'OHRRPGCE GAME - Script interpreter constants '(C) Copyright 1997-2005 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) ' #IFNDEF SCRCONST_BI #DEFINE SCRCONST_BI '---INTERPRETER STATES--- 'suspended scripts have negative states CONST stnone = 0 CONST stwait = 1 CONST stread = 2 CONST streturn = 3 CONST stnext = 4 CONST stdoarg = 5 CONST stdone = 6 CONST sterror = 7 '--SCRIPT STATEMENT TYPES--- CONST tystop = 0 '0 terminate script (not really legal) CONST tynumber = 1 '1 literal number CONST tyflow = 2 '2 flow control CONST tyglobal = 3 '3 global variable CONST tylocal = 4 '4 local variable CONST tymath = 5 '5 math function CONST tyfunct = 6 '6 function call CONST tyscript = 7 '7 script call '--FLOW CONTROL TYPES--- CONST flowdo = 0 CONST flowreturn = 3 CONST flowif = 4 CONST flowthen = 5 CONST flowelse = 6 CONST flowfor = 7 CONST flowwhile = 10 CONST flowbreak = 11 CONST flowcontinue = 12 CONST flowexit = 13 CONST flowexitreturn = 14 CONST flowswitch = 15 '--SUSPEND-- CONST suspendnpcs = 0 CONST suspendplayer = 1 CONST suspendobstruction = 2 CONST suspendherowalls = 3 CONST suspendnpcwalls = 4 CONST suspendcatapillar = 5 CONST suspendrandomenemies = 6 CONST suspendboxadvance = 7 CONST suspendoverlay = 8 CONST suspendambientmusic = 9 '--CAMERA CONSTANTS-- CONST cameramode = 45 CONST cameraArg = 46 CONST cameraArg2 = 47 CONST cameraArg3 = 48 CONST cameraArg4 = 49 CONST herocam = 0 CONST npccam = 1 CONST pancam = 2 CONST focuscam = 3 CONST stopcam = -1 '--SCRIPT TRIGGER TYPES-- CONST plottrigger = 1 '--SCRIPT DEBUGGER BITS-- CONST stepnext = 1 CONST stepargsdone = 2 CONST stepup = 3 CONST stependscript = 4 CONST stepscript = 8 CONST breakstread = 4 CONST breakstnext = 8 CONST breakstdone = 16 CONST breaklooptop = 32 'above interpret CONST breakloopbrch = 64 'doesn't work #ENDIF