer_thread = NULL and music_playing <> 0 then buffer_thread = ThreadCreate(@PrepareNextBeat) case MOM_OPEN 'debug "callback - opening!" case MOM_CLOSE 'debug "callback - closing!" end select End Sub Sub ResetInternals music_playing = 0 dim erro as HRESULT if device then erro = midiStreamStop(device) ' if erro then ' debug "midiStreamStop error" ' if erro = MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE then debug "The device hasn't been opened...?" ' end if if buffer_thread then threadwait buffer_thread if current_head then erro = midiOutUnprepareHeader(device, current_head, len(MIDIHDR)) ' if erro then ' debug "midiOutUnprepareHeader error" ' if erro = MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING then debug "The buffer is still playing" ' if erro = MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE then debug "The device hasn't been opened...?" ' if erro = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM then debug "Doesn't like the buffer." ' end if if buffer_head then erro = midiOutUnprepareHeader(device, buffer_head, len(MIDIHDR)) ' if erro then ' debug "midiOutUnprepareHeader error" ' if erro = MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING then debug "The buffer is still playing" ' if erro = MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE then debug "The device hasn't been opened...?" ' if erro = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM then debug "Doesn't like the buffer." ' end if deallocate current_head: current_head = 0 deallocate current_beat: current_beat = 0 deallocate buffer_head : buffer_head = 0 deallocate buffer_beat : buffer_beat = 0 FreeMidiEventList(music_song) music_song = 0 song_ptr = 0 music_song = 0 music_paused = 0 end sub function streamPosition as integer if device then dim erro as MMRESULT dim t as MMTIME t.wType = TIME_TICKS erro = midiStreamPosition(device, @t, len(t)) return t.ticks end if end function 'The music module needs to manage a list of temporary files to 'delete when closed, mainly for custom, so they don't get lumped type delitem fname as zstring ptr nextitem as delitem ptr end type dim shared delhead as delitem ptr = null sub music_init() music_on += 1 'debug "music init = " & music_on if music_on <> 1 then exit sub openMidi 'sound_init() end sub sub music_close() music_on -= 1 'debug "music close = " & music_on if music_on <> 0 then exit sub music_playing = 0 music_paused = 0 if fade_thread then threadwait fade_thread end if if music_song <> 0 then FreeMidiEventList(music_song) music_song = 0 song_ptr = 0 end if if sound_song >= 0 then sound_stop(sound_song, -1) UnloadSound(sound_song) end if CloseMidi if delhead <> null then 'delete temp files dim ditem as delitem ptr dim dlast as delitem ptr ditem = delhead while ditem <> null if isfile(*(ditem->fname)) then kill *(ditem->fname) end if Deallocate ditem->fname 'deallocate string dlast = ditem ditem = ditem->nextitem Deallocate dlast 'deallocate delitem wend delhead = null end if 'sound_close end sub sub music_play(songname as string, fmt as integer) dim erro as MMRESULT if music_on then songname = rtrim$(songname) 'lose any added nulls dim ext as string = lcase(justextension(songname)) if fmt = FORMAT_BAM then dim midname as string dim as integer bf, flen 'get length of input file bf = freefile open songname for binary access read as #bf flen = lof(bf) close #bf 'use last 3 hex digits of length as a kind of hash, 'to verify that the .bmd does belong to this file flen = flen and &h0fff midname = tmpdir & trimpath$(songname) & "-" & lcase(hex(flen)) & ".bmd" 'check if already converted if isfile(midname) = 0 then bam2mid(songname, midname,0) 'add to list of temp files dim ditem as delitem ptr if delhead = null then delhead = Allocate(sizeof(delitem)) ditem = delhead else ditem = delhead while ditem->nextitem <> null ditem = ditem->nextitem wend ditem->nextitem = Allocate(sizeof(delitem)) ditem = ditem->nextitem end if ditem->nextitem = null 'Allocate space for zstring ditem->fname = Allocate(len(midname) + 1) *(ditem->fname) = midname 'set zstring end if songname = midname ext = "mid" fmt = FORMAT_MIDI end if 'stop current song if music_song <> 0 then ResetInternals end if ' debug "sound_song = " & sound_song if sound_song <> -1 then sound_stop(sound_song, -1) UnloadSound(sound_song) end if if fmt = FORMAT_MIDI then music_song = CreateMidiEventList(songname,@division) if music_song = 0 then 'debug "Could not load song " + songname exit sub end if converttorelative music_song song_ptr = music_song 'addJumpToEnd music_song music_paused = 0 music_playing = 1 'playback_thread = threadcreate(@PlayBackThread,0) 'we need to set the time base for the midi dim timebase as MIDIPROPTIMEDIV timebase.cbStruct = len(timebase) timebase.dwTimeDiv = division bufferlen = division 'debug str(division) erro = midiStreamProperty(device, cptr(LPBYTE, @timebase), MIDIPROP_SET OR MIDIPROP_TIMEDIV) if erro then 'debug "midiStreamProperty error" 'if erro = MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE then debug "The device hasn't been opened...?" 'if erro = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM then debug "Doesn't like the property." end if erro = midiStreamRestart(device) if erro then debug "midiStreamRestart error" if erro = MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE then debug "The device hasn't been opened...?" end if PrepareNextBeat 0 else sound_song = LoadSound(songname) sound_play(sound_song,-1,-1) end if end if end sub sub music_pause() if music_on then if music_song > 0 then if music_paused = 0 then music_paused = 1 midiStreamPause(device) 'rumours have it that this closes the device. true? not true? end if end if if sound_song >= 0 then sound_pause(sound_song, -1) end if end if end sub sub music_resume() if music_on then if music_song > 0 then music_paused = 0 midiStreamRestart(device) end if if sound_song >= 0 then sound_play(sound_song, -1, -1) end if end if end sub sub music_stop() if music_song > 0 then music_pause() if sound_song >= 0 then sound_stop(sound_song, -1) end sub sub music_setvolume(vol as integer) music_vol = vol if music_on then 'if music_song > 0 then setvolmidi vol dim v as integer 'vol = vol AND &HF 'v = vol + vol SHL 4 'v += v SHR 8 'v += v SHR 16 'lazese for &hvvvvvvvv, which is equal volume on both left and right 'midiOutSetVolume(device, v) end if end sub function music_getvolume() as integer 'music_getvolume = getvolmidi dim v as integer 'midiOutGetVolume(device, @v) 'v = (v shr 12) AND &HF 'music_vol = v return music_vol end function sub music_fade(targetvol as integer) ''Unlike the original version, this will pause everything else while it ''fades, so make sure it doesn't take too long 'lies, now it fades with a thread dim I as integer if fade_thread then threadwait fade_thread end if fade_thread = threadcreate(@fade_daemon, cast(intptr, targetvol)) end sub sub fade_daemon(byval targetvol as integer) dim vstep as integer = 1 dim i as integer if music_vol > targetvol then vstep = -1 for i = music_vol to targetvol step vstep music_setvolume(i) sleep 10 next fade_thread = 0 end sub #include "audwrap/audwrap.bi" Declare Function SoundSlot(byval num as integer) as integer TYPE SoundEffect used as integer 'sentinel, not 0 = this entry contains valid data effectID as integer 'OHR sound effect soundID as integer 'Audiere number paused as integer END TYPE dim Shared SoundPool as SoundEffect ptr, SoundPoolSize as integer dim shared sound_inited as integer 'must be non-zero for anything but _init to work sub sound_init sound_inited += 1 'debug "sound init = " & sound_inited if sound_inited <> 1 then exit sub if AudInit() then exit sub ':( end if 'music_init 'for safety (don't worry, they won't recurse (much)) 'at this point, we're basically done end sub sub sound_close dim i as integer = 0 sound_inited -= 1 'debug "sound close = " & sound_inited 'trying to free something that's already freed... bad! if sound_inited <> 0 then exit sub ' debug "sound_close" for i = 0 to SoundPoolSize - 1 UnloadSound(i) next AudClose() 'music_close end sub sub sound_play(byval num as integer, byval l as integer, byval s as integer = 0) 'debug ">>sound_play(" & num & ", " & l & ")" dim slot as integer if not s then slot = SoundSlot(num) else slot = num if slot = -1 then 'debug "sound not loaded, loading." slot = LoadSound(num) if slot = -1 then debug "failed": exit sub end if 'slot -= 1 'debug "slot " & slot with SoundPool[slot] 'debug str(AudIsPlaying(.soundID)) if AudIsPlaying(.soundID) <> 0 and .paused = 0 then 'debug "<>sound_pause(" + trim(str(slot)) + ")" dim slot as integer if not s then slot = SoundSlot(num) else slot = num if slot = -1 then exit sub with SoundPool[slot] if sound_playing(num) = 0 OR .paused then exit sub end if .paused = -1 AudPause(.soundID) end with 'debug "<>sound_stop(" + trim(str(slot)) + ")" dim slot as integer if not s then slot = SoundSlot(num) else slot = num if slot = -1 then exit sub with SoundPool[slot] AudStop(.soundID) .paused = 0 end with 'debug "<