#IFNDEF __CONST_BI__ #DEFINE __CONST_BI__ 'OHRRPGCE GAME - shared constants '(C) Copyright 1997-2005 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) ' '---For some crazy reason TRUE and FALSE don't work well as const even though they are not reserved CONST YES = -1 CONST NO = 0 '---DOS directory attributes CONST attribReadOnly = 1 CONST attribHidden = 2 CONST attribSystem = 4 CONST attribDirectory = 16 CONST attribArchive = 32 CONST attribReserved = 192 '64 OR 128 CONST attribAlmostAll = 237 ' All except directory and hidden '---GENERAL GAME DATA (.GEN) constants--- CONST genMaxMap = 0 'number of maps CONST genTitle = 1 'titile screen backdrop CONST genTitleMus = 2 'title music CONST genVictMus = 3 'victory music CONST genBatMus = 4 'default battle music CONST genPassVersion = 5 'passcode format number CONST genPassRot = 6 'new(third style) passcode rotator CONST genMaxHeroPic = 26 'max hero graphics in .PT0 CONST genMaxEnemy1Pic = 27 'max small enemy graphics in .PT1 CONST genMaxEnemy2Pic = 28 'max medium enemy graphics in .PT2 CONST genMaxEnemy3Pic = 29 'max large enemy graphics in .PT3 CONST genMaxNPCPic = 30 'max npc graphics in .PT4 CONST genMaxWeaponPic = 31 'max weapon graphics in .PT5 CONST genMaxAttackPic = 32 'max attack graphics in .PT6 CONST genMaxTile = 33 'max tilesets in .TIL CONST genMaxAttack = 34 'max attack definitions in .DT6 CONST genMaxHero = 35 'max hero definitions in .DT0 CONST genMaxEnemy = 36 'max enemy definitions in .DT1 CONST genMaxFormation = 37 'max formations in .FOR CONST genMaxPal = 38 'max palettes in .PAL CONST genMaxTextbox = 39 'max text boxes in .SAY CONST genMaxPlotscript = 40 'max available plotscripts(number of records in PLOTSCR.LST) CONST genNewGameScript = 41 'id of new-game plotscript CONST genGameoverScript = 42 'id of game-over plotscript CONST genMaxRegularScript = 43 'id highest numbered non-autonumbered plotscript CONST genSuspendBits = 44 'suspend stuff bits CONST genCamera = 45 'camera mode CONST genCamArg1 = 46 'cameraarg1 CONST genCamArg2 = 47 'cameraarg2 CONST genCamArg3 = 48 'cameraarg3 CONST genCamArg4 = 49 'cameraarg4 CONST genScrBackdrop = 50 'currently displaying script backdrop in .MSX CONST genDays = 51 'days of play CONST genHours = 52 'hours of play CONST genMinutes = 53 'minutes of play CONST genSeconds = 54 'seconds of play CONST genMaxVehicle = 55 'max vehicle types in .VEH CONST genMaxTagname = 56 'last named tag CONST genLoadGameScript = 57 'load-game script CONST genTextboxBackdrop = 58 'currently displaying text box backdrop in .MXS CONST genEnemyDissolve = 59 'Default dissolve animation for dying enemies CONST genJoy = 60 'enable/disable joystick CONST genPoison = 61 'poison status indicator char CONST genStun = 62 'Stun status indicator char CONST genDamageCap = 63 'Damage cap CONST genMute = 64 'Mute status indicator char CONST genStatCap = 65 'Stat caps (genStatCap + stat) CONST genMaxSFX = 77 'last song number CONST genMasterPal = 78 'master palette number CONST genMaxMasterPal = 79 'max master palette number CONST genMaxMenu = 80 'max menu def in MENUS.BIN CONST genMaxMenuItem = 81 'max menu item def in MENUITEM.BIN CONST genMaxItem = 82 'max item in .ITM CONST genMaxBoxBorder = 83 'max box borders in .PT7 CONST genMaxPortrait = 84 'max portrait graphics in .PT8 CONST genPW2Offset = 93 'old password offset CONST genPW2Length = 94 'old password length CONST genVersion = 95 'RPG file format version(6 is the latest) CONST genStartMoney = 96 'starting money CONST genMaxShop = 97 'last shop in .SHO CONST genPW1Offset = 98 'old-old password offset CONST genPW1Length = 99 'old-old password length CONST genMaxBackdrop = 100 'number of screens in .MXS CONST genBits = 101 'general bitsets CONST genStartX = 102 'starting X CONST genStartY = 103 'starting Y CONST genStartMap = 104 'starting Map CONST genOneTimeNPC = 105 'one-time-NPC indexer CONST genDefaultDeathSFX = 171 'default enemy death sound effect CONST genMaxSong = 172 'last song number CONST genAcceptSFX = 173 'menu interface CONST genCancelSFX = 174 ' " " CONST genCursorSFX = 175 ' " " CONST genTextboxLetter = 176 'Text box 'click' CONST genBits2 = 177 'More general bitsets CONST genItemLearnSFX = 179 'learn spell oob item CONST genCantLearnSFX = 180 'hero couldn't learn spell from item CONST genBuySFX = 181 'buy item from shop CONST genHireSFX = 182 'hire from shop CONST genSellSFX = 183 'sell item to shop CONST genCantBuySFX = 184 'can't afford item/hire CONST genCantSellSFX = 185 'unsellable item CONST genScatterTableHead = 199 'old password scattertable head '---Format fix bits CONST fixAttackitems = 0 'zero out attack data for item cost (ammunition) CONST fixWeapPoints = 1 'add defaults for weapon points CONST fixStunCancelTarg = 2 'turn on cancel target bitset for old stun attacks CONST fixDefaultDissolve = 3 'Initialized genEnemyDissolve to default in GEN CONST fixDefaultDissolveEnemy = 4'Initialized Enemy dissolves to default in DT1 CONST fixPushNPCBugCompat = 5 'Turned on the Simulate pushable NPC obstruction bug bitset CONST fixDefaultMaxItem = 6 'Stored default max item id in GEN CONST fixBlankDoorLinks = 7 'Marked redundant blank doorlinks as unused CONST fixShopSounds = 8 'Set genItemLearnSFX..genCantSellSFX to defaults CONST fixExtendedNPCs = 9 'Initialized blank NPC data at the end of .N## lumps CONST fixHeroPortrait = 10 'Initialize hero portrait data CONST fixTextBoxPortrait = 11 'Initialize text box portrait data '---Sizes (replaceable with variables when suitable) CONST max_npc_defs = 99 CONST maxMaxItems = 254 'max number of items CONST inventoryMax = 197 'last inventory slot num (3 doesn't divide into 200) CONST scriptmemMax = 65536 'in 4-byte ints (256kb) '--- Binary files in BINSIZE.BIN for getbinsize() CONST binATTACK = 0 CONST binSTF = 1 CONST binSONGDATA = 2 CONST binSFXDATA = 3 CONST binMAP = 4 CONST binMENUS = 5 CONST binMENUITEM = 6 CONST binUICOLORS = 7 CONST binSAY = 8 CONST sizebinsize = 8 ' Update this when adding binsize records '--- Misc constants Enum constDirection dirUp dirRight dirDown dirLeft End Enum ENUM PixelTool draw_tool box_tool line_tool fill_tool oval_tool airbrush_tool mark_tool clone_tool END ENUM #IF __FB_VERSION__ < "0.17" type intptr as integer #else type intptr as any ptr #endif #include "uiconst.bi" #ENDIF