#IFNDEF CUSTOM_UDTS_BI #DEFINE CUSTOM_UDTS_BI 'This file contains UDTs that only get used in custom mode, and not in game, 'so as to prevent them from cluttering up the global udts.bi file TYPE SpriteEditStatic clonemarked AS INTEGER clonebuf(1600) AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE SpriteEditState '--sprite set state framenum AS INTEGER wide AS INTEGER high AS INTEGER perset AS INTEGER size AS INTEGER ' In bytes, two pixels per byte setsize AS INTEGER ' In bytes, two pixels per byte '--sprite editor state zoom AS INTEGER x AS INTEGER y AS INTEGER lastpos AS XYPair zonenum AS INTEGER zone AS XYPair zonecursor AS INTEGER gotmouse AS INTEGER drawcursor AS INTEGER tool AS INTEGER curcolor AS INTEGER ' Index in master palette palindex AS INTEGER ' Index in 16 color palette hidemouse AS INTEGER airsize AS INTEGER mist AS INTEGER hold AS INTEGER holdpos AS XYPair radius AS INTEGER squish AS XYPair '--For non-round elipses. Not implemented yet undodepth AS INTEGER undoslot AS INTEGER undomax AS INTEGER delay AS INTEGER fixmouse AS INTEGER movespeed AS INTEGER readjust AS INTEGER adjustpos AS XYPair END TYPE TYPE TileCloneBuffer exists AS INTEGER buf(19,19) AS UBYTE size AS XYPair END TYPE TYPE TileEditState x AS INTEGER y AS INTEGER tilex AS INTEGER tiley AS INTEGER gotmouse AS INTEGER drawcursor AS INTEGER tool AS INTEGER curcolor AS INTEGER hidemouse AS INTEGER airsize AS INTEGER mist AS INTEGER undo AS INTEGER allowundo AS INTEGER zone AS INTEGER justpainted AS INTEGER hold AS INTEGER hox AS INTEGER hoy AS INTEGER cutfrom AS INTEGER cuttileset AS INTEGER canpaste AS INTEGER delay AS INTEGER fixmouse AS INTEGER readjust AS INTEGER adjustpos AS XYPair END TYPE TYPE HeroEditState changed AS INTEGER previewframe AS INTEGER battle AS GraphicPair walkabout AS GraphicPair portrait AS GraphicPair preview_steps AS INTEGER preview_walk_direction AS INTEGER preview_walk_pos AS XYPair END TYPE TYPE TextboxEditState id AS INTEGER portrait AS GraphicPair search AS STRING END TYPE #ENDIF