'OHRRPGCE GAME&CUSTOM - Routines for loading data '(C) Copyright 1997-2005 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) #include "udts.bi" #include "compat.bi" #include "const.bi" #include "common.bi" #include "loading.bi" #include "allmodex.bi" option explicit SUB LoadNPCD(file as string, dat() as NPCType) DIM i AS INTEGER, j AS INTEGER, f AS INTEGER f = FREEFILE OPEN file FOR BINARY AS #f SEEK #f, 8 FOR i = 0 TO max_npc_defs FOR j = 0 TO 14 SetNPCD(dat(i), j, ReadShort(f, -1)) NEXT NEXT CLOSE #f FOR i = 0 TO max_npc_defs IF dat(i).speed = 3 THEN dat(i).speed = 10 NEXT i END SUB SUB SaveNPCD(file as string, dat() as NPCType) DIM i AS INTEGER, j AS INTEGER, f AS INTEGER f = FREEFILE OPEN file FOR BINARY AS #f SEEK #f, 8 FOR i = 0 TO max_npc_defs FOR j = 0 TO 14 IF j = 3 AND dat(i).speed = 10 THEN '--Special case for speed = 10 (gets stored as 3) WriteShort f, -1, 3 ELSE WriteShort f, -1, read_npc_int(dat(i), j) END IF NEXT NEXT CLOSE #f END SUB 'Prefer write_npc_int instead in the future, as it lacks pointer thoughtcrime SUB SetNPCD(npcd AS NPCType, offset AS INTEGER, value AS INTEGER) IF offset >= 0 and offset <= 14 THEN (@npcd.picture)[offset] = value ELSE debug "Attempt to write NPC data out-of-range. offset=" + STR$(offset) + " value=" + STR$(value) END IF END SUB 'Prefer read_npc_int instead in the future, as it lacks pointer thoughtcrime FUNCTION GetNPCD(npcd AS NPCType, offset AS INTEGER) AS INTEGER IF offset >= 0 and offset <= 14 THEN RETURN (@npcd.picture)[offset] ELSE debug "Attempt to read NPC data out-of-range. offset=" + STR$(offset) END IF END FUNCTION SUB CleanNPCD(dat() as NPCType) DIM i AS INTEGER, j AS INTEGER FOR i = 0 TO max_npc_defs FOR j = 0 TO 14 SetNPCD(dat(i), j, 0) NEXT dat(i).palette = -1 'Set cleared palette to default instead of zero NEXT END SUB SUB LoadNPCL(file as string, dat() as NPCInst, num as integer) DIM i AS INTEGER, f AS INTEGER REDIM dat(num - 1) as NPCInst f = FREEFILE OPEN file FOR BINARY AS #f seek #f,8 FOR i = 0 to num - 1 dat(i).x = ReadShort(f,-1) * 20 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 dat(i).y = (ReadShort(f,-1) - 1) * 20 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 dat(i).id = ReadShort(f,-1) NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 dat(i).dir = ReadShort(f,-1) NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 dat(i).frame = ReadShort(f,-1) NEXT FOR i = 0 TO num - 1 dat(i).xgo = 0 dat(i).ygo = 0 NEXT CLOSE #f END SUB SUB SerNPCL(npc() as NPCInst, z, buffer(), num as integer, xoffset as integer, yoffset as integer) DIM i as integer FOR i = 0 to num - 1 buffer(z) = npc(i).x - xoffset: z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 buffer(z) = npc(i).y - yoffset : z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 buffer(z) = npc(i).id: z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 buffer(z) = npc(i).dir: z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 buffer(z) = npc(i).frame: z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 buffer(z) = npc(i).xgo: z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 buffer(z) = npc(i).ygo: z = z + 1 NEXT END SUB SUB DeserNPCL(npc() as NPCInst, z, buffer(), num as integer, xoffset as integer, yoffset as integer) DIM i as integer FOR i = 0 to num - 1 npc(i).x = buffer(z) + xoffset: z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 npc(i).y = buffer(z) + yoffset: z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 npc(i).id = buffer(z): z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 npc(i).dir = buffer(z): z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 npc(i).frame = buffer(z): z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 npc(i).xgo = buffer(z): z = z + 1 NEXT FOR i = 0 to num - 1 npc(i).ygo = buffer(z): z = z + 1 NEXT END SUB SUB CleanNPCL(dat() as NPCInst, num as integer) DIM i as integer FOR i = 0 to num - 1 WITH dat(i) .x = 0 .y = 0 .id = 0 .dir = 0 .frame = 0 .xgo = 0 .ygo = 0 .extra1 = 0 .extra2 = 0 END WITH NEXT END SUB SUB SerInventory8Bit(invent() as InventSlot, z, buf()) DIM i as integer, j as integer buf(z) = 1 'Instruct new versions of game to ignore all this junk and use the 16-bit data instead '...but go ahead and write the 8-bit data so that loading a new SAV in an old version of game ' will not result in a nuked inventory z += 3 ' disregard some jibba jabba FOR i = 0 to inventoryMax IF invent(i).used THEN buf(z) = (invent(i).num AND 255) shl 8 OR ((invent(i).id + 1) AND 255) ELSE buf(z) = 0 END IF z += 1 NEXT z += 2 'slots 198 and 199 not useable z += 3 * 12 FOR i = 0 to inventoryMax IF invent(i).used = 0 THEN invent(i).text = SPACE$(11) 'unfortunately, this isn't exactly the badbinstring format FOR j = 0 TO 11 'actually max length is 11, last byte always wasted IF j < LEN(invent(i).text) THEN buf(z) = invent(i).text[j] ELSE buf(z) = 0 z += 1 NEXT NEXT z += 2 * 12 END SUB SUB DeserInventory8Bit(invent() as InventSlot, z, buf()) DIM i as integer, j as integer, temp as string z += 3 FOR i = 0 TO inventoryMax invent(i).num = buf(z) shr 8 invent(i).id = (buf(z) and 255) - 1 invent(i).used = invent(i).id >= 0 z += 1 NEXT z += 2 z += 3 * 12 FOR i = 0 TO inventoryMax temp = "" FOR j = 0 TO 11 IF buf(z) > 0 AND buf(z) <= 255 THEN temp = temp + CHR$(buf(z)) z += 1 NEXT j '--Don't bother actually using the stored string. it is rebuilt later with rebuild_inventory_captions() 'invent(i).text = temp$ NEXT z += 2 * 12 END SUB SUB CleanInventory(invent() as InventSlot) DIM i as integer FOR i = 0 TO inventoryMax invent(i).used = 0 invent(i).text = SPACE$(11) NEXT END SUB SUB SaveInventory16bit(invent() AS InventSlot, BYREF z AS INTEGER, buf() AS INTEGER, BYVAL first AS INTEGER=0, BYVAL last AS INTEGER=-1) IF last = -1 THEN last = UBOUND(invent) DIM i AS INTEGER FOR i = first TO small(inventoryMax, last) WITH invent(i) IF .used THEN buf(z) = .id buf(z+1) = .num ELSE buf(z) = -1 buf(z+1) = 0 END IF END WITH z += 2 NEXT i END SUB SUB LoadInventory16Bit(invent() AS InventSlot, BYREF z AS INTEGER, buf() AS INTEGER, BYVAL first AS INTEGER=0, BYVAL last AS INTEGER=-1) IF last = -1 THEN last = UBOUND(invent) DIM i AS INTEGER FOR i = first TO small(inventoryMax, last) WITH invent(i) .num = buf(z+1) IF .num > 0 THEN .used = YES .id = buf(z) ELSE 'empty slot .used = NO .id = buf(z) .num = 0 END IF END WITH z += 2 NEXT i END SUB SUB LoadTiledata(filename as string, array() as integer, byval numlayers as integer, byref wide as integer, byref high as integer) 'resize array and attempt to read numlayers of tile data, if that many are not present, default to 1 layer (blank out the rest) DIM AS INTEGER fh, i fh = FREEFILE OPEN filename$ FOR BINARY AS #fh SEEK #fh, 8 wide = Readshort(fh, -1) high = ReadShort(fh, -1) REDIM array(1 + (numlayers * wide * high + 1) \ 2) IF LOF(fh) < 7 + 4 + numlayers * wide * high THEN numlayers = 1 DIM temparray(1 + (numlayers * wide * high + 1) \ 2) AS SHORT GET #fh, 8, temparray() 'handles odd bytes FOR i = 0 TO UBOUND(temparray) array(i) = temparray(i) NEXT CLOSE #fh END SUB SUB SaveTiledata(filename as string, array() as integer, byval numlayers as integer) DIM AS INTEGER wide, high wide = array(0) high = array(1) xbsave filename, array(), 4 + numlayers * wide * high END SUB SUB CleanTiledata(array() as integer, wide as integer, high as integer, numlayers as integer) 'aka AllocateTiledata REDIM array(1 + (numlayers * wide * high + 1) \ 2) array(0) = wide array(1) = high END SUB SUB DeserDoorLinks(filename as string, array() as doorlink) dim as integer hasheader = -1, f, i 'when we strip the header, we can check for its presence here if not fileisreadable(filename) then debug "couldn't load " & filename exit sub end if f = freefile open filename for binary as #f if hasheader then dim stupid(6) as ubyte get #f,, stupid() end if for i = 0 to 199 array(i).source = ReadShort(f) next for i = 0 to 199 array(i).dest = ReadShort(f) next for i = 0 to 199 array(i).dest_map = ReadShort(f) next for i = 0 to 199 array(i).tag1 = ReadShort(f) next for i = 0 to 199 array(i).tag2 = ReadShort(f) next close #f End SUB Sub SerDoorLinks(filename as string, array() as doorlink, withhead as integer = -1) dim as integer f = freefile, i if not fileiswriteable(filename) then exit sub safekill(filename) open filename for binary as #f if withhead then dim stupid as ubyte = 253 put #f, , stupid writeshort f, -1, -26215 '&h9999, signed writeshort f, -1, 0 writeshort f, -1, 2000 end if for i = 0 to 199 WriteShort f, -1, array(i).source next for i = 0 to 199 WriteShort f, -1, array(i).dest next for i = 0 to 199 WriteShort f, -1, array(i).dest_map next for i = 0 to 199 WriteShort f, -1, array(i).tag1 next for i = 0 to 199 WriteShort f, -1, array(i).tag2 next close #f end sub sub CleanDoorLinks(array() as doorlink) dim i as integer for i = lbound(array) to ubound(array) array(i).source = -1 array(i).dest = 0 array(i).dest_map = 0 array(i).tag1 = 0 array(i).tag2 = 0 next end sub Sub DeSerDoors(filename as string, array() as door, record as integer) if not fileisreadable(filename) then exit sub dim as integer f = freefile, i open filename for binary as #f seek #f, record * 600 + 1 for i = 0 to 99 array(i).x = readshort(f) next for i = 0 to 99 array(i).y = readshort(f) next for i = 0 to 99 array(i).bits(0) = readshort(f) next close #f End Sub Sub SerDoors(filename as string, array() as door, record as integer) if not fileiswriteable(filename) then exit sub dim as integer f = freefile, i open filename for binary as #f seek #f, record * 600 + 1 for i = 0 to 99 writeshort f, -1, array(i).x next for i = 0 to 99 writeshort f, -1, array(i).y next for i = 0 to 99 writeshort f, -1, array(i).bits(0) next close #f End Sub Sub CleanDoors(array() as door) dim i as integer for i = lbound(array) to ubound(array) array(i).x = 0 array(i).y = 0 array(i).bits(0) = 0 next end sub 'loads a standard block of stats from a file handle. Sub LoadStats(fh as integer, sta as stats ptr) dim i as integer if sta = 0 then exit sub with *sta for i = 0 to 11 .sta(i) = readShort(fh) next i end with end sub 'saves a stat block to a file handle Sub SaveStats(fh as integer, sta as stats ptr) dim i as integer if sta = 0 then exit sub with *sta for i = 0 to 11 writeShort(fh, -1, .sta(i)) next i end with end sub 'this differs from the above because it loads two interleaved blocks of stats, 'such as those found in the hero definitions. Sub LoadStats2(fh as integer, lev0 as stats ptr, lev99 as stats ptr) dim as integer i if lev0 = 0 or lev99 = 0 then exit sub for i = 0 to 11 lev0->sta(i) = readShort(fh) lev99->sta(i) = readShort(fh) next i end sub 'save interleaved stat blocks Sub SaveStats2(fh as integer, lev0 as stats ptr, lev99 as stats ptr) if lev0 = 0 or lev99 = 0 then exit sub dim as integer i for i = 0 to 11 writeShort(fh,-1,lev0->sta(i)) writeShort(fh,-1,lev99->sta(i)) next i end sub Sub DeSerHeroDef(filename as string, hero as herodef ptr, record as integer) if record < 0 or record > gen(genMaxHero) then debug "DeSerHeroDef: fail on record:" & record : exit sub if not fileisreadable(filename) or hero = 0 then exit sub dim as integer f = freefile, i, j open filename for binary as #f seek #f, record * 636 + 1 'begin (this makes the baby jesus cry :'( ) with *hero .name = readvstr(f, 16) .sprite = readshort(f) .sprite_pal = readshort(f) .walk_sprite = readshort(f) .walk_sprite_pal = readshort(f) .def_level = readshort(f) .def_weapon = readshort(f) LoadStats2(f, @.Lev0, @.Lev99) 'get #f,, .spell_lists() for i = 0 to 3 for j = 0 to 23 'have to do it this way in case FB reads arrays the wrong way .spell_lists(i,j).attack = readshort(f) .spell_lists(i,j).learned = readshort(f) next next .portrait = readshort(f) for i = 0 to 2 .bits(i) = readShort(f) next for i = 0 to 3 .list_name(i) = ReadVStr(f,10) next .portrait_pal = readshort(f) for i = 0 to 3 .list_type(i) = readshort(f) next .have_tag = readshort(f) .alive_tag = readshort(f) .leader_tag = readshort(f) .active_tag = readshort(f) .max_name_len = readshort(f) .hand_a_x = readshort(f) .hand_a_y = readshort(f) .hand_b_x = readshort(f) .hand_b_y = readshort(f) '16 more unused bytes end with close #f end sub Sub SerHeroDef(filename as string, hero as herodef ptr, record as integer) if not fileiswriteable(filename) or hero = 0 then exit sub dim as integer f = freefile, i, j open filename for binary as #f seek #f, record * 636 + 1 'begin (this makes the baby jesus cry :'( ) with *hero writevstr(f,16,.name) writeshort(f,-1,.sprite) writeshort(f,-1,.sprite_pal) writeshort(f,-1,.walk_sprite) writeshort(f,-1,.walk_sprite_pal) writeshort(f,-1,.def_level) writeshort(f,-1,.def_weapon) SaveStats2(f, @.Lev0, @.Lev99) 'get #f,, .spell_lists() for i = 0 to 3 for j = 0 to 23 'have to do it this way in case FB reads arrays the wrong way writeshort(f,-1,.spell_lists(i,j).attack) writeshort(f,-1,.spell_lists(i,j).learned) next next writeshort(f,-1,.portrait) for i = 0 to 2 writeshort(f,-1,.bits(i)) next for i = 0 to 3 WriteVStr(f,10, .list_name(i)) next writeshort(f,-1,.portrait_pal) for i = 0 to 3 writeshort(f,-1,.list_type(i)) next writeshort(f,-1,.have_tag) writeshort(f,-1,.alive_tag) writeshort(f,-1,.leader_tag) writeshort(f,-1,.active_tag) writeshort(f,-1,.max_name_len) writeshort(f,-1,.hand_a_x) writeshort(f,-1,.hand_a_y) writeshort(f,-1,.hand_b_x) writeshort(f,-1,.hand_b_y) '16 more unused bytes end with close #f end sub SUB ClearMenuData(dat AS MenuDef) DIM bits(0) AS INTEGER WITH dat .record = -1 .handle = 0 .name = "" .boxstyle = 0 .textcolor = 0 .maxrows = 0 .offset.x = 0 .offset.y = 0 .anchor.x = 0 .anchor.y = 0 .align = 0 .min_chars = 0 .max_chars = 0 .bordersize = 0 ClearMenuItems dat END WITH bits(0) = 0 MenuBitsFromArray dat, bits() END SUB SUB ClearMenuItems(menu AS MenuDef) DIM i AS INTEGER WITH menu FOR i = 0 TO UBOUND(.items) ClearMenuItem(.items(i)) NEXT i END WITH END SUB SUB ClearMenuItem(mi AS MenuDefItem) DIM bits(0) AS INTEGER DIM i AS INTEGER WITH mi .exists = 0 .member = 0 .caption = "" .sortorder = 0 .t = 0 .sub_t = 0 .tag1 = 0 .tag2 = 0 .settag = 0 .togtag = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 2 .extra(i) = 0 NEXT i END WITH bits(0) = 0 MenuItemBitsFromArray mi, bits() END SUB SUB LoadMenuData(menu_set AS MenuSet, dat AS MenuDef, record AS INTEGER, ignore_items AS INTEGER=NO) DIM f AS INTEGER DIM bits(0) AS INTEGER IF record > gen(genMaxMenu) OR record < 0 THEN ClearMenuData dat EXIT SUB END IF f = FREEFILE OPEN menu_set.menufile FOR BINARY AS #f SEEK #f, record * getbinsize(binMENUS) + 1 WITH dat .record = record .name = ReadByteStr(f, 20) .boxstyle = ReadShort(f) .textcolor = ReadShort(f) .maxrows = ReadShort(f) bits(0) = ReadShort(f) MenuBitsFromArray dat, bits() .offset.x = ReadShort(f) .offset.y = ReadShort(f) .anchor.x = ReadShort(f) .anchor.y = ReadShort(f) .align = ReadShort(f) .min_chars = ReadShort(f) .max_chars = ReadShort(f) .bordersize = ReadShort(f) END WITH CLOSE #f IF ignore_items = NO THEN 'This is disableable for performance when all you care about loading is the menu's name LoadMenuItems menu_set, dat.items(), record END IF END SUB SUB LoadMenuItems(menu_set AS MenuSet, mi() AS MenuDefItem, record AS INTEGER) DIM i AS INTEGER DIM f AS INTEGER DIM member AS INTEGER DIM elem AS INTEGER = 0 DIM actual_record_count AS INTEGER = 0 FOR i = 0 TO UBOUND(mi) ClearMenuItem mi(i) NEXT i f = FREEFILE OPEN menu_set.itemfile FOR BINARY AS #f actual_record_count = LOF(f) / getbinsize(binMENUITEM) IF actual_record_count <> gen(genMaxMenuItem) + 1 THEN debug "menuitem.bin record count sanity check failed " & gen(genMaxMenuItem) & "->" & actual_record_count - 1 gen(genMaxMenuItem) = actual_record_count - 1 END IF FOR i = 0 TO gen(genMaxMenuItem) SEEK #f, i * getbinsize(binMENUITEM) + 1 member = ReadShort(f) IF member = record + 1 THEN LoadMenuItem f, mi(elem), i elem = elem + 1 IF elem > UBOUND(mi) THEN EXIT FOR END IF NEXT i CLOSE #f SortMenuItems mi() END SUB SUB LoadMenuItem(f AS INTEGER, BYREF mi AS MenuDefItem, record AS INTEGER) DIM i AS INTEGER DIM bits(0) AS INTEGER SEEK #f, record * getbinsize(binMENUITEM) + 1 WITH mi .member = ReadShort(f) .exists = (.member >= 0) .caption = ReadByteStr(f, 38) .sortorder = ReadShort(f) .t = ReadShort(f) .sub_t = ReadShort(f) .tag1 = ReadShort(f) .tag2 = ReadShort(f) .settag = ReadShort(f) .togtag = ReadShort(f) bits(0) = ReadShort(f) FOR i = 0 TO 2 .extra(i) = ReadShort(f) NEXT i END WITH MenuItemBitsFromArray mi, bits() END SUB SUB SaveMenuData(menu_set AS MenuSet, dat AS MenuDef, record AS INTEGER) DIM f AS INTEGER DIM bits(0) AS INTEGER f = FREEFILE OPEN menu_set.menufile FOR BINARY AS #f SEEK #f, record * getbinsize(binMENUS) + 1 WITH dat WriteByteStr(f, 20, .name) WriteShort(f, -1, .boxstyle) WriteShort(f, -1, .textcolor) WriteShort(f, -1, .maxrows) MenuBitsToArray dat, bits() WriteShort(f, -1, bits(0)) WriteShort(f, -1, .offset.x) WriteShort(f, -1, .offset.y) WriteShort(f, -1, .anchor.x) WriteShort(f, -1, .anchor.y) WriteShort(f, -1, .align) WriteShort(f, -1, .min_chars) WriteShort(f, -1, .max_chars) WriteShort(f, -1, .bordersize) END WITH CLOSE #f DIM i AS INTEGER SaveMenuItems menu_set, dat.items(), record END SUB SUB SaveMenuItems(menu_set AS MenuSet, mi() AS MenuDefItem, record AS INTEGER) DIM i AS INTEGER DIM f AS INTEGER DIM member AS INTEGER DIM elem AS INTEGER = 0 DIM blankmi AS MenuDefItem FOR i = 0 TO UBOUND(mi) 'Force all items to use the correct member and sortorder WITH mi(i) IF .exists THEN .member = record + 1 .sortorder = i END IF END WITH NEXT i f = FREEFILE OPEN menu_set.itemfile FOR BINARY AS #f 'Loop through each record and orphan all old entries for this menu FOR i = 0 TO gen(genMaxMenuItem) SEEK #f, i * getbinsize(binMENUITEM) + 1 member = ReadShort(f) IF member = record + 1 THEN SaveMenuItem f, blankmi, i END IF NEXT i 'Loop through each record, writing new values into orphan slots FOR i = 0 TO gen(genMaxMenuItem) SEEK #f, i * getbinsize(binMENUITEM) + 1 member = ReadShort(f) IF member = 0 THEN SaveMenuItem f, mi(elem), i elem = elem + 1 IF elem > UBOUND(mi) THEN EXIT FOR END IF NEXT i DO WHILE elem <= UBOUND(mi) 'More items need to be written, append them IF mi(elem).exists THEN gen(genMaxMenuItem) += 1 SaveMenuItem f, mi(elem), gen(genMaxMenuItem) END IF elem += 1 LOOP CLOSE #f END SUB SUB SaveMenuItem(f AS INTEGER, mi AS MenuDefItem, record AS INTEGER) DIM i AS INTEGER DIM bits(0) AS INTEGER SEEK #f, record * getbinsize(binMENUITEM) + 1 WITH mi WriteShort(f, -1, .member) WriteByteStr(f, 38, .caption) WriteShort(f, -1, .sortorder) WriteShort(f, -1, .t) WriteShort(f, -1, .sub_t) WriteShort(f, -1, .tag1) WriteShort(f, -1, .tag2) WriteShort(f, -1, .settag) WriteShort(f, -1, .togtag) MenuItemBitsToArray mi, bits() WriteShort(f, -1, bits(0)) FOR i = 0 TO 2 WriteShort(f, -1, .extra(i)) NEXT i END WITH END SUB SUB MenuBitsToArray (menu AS MenuDef, bits() AS INTEGER) bits(0) = 0 WITH menu setbit bits(), 0, 0, .translucent setbit bits(), 0, 1, .no_scrollbar setbit bits(), 0, 2, .allow_gameplay setbit bits(), 0, 3, .suspend_player setbit bits(), 0, 4, .no_box setbit bits(), 0, 5, .no_close setbit bits(), 0, 6, .no_controls setbit bits(), 0, 7, .prevent_main_menu setbit bits(), 0, 8, .advance_textbox END WITH END SUB SUB MenuBitsFromArray (menu AS MenuDef, bits() AS INTEGER) WITH menu .translucent = xreadbit(bits(), 0) .no_scrollbar = xreadbit(bits(), 1) .allow_gameplay = xreadbit(bits(), 2) .suspend_player = xreadbit(bits(), 3) .no_box = xreadbit(bits(), 4) .no_close = xreadbit(bits(), 5) .no_controls = xreadbit(bits(), 6) .prevent_main_menu = xreadbit(bits(), 7) .advance_textbox = xreadbit(bits(), 8) END WITH END SUB SUB MenuItemBitsToArray (mi AS MenuDefItem, bits() AS INTEGER) bits(0) = 0 WITH mi setbit bits(), 0, 0, .hide_if_disabled setbit bits(), 0, 1, .close_if_selected END WITH END SUB SUB MenuItemBitsFromArray (mi AS MenuDefItem, bits() AS INTEGER) WITH mi .hide_if_disabled = (readbit(bits(), 0, 0) <> 0) .close_if_selected = (readbit(bits(), 0, 1) <> 0) END WITH END SUB SUB SortMenuItems(mi() AS MenuDefItem) DIM AS INTEGER i, j, lowest, found FOR i = 0 TO UBOUND(mi) lowest = 32767 found = -1 FOR j = i TO UBOUND(mi) WITH mi(j) IF .sortorder < lowest AND .exists AND (NOT (.disabled AND .hide_if_disabled)) THEN lowest = .sortorder found = j END IF END WITH NEXT j IF found >= 0 THEN SWAP mi(i), mi(found) END IF NEXT i END SUB SUB LoadVehicle (file AS STRING, veh(), vehname$, record AS INTEGER) setpicstuf veh(), 80, -1 loadset file, record, 0 vehname$ = STRING$(bound(veh(0) AND 255, 0, 15), 0) array2str veh(), 1, vehname$ END SUB SUB SaveVehicle (file AS STRING, veh(), vehname$, record AS INTEGER) veh(0) = bound(LEN(vehname$), 0, 15) str2array vehname$, veh(), 1 setpicstuf veh(), 80, -1 storeset file, record, 0 END SUB SUB OldDefaultUIColors (colarray() AS INTEGER) 'Default UI for Classic OHR master palette 'for upgrading old games that lak an uilook.bin file DIM uidef(uiColors) = {0,7,8,14,15,6,7,1,2,18,21,35,37,15,240,10,14,240, _ 18,28,34,44,50,60,66,76,82,92,98,108,114,124,130,140, _ 146,156,162,172,178,188,194,204,210,220,226,236,242,252} DIM i AS INTEGER FOR i = 0 TO uiColors colarray(i) = uidef(i) NEXT END SUB SUB DefaultUIColors (colarray() AS INTEGER) 'Default UI for NeoTA's new Master palette 'for the filepicker before loading a game. DIM uidef(uiColors) = {0,144,80,110,240,102,144,244,215,242,67,212, _ 215,240,0,220,110,0,242,40,211,221,83,90,182, _ 173,100,159,115,60,132,156,98,105,195,204,70, _ 66,217,210,87,82,108,232,54,116,48,160} DIM i AS INTEGER FOR i = 0 TO uiColors colarray(i) = uidef(i) NEXT 'DIM hexstring AS STRING 'FOR i = 0 TO uiColors ' hexstring += "&h" & hex(master(uidef(i)).col, 6) & "," 'NEXT 'debug "defaults: " & hexstring END SUB SUB GuessDefaultUIColors (colarray() AS INTEGER) DIM AS INTEGER fixeddefaults(uiColors) = {&h000000,&hA19CB0,&h4F595A,&hFFFC62,&hFFFFFF,&h8E6B00,&hA19CB0,_ &h003B95,&h228B22,&h001D48,&h153289,&h154C15,&h228B22,&hFFFFFF,&h000000,&h6BEB61,&hFFFC62,&h000000,_ &h001D48,&h8084D0,&h123D12,&h98FA90,&h500000,&hFF7F7F,&h4F7A54,&hD3F88E,&h5E4600,&hF1EA89,&h471747,_ &hDF90FF,&h76352C,&hD3A560,&h2D2200,&hD7A100,&h4D3836,&hF6D2B6,&h2179D3,&h0E2059,&h3CB23A,&h0E300E,_ &hBF0000,&h340000,&hFFDD30,&hCD8316,&h8236AC,&h5F1F5F,&h2F342E,&hBAABC1} DIM i AS INTEGER DIM temp AS RGBcolor FOR i = 0 TO 47 temp.col = fixeddefaults(i) colarray(i) = nearcolor(master(), temp.r, temp.g, temp.b) NEXT FOR i = 48 TO 62 'Box border pictures default to zero (none) colarray(i) = 0 NEXT i END SUB SUB LoadUIColors (colarray() AS INTEGER, palnum AS INTEGER=-1) 'load ui colors from data lump DIM filename AS STRING filename = workingdir & SLASH & "uicolors.bin" IF palnum < 0 OR palnum > gen(genMaxMasterPal) OR NOT isfile(filename) THEN DefaultUIColors colarray() EXIT SUB END IF DIM i AS INTEGER DIM f AS INTEGER f = FREEFILE OPEN filename FOR BINARY AS #f SEEK #f, palnum * getbinsize(binUICOLORS) + 1 FOR i = 0 TO uiColors colarray(i) = ReadShort(f) NEXT i CLOSE f END SUB SUB SaveUIColors (colarray() AS INTEGER, palnum AS INTEGER) DIM filename AS STRING filename = workingdir & SLASH & "uicolors.bin" IF palnum < 0 OR palnum > gen(genMaxMasterPal) THEN debug "SaveUIColors: attempt to save colors out of range " & palnum EXIT SUB END IF DIM i AS INTEGER DIM f AS INTEGER f = FREEFILE OPEN filename FOR BINARY AS #f SEEK #f, palnum * getbinsize(binUICOLORS) + 1 FOR i = 0 TO uiColors WriteShort f, -1, colarray(i) NEXT i CLOSE f END SUB SUB LoadTextBox (BYREF box AS TextBox, record AS INTEGER) DIM boxbuf(dimbinsize(binSAY)) AS INTEGER IF record < 0 OR record > gen(genMaxTextBox) THEN debug "LoadTextBox: invalid record: " & record IF record <> 0 THEN LoadTextBox box, 0 EXIT SUB END IF DIM filename AS STRING filename = game & ".say" DIM i AS INTEGER DIM f AS INTEGER f = FREEFILE OPEN filename FOR BINARY ACCESS READ AS #f SEEK #f, record * getbinsize(binSAY) + 1 FOR i = 0 TO dimbinsize(binSAY) - 1 boxbuf(i) = ReadShort(f) NEXT i CLOSE #f '--Populate TextBox object WITH box '--Load lines of text FOR i = 0 TO 7 .text(i) = STRING(38, 0) array2str boxbuf(), i * 38, .text(i) .text(i) = RTRIM(.text(i), CHR(0)) '--Trim off any trailing ASCII zeroes NEXT i '--Gather conditional data '--transpose conditional data from its dumb-as-toast non-int-aligned location DIM condtemp AS STRING DIM condbuf(20) AS INTEGER condtemp = STRING(42, 0) array2str boxbuf(), 305, condtemp str2array condtemp, condbuf(), 0 '--Get conditional data .instead_tag = bound(condbuf(0), -999, 999) .instead = bound(condbuf(1), -32767, gen(genMaxTextbox)) .settag_tag = bound(condbuf(2), -999, 999) .settag1 = bound(condbuf(3), -999, 999) .settag2 = bound(condbuf(4), -999, 999) .battle_tag = bound(condbuf(5), -999, 999) .battle = bound(condbuf(6), 0, gen(genMaxFormation)) .shop_tag = bound(condbuf(7), -999, 999) .shop = bound(condbuf(8), -32000, gen(genMaxShop) + 1) .hero_tag = bound(condbuf(9), -999, 999) .hero_addrem = bound(condbuf(10), -99, 99) .after_tag = bound(condbuf(11), -999, 999) .after = bound(condbuf(12), -32767, gen(genMaxTextbox)) .money_tag = bound(condbuf(13), -999, 999) .money = bound(condbuf(14), -32000, 32000) .door_tag = bound(condbuf(15), -999, 999) .door = bound(condbuf(16), 0, 199) .item_tag = bound(condbuf(17), -999, 999) .item = bound(condbuf(18), -gen(genMaxItem) - 1, gen(genMaxItem) + 1) .hero_swap = bound(condbuf(19), -99, 99) .hero_lock = bound(condbuf(20), -99, 99) .menu_tag = bound(boxbuf(192), -999, 999) .menu = bound(boxbuf(199), 0 ,gen(genMaxMenu)) '--Get box bitsets .choice_enabled = xreadbit(boxbuf(), 0, 174) .no_box = xreadbit(boxbuf(), 1, 174) .opaque = xreadbit(boxbuf(), 2, 174) .restore_music = xreadbit(boxbuf(), 3, 174) .portrait_box = xreadbit(boxbuf(), 4, 174) '--Get choicebox data FOR i = 0 TO 1 .choice(i) = STRING(15, 0) array2str boxbuf(), 349 + (i * 18), .choice(i) .choice(i) = RTRIM(.choice(i), CHR(0)) 'Trim off trailing ASCII zeroes .choice_tag(i) = boxbuf(182 + (i * 9)) NEXT i '--Get box appearance .vertical_offset = boxbuf(193) .shrink = boxbuf(194) .textcolor = boxbuf(195) ' 0=default .boxstyle = boxbuf(196) .backdrop = boxbuf(197) ' +1 .music = boxbuf(198) ' +1 '--Get portrait data .portrait_type = boxbuf(200) .portrait_id = boxbuf(201) .portrait_pal = boxbuf(202) .portrait_pos.x = boxbuf(203) .portrait_pos.y = boxbuf(204) END WITH END SUB SUB SaveTextBox (BYREF box AS TextBox, record AS INTEGER) DIM boxbuf(dimbinsize(binSAY)) IF record < 0 OR record > gen(genMaxTextBox) THEN debug "SaveTextBox: invalid record: " & record : EXIT SUB DIM filename AS STRING filename = game & ".say" DIM i AS INTEGER 'FIXME: not all elements are saved here yet. They will be added as direct boxbuf() access is phased out WITH box '--Transcribe lines of text into the buffer FOR i = 0 TO 7 WHILE LEN(.text(i)) < 38: .text(i) = .text(i) & CHR(0): WEND str2array .text(i), boxbuf(), i * 38 NEXT i '--Transcribe conditional data DIM condbuf(20) AS INTEGER condbuf(0) = .instead_tag condbuf(1) = .instead condbuf(2) = .settag_tag condbuf(3) = .settag1 condbuf(4) = .settag2 condbuf(5) = .battle_tag condbuf(6) = .battle condbuf(7) = .shop_tag condbuf(8) = .shop condbuf(9) = .hero_tag condbuf(10) = .hero_addrem condbuf(11) = .after_tag condbuf(12) = .after condbuf(13) = .money_tag condbuf(14) = .money condbuf(15) = .door_tag condbuf(16) = .door condbuf(17) = .item_tag condbuf(18) = .item condbuf(19) = .hero_swap condbuf(20) = .hero_lock DIM condtemp AS STRING condtemp = STRING(42, 0) array2str condbuf(), 0, condtemp str2array condtemp, boxbuf(), 305 boxbuf(192) = .menu_tag boxbuf(199) = .menu '--Save bitsets setbit boxbuf(), 174, 0, .choice_enabled setbit boxbuf(), 174, 1, .no_box setbit boxbuf(), 174, 2, .opaque setbit boxbuf(), 174, 3, .restore_music setbit boxbuf(), 174, 4, .portrait_box setbit boxbuf(), 174, 5, NO 'Unused setbit boxbuf(), 174, 6, NO 'Unused setbit boxbuf(), 174, 7, NO 'Unused '--Transcribe choice text FOR i = 0 TO 1 WHILE LEN(.choice(i)) < 15: .choice(i) = .choice(i) & CHR(0): WEND str2array .choice(i), boxbuf(), 349 + (i * 18) 'Also save choice tags boxbuf(182 + (i * 9)) = .choice_tag(i) NEXT i '--Save box appearance boxbuf(193) = .vertical_offset boxbuf(194) = .shrink boxbuf(195) = .textcolor ' 0=default boxbuf(196) = .boxstyle boxbuf(197) = .backdrop ' +1 boxbuf(198) = .music ' +1 '--Save portrait data boxbuf(200) = .portrait_type boxbuf(201) = .portrait_id boxbuf(202) = .portrait_pal boxbuf(203) = .portrait_pos.x boxbuf(204) = .portrait_pos.y END WITH DIM f AS INTEGER f = FREEFILE OPEN filename FOR BINARY AS #f SEEK #f, record * getbinsize(binSAY) + 1 FOR i = 0 TO dimbinsize(binSAY) - 1 WriteShort f, -1, boxbuf(i) NEXT i CLOSE #f END SUB SUB ClearTextBox (BYREF box AS TextBox) DIM i AS INTEGER '--Erase members of TextBox object WITH box '--Load lines of text FOR i = 0 TO 7 .text(i) = "" NEXT i '--Erase conditional data .instead_tag = 0 .instead = 0 .settag_tag = 0 .settag1 = 0 .settag2 = 0 .battle_tag = 0 .battle = 0 .shop_tag = 0 .shop = 0 .hero_tag = 0 .hero_addrem = 0 .after_tag = 0 .after = 0 .money_tag = 0 .money = 0 .door_tag = 0 .door = 0 .item_tag = 0 .item = 0 .hero_swap = 0 .hero_lock = 0 .menu_tag = 0 .menu = 0 '--Clear box bitsets .choice_enabled = NO .no_box = NO .opaque = NO .restore_music = NO '--Clear choicebox data FOR i = 0 TO 1 .choice(i) = "" .choice_tag(i) = 0 NEXT i '--Clear box appearance .vertical_offset = 0 .shrink = 0 .textcolor = 0 .boxstyle = 0 .backdrop = 0 .music = 0 END WITH END SUB