'OHRRPGCE - bmod.bi '(C) Copyright 1997-2006 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) 'Auto-generated by MAKEBI from bmod.bas #IFNDEF BMOD_BI #DEFINE BMOD_BI #INCLUDE "udts.bi" #INCLUDE "battle_udts.bi" declare function battle (form, fatal, exstat()) declare function checknorunbit (bstat() AS BattleStats, bslot() as battlesprite) declare sub checktagcond (t, check, tg, tagand) declare function focuscost (cost, focus) DECLARE SUB herobattlebits_raw (bitbuf(), who) DECLARE SUB herobattlebits (bslot() AS BattleSprite, who) declare sub invertstack declare sub quickinflict (harm, targ, hc(), hx(), hy(), bslot() as battlesprite, harm$(), bstat() AS BattleStats) DECLARE SUB anim_end() DECLARE SUB anim_wait(ticks%) DECLARE SUB anim_waitforall() DECLARE SUB anim_inflict(who AS INTEGER, target_count AS INTEGER) DECLARE SUB anim_disappear(who%) DECLARE SUB anim_appear(who%) DECLARE SUB anim_setframe(who%, frame%) DECLARE SUB anim_setpos(who%, x%, y%, d%) DECLARE SUB anim_setz(who%, z%) DECLARE SUB anim_setmove(who%, xm%, ym%, xstep%, ystep%) DECLARE SUB anim_absmove(who%, tox%, toy%, xspeed%, yspeed%) DECLARE SUB anim_zmove(who%, zm%, zstep%) DECLARE SUB anim_walktoggle(who%) DECLARE SUB anim_sound(which) DECLARE SUB anim_align(who, target, dire, offset) DECLARE SUB anim_setcenter(who, target, offx, offy) DECLARE SUB anim_align2(who, target, edgex, edgey, offx, offy) DECLARE SUB anim_relmove(who, tox, toy, xspeed, yspeed) DECLARE SUB anim_setdir(who, d) DECLARE FUNCTION dieWOboss(BYVAL who, bstat() AS BattleStats, bslot() AS BattleSprite) DECLARE SUB dead_enemy(deadguy AS INTEGER, killing_attack AS INTEGER, BYREF bat AS BattleState, BYREF rew AS RewardsState, bstat() AS BattleStats, bslot() AS BattleSprite, es(), formdata()) #ENDIF